ELDERS PLAY WWE 2K16 (Elders React: Gaming)

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♪ (old-school video game music) ♪ - (Finebros) For this game, you're gonna be fighting as professional wrestlers from the WWE. And we're gonna have you play two matches, hoping that you can pin your opponent. - Oh good. I think I would have more success in person than with the push buttons. - I really hate wrestling. - I'm not very good at games, but I'll try it. - I did watch wrestling 40, 50 years ago, when it was first on television. It was very popular. I'll be pinned within the first 30 seconds, I'm sure. ♪ (rock music) ♪ - I can just, what, pick one of 'em? Man, some of them are really cute. - Where is all the body hair? - André the Giant! Oh, that goes back a few years! - This guy looks good. I hit X to pick him? - Oh, I like-- who is that guy who plays The Marine? - (announcer) JOHN CENA!!! ♪ (trumpets blare) ♪ (spectators cheer wildly) - Stone Cold. That looks strong. I'll try him. - I do the X? I'm ready. Sting versus Ryback. - Chris Jericho versus Sin Cara. - I'll give this a try. Ready for anything. - Okay. Here comes Stone Cold, my hero. - That's me? That's me. Boy, do I look good. - There's my boy, John! (bell clangs) - Feels like the real deal. - (announcer) Making his way to the ring... - He wore a silly mask. What has he got that mask on for? - It's almost like the shirt I got on. - That's a tough walk right there. See, he'd scare me. I wouldn't go in the alley if I saw him at the end. - Coming in-- coming in strong. Fans are going wild, and he does a neat slide in! - Oh, he's standing on the ropes. He's getting a big hand from the crowd. - Now he looks better without that silly mask. Okay, now the other guy's gonna come out. Now I'm gonna like the other guy better, 'cause he's not gonna wear a mask. - Oh, wait a minute. He's a lot bigger than me. - He's huge. (amused) I didn't realize he was so huge. - He's got pink gloves on and a... a duster? Is he gonna tickle the other guy to death? - Oh! Happy tattoo man. - Walking a little bit slow. I don't know if that's just to get the audience's attention or... if he's got a little arthritis. - He's cool. I like him-- his muscles, his tattoos. - Okay, I want to fight. Come on. Hurry up. - All right, here we go. Here we go. - Press all the buttons. - (commentator 1) Make no mistake about it. - I'm not quite sure what these buttons do. - (commentator 1) Tyler Breeze making a move. - No! - What am I doing? It seems like they're doing it all. Get 'im! - (commentator 1) ...line here. This one-on-one battle is... - Oh. Bounce him out-- oh! Oh, no kidney shots. Come on! - Oh, you got him! Ooh! Good kidney punch! - Kick him! (laughs maniacally) Oh, I love this. Oh! - (displeased) Oh. Steve, I'm sorry. - Ow! Shoot, get up. Get up. Get up, get up. Get up, dude. Oh, shoot. He's kicking my butt. - (commentator 1) The next, you're on your back, looking up at the lights. - I think I kicked him down. I think this kicks. Oh, he's tupping him in the head. Oh my god! He's tupping him in the head a lot. - (commentator 1) Hard truth! - Uh, I might be losing if I have the blue guy. But I don't want the blue guy. I want the black guy. I mean, I want the black guy with the black pants on. My guy won. But he wasn't my guy. But he's still-- The guy who wanted to win won. - Oh, okay. He's got him-- - (commentator 1) Look at this hold! - He's pinning him. Oh, come on. - (commentator 1) ...would like to venture (bell clangs) into the unknown darkness that is... - He pinned him. Wow. - It's not letting me move. It's not letting me move. Okay. No, not the pile driver! Uh-oh, that's reverse! Oh! That hurt. That hurt my back. Oh! - (commentator 2) Here's somebody who's willing to do just... - Oh. - (commentator 2) ...to get to the top. - He got out to get a cup of water, I think. - They're not even inside the ring. I'm getting my butt kicked now. - (commentator 1) Heads up! - Ohhhh! He just got crunched. Mr. Pouncy is crunching my bruiser. - (commentator 1) Direct hit. - Oh, he's up now. Okay, kick him. Oh, stomp him! Stomp him! Stomp him! - Up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Get up! Up! Up! Up! (assertively) Get off my foot! - Come on, hit him again. Hit there. Hit him again. There. Hit him again. (laughs) - There we go. Here we go. There we go. Let me give him a pile driver. - YES!!! OH YEAH! Oh, he slipped off? Ooh! Ooh! A Dubble Bubble back bender special! Get up, John! Come on! You can take it! You're a Marine! - Oh, there you go. Hey, I'm getting the-- getting the hang of this. - Rip his head off. Is there a button to rip his head off? - (laughs) Whoops. We knocked-- (laughs) You're not supposed to knock the umpire. - Well, don't just lie there, John. He's just gonna kiss ya! - (commentator 2) Only out here! - Oh. Oh no, he got my guy again. How did that happen? X. (ref and crowd counting down) (bell clangs) - (commentator 1) He did it! What a huge win! - (referee) Three! (bell clangs) - (commentator 1) What a win! - He beat me. He pinned me. - Whoops, he's breaking his leg, I think. "Winner"? - (commentator 2) What a match! - Oh, the other guy won. (bell