Elementor 3.5 BETA - ALL New Features Tested & Rated

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so i just got an email from elementor letting me know that there's a 3.5 beta version available for testing right now so i've gone ahead downloaded and installed that and this is the email that i've got from them so i'm going to give you my opinions like i've done many times before we'll take a look at the different features i'll let you know what i think of them but i would love to get your feedback in the comments section below because this is a two-way conversation so please do let me know what you think of these new features so this is the email that i've just received from elementor and as you can see we've got a selection of seven new features or updates so you've got css transform text stroke word spacing control mark widgets as favorites multi-select drag and drag from the desktop and new experiments ui some of these i think are really really useful and this is in the free version of elementor this isn't pro this is going to be available to everybody once it releases so things like the word spacing control anything that gives us more control over typography is a good thing the mark widgets as favored this is something that i've been looking for for quite some time because i love the way in which it's been done inside the brix builder when you've got lots and lots of different widgets especially when you've got third-party add-ons installed it gets very unreally very very quickly so having something that allows to put these pin knees to the top of your panel your sort of like widget panel is definitely a good thing we've got drag and drop from desktop nice feature i can't say that it's a game changer but i do think it's something that for a lot of users this could be really quite nice and there's a new experiments ui so we're going to start off with the boring one first of all the new experiments ui so let's just hop over into the dashboard and as you can see this is the experiment section inside elementor now this is the dev version of elementor so this is pretty much the same as what you'd see if you're using a beta version and as always please only test beta versions out on a non-critical site do not do this on a live site so what exactly do we have just basically they've cleared things up so you can see what status and experiment is and whether you want to enable it and how far along in the development cycle it actually is so you can see we've got ongoing experiments we've got status of beta and alpha or beta at alpha for my american friends and if we take a look underneath we've now got stable features so these are features that are still experimental but they're not final release versions so you can enable or disable these if you want to but they are to all intents and purposes they should be stable and solid and available to use on a live production site anything like you can see above inside the ongoing experiments i would generally recommend not to enable these on a live site not worth the potential problems you may find by using these so that's the first one kind of a little bit boring but you know nice to see they've organized a little bit better if we now hop over into the pages i'll create a new page and this is where we can take a look at some of these new features so we're just going to call this elementor beta or beta test and we'll just publish this page it's only on a test site anyway and we'll go ahead and edit this with elementor so once this now loads in let's take a look first of all the favorites thing because i think this is something that a lot of people will find useful you can see at the top of the left hand panel now where our widgets are we've got a new section called favorites and all we need to do to add any of these current widgets to a favorite is to simply right click and choose add to favorites and you see that now adds it to the top of the stack and becomes a favorite what will be quite nice is an option to allow you to pin this as you scroll so as we scroll up that could stay at the top you know maybe only for a certain certain length of time and it'll kind of slide off just if we're kind of scrolling through and we think oh actually i need something else i still don't need to go right the way back to the top but this is a good starting point i think it could be refined a little bit but it's great to see this is included and if we want to remove anything from the favorites we simply right click and we choose remove from favorites really quick and easy but a great time saver when you use a lot of the same kinds of widgets which most of us do building websites again it would be nice to see the ability to create starter setups that you could export that include a lot of your normal features for example what you pin to the top of your favorites in this panel so we could export this and import this in as a starting point on all of our projects you know lots of little things you could do to take this to the next level but this is a good starting point so kudos for doing that okay so next on our list is to take a look at some of the other options we've got so first of all let's go ahead and drag a heading into our page let's get rid of this annoying heading section at the top the type of the page to disable that let's make a bit of space so you can see what i'm doing so let's just put some margin top and bottom okay so one of the new features we now have is under styles and we've got a new option called text stroke and as this name would suggest it allows us to create strokes around our text so if you come from like an illustrator background or photoshop or any of these kinds of tools you're going to be used to dealing with creating strokes around various different things so if we click and open this up you can see we can choose a stroke color we can choose our custom colors or we can create something totally unique for this example let's just choose this dark color now what we need to do is go ahead and configure it so we'll go back to our text stroke and we'll adjust this and you can see that now puts a black stroke around our text and if i want to i could go to my text and i could just simply reduce the opacity on the background color and we now have a text effect where we've just got an outline text you know one of those things that's not exactly groundbreaking not that important but a nice to have nonetheless and if we open this up you can see we can easily expand the size of this and do all our normal things so that's how easy it is to apply this stroke around your text now we're not limited to this just being around text i understand if we go over and take a look at the learn more option inside here and we can take a look over on github which tells us how all these different features work if we scroll down to where we've got the styling capabilities we'll scroll down till we see text stroke and you can see this feature is also supporting the icon box the tab switch at the accordion widget and text path widget so you can use the same set of controls on any of those additional widgets i'm not going to go over them because i think you can see how this works you just need to know we can work on these additional widgets as well text on a pathway against something if you come from an illustrator or a vector kind of background you're probably going to be used to working with those types of things okay so that's that side of things and okay quite nice next up we've got word spacing underneath our typography settings now word spacing again this is one of those things that if you want more refinement over your typography on your website this can be very useful and as its name would suggest it allows us to adjust the spacing on a word by word basis in the same way that letter spacing does each letter we could now use these in combination with each other adjust the letter spacing adjust the actual word spacing and it gives us a little bit more refined control over the typography on any website so again i do like this and i'm fairly sure if we go to anything that uses the text options and into styling we should have inside there under our typography we've got our word spacing