David Cameron's last PMQs: 13 July 2016

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order questions to the Prime Minister mr. Danny Ken Ahern question one please mr. speaker Thank You mr. speaker I know the whole house will join me in congratulating Andy Murray Heather Watson Jordan Wiley gordon-reed and Alfie Hewitt on their stunning success at Wimbledon mr. speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others other than one meeting this afternoon with Her Majesty the Queen the diary for the rest of my day is remarkably like Danny Kiner hon thank you thank you very much as the speaker my may I echo the Prime Minister's congratulations to Andrew Murray and all the other winners but may we Thank You Prime Minister for all his hard work and his leadership particularly his commitment to the Union and to Northern Ireland visiting in orange and swimming in Lough Erne and maybe he'd like to come and swim in Lough Neagh we look forward the our students party to working with the next prime minister and I'm told that there are lots of leadership roles out there at the moment there's the England Football team there's top gear even across the big pond the role that needs filling but if if I can go to my pet subject brexit really threatening thank you great said really threatens the union would Prime Minister work with his successors to ensure that we have somebody that is going to pull together all the countries of the Union and the overseas territories and make it all so that we all work and thrive together well first of all let me thank their on gentleman for his kind remarks and fascinating suggestions for future jobs I think most of it sound even harder than this one but terms I think I'll pass but I do believe Northern Ireland is stronger than it was six years ago 58,000 more people in work the full devolution of justice and Home Affairs delivered under this government the Savile report published and record in word investment and creating jobs in Northern Ireland I care passionately about our United Kingdom's I know he does and all of us do in this house we do need to make sure that we that we do need to make sure that as we leave the European Union we work out how to keep the benefits of the common travel area hard work is being done now with civil servants in Northern Ireland in Whitehall but also in the Republic of Ireland and that work needs to quicken the pace needs to quicken Jack Lopresti Thank You mr. speaker I'd like to also pay tribute to our Martinville friend all the hard work he's done leading this great country for the last few years now our animal friends lasting legacy will include supporting the Kurds who specially are bravely fighting - in all our interests now having visited the Peshmerga on the front line and NAR airstrikes weapons and training of crucial but Peshmerga interests could be reduced with additional equipment like body armor respirators and frontline medical facilities and we could possibly provide some beds in our specialist Hospital in Birmingham so that most seriously injured does one run on friend degree this is a relatively small investment that will make a huge difference to our allies and our common fight to defeat the evil of terrorism will let me say to our honourable friend first of all thank you for his kind remarks but also he's absolutely right that the Kurds are incredibly brave fighters and are doing valuable work against daesh in iraq and syria i look carefully at his suggestion of using the birmingham hospital the Queen Elizabeth Hospital has excellent facilities for Battlefield casualties our army is already providing medical instruction to the mesh market to help them deal with this situations but we will look and see if more can be done but let's be frank the strategy is working - is on the backfoot is lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq its finances have been hit more than 25,000 - fighters have now been killed desertion has increased and the flow of foreign fighters is up as fallen by 90 percent I've always said this will take a long time to work in Iraq and Syria but we must stick at it and we must stay the course Jeremy Corbyn thank you Thank You mr. speaker could I start by joining the prime minister in paying tribute to the British winners at Wimbledon Andy Murray Heather Watson Jordanna Wiley Alfie Hewitt and Gordon Reid and also I think it'd be nice if we congratulated Serena Williams on her fantastic achievement as well mr. speaker it's only right that after six years as Prime Minister we thank the right honourable member for Whitney for his service I've often disagreed with him but there are some his achievements I really want to welcome and pay recognition to today one is to helping to secure the release of Shekhar Armia from Guantanamo Bay and legislating to achieve equal marriage within our society and I'm sure he would like to acknowledge that it was Labor votes that helped him to get it through on that occasion but what he also perhaps for a moment expressed some concern at the way that homelessness has risen for the past six years and looks like it's going to continue to rise in this country well first of all let me thank him for his kind remarks I'll join him in paying tribute to Serena Williams who's now I think knocked Steffi Graf's amazing record of 22 grand slams she's overtaken that can I thank him guy thank him for what he said about shaker Armour that was a case that this government raised again and again with the US government and were pleased that it's been resolved I'd also thank him for what he said about equal