Potager Kitchen Garden - Spring Porch Ideas

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[Music] well hello and welcome back we are going to jump into some spring decorating which I historically start with first and I'm talking about my porches I normally start decorating my porches first of every season I feel like it's a win for if things get away from me I if I am not able to decor the rest of the house at least I have the porch done at least it's welcoming for the guests and it is sort of the statement for whoever comes family and friends so I didn't actually start with my porch this year I did some work in my room I just kind of got distracted with finishing up the living room we're doing stuff in the kitchen which I need to share with you uh we're looking at Wood Floors anyway there's a lot going on so the porches kind of fell through the cracks but we are going to focus on the porches today and I have a really fun piece to start us off with and a little story that goes with it so let me just take you along just checking in as well with your um 2024 design goals you heard some of mine there for a moment but if you are struggling like you had these big Ambitions in January and you are hitting the wall and just feeling like you don't know what's wrong and you're getting discouraged and that happens to everyone I think um it happens to me I actually think that decorating your own home is potentially harder than doing someone else's home I know that I I can really overanalyze my own home and just start obsessing over the tiniest thing and I just need a break from it and I notice I don't feel that way I don't feel at that high pressure on on my homes I work on for people so just be encouraged if you're hitting a wall with your own home I feel like that's kind of normal with your with your own space because you're just in it all the time and it's it's all it's all on you it's not no one else is weighing in on it the same way so if you are finding that you're heading to wall and you're confused about why things aren't looking like the picture and Pinterest that you were inspired by in the first place I have a workshop for you that you're invited to join me on it's called 10 decorating mistakes and how to fix them and you can join me for an hourlong Workshop it's free to you I'm going to give you the link below and hopefully that's going to help you go forward and solve some of these um roadblocks that you may be running into with your plans that you started with with such high hopes at the beginning of the new year all right without further Ado let's get started on this porch I always like to start each season off with a good at least a sweep down of cobwebs and dirt and um if not actual like a power wash deal but I think it's a great opportunity to kind of hit the reset button on your spaces and then I had this cabinet we've had it in storage because we put the wood on this wall here for the winter time but we brought it back out it's a thrifted or not a thrifted actually I inherited this piece and then painted it and I keep my gardening supplies in it and I just really enjoy styling it up so spring is the perfect time to pull it back out my daughters thrifted this bench they paid $5 for it I'm so proud of them I think they found it at a garage sale and I've got some ideas which I will put up here for you but I am I'm just at this point this is my inspiration piece is this darling little bench but I have all these other things too that are I can't do them all but I just kind of have all these big pieces and ideas sitting out here with the urns which are actually from our driveway gate and The Rocker and the bench but I I've got some paint samples here we're going to try out some of these paint I do want to clean it up because it looks looks a little like it's seen some better days but I also have this blue fabric and a bespoke project and ended up not using it so I have [Music] that um okay so let's try out some samples of paint this is lyen from Fusion mineral paint and I really like that and then this is celery seeds from magolia home chalk paint so just some little paints I just had on hand from other projects this is Mora from Miss mustard seeds milk paint oh boy I can see I did not add enough water it's kind of gritty but at least I can get a color sample out of this it's a powder that you mix with water so I really am liking the the Lykan liking the Lykan and I have I hope just enough left that I could paint all of these slats on this bench I think that will be good these are my inspiration pictures so I really like like the solid green I think that would be the fastest I could do wooden slats and I'll show you here a little there I put a little wood slat there to show you how cute that would be if I replace them with you know some fresh wood but I think that will take a little more time than what I want to deal with so I've decided to sand it down and paint just the slats lyen and then I will seal the iron Parts on the other side of the door I have this little beastro table set up I got this from Ikea with two chairs and I really wanted to feel like kind of like a French Greenhouse or something I I bought these so cute these little vintage flash cards I paid $3 $ each which you could make these in fact I'm going to make you a link and you can get it in the description below where you just I'll give you a printable and you can just print these three out that I made I'll make them for you so I'm going to run to Home Depot though and grab some herbs and things because I I want like a French kitchen herb garden feel and so um oo I like these bowls of lettuce what a fun idea so I'm going to grab some herbs that I really do work with a lot um I have basil I have chive cilantro and a few others o the ferns I always love ferns love visiting the nursery each year each spring so I might have overbought on the herbs we'll see but I like filled half my [Music] [Music] trunk all right let's get this little bench polished up I've got my painting coveralls on and I have I'm using sandpaper I actually switched to a wire brush which was a little bit better um for the for all the little nooks and crannies of the the rod iron and then for the wood I'm coming back in with this sandpaper that's a one50 grit now I normally use a 220 that's my standard sandpaper but the lower you go in Number the that means that it's coarser and so I I used a stronger one here but this is Rustoleum a clear coat enamel which I think you should have on hand for sealing things like like this just going to seal all of the chippiness in place and I can make it perfect later if I want to but for this season I'm just going to seal it cleaned it up so there's nothing too crusty on it and then I'm going to try to stretch this mineral paint one thing I forgot was that mineral paint is amazing and how like the coverage I mean I did like one coat and it um look at that one coat I just think that's amazing and I only did I mean I could like dip