Elden Ring Lockout Bingo Vs Blueberrybrioche

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uh just looking at the Vagabond I have the just to make sure warp Dax and spiral horn Shield yep okay cool awesome so when I see this I immediately look at the board and I'm looking if there's Margaret um plus the four Perrys because the spiral horn Shield does have Perry on it so that is kind of a nice thing to keep in mind because it's really annoying to get the the small shields for those Perry frames I don't know how you are with medium Shields but God forbid I'm ever going to do that it's less than ideal I I don't know if you've tried fist either but fists I mean it can be done but it's also a little bit more challenging for me yeah normally the the Strat for that it's crazy how much better it is um but yeah so I don't see Margaret so that's kind of just my initial thought on that uh shamsher oh boy that's a weapon of all time so what I usually do on the the starting process is I take a look at the important squares first so obviously the middle Square which yep um Commander O'Neal actually has like uh like there's there's a cheese to kill him so I think this is a word where middle Square might actually be like a race since it's just such an important Square yep um but after that I look at the diagonals and I just start starring them up and then Corners too yep oh look at our remembrances look at our remembrance squares do you see them all holy yeah there is a lot this is a nasty board oh my God [Music] um yeah so I don't know your feelings on like what's interesting about some of the remembrance squares but like the boss weapon squares are kind of interesting because those are also randomized so you're not even guaranteed to get you know like godric's fist weapon or the ax so it's hard to plan that out which is uh interesting gamble yeah and double dipping on remembering squares tends to be really hard like the easiest one to double dip is hit list but you have to hit list exactly yeah and even godric like you know if you're doing like true Hit List strats he's easy he melts right but if you're going in trying to be fast sometimes this phase two fire is kind of annoying to deal with so um I see Scion so you know right off the bat it's like okay do you want to try to take a class that you can actually wield your weapons so you can kill Scion um cracked pots that's an important one to look at as well uh yeah this is this is Affordable time bushy look at that this is a really really fast board oh my God um holy there's some crazy stuff here I I have more stars on squares than I've ever had on I know I'm like looking I'm like I'm looking at all the stuff that I would want to do early uh which is a lot of things holy crap even that I mean there's a million except landsiacs I don't know how you feel about lansex but I see Lancy accent immediately my brain shuts off um I'm not doing that so if you want to know my weakness Lance Dax is definitely one of them this is the one you can get me on that I I definitely don't practice anything other than Mainline bosses so I I won't have much of an advantage over you there uh but yeah so immediately I see these and then I want to take a look at you know what are my in-cance what are my bow possibilities anything else um blood flame blade technically we can't use that as our as our in cans so that's off the table for like a starting class for that um yeah yeah on with these starting classes I think I'm looking at astrologer with the club I know the club is the one thing that you just know you can wield right away it's not that bad either it does a lot of poise damage too yeah it's a good weapon yeah you can bully Margaret really easily with it so that's kind of a nice thing um based off what I'm seeing too there's no other reason to really pick anything else right like The Shield is an argument that we have Margaret I'm not seeing anything for sorcery or in can so yeah I would agree I would just start with something that I can use right away is that I don't see any like great somber weapons or there is falling star B's job but it that has so many Star requirements not anymore I mean I can't say that it it is still fine it's fine but it's not as good as it used to be they nerfed at in one of the patches I don't remember which one but remember how you used to just melt everything with it you just Spam the I'm sure it's still decent enough plus it's isn't it technically a meteor weapon or um whatever gravity weapon yeah so it's good against like radon and the and the falling star Beast which there is a square for that so yeah something that think of like you said the stat requirements kind of prohibit that a little bit so well I think we landed on the same starting class I guess we'll see yeah what else we are going to do similarly you're a very fast player and I feel like I get overwhelmed really quickly so we'll see how this goes but um if it's quick we can always do a couple matches too so yeah I mean it's an overwhelming game mode it's hard not to get overwhelmed it is right and I've watched Bingo and you're like you get the process right you see the Synergy but when you're actually trying to execute it it's an entirely different thing so yeah we'll see how it goes um I don't know how