marriage there are 30,000 gay people in our country who in the last six years have been able to get married and I think that is real progress I'll never forget the day actually at number 10 when one of the people who works very close to the front door said to me I'm not that interested in politics mr. Cameron but because of something your lot have done I'm able to marry the person I've loved all my life this weekend and that was there are many amazing moments in this job at that church it was one of my favorites as for homelessness it is still 10% below the peak that we saw under labor but the key is building more homes we have built 700,000 homes since I was but I became prime minister but now we need to quicken the pace on that but the key to building more homes is yes programs like help to buy yes the reforms to the planning system but the absolute key is a strong economy Gorman mr. speaker I've been listening carefully to what the Home Secretary has been saying over the last few days and she said it's harder than ever for young people to buy their first house so does the Prime Minister think this is because of record low house building or his government's apparent belief that four hundred and fifty thousand pounds is an affordable starter home what well first of all let me say at the despatch-box how warmly I congratulate the Home Secretary when it comes to women Prime Minister's I'm very pleased to be able to say pretty soon it's going to be 2 nil and not a pink bus inside isn't on the issue of on the issue of housing and homelessness as I said 700,000 times been delivered he asks about this issue of affordability which is absolutely key when I became prime minister because of what had happened to the mortgage market a first-time buyer often needed to have as much as thirty thousand pounds to put a deposit down because of the combination of help to buy and shared ownership some people are actually able to get on the housing ladder now with the deposit of as little as two thousand pounds and with the low mortgage rates as well and the new houses were building we're making good progress get any Corbin the speaker the malaise seems a little deeper still the Home Secretary said so that it really talking of the economy she said so that it really does work for everyone because it's apparent to anyone in touch with the real world that people do not feel our economy works that way isn't she writes that too many people in too many places in Britain feel their economy has been destroyed in towns they're in because the industries have gone there are levels of high unemployment or underemployment and a deep sense of malaise don't we all need to address that question well if we're going to talk about the economic record let's get the facts straight we've cut the deficit by two-thirds there are two and a half million more people in work in our country there's almost a million more businesses 2.9 million apprentices apprenticeships have been have been trained under this government and when it comes to poverty 300,000 fewer people in relative poverty 100 thousand fewer children in relative poverty and to be accused of sloth in delivery by the right honourable gentleman let's just take the last week we both have been having these leadership elections we got on with it we've had resignation nomination competition and coronation they haven't even decided what the rules are you if you've ever got into power taking about a year to work out who would sit where Maccoby democracy is an exciting and splendid thing and I'm enjoying every moment of it Home Secretary Home Secretary Mr Speaker I was talking of the economy the Home Secretary again she said many people find themselves exploited by unscrupulous bosses I can't imagine who she's referring to mr. speaker in his hand over discussions with the Home Secretary could enlighten us as to whether or not there is any proposal to take on agency Britain by banning zero-hours contracts clamping down on umbrella companies repealing the trade union act or preferably all three well he's right that democracy is a splendid thing I have to have to agree with him about that let me answer very directly on exploitation in the workplace it's this government that for the first time has introduced a national living wage that is a huge change it's this government that massively increased the power of the game masters Licensing Authority there are record fines for businesses that don't pay the minimum wage and much more policing and prosecutions taking place all of those things have changed under this government and as for 0as contracts they account for less than 1 in 40 people in work sixty percent of people on zero-hours contracts do not want to work more hours and it was this government that did something the Labour Party never did which was to ban exclusive 0as thirteen years of labor but it took a coalition conservative government to do it let me say something to him about the democratic process of leadership elections because I did say a couple of weeks ago that I thought as I have to say I'm beginning to admire his tenacity he is reminding me of the black night in Monty Python's holy ground he's been kicked so many times but he says keep going it's only a flesh wound diet mother mr. speaker I would like the Prime Minister to address another issue that the House voted on last week and I've got a question I've got a question from Nina who it's a question from somebody who deserves an answer and she says I would like to know if there is any possibility that a European Union citizen who has lived in Britain for 