the brush one time in the paint and do an entire slat it just it's sort of oily feeling and it just goes and goes and goes It's a Wonderful product I'm actually trying to get them to come to thepoke because I so believe in their products Fusion mineral paint so I ended up using exactly the rest of it I had just enough I even painted underneath you can see I'm doing that here you don't have to do that but I was just kind of on a roll so just cleaning everything up and then I had to go back on the ends here with a little brush and get some of the detailing in so I'm really happy with how it's turning out feel like it just cleaned it up just enough but didn't take away that vintage goodness you know with some some age showing through [Music] so now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to get this cabinet styled up so just wiping it down with some Mrs Meyers and pulled out some of my old decorations and gardening needs that I had stored away in the garage so I have some popsicle sticks with a sharpie have my watering can I have my clippers I got this Frame at Brimfield I need to go back to Brimfield you guys want to go with me need to plan a trip I love antiquing at the Brimfield flea market or antique show I guess it's what it's called okay then I have some Ikea baskets with some twine in them and another one that I put my gloves [Music] in these are just decorative my friend I think she thrifted these for me but I was a beekeeper for many years and so she gave that to me that little set for my birthday one year and then Howen Garden I'm a sucker for beautiful seed packets so this is actually a DK organizer that I thrifted and I I see it all the time now that is I think from the 70s it's faux wood it's just plastic but I see it on Etsy and in Goodwill and things I got both of these um metal containers at Magnolia made a trip there and then these I think I got these at a garage sale these little pots so [Music] cute last but not least this is a recipe holder that my mother-in-law gave me when I got married I keep the rest of my seeds in there and that will that will do it it's just enough you don't want to over style things okay now I pulled all of these out of my trunk and I'm thinking good grief girl you overdid it I was just having a blast just spying all these herbs I have mint and I have lettuce and Tha basil and Sweet Basil so I always like to lay out my garden designs while everything is still in pots make sure that it's all going to fit and you know kind of move things around if I want to so I did that first and lo and behold I got exactly the right amount it's going to be great so I have enough to do two the two ears and I'll do them I'll Style them up exactly the same and these are going to be my little kitchen herb gardens right outside on the porch I've already used them it was so fun just to go pick off some basil leaves and things I needed for cooking then I'm just going to add in the rest of these and add some fill them in with dirt then I did buy some alysum for this sweet little um bunny pot [Music] I thought this would look cute on the on the bench makes me think of children [Music] so as I was painting this I realized that these backs slats were at one time screwed into place there's holes for it but they're gone so now this is an egg print and this actually from Ikea you wouldn't know it but I love it so and then I have I think I spent a dollar on those little pant hangers you can get those at garage sales grab have a few of those on hand I feel like they're good for some artwork and then oh I made this topiary I had to replace the stick cuz it already rotted out so I added a dowel and then used some dark wax to age it a little bit then these plants made it through the winter so they get to go back I don't even know what they are I think one's Jasmine I don't know and then I have just some books I feel like these were springy colors kind of like the eggs trying to repeat the colors you want to repeat your colors three times whenever you're decorating so I I liked um just the combinations of the greens and blues and and then I actually have an art print too that has all of these colors and I'll put that up on the wall to um this is from my dear an who is my um virtual assistant who holds everything together around here and then back to my little flash cards which don't forget to get your own copy I'll link them for you below and I have this little wire stand which I put Christmas cards in and I I keep it with my Christmas decorations but this is another fun piece that I would recommend grabbing if you see it when you're out thrifting or antiquing I just feel like I regularly use it for decorating I think it's good and here's the final look there's that bird picture that has the blues and greens that was really good okay there it is our little 2024 spring pork watch [Music] so thank you so much for watching I think I'm going to save the Navy that we talked about in the very beginning I think I'm going to save it for the summer but but a couple things to know so in the fall we talked about redoing this porch we did have a contractor come out but then that didn't work out so we're going to do it ourselves them ourselves the two in the front and when I say we I mean Coe is going to put them in and we're going to start that very very soon so this may be the last porch tour that I do with this particular porch I may not be able to do a summer tour which makes me sad but if if I do I'm going to pull out that Navy fabric again and get that going out here I think that'll look really really good and you may have noticed that the um herb planter up here behind me is very crooked and that was just a little clue that this porch is giving out so the house was built in 1906 and um since then people poured concrete over a wooden porch which is now giving out all over and it's just time we have to replace the porch and so uh that will be coming and I'm really excited about that a little nervous a little nervous to see what we might find with the foundation underneath but you know we got to keep going so stay tuned for that and if you're new here please consider hitting that subscribe button so I can send you more videos on how to make your home beautiful and functional and as always take care and I will talk to you soon
Channel: She Holds Dearly
Views: 83,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: She Holds Dearly, Sarah DIY, DIY, DIY Home Decor, Interior Design Made Easy, She Holds Dearly Home, Behind the Scenes, Sarah Phillipps, interior design school, interior decorating education, interior design training, Elite Decorating Academy, French country porch, spring porch makeover, spring porch 2024, garden themed porch, vintage style porch makeover, patio makeover, front porch ideas, front door decorating ideas, porch styling tips, spring front porch, blue front door
Id: ShGut2_Laas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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