you feel about for this board I don't know if we'll end up going really long but if you want to stick to the two-hour time limit we can or we can keep going depending on how we're feeling it's completely up to you uh I'm down to play without a time limit sure okay let's do that I think that's best for learning because then we'll see goat squares that it probably end game squares so I think that's probably a good way to go about it so okay do you do you want to count us down I was so nervous don't get don't kick my butt too hard okay it's all for fun I suppose right um I'm trying to open my timer but my timer is not okay there it goes uh okay you ready um I'm so silly um yes I'm I am ready now all right let's go in three two one good luck yep good luck all right let's get it started Destroyer okay chats I I kind of actually have to be fast I think I'm going for uh for grafted Scion here allowed to mess around I think I actually probably like light roll on grafted Scion so I'm gonna do that I'm not great at grafted Scion but that that's a good reason to do it all right nice Jesus all right awesome okay so maybe a Charged Heavy after the repost isn't safe I thought it was all right that was [ __ ] close unreasonably sketchy okay carrion night sword and one-eyed Shield also both good options because I'm I'm looking for a somber weapon with this starting class but yeah clubs uh club's a really good starting weapon dude foreign but again maybe on this board skipping that to go for Commander O'Neill probably would have made more sense uh carry a night sword is a somber weapon right here at night so it has that awful charged R2 and I'm not familiar with it I would say use carrion slicer with high vigor laughs okay that's not a very good idea but okay even if I could guarantee Kerry and slicer oh yeah Karen Granger is uh is a bit of a weapon art that's true okay let's see what he has yeah I can also that you're not then why I am Carl uh bo relevant bow actually that's a really good bow to see there uh uh okay keep that in mind because remembrance boss bow only is a corner Square pretty relevant Corner Square uh and that only takes 11 11. strength decks which yeah I'm good I'm good I can wield that it has block flames on the charged R2 weird I I kind of feel like Carrie and Grandeur is a bit of a like One-Shot gimmick um item instead of okay so that's not very good instead of uh like an actual viable like competitive choice stars are just the things that I'm keeping in mind prioritizing it will sound horror and treat him not a few stance break then use it yeah but great swords don't have great poise and like like most other like one shoddy gimmicky kind of weapon Arts I I think it benefits a lot from build like similar to um rice executioner sword that weapon Arts actually kind of dog [ __ ] if you don't have all of the talismans that boost its damage which if you have time to get all the talismans you know go get them start frying [ __ ] but we don't okay so sorceries are on this board oh okay we're good um and I last night I I tried to figure out the best route to do the the sorcery and encant squares and I think I got a decent idea I think we buy all the sorceries off topes buy all off of selling get the Royal scroll from right next to selling and pick up the rock Blaster location in Celia Crystal tunnel I think that'll be uh efficient they're friendly NPCs on this board no I don't think I'm going for an ash of War build dude I don't I don't think I wanna commit to that carrying Grandeur idea what do you got for me uh uh nothing useful oh [ __ ] yes something useful okay so that's four cracked pots there's no like God skins on this board right God skin Right Guard I mean there is all this bosses might make sleep pots relevant okay um I have a feeling she probably went for Commander O'Neal and if she did she's probably gonna beat me there I don't have much information though obviously I have no information I'm trying to think should I get ductus not right now foreign is like awful to complete that's uh yeah that would be a an issue to try to complete that um is there like Caleb bosses or like horse riders or anything oh yeah there is horse riders all right I I honestly kind of want to give her some time to to see what she's gonna do give me some information on where she's gone before I I make a further plan on what I'm doing all right that should be good right that's a problem because a lot of those are like functionally mutually exclusive remembrance plus daggers remembrance boss remembrance weapon remembrance boss in Cairns I mean I I suppose checking the godric's remembrance to see if it offers a fist is there a remembrance claw I'm not sure if there is their remembrance dagger I'm not sure if there is let's see if it offers one of those then you could double dip no it's not that they have no Synergy it's that they have anti-synergy completing one is actively bad for completing the others what remembrance boss will I do Hit List uh I'm probably just gonna try to complete that passively I think okay uh I don't I'm not gonna head into Fort for Roth yet because well no I I can just quit out I I don't know what I'm spending my runes on yet dude I haven't found a weapon that I want to commit to I mean I could just go I guess I