30 years can have their right of permanent residence revoked or deported depending on the brexit negotiations there has been no clear answer to this question it is one that worries a very large number of people and it would be good if it is last question time the Prime Minister could at least offer some assurance to those people letme British or Nina there's absolutely no chance of that happening to someone in those circumstances we are working hard to do what we want which is to give a guarantee to EU citizens that they will have their rights respected all those who have come to this country the only circumstance I can ever envisage a future government trying to undo that guarantee would be if British citizens in other European countries didn't have their rights respected so I think it is important to have reciprocity but the new Prime Minister we're working to give that guarantee as fast as we can I'm glad he mentions emails cause actually I've got an email as well I got this I'm not making this up I promise I got this on the 16th of September 2015 from someone called Judith and she said this please please keep dignity and not triumphalism during the first PM cues today with Jeremy Corbyn and she gave this reason she said because Tom Watson who made house Jeremy Corbyn is a very different kettle of fish he's experienced organised and far more dangerous in the long term she goes on so sensible sober polite answers to mr corbyn let him create his own party disunity after this is over I've got to find Judith and find out what on earth happens next mrs. Baker had the pleasure of asking the Prime Minister 179 questions thank you well the plenty more to come to a success I don't worry about but before I before I ask him the last question could I just put em record and wish him well as he leaves this office and also to wish his family well Samantha and their children because I think we should all recognize that whilst many of us really do are enjoy our jobs in our political life it's the loved ones nearest to us in our families that actually make enormous sacrifices that we may be able to do this so I'd also like him to pass on my thanks to his mum for her advice about ties in suits and songs she's extremely it's extremely kind of it I'd be grateful if he'd passed that on to her personally and I'm reflecting on the lesson that she offered but I've got one rumor that I want him to deal with as a rumor going round that his departure his departure has been carefully choreographed so he can slip seamlessly into the vacancy created this morning on strictly by Len Goodman's departure is that his next career I'd literally have a passer DubLi so now I can promise that is not the case let me say first of all thank you for the kind remarks and the good wishes to my amazing wife Samantha and my lovely children who are all watching from the gallery today he's absolutely right the pressure is often Bears hardest on those we love around us in these jobs and let me send my best wishes to his family as well I've done a bit of research mr. speaker I have addressed 5,500 questions from this despatch box I'll leave it for others to work out how many I've answered I because of your belief in letting everyone have their say I think I've done a record of 92 hours of statements from this dispatch box as well as some very enjoyable liaison committee appearances and other things I will certainly send by his good wishes back to my mother she seems to have taken her advice and is looking up see splendid today but it gives me it gives me the opportunity to put a rumor to to rest as well even more serious than the Strictly Come Dancing one and he'd appreciate this because Elgato his cat is particularly famous and the rumor that somehow I don't love Larry I do and I have photographic evidence to prove it sadly I can't take Larry with me he belongs to the house and the staff loved him very much as do i mr. peter lily is my Rhydon girlfriend aware that in 33 years in this house watching five prime ministers and several ex prime ministers I've seen him achieve a mastery of that despatch-box unparalleled in my time not just because of his command of detail of his wit but because he commands the respect of friend and foe alike who know that he's driven not just by love it legitimate political ambitions and ideas but by a sense of duty which he always lead him to try to make this country more prosperous more solvent more tolerant more fair and more free and he will command the respect of generations to come those those those words mean a lot from my rideable friend who spent so much time in this house it is a special place and I think Primus has questions for all its theatrics does have a purpose because it's a time when every week the Prime Minister has to know absolutely everything that is going on in Whitehall and often you find out things that you want to stop pretty quickly before 12 o'clock on a Wednesday I believe that politics is about public service in the national interest and that is what I've always tried to do this session does have some admirers around the world I remember when I did his job and I met Mayor Bloomberg in New York and we walked down the street and everyone knew Mike Bloomberg and everyone came up and said mayor you're doing a great job no one had a clue who I was until eventually someone said hey Cameron Prime Minister's Questions we love your show mr. Angus Robertson thank you very much and I join the Prime Minister and the leader of the Labour Party in paying tribute to all of the winners at Wimbledon this week we mark the 21st