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hey everyone thank you so much for clicking on the video and joining me yet again at the garage sales if you guys like the video feel free to subscribe so you don't miss any of my upcoming videos I post videos every single week with content like this with garage sales so if you like it make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any you know and maybe he doesn't eat good job sorry I had that in a bad spot I know everybody's going over there hurt your foot yeah well thank you have a great day as well thank you let me get this did you give her a five yet no do you need a five sure [Laughter] I need a five too yeah [Laughter] you have 50 there yeah okay okay yep that is all right all right thank you I'm seriously thinking about this box yeah I put it in the bag right here are these for sale too yes I think the price it might be on the other side I don't see one on them oh it's on the side it's on the bottom four dollars the clothing on that table is two dollars ah yeah that's true especially yeah five dollars still you need a bag oh I'm all right if you got one of your bags all right thank you mostly just for these um I was wondering would you do 15 I think I got exactly 20 here I got two four six eight twelve yeah all right thank you thank you you're welcome oh those are fun I'll throw them in the back good morning if I can find the fire how to find there it is all right thank you hi good morning how are you good I'm doing good rifle through he's still trying to organize okay that's a lot of my daughter's stuffing there's a lot of like School type supplies in there okay all kinds of clothes myself scrubs my teenage daughter had clothes up there that I got to get out yet and my husband had some like pants and stuff and stuff okay you guys haven't have any like video game type stuff or anything like no video games okay I got some cameras school supplies okay obviously all kinds of uh Farmhouse Decor yeah my daughter's redoing her room so oh I got you uh what what type of cameras do you have [Music] I'm a um like a gyro okay like for steadiness and stuff oh sorry Oh no you're fine it still works it's got oh the accessories there we go we bought it for my daughter and I've got some other ones okay oh they're all in here okay [Music] this is a mishmash of cameras and USB so this is the camera here that's the camera that's cool thing like spins on like a gyro for when you're you know filming and bouncing yeah that's cool there's some stuff in there some older you know cameras there's a couple digital cameras in there okay oh okay any cheap Easter before I got some right here yeah how much are your cameras your digital cameras there's a camera in there right that's a camera yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah that was like waterproof and all that I remember we got that oh my gosh we got that a while back um let's say five bucks foreign if you're interested we could say 20. 20. [Applause] interested just making a deal based base in Fort Myers and moved up to Georgia for three years and moved back okay we had a big house up there we moved to like a 900 square foot house down here oh yeah yeah did I get rid of enough stuff yeah do you do you have a price in mind like if I would if I'd buy the whole tote oh it's because I'm not sure I might be interested yeah I mean I might be interested in the camera too if you want to figure out what course or two that's not that old enough I used to have it on my desk um let's say for the whole tote got a couple of video cameras in there blah blah let's say 50 bucks 50 bucks what color is that I see it all the time I don't know what the official gets great that's what I call it great I don't know Titanium or something but it's great titanium okay yeah I don't know what it's called um yeah I'm sorry my husband no you're good um would you do 40 yes okay I'll do that okay cool I just realized I forgot to go to the ATM yesterday so I don't have enough money to pay you for that so I have to run to the bank oh okay and uh yeah and then I'll be back okay do you mind holding it are you okay I will put okay um and also I wonder how much is this five my husband likes stuff like this and he likes orange soda so I don't know I don't know if he would want it or not because you have like a garage or a man's Place yeah well we're building a garage well there you go that'd be perfect [Music] I mean I would do I would do like a couple bucks I was gonna say three three okay okay I have three dollars is that up here by the house you want me to carry that over there for you you got it okay I got it all right well thank you appreciate it and I'll be right back all right awesome hardly any money like a newbie a few moments later forty dollars for you perfect thank you you get the tote that comes with it all right well there we go perfect thank you so much thank you you as well thank you foreign how much are your uh your little door handles uh a dollar okay thank you [Music] oh yeah glass insulators can sell really well depending on the color and the type teal and clear usually do not sell as well though I do pick up a couple teal in one clear one because they're a little different looking than the ones I usually see I do also pick up a light purple purple does it really well there's other color is like dark blue and Amber the different colors usually do really well for insulators so make sure you guys check those out how much are your insulators honey how much do you want for your wins how much do you want for your insulators okay thank you you have a five by chance for change [Music] I might have to buy it I might have a bike all right thank you [Music] I got four of the insulators and she said a dollar