can Club Market I can Club market and then uh buy the bow and some arrows to hopefully do godric hit list um and then check his remembrance Kate well I'm not just trying to do squares to do squares I'm trying to find a synergistic line here that is unlikely to get blocked that doesn't [ __ ] me out of other options I see son of a [ __ ] bro he's fine whatever we'll go to Round Table and crackpot sounds like the biggest chore no it's not too bad it it really isn't that difficult you start with cracked pots you buy three from kalei you get three from jarberg and then you just pick one up from somewhere else foreign Jesus [ __ ] crazy okay I don't I don't need that many that'll do goodbye and like I said Brad I don't know what I'm doing with these runes yet I mean I guess I can just level up a little bit of Vig like get to there and then just save the rest until I figure out what I'm going for see like this is kind of the downside of not getting a somber weapon off the Riff this is why I really like getting a somber weapon off the rip but granted the seed didn't really have very many good options like I I feel like Club was kind of the only option here I can get uh strength in my physic as well let's do that all right here we go oh nice yeah we could check in Camp very nice veins I actually don't know how many Club Hits I can get off okay that [ __ ] sucks it was you I I didn't want that reposed immediately all right whatever we'll take it realizing probably should have had that on that would make some sense I'm hoping that 99 arrows is enough for godric it should be right but of course okay uh do Remembrance in cans count as remembrance weapons or would it need to be a remembrance catalyst okay so I don't need to give a [ __ ] about hit list so she just rushed godric which does actually make O'Neill look like a little bit of a better idea I think I'm gonna light this fire and go for that it's also going to give me a weapon that might guide our long-term plan because I'm I'm not really worried about rushing a remembrance square at this point because I mean maybe she does a remembrance boss with a remembrance weapon it's definitely possible but um yeah I I think going for Center Square here is better idea like for for every remembrance square that you do it becomes progressively more difficult to do more of them so I'm not really worried about rushing any of these other remembrance squares right now maybe I should check this Twin Blade is God's skin peeler a somber weapon I think it's a regular smithing Stone weapon but I'm still looking for a weapon here foreign Twin Blade is regular right through oh okay I should probably pick up Rock Blaster while I'm here and I'm gonna practice this uh this skip again thank you [ __ ] Giga Chad Behavior dude hit the skip wall getting attacked okay no please don't die that would be really annoying okay is this a somber 4 or somber five December 4 I mean it still saves US money so it's still worth picking up okay all right now I never actually practiced this cheese I don't I don't know how difficult it actually is to get into position there's obviously like just the normal way of you know just dragging him around manually um but there's a specific spot that you can jump up to which makes it quite a bit easier how much time save is that not a lot a couple seconds 10 15 seconds go to the wrong spot okay let's see [ __ ] dude I ran out of stand hmm yeah this might be something that needs practice okay she dupes a remembrance so she went to weeping [ __ ] I I don't know how you're supposed to jump up there yeah that doesn't make sense to me oh God he's right [ __ ] there so I I guess we gotta do this the the manual way gotta go skill check that a little bit later practice foreign [Music] oh man yeah this is gonna be way slower without [ __ ] okay uh you're being a nuisance sir awesome wait really that didn't hit him this one doesn't hit him either get [ __ ] schemounced okay I think I'm just gonna keep him that was stupid oh yeah I definitely need to practice this cheese I mean I guess as long as you don't miss like this is actually gonna be just as fast as that other method it's just gonna be a little bit more intensive and I mean you can [ __ ] it up like I just did right there okay please be a good weapon hey hey hey hey hey okay okay okay I want to get to leernia okay all right uh that gives me enough confidence to start pumping up decks bro or um strength I mean okay a bunch of strength okay I'm happy with that uh uh okay let's do that drink wow head on in all right let's get this done foreign buffered because I didn't mean for that Jesus bro the recovery frames on the on these [ __ ] weapons Madness okay that's gonna miss go for another Mighty shot it's right there drink this okay [ __ ] Mighty shot Heidi shots really it's a good thing we don't need to worry about remembrance boss Hit List huh okay I'm gonna be uh more I mean I I don't need to be Arrow efficient I used less than 30 arrows there and you guys want to know the nice thing about arrows they do exclusively Pierce damage which means that you actually get counter-attacks with them if you catch an opponent during an attack animation that's why I did 212. on that Mighty shot when he was uh casting the fire breath dude look it's gonna