anniversary of the cerebral Itza genocide it's one of the few political causes that the Prime Minister and I both wholeheartedly support and I hope he will be impressing on his successor the importance of supporting the remembering cerebral Itza organization and all of the good work that it does across notwithstanding our differences I genuinely extend my best personal wishes to the Prime Minister and to his family I wish them all the best however the Prime Minister's legacy will undoubtedly be that he has taken us to the brink of being taken out of the European Union so we will not be applauding his Premiership on these occasions what advice what advice has he given his successor on taking Scotland out of the EU against the wishes of Scottish voters well first of all let me join the regional gentlemen in in paying tribute to all those who lost their lives in Trevor nets and making sure that we commemorate this event properly every year this year there will be a service in the Foreign Office where commemoration will be given where testimony will be read out and we should think of it alongside the terrible events of modern history such as the Holocaust and think about it in that way it also I think reminds us as we often debate in this house there's a price for intervention but there's also sometimes a price from non intervention and we should remember that in terms of what he says about Scotland and the United Kingdom and Europe my advice to my successor who is a brilliant negotiator is that we should try to be as close to the European Union as we can be for the benefits of trade of cooperation and of security the channel will not get any wider once we leave the European Union and that is the relationship we should seek that would be good for United Kingdom and good for Scotland rangas Robertson the Prime Minister's successor is very very well known in Scotland at the present time it's across all the front pages because of the threat to deport the very much loved and liked brain family from the highlands the first vote of her Premiership is likely to be imposing trident against the wishes of almost every single MP from Scotland meanwhile she says she plans to buy Warner meanwhile she plans to plow on with brexit regardless of the fact that Scotland voted to remain in the EU how does the outgoing Prime Minister think that all of this will go down in Scotland well first of all specifically on the brain family mrs. brain came to this country on a tear for visa on a student visa to study for a Scottish history degree she completed it and a husband and son came as dependents we've given them an extension to the 1st of August to put in an application for a work visa in the normal way and I very much hope that will happen on Trident there will be a vote in this house and it's right this house should decide and actually many people in Scotland support our nuclear deterrent maintaining the job becomes he asks about the record of this Scotland of this government when it comes to Scotland what I'll tell him what it is a hundred and forty three thousand more people in work in Scotland massive investment in the renewable industries in Scotland the two biggest warships ever built in our history built in Scotland a powerhouse Parliament a referendum that was legal decisive and fair and I might add a Scotsman winning Wimbledon twice while I was Prime Minister never mind in d2 I think it's time for Andy to take Churchill Thank You mr. speaker I would like to thank the Prime Minister for the leadership has shown particularly in his support of women within the conservative house the Prime Minister's legacy for me however anfo fellow cancer survivors is the personal support that he has shown for the cancer drugs fund however today I would like him to ask to ask him to show that same support for those who've been affected by the contaminated blood would he please update the house as to whether they too will have a legacy well can I thank my honourable friend for what she says about the cancer drugs fund it has helped many families and many people in our country she's absolutely right to raise this issue of contaminated blood and I can date today announced that we will be spending the extra 125 million pounds we've identified and a much fairer and more comprehensive scheme will guarantee that all those infected will for the first time receive a regular annual payment this would include all those with hepatitis stage 1 who will now receive 3,500 pounds per year rising to 4,500 per year by the end of the Parliament for those with hepatitis C at stage 2 HIV or co-infected with both annual payments would increase over the lifetime of the parliament and will enhance the support for those who've been bereaved or those who will be in future significantly boosting the money for the discretionary payments last year I apologized to the victims on behalf of the British government for something that should never have happened today I'm proud to provide them with the support that they deserve and while if not right to pick out two people I think people should know that coming to constituency surgeries making your point to your Member of Parliament campaigning as these sufferers have done in my case David Ledbetter and Matthew Davis repeatedly coming to my surgery and saying this mustn't stand more must be done I know that not everyone will be fully satisfied with what's being done but it does show our democracy working and compassion in replying to this terrible Jeff Smith Thank You mr. speaker the Prime Minister came to office promising to keep the UK's triple-a