Electrolyte Imbalances You NEED To Know on the NCLEX | Nurse Mike's NCLEX Review Series

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remember the enlex is just a safety exam if you don't know your key numbers then you're not a safe nurse so please be sure to write these numbers down potassium of 3.5 to 5.0 sodium 135 to 145 calcium 9.0 to 10.5 magnesium 1.3 to 2.1 phosphate of 3.0 to 4.5 now I call these the Fab Five on the enclex because they are need to nose you guys need to commit these to memory if you guys don't know these simple values I can almost guarantee that you're going to fail boards for those electrolyte questions the enclex expects you to know these key numbers because knowing when it's high and when it's low is all about safety for your client if you can't identify critical lab values your client can die or be severely injured and you are not a safe nurse so you will fail the enlex in this scenario I mean let's be honest here if you were a patient wouldn't you want your nurse to know these critical numbers wouldn't you want the nurse taking care of you or even your family member to know these critical numbers and to be able to intervene for the safest outcomes well yes of course okay now as a little side note some students always say these numbers don't match my book okay it's true key numbers range from book to book but these numbers are from the enx created by the ncsbn and verified by our professors for [Music] accuracy starting with number one is potassium nursing school is hard work simplenursing.com makes it simple we take your classroom lectures and notes to create a handcrafted study plan with specialized videos and visual study guides that highlight only the top tested need to know key points coupled with thousands of practice questions to test your knowledge all neatly organized in our new app try it for free today visit simplenursing.com simply remember potassium pumps potassium pumps the heart and the body just like electricity so with hyperemia we have too much electricity too much pumps in the heart and the body right we see deep slow pumping action here kind of like a cramp and with hypokalemia too little electricity too little potassium means too little or basically two low pumps the heart starts pumping very light and rapidly now you remember the sodium potassium pump from nursing school right the pump is in its name here potassium pumps it up like it's a fist pump here now moving on to some practice questions that you may see on boards so so just simply think about it here which Calia will have Peak T waves or even St elevation okay so slow it down and think about the word so remember pottassium pumps right so hyperemia we're going to see hyper big pumps pakt waves and St elevation now think about the client I told you about with high potassium here he had those High pumps in the heart with st elevation and Peak t- waves with that high potassium because he simply missed his dialysis appointment now which Calia will have lethargy and even brenia that low breathing or that low and slow breathing really well potassium pumps right so lethargy is that low energy and brenia is that low and slow breathing so we would expect low potassium that hypo calmia here now which Calia will cause increased dtrs and even agitation again simply think potassium pumps so increased DS and increased agitation all the activity is increased here so increased pumping action we can expect increased potassium that hyperkalemia over 5.0 now what about a tricky one here U waves and flat T waves is that high or low potassium well uwave even if you don't know what a uwave is just let the shape help you here U's go down right so a low U is low pumps and that is low pottassium how about bra cardia is that high or low potassium another tricky one here decreased heart rate is that bra cardia from a big slow pump the heart is basically cramping up right now so this would actually be hyper permia that high potassium with a big pump basically too much pumping action kind of like a cramp now that one is the only tricky one really you see how simple this is if you just know pottassium pumps then you can simply answer hyper is a high pump and hypo is a low pump for low potassium now as a little side note and safety tip any potassium abnormality what is the first nursing action well you know potassium pumps the heart so place the client on a cardiac monitor this is the priority nursing action and trust me it's always asked on the enlex now ask yourself why because again the enlex is simply a safety exam so you being a safe nurse that you are you're going to protect the heart so always remember the ABCs here C is for circulation which includes the heart I still remember a client's family member suing the hospital for a big settlement when they found out that the family member who had a heart condition as well as low potassium was not put on a heart monitor during their Hospital stay now the family member was a nurse and she knew the hospital safety policies as well as procedures so always think Safety First put the client on a heart monitor for any potassium imbalance [Music] okay now moving on to number two which is magnesium the word to know is magnesium Mellows out the body so just super mellow and relaxed so think hyper mag we have too much magnesium too much mellow everything is calm and quiet what about hypo mag too little mellow everything is just buck wild and really crazy talk about cray cray okay now for some practice questions which magnesium has a heart block is that going to be high or low mag we'll just think about it here magnesium mows the heart right so too much mellow will slow the heart and block it so a heart block is too much mellow so too much magnesium this would be high magnesium that hyper magnesia okay now what would you expect with low mag increased or decreased DTR those deep tendon reflexes so think about it low mag is low mellow wild