Election of Speaker Bercow 22 June 2009

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oh the order this is the result of a third ballot 593 ballots were cast the number of votes cast for each candidate was as follows John Burke Oh 322 Sir George Young 271 let's make sure we sign it off properly mr. John Bercow has secured more than 50% of the ballots cast the question is that mr. John Burke Oh take the chair of this house as Speaker as many of you are that opinion say aye of the country no I think the eyes have it the eyes have it congratulations mr. Berg thank you my first pleasant duty is warmly to thank on behalf of us all Alan Williams for the magnificent and good-humoured way in which is conducted this erection it's been a very long day and those of you expecting a customarily lengthy diatribe will be sorely disappointed I should like to thank and pay a heartfelt tribute to all of the candidates who stood in this election it has been a constructive debate that we have enjoyed over the last few weeks I confess that I have the highest regard for all of the other candidates each brought something to the occasion each had a contribution to make and I can honestly say that each made that contribution in the most sincere and constructive fashion to the great and continuing benefit of this house colleagues you will understand that my thoughts at this time are above all with my family my wife Sally our three very young children Oliver Freddy and Jemima not to mention my beloved mother who's been keenly interested in the proceedings colleagues you have just bestowed upon me the greatest honor that I have enjoyed in my professional life I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the confidence that you have placed in me and I'm keenly aware of the obligations into which I now enter and I want just to say this about the responsibilities of the office I said only a few hours ago in my speech that if elected a speaker has a responsibility immediately and permanently to cast aside all of his or previous political views I said it I said it and I meant it my commitment to this house is to be completely impartial as between members of one political party and another that is what it's about and I will do my best faithfully and honorably and effectively to serve this house in the period ahead we have faced quite the most testing times it has been a grueling experience many members feel very sore and very vulnerable but large sections of the public also feel angry and disappointed we do have to reform but I just want to say that I continue to believe that the vast majority of members of this house are upright decent honorable people who have come into politics not to feather their nests but because they have heeded the call of public service they want to serve their constituents to make a difference to improve the lot of their fellow citizens in this country and for such people I shall always have the highest respect and it is on that basis with that conviction and in that spirit that I shall seek to discharge my obligations in this office which I regard as I have said as the greatest privilege of my professional life to occupy you
Channel: UK Parliament
Views: 391,718
Rating: 4.8042951 out of 5
Keywords: 2009, John Bercow, elected, Speaker, House of Commons.
Id: HtlvyeNGzFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2011
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