rating to end top-down NHS reorganizations and to stop his party banging on about Europe how would you say that's gone well I think in terms of the economic record two and a half million more jobs the deficit cut by two-thirds 2.9 million apprenticeships a million more businesses a growth rate that's been at the top of the developed world all of that because of the choices that we made and because we did that we've been able to back our NHS with a 10% funding increase over 10 billion in real terms in this Parliament as for Europe we have to settle these issues and I think it's right when you're trying to settle a really big constitutional issue you don't just rely on Parliament you ask the people as well we made a promise we kept a promise Brian thank you very much mr. speaker I'm very sorry this turns out to be my last question to Prime Minister but I want to thank him for everything he's done for my constituency where every school is now good or outstanding and the jobless total is down 64% obviously as he prepares to leave Downing Street can I encourage him to return to the big society agenda that I know he's so passionate about and can I ask him if he remembers saying shortly before becoming Prime Minister politicians are a mixture of egotism and altruism and you just hope the right one wins out so people do the right thing rather than the politically convenient thing it seems to me that he stayed on the right side of that divide in the last six years not least in the manner of his departure and I think this country's going to miss him a great deal can I thank my friend for his very kind remarks I think when it comes to education I think there's a very strong record to build on we've got 1.4 million more children in good or outstanding schools than in 2010 we've seen the free schools movement really take off with over 300 free schools open I visited one yesterday that is outstanding a quarter of them are outstanding which is an amazing record when you think had little time they've had to get going and so I think we should build on that record as for the big society yes we should use a stronger economy to build a bigger and stronger society and one of the things that we are doing is introducing National Citizen Service 200,000 young people have taken part in that program and I hope by the end of this Parliament it will be the norm for 16 year-olds to take part we talk about the soft skills that are necessary to give people real life chances well many people don't get those chances and National Citizen Service will help them Graham stringer Thank You mr. speaker can I thank the Prime Minister for the courteous way he's always answered questions I have managed to ask him I've always listened carefully to his answers but until I had to I operations I wasn't able to see him very clearly he is concerned as I am about the newspaper reports that people who aren't entitled to NHS cataract operations are jumping the queue and stopping people are entitled to NHS operations having that treatment well I will look very carefully at first of all can I thank him for his kind remarks I try to answer questions from this despatch-box it's difficult sometimes when you haven't seen the specific story and I haven't seen the story here I recall from previous occasions that we are still investing in these cataract operations and the number receiving them are going up but I'll look carefully this afternoon at the question he are about the danger of queue-jumping and get back to him Wendy Morton under leadership my right honourable friend the Prime Minister in my constituency of Aldrich Brown low unemployment has dropped from 5.1 percent in May 2010 to one point nine percent of me thought to be proud of and one I would like to thank him for this is my right honourable friend agree with me that this is only being possible thanks to his firm focus on jobs apprenticeships and skills the strong economy and investments well other figures are remarkable when a constituency is getting to 1.9 percent in terms of unemployment that is very very close to full employment and it's a remarkable record what we've done with apprenticeships was 2.4 million in the last Parliament an extra 500,000 already in this Parliament towards the target of 3 million in this Parliament which I'm confident if we work hard we can achieve it and we should think mr. speaker these are not just numbers on a page they're real people who have experience of the work pace who are learning a trade and are taking their first steps in their career and what I want is when they get that career not only do we have the national living wage but we also make sure that people don't start paying income tax until they're earning a good wage and we've taken 4 million of the lowest paid people in our country out of income tax altogether that is a record to be proud of straighten Bailey Thank You mr. speaker this week is Black Country week yeah yesterday Black Country manufacturers were in Parliament demonstrating the high quality products that are exported worldwide will the outgoing Prime Minister impress upon the incoming Prime Minister the huge importance of maintaining access to the EU single market during brexit negotiations in order that we can maximize the Black Country contribution to export productivity and jobs well I absolutely agree with the Honorable gentleman what we've seen in the West Midlands is a hundred and seventy three thousand more people in work under this government and we have seen something of a renaissance in manufacturing particularly in the automotive sector some of which