happen again a nice damage bonus that only piercing damage can get out of blue flasks oh [ __ ] I wasn't close enough sure if you can stand Franklin bows I don't know if they do Poise damage foreign attacking here for dude I know it's not gonna work foreign arrows I think uh I think we're good just need to not die pretty important part of the plan all right awesome and one day we'll return together to our home okay so she got the ten crackpots so she probably yeah I mean she killed godric and then she went up to Leonia laughs okay now she's not really threatening a whole lot of bingos here so far which I'm happy with but I know she has access to liernia and weeping so maybe she's going for like herb tree avatars here again not really threatening a bingo there so I'm probably fine with that we should go check godric's remembrance and I I don't like I said I still don't know if A Remembrance in can't would count as a remembrance weapon I I feel like it should to become a little wow okay America's hammer and and sacred spear okay what uh so let's just keep that in my America's hammer and then Moog spear oh welcome to that um what do you got by the way I should also check twin maidens uh uh relief hey those are not great in cans not great in canes at all golden Epitaph oh my God it's a dragon halberd I like Dragon halberd more bro I'm taking dragon halberd I'm also gonna buy this in case I I need it okay uh gonna buy sorceries off of taupes here and I I could go get that okay I can go get the 12 different sorceries maybe right now I don't that depends on how many uh runes they're gonna cost yeah I probably don't have enough rooms to get it right now I probably need a little bit more but nonetheless I will uh okay all of those are pretty cheap I will take them foreign I mean upgrading the somber weapon would be nice but does it make sense to go for it right now I'm not sure yeah maybe it does and then like herd tree avatars um is there Watch Dogs on this board no unless there's Watchdog is there like a watchdog duo in Altis I don't think so foreign as well first Square okay do I want to pick up the key it's going to be a little bit slower but it's going to give us access to Ray lucaria there's lots of remembrance squares on this board I think I want to there's a lightning but I'm looking for a Duo specifically Crystal darts won't do anything against a single foreign again I also maybe should have been picking up some incant prayer books because what Corin is currently offering is quite bad I mean scouring black flame is kind of like the only okay she did the catacombs to block the bingo okay um or walk onto the thing thank you I don't really know what to go for here there is Grail without status effects on this board and there is scouring black flame from Corin how much Faith does that take that could be a good reason to go for Golden halberd okay hold on hold on hold on you know what I I actually think that's a good reason to go for Golden halberd okay that's that's that I didn't pick up the faith Talisman unfortunately I wasn't thinking about it foreign [Music] I mean it's not a Super Key Square so I can probably just wait for now and I think I'm just gonna use godric's remembrance because the next I mean maybe I shouldn't commit to this plan right now but you know [ __ ] whatever I went for it uh I I think the next remembrance I'm gonna kill is gonna be in cans only I should light this fire and then just get out of here I don't know exactly what I'm doing though maybe black knife catacombs maybe that makes sense okay you know what I like that plan um and this can actually run us right right past uh yeah I I actually really like this plant okay we're gonna run past an ERD tree Avatar kill him and then jump on down to Black knife catacombs to get two more liernia bosses as well as obviously a black knife putting Us ads three total Leonia bosses there's another ERD Tree in leernia for four there's murag and then maybe I want to do like red wolf foreign threats go she has at that point she would have call him for oops Row 4 and row five the all the Spells are randomized I can't guarantee any spells the spell the in-cance that we have to deal with are all kind of bad foreign much bigger fan of this charged heavy herded compared to dragonet halberd Foster but whatever I'll take it uh can I efficiently get down here I don't actually know I'm gonna check uh it doesn't exactly look like it okay one ERD tree Avatar one liernia boss [ __ ] this open-ass field dude okay where is the path down here does this work this looks like it's gonna work so War God's Great Rune killing morigot and somber plus 9 all have decent uh Synergy with each other I need to level up some more faith okay damn that was [ __ ] slick I'm gaming today bro don't ask me how I didn't get hit I actually have no answer give him a drink thank you foreign must be close is there something special to pick up in here I don't think so okay so that's two liernia bosses one black knife Your Mark remembrance weapon and sorcery sorcery in case for what the [ __ ] it whatever just kill me come on hurry the [ __ ] up you gotta get going thank you for the prime I suppose that that was another thing that I kind of wanted to save runes for but it I that square is kind of expensive