and crazy body right so increased DTR is that hyperlexia with low mag that low mellow how about Tat's de Poes is that high or low mag well first off you're probably thinking what the bleep is tadas De Poes okay here's a tip if you don't know a word on the enlex just simply let the name help you here so tadas kind of sounds like tornado right now ask yourself are tornadoes calm or are they crazy well they're crazy and remember magnesium Mellows the body so this must be low magnesium where we have low mellow everything's wild and crazy we basically have a tornado in the heart now this always reminds me of what my old charge nurse nurse Rick would say tadas de Pointes is like a tornado just like his ex wife she came into his life wild and crazy like a tornado with lots of energy and ended up ruining his life leaving him without a truck his house and even his dog I still remember him Rick had life a little bit rough so just remember the key Point here remember tadas with low magnesium from that tornado in the heart now will a tornado in the heart kill the client yes or no you have to think about it here of course it's going to kill the client the heart's pretty important so a tornado on the heart is not going to provide perfusion to the body so will it be top tested yes or no well think about it and click safety here the deadliest conditions are the most tested conditions so you should be sure to write this down tadas dep Poes appears with low magnesium because we have low Mello okay now a very simple question here that loves to show up on boards what will treat tadas de poas and save the client's life well slow it down and think here magnesium mows the heart right so we just give magnesium sulfate and then boom the client's life is saved and we are Gucci now moving on to number three calcium remember the word calcium contracts the body so with hyperal calcium we have high contractions a very tight hard body and with hypo we have low contraction very like loose and wild body here now for some practice questions which calcemia would have constipation well think about it calcium contracts so hyper calcemia we have a tight contracted body so we'd expect hyper calcemia now which calcemia would have diarrhea that would be hypo L calcemia from that loose body with loose stools which calcemia would have renal calculi those kidney stones and even severe muscle weakness we'll just slow it down and break it down renal calculi are those kidney stones and think about it are Stones hard they are hard right so it's a tight hard body and that would be high calcium or that hyper calcemia okay those were just a little bit easy but which would have a cheeky smile when stroking the side of the face or even an arm torque when putting a blood pressure cff on now this one's a little bit tricky this is low calcium and you have to know this for boards just think wild loose body here so the two Key signs that love to show up on the end click and you should write this down for low calcemia just think of the t's and the C's again be sure to write this down for low calcium it's always top test the T is for truso and tetany truso is that arm to work with the blood pressure cuff on and tetany is those wild muscles or basically muscle spasms now the C is for chiastic and even circum oral tingling chiastic is that cheeky smile when stroking the side of the cheek you must know that one by heart it loves to show up on the ankle now I simply remember these as two big dance moves of calcium just a wild loose body because remember calcium contracts so with low calcium we get that wild loose dance move here it reminds me of a time a client came into the ER with diarrhea and muscle weakness now at the time we're just like oh the client has dehydration right so after taking the client's blood pressure we saw the fingers and even the arm just like cramping up and I thought that's weird that's a twerking arm with the blood pressure cup on then the client goes to scratch their face and boom they reveal like a cheeky smile like a cheek cramp almost now I was working in Orange County at the time which is surf toown USA and my cooworker who loved to Surf was like dude the client has low calcium bro okay now me being a new nurse at the time I was like wait a minute how do you know that we didn't even check the client's labs yet but it was the t's and the C's you see the twerking arm and even fingers with the blood pressure cuff on that's tros and The Cheeky smile with chiastic right there now why does the enclex always test on this and why do you have to know these signs well you have to think is low calcium dangerous yes or no well yes of course so that's why it's top tested now as a little side note and a big enlex tip here before we move on to the last two electrolytes think about it any thyroid surgery causes a big risk for low calcium due to the parathyroid right here so watch for key terms anything that includes the word thyroidectomy even the word parathyroidectomy it has the word thyroid ectomy inside the name this is the removal of the thyroid so just think if you remove the T then You' got to check the C if you remove the thyroid then you have to check the celum for low calcium now this becomes really fun because the two dance moves for low calcium is also TNC so t for tros that arm torque with the blood pressure cuff on and C is for chiastic that cheeky smile when stroking the side of the face now moving on to number four which is phosphate thanks for watching for our full video and new quiz Bank click right up here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts helping us make these great videos all right guys see you next time [Music]
Channel: SimpleNursing
Views: 49,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elctrolyte, electrolites, elektrolytes, elecrolytes
Id: gh3jgjy6J5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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