option so this isn't limited to titles you can use this pretty much anywhere i believe that uses a text based element so pretty cool kind of useful and i'm not going to say there's anything wrong with that this is the free version of elementor so we do need to give it a little bit more leeway than the pro version because it's free okay so that's some of the typography options but we can also go ahead now we've got some more options to do with animation if we hop over into the advanced section coming to transform you can see that we've got some options inside here okay so some of the new features that we have when it comes to the animation effects and again we jump back over to the github section you can see we've got some css transformations available rotate 2d and 3d rotation pivot point scale skew offset and flip for me this feels like it's trying to compete with some of the animation effects that you get with a tool like webflow if you like animation effects then this could be useful for you for me i find this still is a little bit clunky and let me just demonstrate what i mean if we take a look at the transform we've got normal we've got hover and then we've got all the different options we can use inside the flip those kinds of things and obviously the hover allows us to create this animation effect on hover so you mouse over it so let me show you what i'm talking about let's do something like we'll do this rotate and we'll say we'll go 90 degrees we're not going to worry about 3d at the moment i'll come back and show you that in a second so now when we come over this you can see it will rotate 90 degrees on the screen but you can't help but notice that if i don't go to the pivot point which in this example is dead in the center it kind of goes a bit funky it goes crazy animation wobbling around and this is the same if we preview the changes we get the same effect on there as well so it's not just being inside the editor okay so if i come over this and i go to the edge you can see we get this kind of crazy flashing animation if i go to the middle it'll animate correctly so i'm really not a big fan of how that works right now a couple of other options inside j you can control the duration of this so we can adjust this and make it slower so you can see that now pivots a lot slower and we've also got the ability to adjust the anchor point now the anchor point is basically the pivot point where it's going to pivot from at the moment this is set to the center so you can see when i go to the center of this it pivots on the central point if we set this to be on the x and y axis for example on left you can see now if i go to the left it pivots on the left hand points it's kind of pinned in the top left hand corner and if we do bottom and right you can see that pivots at the bottom right so again it's one of those things that i'm sure people will come up with some really cool ways of using this but it really feels quite clunky at the moment you can't obviously use these without the animation so let's just reset that animation from there and if you wanted to flip your text you can see we can flip it so we can set our access points on there and again you can set your access points based upon the device you're doing it on so again this is quite nice to see that we have full control over all the different responsive elements for this and if we wanted to we can flip it both horizontally and vertically so you know i'm sure there's some quite nice uses for this i do like the thing that you could do for example you could rotate this and you could set this to be like 90 degrees or 180 degrees or something let's just set this to 90 and you can see we can now do that and we could position this in a kind of funky fashion if we wanted to and we do have 3d rotate so we've got rotate on the x-axis you can see that gives us quite a funky effect so if you want to create a star wars effect you could do that rotate on the y we can rotate on that and we can adjust the perspective as well i'm not a big fan of animation effects i think they slow down a website they can make it look a bit gimmicky but in the right use cases with some good design principles being used i'm sure you can get some really good things out of this but that's the animation side of things not not really bothered about this personally so another feature that's been added is the ability to multi-select various different widgets on your page and then you can apply certain actions to them we could do with a good list of all those actions but let me just quickly show you so if i select this first section and we'll select that now if i hold the command or the control key down on the keyboard and start adding extra selections you can see we've now got three different widgets selected and we've also got their column sections as well or this sections which gives us five things in total so now with all those selected i can go ahead and do some different actions in this example let's try deleting them so if i come over to one of the selected elements and right click you can see it now says delete three items click on three different things selected so let's hit that and there we go that's deleted those left the the sections in place but deleted the columns and the contents of those columns could be quite useful and i believe you can also do the same thing through using the navigator i believe we can select everything inside here by using that control or command option yes we can so you can see now we can select all of those inside there which is a little easier than doing it directly on the page i will admit and then we can go ahead right click and say delete five items and that's now deleted everything including those sections let's just undo that so we bring them back so a nice little time saver if you need to delete multiple different items i know there's been many cases where i wanted to do exactly that so this is good more sort of making it easier for the designer to get more effective and more efficient in the design work so i do like these kind of productivity enhancement options the animation things not so much so okay so the final thing we're going to take a look at now is how we can use the drag direct from your computer into the actual elementor editor itself again this is one of those things that i think is quite nice a good way of enhancing the user experience and making it more desktop-like so let's just delete this image so we've got a nice empty column in the left hand side let's grab an image from my desktop this one will do we'll drag that over drop it inside there and you can see that now tells me it's uploading places a preview directly inside there that's now been uploaded and i can start to work with it so that's pretty cool that we can do stuff like that so that's the updates to elementor beta or beta 3.5 the free version of elementor what are your thoughts on these for me i like the ui enhancements i think some really nice features inside there i like the drag and drop from your desktop i like the ability to very quickly and easy multi-select delete items from there add into the favorites those kinds of things i'm not so bothered about the things like the animation effects they're not something that i would ever really use other than some really simple options the outline text is quite useful but not something that i think is overly important but this is the free version so adding things like this into the free version i think is perfectly fine but let me know your comments in the comment section below because i'd love to get your feedback on this update as always all the applicable links are in the description below my name is paul c this is wp tetson until next time take care
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 9,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WPTuts, Elementor 3.5 beta, elementor beta, elementor new features, elementor 3.5 new features, elementor pin to favourites, Elementor multi-widget select, Elementor drag from desktop, Elementor text outline, Elementor word spacing, Elementor 3.5 review
Id: oqlg4ywV2ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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