dude all right this is the the [ __ ] ducky Jesus bro can I switch to the goddamn kukri thank you oh my God foreign like that dude okay uh Ray lucaria so that's three bosses right so I do this next ERD tree Avatar three Leonia bosses I mean then there there's murag as well so I'm thinking red wolf this guy I'm not sure about smorag what other what other good what other good lyonia options are there is there a falling star beast in leernie I don't think there is is there another black knife assassin in liernia is there a horse rider in leernia oh yeah there's Knights calves uh which one's easier oh [ __ ] she did do avatars that's not super shocking I mean it's all good it's all good we're still getting uh Leonia here the one in the East is easy foreign yeah I just don't really know okay um so I I guess we're gonna go here I mean maybe we do both instead of doing wolf uh so this does a little bit of holy damage right so I should do physic bully is it night time I don't think it's night time foreign I don't normally fight these guys I don't really know how to fight them hello boys okay that's a follow-up okay that's a follow-up okay let me heal okay I I don't know where the second one in leernia is honestly so that's five liernia bosses I guess I'm just gonna do red wolf because I I don't know where the other one is by The Gate Bridge is that the bridge in the east it's not very useful the road after the battlefield where you pick up Lucerne okay oh it's all good uh and then after this I think I go for the black knife assassins I only need to kill one more so that's not super crazy to do and I still have a pretty legitimate Bingo threat on the diagonal I just kind of want to shut down her plans um and then if we can race to more God's Great rune I feel pretty good about that could do Renault with encant for six no dog's gonna be six thank you oh come on uh this also is gonna conveniently let me pick up another scroll to give me more options when it comes to the 12 different sorceries which I I can't decide if I should focus on leveling up Faith to go for Remembrance in cans only okay is it this yes okay it's that I can't decide if I should do that or if I should spend my money on buying these sorceries I mean the remembrance boss in cans only is a much more important Square but it's also much more difficult to do get the assassins that's unfortunate um yeah so I mean we're losing here so I think we play for Bingo so I think I'm going for the in cans oh come on oh come on okay so that's six bosses in liernia level up what faith I can isn't there isn't there an incant book I also never really fight landsags so I don't exactly have an advantage there isn't there an incant book in here is this it no is there not an incant book in here [ __ ] maybe it's this this other Camp right up there yeah the fire cam all right we'll get the faith Talisman then we'll get that book and we'll hopefully get something that makes remembrance Boston can't only not super difficult oh yeah I maybe should have killed the dawn for the incant uh but at this point it's kind of a waste of time when I was doing Leonia bosses anyway it made more sense homie if catch flame from Round Table uh-huh I didn't put randomized in the title you're not surprised okay how much you want to bet if I put it in the title it would get rid of all those comments because I I can guarantee you it won't because it's also what what that would realistically causes hold on hold on I thought you said it was randomized why is why are the bosses still the same and I'd still get the comments just get the non-randomized weapon get the vanilla location weapon it's easy uh uh hey Cat Flame what a pickup uh is this enough dude oh my God I'm I am too oh ruined short oh my goodness what am I doing I'm selling something uh [ __ ] you I can help okay we're gonna hope that this works oh my God I mean this should be good enough I think um so I have to kill all of the [ __ ] I have to kill all the little [ __ ] with in cans too don't I okay just [ __ ] hit me with the lock on why don't you but so if I can beat her to remembrance boss in cans only and lanciaks she is out of bingo threats and then we just raced to more God's Great ruin that's a race that I hope I would win foreign s aren't the remembrance boss itself so I think you can use regular weapons I I don't know I I don't know exactly what the rules are I mean FP is obviously a concern here but we'll see what we can make happen sleep [Music] oh I mean it's tight oh that's pretty bad news um yeah I don't think this happens but I I I don't know how to fix this I mean I guess I can go visit all this I actually kind of need to visit all this anyway yeah yeah I mean we're we're kind of fighting from behind here so got to go make a desperation move uh I need to go get second half of the thing first I feel like she's not gonna contest for this right no point in doing this now well she's not gonna it would be dumb to not contest this she should realize that she either needs to beat me to more God's Great Rune lanciaks or remembrance boss in cans only and the the obvious thing to beat me to there is Remembrance Boston Cancer only she should recognize that she's winning right now I mean granted maybe she doesn't have like the the Intuition or