clangs) - Oh... just submit. Sarge won by way of submission. - No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up! (groans deeply) - Didn't do too well. But that's just round one. - Let's try a new guy. - I'm gonna go for one of the really bizarre looking ones this time. Finn Bálor. He looks like a member of Kiss. - Let's try this guy here. - I like-- I'll stay with Stone Cold. - Roman Re-- The Rock? Hello? Okay, Rock. You and me, buddy. (spectators cheering) - Okay, are we ready? ♪ (dramatic theme) ♪ - Look at that outfit. Something my mother would wear. - Well, I got gypped. We doesn't have anything on, makeup or anything. - He looks fierce and dangerous and mean. Makes me think of a tiger. (growling) (laughs) - Come on, Dwayne, The Rock. (chuckles) I like those looks he gives. - I hope he fights as good as he looks, 'cause he's looking good. - Let's see the other guy now. - (announcer) And approaching the ring... - (laughing) - (announcer) ...from Robbinsdale, Minnesota... - This guy looks like a prima donna. - Man, I may have put too much on this poor guy. He's got to whup this dude. Oh my goodness. I don't know if he can do that. - Now, that looks tough. Now I want him to win, because I like his outfit better. ♪ ("Pomp and Circumstance") ♪ - Pretty gaudy. It guess it's like-- it's what fans would like. - Let's get it on. - All right. Here we go. Here we go. Oh. Kick me. Come on, come on. - Get him. Come on. Oh, there you go. See? (chuckles) - Oh. Don't just stand there, Luke! Take it like-- that's a good one!! Ha-ha! Aha!!! - Oh no. Oh, got kicked in the back. I didn't like that. That hurt. - (commentator 1) Fighting from a position of full health. - Got him down. We got him down. Stomp him. Oh, yes! I have the stomp button down! Oh! I think it was in his nuts. Oh my god. - Dang it. Seems like I kicked him right in the nuts. - (commentator 2) Take notice. - (commentator 1) Well, I say this... - My guy is knocking him down big time. And he just... oh. He could've broke his neck. - Yeah, yeah. And do the break big-- Oh, he split him in half. - (laughs) Kick. But I don't know which one is kick. Oh, stamp him. I'm getting violent, huh? - (laughing) I knocked him own. I'm getting better. - Oh good, he just tripped him. Now jump on him. All right, that's it. Stay down. - (commentator 2) The shoulders-- - Oh. - Okay. All right. Let's try this. Let's see if we can't finish him. - (commentator 1) And it's up. He got the shoulder up. Come on! - Ohh! You gotta be kidding me. - (commentator 2) Darren Young cannot be enjoying this. - Oh, sh... get up. Get up, sucker. - Oh. No, he threw-- how did he do that? Get up, get up, get up. Ohhh!! Oh, he's stomping me repeatedly! That is not fair! I don't have that button. - (commentator 2) I've given up even trying to figure out... - Oh-ha! Come on, Rick. Well, he's down again. But, oh, get-- Oh, no, no! Don't count him out! Good, good. Come on, get up. - (commentator 1) ...in there. But only one can walk... - Come on. I press all the buttons, but he doesn't do anything. (bell clangs) - Ooh. Damn. He got me by submission again. - No. Oh-ho-ho-ho! (sucks air) Ouch! I felt that. I felt it. No! No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. (bell clangs) - (commmentator 2) He did it! - Rock, let's get inside. Now look what. Now you're both outside. He's staying outside the ring. I can't get him inside. Get inside. I couldn't get back into the ring. And I let that silly bearded guy take me! - I don't know why all these X's and reds and blues are. Winner. - (announcer 1) It's all over. - Oh, the other one won again. But I-- I wanted mine to win. - Come on, Rick! Come to li-- oh no! Come to life! Oh shit. Oh. - (commentator 1) Two! Three! (bell clangs) Wow. What a win. (spectators cheering) ♪ (victorious music) ♪ - I wonder who's in the ring: me or him. I'm exhausted. - It's violent. It's not as bad as shooting people, I guess. They don't kill each other at least. Little less violent than most of the shoot-'em-up bang-bang they got out there. - I thought they were really cute and had nice butts. - I would definitely get the game, play it with my grandson. He'd have a ball. - The beating someone up part I liked. Get it out of my system, if I could only learn to work the buttons. - Thanks for watching this episode of Gaming on the React channel. - (gruff voice) Oh yeah. Hit that Like button. - Be sure to subscribe. New Gaming episodes every Sunday. - Bye, guys. CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING? ♪ (old-school video game music) ♪
Channel: REACT
Views: 4,285,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, Gaming, REACT Gaming, walkthrough, letsplay, lets play, video game, React, reacts, reaction, reactions, funny, comedy, best, hilarious, explain, fine brothers entertainment, thefinebros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, respond, watches, discusses, kids react, teens react, adults react, elders react, youtubers react, kids vs. food, react gaming, ELDERS PLAY WWE 2K16 (Elders React: Gaming), WWE 2K16
Id: J7DK2tXxfZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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