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♪ (ragtime music) ♪ - (Finebros) So today you are not reacting to a video. - Okay, I can deal with that. - What am I gonna do then? - (Finebros) Instead, you're gonna be reacting to this. - Oh. - Oh my goodness! Oh, wait. - It's like a goggle? - Whoa, this is some type of virtual reality stuff, isn't it? - That is not what I did before. - This is like the what-you-call-it, the Oculus Rift? - (Finebros) So this is called the HTC Vive and it's a new virtual reality device. - Cool. I love it. I want to see this. - (Finebros) And some say it takes virtual reality to the next level. - I'm excited. - (childishly) Can I put it on? Can I put it on? - (Finebros) All right, are you ready to stand up and give it a shot? - Stand up? Well, that's a tough shot right there! - I am old, so you're not gonna scare the hell outta me, are you? - This is gonna be strange and different, but hey-- no guts, no glory. - (Finebros) So we're gonna set you up and explain how to use it and just throw you in. Are you ready? - I guess so. (laughing) This should be different. What do I do? - I guess I need to take my hair down. - (Finebros) How does it feel to be in the virtual reality world? - It's, uh... am I still in this room? - I feel a little off-balance. - Wow, that looks like the universe. - Even this thing's 3D! These are 3D. Woo-hoo-hoo! - You can go all the way around in this puppy? You can! Oh my goodness! - That is absolutely staggering. - (Finebros) So the first game you're gonna be playing is called Tilt Brush, which lets you paint in a 3D space. - Oh, wow! - I love to paint. - I'm not a painter, but we'll give it a shot. - (Finebros) Using the controller in your right hand, you can control the paint brush and draw whatever you want. - Hold it up like that? ♪ (chime) ♪ - (intrigued) Oh. - Right now, I am doing a head. - I am drawing a heart with an arrow in it. - I used to be a school psychologist. If I had to grade this, IQ zero. - I'm doin' my name. Pssssh! Oh-ho-ho! - This is so cool. I love it. - It's like I could touch it. It's not flat. It's three dimensional. - (Finebros) Something really cool is once you're done painting, you can fully walk around it and see it from all different angles. - You're kidding. - Awesome! (laughing) - This is a lot of fun. It's not just for kids. It's for anyone. - I'm inside the painting. I'm on the other side of the painting. - Holy crap! The things they could do with this. - I absolutely know I'm gonna dream about this tonight. - (Finebros) Okay, time to move on to the next game. - Okay. - This has to be the gift of the year. - (Finebros) Welcome to Robot Repair! - A whole new world here. - Unbelievable! Security camera, hi! - (Finebros) So go over to that garage and pull on the red lever. - To the doors? - But there is no lever-- (chuckling) I can't pull something that's not even there! (robotic whirring noise) - There it goes. ♪ (gentle music) ♪ - Ah, there's a weird robot! (electricity crackles) - Oh shit! - (squealing anxiously) How do you stop it?! - It doesn't look safe. I might have to zap him. - Get out of my way! - Oh, disabled. Is he disabled? - This is going so high-tech. Boy, can you think of the brains that went into putting this together? - My brain is saying if you reach out with your hand and touch this, you will touch a cold, white metal. (in awe) It's unbelievable. (robot winds down) - (Finebros) If you grab the yellow circle, you can spin it. - Oh, okay. (alarm blares) (recording) Stop. 15 seconds. - How do I-- just do this? - I see a bunch of little gadgets. (parts clatter) (spring boings) - Holy shit! - Whoop! What did I do? - Oh my god! Everything fell apart. I ruined everything. Ah-hah! Ah, the floor is falling! - Whoa! Whoa! - Look at the distance down there. - That's very deep. Can I fall in there? No. It's not real. (laughing) (electricity crackles) - Uh-oh! (whimpering) Oh! I'm so sorry. - (AI) What kind of robot can't handle the simplest... - Okay, now with this guy, he's pointing at me. - Oh! Here's another one. - (AI) Oh, it's you. - It's me. - Oh my god!! - What do you want up there? - (AI) Congratulations on your quota-filling promotion, by the way. You've opened all our eyes to what humans can achieve when you put... - Well, it's only my first time here. - My hands are absolutely sweating. Oh my god! - (Finebros) You can turn around. The game is done. - Oh! - (Finebros) What did you think? - I-I don't even know what to say 'cause this is just so cool. - It's really fun. It's very expansive to a very limited mind. (laughing) - I really had a fear that they were gonna take the floor from underneath me. I almost fell into the thinking it was reality. - (Finebros) For your final experience, you'll be playing the shooter game, The Brookhaven Experiment, where your controller is a gun and you'll need to fight off zombies. - Zombies?! - (laughing) Right up my alley. - Cool, I like this. This is like a Saturday night special. - Come on! Come to the Rocky. I got somethin' for ya! - Oh, this is like Five Nights at Freddy's. - Where are the zombies? - Ooh, look at that! Oh god, there's a-- it's like a... is it called a sarcopha-- aaaaaaah! Here comes something. Ah! (gun shot) (gun shots) (whimpering) (gun shots) - (laughing) Oh shit. - Oh dear god, they're coming everywhere. - You! You! You! In your head! Ah! Bite that. (gun shot) - Ahhh! Goddamn it. No, okay, I can't do it anymore. (gun shot) (player groans) (gun shot) - Get off. - Oh. Oy. (gun shot) (zombies moan) (gun shots) - Well, I'm doing great. - You're trying to reach in here for me, you ass hole! - Oh, there's a lot of them! (gun shot) (laughing) I died. (gun shots) - How's that? I blew your stinking head off! (zombie moans) - Ah ha ha ha! In your-- (bullet chamber clicks) Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Take that! I'll shove this down your throat! (zombie yelps) (laughing) I think I'm out of ammo. (blasting gun) - (laughing) Shit! (laughing) (gun blasts) (breathlessly) Oh shi--- (laughing). Wait a minute. It's not done? (laughing) (laughing) This is very intense. I don't even know what direction I'm in. - (Finebros) Okay, let's take it off. (sighs) - Wow! - As a senior, our balance does change. I felt a little unsteady. - The first video game I remember is Pong, you know, and you were very much separate from the game, and this is you... there's no separation. - (Finebros) So what are your final thoughts after experiencing the HTC Vive? - I thought it was really cool. - It literally took my breath away. - It's like you're there. You're there! It's un[bleep] real! - My stomach is a little unsettled from it. - My heart, it's just pounding right now. I'm breathing hard! - It simulates reality to where it fools your senses. - I grew up in South America, didn't see TV til I was 18. So even that was exciting. And this, you know, TV was a flat thing in front of you in grey and white, right? And now you have this amazing world that you'd walk into. - To watch technology grow from the '70s on and things get smaller and things get clearer, it's like a fantasy come true. - Thanks for watching this episode of Elders React. - Like what you saw? Then hit that Subscribe button. - Let us know in the comments what technology we should react to next. - Goodbye! (glumly) Time to get back to reality. ♪ (ragtime music) ♪
Channel: REACT
Views: 4,720,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, react, reacts, ELDERS REACT TO HTC VIVE, watch, discuss, review, for the first time, explain, reviews, discusses, responds, respond, elders react, teens react, kids react, adults react, parents react, youtubers react, teenagers react, children react, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, viral funny, comedy, HTC VIVE, Brookhaven, Steam, steampowered, Tilt Brush, The Lab, vr
Id: uFsMYRsWglA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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