is indeed in the black country and it is vital for that industry that we have proper access to the single market and I think he's right this is going to be one of the things we've absolutely got to focus on I want automotive aerospace these high quality manufacturing firms to go from strength to strength in our country and making sure we get that vital access to Europe is going to be vital Ben Walker I was applying to become conservative parliamentary candidate for labour held Worcester as my right honourable friend was uniting the opposition and preparing it for government like so many on these benches I entered this house in the week that he first became prime minister and since that time unemployment in Worcester has halved apprenticeships have double we have more good and outstanding schools receipt beginning to receive fairer funding wages are up and taxes are down can I thank my right honourable friend for all his service to our nation and for the legacy of improved life chances he will leave behind one I thank him for his kind remarks we are seeing we seen unemployment fall in all of these constituencies we seen the claimant count go down I think more important is we now see four hundred and fifty thousand fewer children in households where nobody works and think of the effect of having a parent or a loved one in work helping to put food on the table and provide a role model for their children that's really what this is all about so I thank him for his kind remarks Carol Monahan Thank You mr. speaker between broken vows grexit and the likely renewal of weapons of mass destruction and the clade yourself the Prime Minister the Prime Minister has done more for Scottish independence than many of us benches whatever what to do so as he contemplates a move to burden sure could the Prime Minister know make his commitment to Scottish independence official by visiting SNP dorg /join what would I say to the honor lady ina tea to all the SNP members of parliament is when you have Lord Smith himself saying that the vow to create a powerhouse Parliament was kept the SNP should pay attention to that and recognize a promise was made and a promise was delivered I've talked many times at this despatch box about creating this power house part of it what I haven't seen is the SNP using any of the powers there Margot finally mr. Kenneth Clark mr. speaker can I first of all join all those in thanking the Prime Minister for the statesmen like leadership that is given to our party and to the country for the last six years and to thank him particularly on this occasion for the debating eloquence but also the wit and the humor that he's always brought to Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday and can I ask that as no doubt he will have some plans for a slightly more enjoyable and relaxed Wednesday morning and lunchtime nevertheless he will still be an active participant in this house as it faces a large number of problems over the next few years as no two people know what brexit means at the moment we need his advice and his statesmanship as much as we ever had can I thank my writer friend for his very kind remarks I remember one of the toughest conversations I had in politics was actually when I was leader of the Opposition and I was trying to get him to join my front bench and he was on a bird-watching holiday in Patagonia and it was almost impossible to persuade him to come back not many people know this but actually his first act as Chancellor of the Exchequer was too far me as a special advisor had very I'm very proud of the fact that one of my first acts was to appoint him to my cabinet in the coalition government and I know that then Deputy Prime Minister will join me in saying that he provided great wisdom great thoughtfulness great ballast at a time of national difficulty in the advice that he gave us he's not always the easiest person to get hold of we've tried Tory modernisation has never quite got as far as getting Ken Clarke to carry a mobile phone he he did briefly have one but he said the problem is people keep ringing me on it and we had to move I seem to remember in opposition we had to move our morning meeting to accommodate his nine o'clock cigar but I will watch these exchanges from the back benches I will miss the roar of the crowd I will miss the Barb's from the opposition but I will be willing you on and when I say we're on I don't just mean willing on the new prime minister at this despatch box or indeed just willing on the front bench defending the manifesto that I helped to put together but I mean willing all of you on because people come here with huge passion for the issues they care about they come here with great love for the constituencies that they represent and also willing on this place because yes we can be pretty tough and test and challenge our leaders perhaps more than some other countries but that is something we should be proud of and we should keep asset and I hope you will all keep at it and I will will you on as you do the last thing I'd say is that you can achieve a lot of things in politics you can get a lot of things done and that in the end the public service the national interest that is what it's all about nothing is really impossible if you put your mind to it after all as I once said I was the future once you
Channel: UK Parliament
Views: 627,678
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Keywords: david cameron, pmqs, prime minister's questions
Id: 9MoHS_GK4dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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