nobody else it is so thank you I live next door here big time oh my gosh it's a little a little extra how how much is it Street two dollars I mean it's in that it's that's an old uh salesman yeah I know you know what my kid would never land but I do her enough give her some gas yeah and then if if the Sun is right here but it's the light is low you see the spark coming out of her mouth oh yeah shut up and I paid him for the for these yeah thank you all right guys so just got done at garage sales decided to stop at the beach in one of my favorite Trails for a little bit and uh check things out so there's a narrow Trail back there and then it opens up wide like this and you can actually find shark's teeth just laying out here Florida's Gulf Coast uh Venice Casper scenario where I live are known for their shark's teeth so it's you could just find them walking on the beach and this is the beaches right over there you might be able to hear the waves um let's all go over there as well but I'm gonna see if I can find some sharks teeth out here this gopher tortoises out here too sometimes but it's like 11 A.M or something so it's a little a little hot for them but let's see if I can find some sharks teeth and I'll show you all right guys so not a shark tooth that I found but I found Airlines there are these little larvae that um bury in the sand and then they wait for ants to fall in or other bugs I caught an ant so what they sit at the bottom oh he grabbed him right away oh yeah I don't know if you guys can see it the sand kicking usually the ant like crawls out and they kick the sand up to knock it down but he captured it right away so on it so yep and then they eat it and suck it in and then after a while they cocoon up and uh and hatch and it kind of looks like a dragonfly but yeah they're super cool I learned about them up in Ohio at the Nature Center at East Harbor I used to go camping up there all the time and that's where we first learned about them and thought they were the coolest things man I would go out and catch all these ants and throw them in and but yeah they're definitely way more common down here in Florida with all the sand they're not on the beach typically that I ever see but um you do see them a lot like in your yard and or anywhere there's like flat sand stuff um yeah I'll tune you guys back in when I find a shark tooth all right guys so I found a shark tooth this little guy gums are uh broken off hold on all right sorry about the planes we're near a small airport so they go over head all the time um but yeah he's he's actually broken his gums are missing and part of the tooth is broken so I'm actually gonna leave him here for another collector or kid to find um and then I also saw over here right here um it's half of a puffer fish mouth plate there's there would be like an equal sized piece on the other side yeah that's cool and then I actually found um a few more sharks teeth yeah right over here one right here he's broken off too see all these I'm probably gonna leave that's the gum line and that's the tooth right there I don't know if this is one no oh yeah it is it's a just broken yep and then there was actually another one right here I did not I did not plant any of these guys it's the first time I'm picking them up but all these are broken and worn so I'm just gonna leave them all right here for someone else all right guys so we are walking up on the ocean now back there there's the clearing where I just was literally just right on the other side of this brush and it looks gorgeous today I haven't looked at it yet but from here it looks gorgeous oh yeah beautiful [Applause] okay guys so back from the beach and the garage sales found some good stuff um definitely don't overlook electronics and cameras and things even the old camcorders can do really well um the ones I've I found are were not super valuable um I did sell them as untested the camcorders that is um because I didn't have the right type of tapes cassette tapes for them and I was already making a profit off that lot so I didn't want to go through the trouble of finding or buying a cassette online and and testing it that way so that's fine with selling them untested no issue there as long as I'm still making money I don't want to put a ton of a ton of effort into it you know um because I don't think it increased the value of them that much if it increases the value a lot then I will but I don't think it did for those and as you see that digital camera digital cameras can do really well as well as you saw that one camera sold for a hundred and forty dollars plus shipping and it sold fast so that was great a lot of other things I love media so I always pick up media even if I don't make a lot of profit on it I just I don't know I like movies I'm a movie person and I like media so I always like to pick those up as well thank you guys so much for watching and joining me out there I always love having you there if you guys want to subscribe I'd love to have you here as well you guys are just an amazing support system and I just I love it sorry Finnegan Finnegan's over here hold on he looks so silly hey don't mind our dirty window hey what you doing you can't even see hey Yep this is my selling room right here he always hangs out with me you've got a booger in your nose and get that booger yeah he's just being so good he's just being so goofy over there he's like putting the curtain like right on his head like a little hat but thank you guys so much for watching I love you guys I appreciate you guys and I'll see you soon
Channel: The Picking Gilla
Views: 2,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pl_U3obch8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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