like the the the Bingo self-confidence built up to know that she's winning and to know that she needs to minimize the chance of losing but if you should know that she's winning and she just has to shut down my slim remaining wind conditions okay uh in order to guarantee your win but she hasn't done anything for a long while so maybe she went up to like do landsex but she also specifically said that she doesn't like Clancy X so maybe she's making a play for like Altis because there's a bunch of all this energy oh okay no she does falling star Beast witches maybe that's the Altus falling star Beast which wouldn't be great news for me but hopefully it's the caled falling star Beast which would be pretty good news for me okay I think I was um I think a lot of the reason I'm behind right here is because I was trying to be too efficient and do too many things at the same time like I was juggling black knife assassins Leonia bosses ERD tree avatars cracked pots I was juggling all of those at the at the same time and I lost most of those squares so I probably should have focused it down a little bit more okay wait what uh what the [ __ ] am I doing here I'm getting uh golden seeds I could also try to kill lanciaggs if I kill Lance Jacks though I feel like that telegraphs my intentions pretty obviously some sort of thing with the remembrance boss in cans only I got I don't know maybe I can get away with it I don't really know how difficult lansex is though oh I also have golden valve I should have been well I don't know is that actually going to be more FP efficient it's probably not going to be more FP efficient I don't know there's not really no a way to know Cairo like I was saying I I think she should be making a player to stop my final bingo because she's she's winning so if she just stops my bingo I I'm gonna have a real hard time to beat her here I mean I have a plus for somber foreign sex isn't really the plan I came here for The Siege to get me some more FP do more flasks um but I can I can Wander over to landscx [Music] some mind from the ruins what ruins Valencia prunes yeah obviously involves killing landscx though which is I feel like that's a bigger problem than you're giving it credit for I I don't really think there's a good reason to believe that she's gonna Target morgot first I mean like the argument is she sees that landscx and Remembrance in cancer there and she thinks I'm gonna go for that so she goes for morgot but I mean there is equally compelling Arguments for both other squares and with the information that we have it doesn't really seem like she's identified this Bingo threat I don't have any [ __ ] healing flasks foreign you you guys have the benefit of listening to my thought process right now it's really easy to know what I'm doing when I'm telling you what I'm doing all right okay is this hit from behind no okay [ __ ] me then oh no yeah I mean dude that's gonna be [ __ ] difficult I wonder if radon makes more sense in cans only I feel like he might it's also gonna get us a a somber 5. okay uh it's a longer run though I mean it's it's scuffed it is what it is bro Lance Yax needs some practice life would be a little bit easier if I was better at lansex but I'm not so I'm not gonna waste time on it I'll get some upgrades make my life easier you're on thank you for uh for gift and debris I appreciate it I mean it's really not a forfeit for losing don't get me wrong but it really not a forfeit for a variety of reasons I I feel like I've identified that I'm losing and I need to play for my bingo in condition and I don't think she's identified that quite yet which gives me an advantage uh and the these remaining squares on this bingo are [ __ ] hard to do like she can't think about just easily blocking them even if she was like planning on it Bach I mean that ain't a bingo what the [ __ ] are you talking about what's going on here foreign I'm trying to kill radon with catch flame he has a lot of Health but he's kinda weak to fire oh I'm hopeful the festival she need four you need many more than four if she stops your bingo wow it's clever they also did tunnels and precipices which when was that I don't even know when that was but yes you're correct that is what I have been saying for like the last 30 minutes but yes it was like five minutes ago okay yeah I mean I I need uh I need this Square to go through for sure but if it does I don't think I'm feeling awful I was gonna go and Val right there but then I remembered bad idea okay chat seven times nine is how many times 157. seven times nine times 157 what's that number nine eight nine one isn't that like the exact amount of Health that he has I'm not using any temporary Buffs so this should be fine I just need to not miss anything ow holy [ __ ] that's gonna be a little bit of extra damage as well okay she gave Bach's needle back so she's playing for majority and not recognizing the Bingo which is great news oh God that was [ __ ] close foreign [ __ ] me I missed again oh Jesus did I pick up a Starlight Shard or anything oh hey bro holy [ __ ] [ __ ] gaming man that's crazy that's [ __ ] wild right there dude okay let's pop the remembrance get some health uh I I think I'm ahead on this bingo if I'm being honest with you uh the the information that we