Elden Ring Samurai Class Guide - How to Build a Samurai (Beginner Guide)

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in this elden ring video i'm going to be talking about the samurai class and how i play my samurai when i'm playing eldon ring this is a very good class for new players and if you're just starting elden ring for the first time or you want to know how to play a samurai from the very get-go of the game then this video is for you the samurai is a very well-rounded character it has good melee attack and it has good range it uses a long bow and ushi katana and it has decent armor and mobility so it's got a little bit of everything and it starts the game with a few arrows as well so you can start ranging targets right out the gate it leans a little bit more towards the dexterity side of things according to stats but you can put a few points and strengthen your right there as well so you can use either strength or dexterity based weapons although on this video i'm going to talk about using the uchi katana as if you're playing a samurai it seems like you should be using one during character creation if this is your first time playing elden ring or a souls game i highly recommend taking the golden seed this is going to give you one extra healing or mana potion so you give you a little bit of an advantage or a little bit of a better start when you're a little bit short on those okay the first thing to know about the samurai is that you're going to be a little bit short on arrows at the beginning of the game so you're going to have to craft some or buy some highly recommend crafting them which means you need to head to the church of ella which is probably where you're going to go anyway and you need to buy the crafting book there and the recipes for the bone arrows basically you need three bones from animals and then you can craft 10 arrows it's not doesn't take that long to farm them but you can go through them rather quickly there's actually a really good spot to farm them just past the first runes where you pick up the map shard on the right if you go down the road on the left hand side there's kind of a clump of trees where that mpc is there there's actually like a whole bunch of sheep in that area that you can just farm over and over to get some arrows you won't need to do this more than the first few hours of the game because after that you'll actually have enough runes that it's actually more beneficial for you to just buy a bulk bunch of arrows like a couple hundred arrows than gaining one level or two levels okay so now that we got that out of the way playing the samurai is about determining when to use the bow and when to use the uchi katana there are a lot of scenarios where it might seem like you should use the bow when you should use the uchikatana etc you'll learn these throughout the course of the game but you know if you're approaching a pack of enemies it's probably not best to just go in with your uchi katana when you could pick off a few with your bow remember that you can actually use the ability of your bow mighty shot in order to deal significant damage for a little bit of fp so you can actually one shot a lot of enemies early on in the game and throughout the course of the game in order to save arrows and you should be doing this regularly another good opportunity for the bow is like when you're just starting a boss fight and there's a good amount of distance between you and the enemy you can pick them off or hit them several times with the bow to soften them up sometimes you can get them down to like two-thirds health or half-health before they even get to you then you can switch to the uchi katana and start melee combat moving to the uchigatana this weapon has a fantastic moveset if you're familiar with the souls games you don't need me to explain but this weapon has a fantastic charging r2 attack you basically sprint forward and then you hit r2 and you sort of slide and poke has really long range enemies tend to wind up when they see you get within melee range and this like hits them instantly and interrupts them usually preventing you from taking damage but if not you can usually roll away pretty quickly sometimes they'll miss you when this happens and then you can go right into the ability of the weapon which is unsheathed so fast and it deals incredible damage in order to use unsheathed where you put your hand on your hilt and you sort of lunge forward and do a horizontal slice really quickly which does really high damage you need to have two handing the weapon in order to two hand the weapon you're going to hold y or hold triangle on the controller and then press r1 assuming it's in your right hand and it's out this is going to allow you to two two-hand the weapon so that you can use this ability you're going to want to two-hand this weapon just about every time you're using it because you need to use this ability this ability makes the build this ability is so strong that you can clear almost any boss with it you literally just dodge their attack use it dodge their attack use it get close use it preemptively use it like don't be afraid to trade damage using this ability if you can just keep getting it off you can you know stagger enemies using it you do a really high damage go up to like the knights cavalry mini boss like right at the beginning in limb grave and just try it with no upgrades and you'll see what i mean it is an absolutely devastating ability and it makes the build learning when to predict the enemy pattern so that you can use this ability will make your game play so much stronger additionally the uchigatana has an auxiliary effect which is that it causes bleed buildup on the enemy now you can't see it on the screen and each enemy has its own bleed resistance but after enough repeated strikes with this you're going to rip off a chunk of health from the enemy not all weapons in the game have auxiliary effects which makes the uchi katana particularly good because you know if you keep hacking with an enemy which you should you should be really aggressive with this build typically unless enemies are really aggressive you are going to be able to get this off a lot of the time also this build works really really effectively on horseback not only can you use bow and arrow from horseback well meaning that you can like pick off enemies that would be hard to melee but the uchi katana hits like a truck from horseback it's not hard to land if you learn to use r2 and l2 so you know the character does sort of like a wind-up where he like spins the sword backward and then sort of slides down the ground in an upward fashion once you learn to predict where the hitbox is you can hit this like a second second and a half before you actually get to the enemy when you get there and it hits you'll you'll start taking down enemies left and right and you can take field bosses down without having having to dismount like you could take out a kill without ever having to dismount at all just by using uh mounted combat and again you can use the bow or the uchi katana which gives you an advantage over some builds that are only arranged here only melee now in terms of equipment there isn't really anything that you are going to sub out at the beginning you have a longbow which is a little bit better than a short bow it takes a little bit longer to fire i think but it has a bit more range does a little bit more damage which is great because you have the uchikidana for close range and you have the bow for longer ranges so you don't really need to sub it out there isn't a better uchi katana that i can find anywhere earlier on in the game so the playstyle is that of the samurai you're going to use the samurai armor early