have would indicate that I don't think she has very much of any alt this progress Health flasks thank you foreign I mean granted it was a hard Bingo to block and I still even if she did identify it I still might have won the race because I I'm definitely more prepped to do the in-cance only Square very willing to bet um so she she probably had to make like a lanciak's play much earlier Rod but she also specifically said that she really doesn't like lanciaggs so I abused the hell out of that information okay so do I I must just chase the tail there what the [ __ ] is this dude foreign oh my God this this fight's gonna be a [ __ ] mess yeah I'm I'm gonna need to get some landscx practice for sure hell bearing Hunters questions [ __ ] [Music] oh boy Are You full here thank you bro what the [ __ ] dude this is such a [ __ ] mess okay that's the enemy okay there we go all right maybe she made a play for more gut it's very possible I don't I don't know if she had two remembrances dead when I got the incant square I mean it kind of seems like no based off of what she grabbed I mean she she did a lot of easy squares she kind of telegraphed a lack of development I think either way it doesn't matter like the the read on what she's doing doesn't matter at this point I I just go for the Bingo because it's the only way I can win well I suppose that's technically not true I could put her into an absolute panic and like make her go for morgot however I don't I don't think that's actually gonna benefit us considering that somber plus nine morigot and more God's Great Run are all on this board so simply by doing morgot she would win the game with with getting those three squares but hypothetically if there was like literally only one thing in Lane though I could maybe consider making her do it and then catching up on everything else but definitely not on this board I'm gonna heal okay can I even foul there I don't think I even vowed I did all right cool no it doesn't matter but that's four horse bosses uh no I mean I should keep track but yeah I just haven't been paying attention to it [Music] I guess I want to level more faith to get a little bit more damage I guess [Music] how much vague am I at right now okay I guess I want one more Vig to reach soft cap and then all faith foreign squares is only a win condition if the opponent doesn't have any bingos remaining bingos always take priority radon does ride a horse bringing here and thus I think I still think I've only done four two nights cavalry's draconic tree Sentinel in radon right okay hold on one more Vig rest faith can you get 13 squares without the opponent being [ __ ] me what am I doing uh yes it's possible I mean you could easily get 16 squares I'm sure the opt I'm sure the most amount you could get without getting a bingo actually I I don't know I don't know the the answer to that question um but yeah I mean like certainly on this board if we could get the rest of these squares and if she doesn't get more God's Great ruined she still loses I I don't know what the actual maximum amount you could get without getting a bingo is I mean I I guess I guess it's 20. I guess it's 20 and your opponent gets the diagonal your opponent gets the diagonal and you get everything else foreign very nice this might be most disappoint disappointing fight ever in Elden ring by the way I'm afraid it's fun I don't know what you're talking about bro okay I guess I didn't Crouch fast enough hey can you stop [ __ ] me here I mean having the physic would be nice but it's actually still active so [ __ ] it we're just gonna I'm just gonna go for it wanna go for a jump I'd like a jump laughs foreign do but I thought that was gonna be it for sure I want to keep the voice built up oh I I didn't know it could work like that okay okay that's good to know quit I didn't mean for that I thought he definitely would have died off that all right well I beat her to morgot I'd have to [ __ ] up to not have this for sure although there is another boss along the way [Music] so I'd Lie To The Flame them and guide uh hey shut up shut up shut up when you alt this bosses we had uh two right no three no four yeah four this is gonna be five that we're about to go do which I mean if if somehow Bree manages to to beat me to it uh I mean we would be at eleven eight at that point and honestly I might actually have a lead on quite a few of the remaining squares so so even if I didn't have this Bingo I'm pretty sure I do I might actually be able to just bring it back in majority uh no the the two fell twins don't count as two boss fights if there is a square to kill fell twins they would count as two fell twins but for boss fight squares uh it's individual boss fights not not enemies within the boss fights oh now here's the question there's not a stake of America or Grace along the path to the fell twins right so if you [ __ ] it up you have a ridiculously long run back unless you go to the bottom of the elevator but I I don't know how close behind me she is I'm going for it I'm playing risky I didn't come this far just to lose they're pretty chunky dude but I guess I just have like Giga hyper armor so we'll take it thank you I can probably wait a little bit more okay he has Giga hyper armor there too foreign I really don't have