on you can swap out a couple pieces here and there if you like something else but otherwise you're going to stick to that ugh katana and bow when it comes to attributes for this character when you pump strength or dexterity roughly they're about the same damage early on you're not going to see a huge difference in damage depending which push however you can make your uchikatana keen later which scales better with dexterity but once you put that on you need about 26 dexterity before the damage is about the same as regular even if you're pumping dexterity the whole way so it doesn't really matter too much where you put your points in terms of strength and dexterity early on but later in the game you're going to want to have that dexterity for that scaling so you should focus on dexterity as a damage ability early on besides strength i tend to pump vigor a lot uh you're gonna be in melee range during boss fights there's just no way to get out of it you're gonna be in melee range uh a lot of fights you're gonna be in melee range anyway even if you know you can thin things out with a bow but you're probably not gonna wipe out a whole pack of enemies with just your bow it's pretty rare so you're gonna take hits you're gonna trade hits sometimes and you need to be able to live through that so pumping vigor early on besides dexterity is a good way to go maybe go one to one um you know get bigger and dexterity both to 20 and then keep pumping them together something like that is probably pretty good um that way you won't die easily and you can get off a lot of attacks besides dexterity and vigor another stat to keep in mind is mind it doesn't seem like something you would need however you use fp a lot not only with mighty shot on your bow you also use it with unsheathed on your sword and before you know it your whole bar is depleted and you don't want to use too many uh mana flasks you want to try and prioritize more health flash than man mostly health if possible like five to one or you know four to two probably five to one if possible because you you don't have a lot of time in combat to chug pots and you don't you know you don't use a lot of fp with these uh attacks with the uchika ton and the bow anyway so it takes a long time to deplete and if you can extend that bar you'll just need to use it less often so i would take mine somewhere up to like 15 early on if you can so you're looking at like 20 vigor 20 dexterity 15 mine something like this right in that range you can go up a little bit higher in dexterity if you want you can go a little bit up under endurance if you want a little bit more equipment for maybe some like one armor piece or something that's got some more poise or something if you want but you don't really need a lot of endurance you got plenty as it is and those are really the stats you should focus on early on keep in mind that this is sort of a beginner build so later on in the game you'll probably want to crank figure higher you'll want to crank dexterity higher you want to create endurance higher and probably mind a little bit higher as well so that you can do more over the course of the game but early on you don't really need to worry about them so much it's just going to be vigor and dexterity and a little bit of mine so suggest some general tips with this build i generally play one of two ways depending on the enemy i'm facing some enemies are uber aggressive a lot of bosses are really aggressive and you spend a lot of time rolling backward and then using unsheathed to quickly close the distance back and hit them and then roll away some enemies are really defensive and you need to take the fight to them meaning that you can either arrange them and uh with your bow and make them you know come at you in which case you repeat the strategy i just said with unsheathed or you need to close the distance to them because staying back is actually disadvantageous to you maybe they have a lot of ranged attacks and getting in melees actually more optimal so you need to learn which it is are you playing defensively and trying to roll and then on sheath get a couple hits and then keep rolling or do you need to be aggressive some enemies like if you're fighting the rune bear for instance are super aggressive but the strategy against them is to be really really aggressive because you simply don't have enough stamina to just keep rolling away their hit boxes are too big for you to avoid you don't have a shield to block so you need to get into them and start hacking away trade a little bit of damage if you have to stagger them and kill them or you know rip off a big chunk of their health with bleeding you need to learn which which strategy are you gonna use you're gonna thin things out pick them off uh at range uh make them come to you play defensively or you're gonna go charging at them and try and play really aggressively in my opinion it's easier to play aggressively against harder enemies and sometimes playing defensively is the way to go against easier enemies it's not always true but that's generally how it works another thing i want to mention is that you can actually get arrows to craft a little bit later on not too far into the game maybe five six hours into the game that actually do bleed build up just like your uchi katana so you can actually craft arrows that help inflict the bleed status now they actually do less damage than regular arrows so they're situational but if you had bleed arrows and regular arrows you could use the regular arrows to like pick off enemies from a distance and they're all different types of arrows by the way so make sure you're using the strongest arrows you can afford or have so that you're doing max damage per shot um but there's also bleed arrows so you can hit it like a boss maybe a couple times with the bleed arrows and then when you're going with your uchi their bleed bars built up a little bit of ways and it doesn't take as long to rip off some hellfire so that's a little bit of a tip too so once you get that probably have some bleed arrows and some regular arrows the other thing is you want to make sure you upgrade these weapons at the smithing station uh smithingstone shards are kind of found all over the map there is like a the tunnel area where they're all mining uh in the lake area has a lot of upgrade materials there and you can get like six of them right away up on storm hill if you go up on your horse there's like a statue up there if the the trolls break it uh you get six instantly that's plus two on one of your weapons like you could do that from the very beginning of the game so make sure you get these to plus two plus three as quick as you can in order to increase your damage again i cannot stress using the unsheathed ability enough it makes this build sing it's the difference between having an average build and a fantastic build make sure to use the unsheathed ability make sure you learn how to use it don't swap it for any other ability learn that ability so what did you think of our samurai build video are you gonna be playing the samurai at launch let us know in the comments below [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 3,477,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring tips, elden ring classes, elden ring best class, elden ring build, elden ring beginner build, elden ring class pick, elden ring magic, best class to main elden ring, elden ring best weapon, elden ring samurai build, elden ring samurai guide, elden ring uchigatana, elden ring wiki, best weapon elden ring, elden ring unsheath, elden ring bow build, elden ring mighty shot
Id: ngnKoSkUuTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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