very much Poise I have 33 so I I I'm below the 51 break point so they just don't do much boys all right bro yeah I I didn't really make any mistakes on that run over so even if she was right behind me on killing more gut I I don't think she would be able to stop this killed God friend more God so easily well I just got a lot of practice on those GG Bree Gigi bushy I'm so mad at myself because I told that diagonal at like minute 20. I think yeah I called that you were gonna snipe that because I had said something about lanciaks being absolute pain for me and I'm like oh I could see him like playing to my weakness um I really wasn't trying to but you were just beating my eyes and I was like oh I guess I need to go for a bingo no it was very smart um I'm consistently making that same mistake actually or like I see a line and I kind of just let it hang out too long I don't know if you've had any matches like similar to that where you're like identifying there's a problem but you can't commit to a square to fix it when I played against Dom he has this strategy of just setting up a bunch of squares and then getting them getting a bingo done in like 10 minutes uh Captain uh Domo yeah Domo or okay yeah he him and Iggy and Gino are all so good at that when he when he started doing that I was like okay I guess I just need to like shotgun my squares across the board to make sure that bingos aren't really a threat so I put a pretty high priority on Square positioning early on to make sure that bingos just are entirely nullified so I don't have to worry about them later on and can actually play for majority while threatening my own bingos yeah you did a really good job with that and um what boss did you end up doing in cans only because that's like a really crazy Square I'm assuming it wasn't godric but maybe I'm wrong I thought you did godric bow only if I had to guess yeah I did godric bow only and then I got catch flame out of a book um and I took off crazy I literally ran out of FP on the final hit it was a crazy close fight how many uh Blues did you have I got eight total I had to go visit uh I had to go to Altus first get lanciaks prepped and picked up the seeds along the way that's crazy what an amazing play though seriously um I'm kicking myself because like I said I identified it and I'm like I really think that that lanciak square is going to come back and bite me but you played it beautifully right I know a lot of people were like oh you have a lot of squares like it seems like it's going well and I'm like it doesn't really matter right if there's a door on the table you were definitely winning um but I I think right about I don't know exactly when it was but you probably had like eight to four squares at that point I knew that I was like desperate and I needed to get a bingo to actually try to bring it back um and that at that point I think you probably should have realized that uh you're winning you just need to mitigate any lose condition that you have and probably like race me to in cans only or maybe like go do lanciaks or or maybe even go make like uh Elaine Dell play from where God's Great Rune and more God I wanted to do like I think when you picked up I forget which Square it was it was the incant only actually so I saw the corner get picked up um and then uh when I saw that I'm like I I should push capital and I needed another remembrance at that point so that was the moment when I'm like oh crap I really need to go get my remembrance and go to Moraga and then I got enticed by like all these other little squares straight and like I don't know his comfort level with lanci ax like it depends on where he's at he's not comfortable but I I just knew that was the only way I was gonna win yeah it was a great it was a really good move I I actually so I got sidetracked I went got Bach and then I was working on I went all the way to Fort Fair off and I was working on Grail without status effects on my line and that's when you were right around that time when you got Lancy ax and I'm like oh shoot like I really need to to go but at that point it was way too late you were already set up so well because you had the I'm assuming the further Grace because of the seed pickups yeah so like perfect line you had forward progress I'm like envisioning it it was very very well thought of um bingo so good work good job um do you want to play another one where are you at I don't know how long I want to talk honestly let's see it was a little under two oh yeah that was less than two that's perfect beautiful yeah let's do another one um do you mind if I take just like two minutes to go use the restroom really quick yeah go for it okay sounds good I'll be back in just a second all right bro that was a good one I like that one but like I said she was in the driver's seat um she just fortunately for me didn't identify the one one threat that I had remaining um and didn't didn't nullify it immediately I I think her best play probably um was right around the time when she was real far ahead eight four I think her best play was probably to say okay uh I'm winning how do I prevent any circumstances in which I lose and so it would have been like in canceled only or lansex or go go make a more God's play obviously with how I played going to make the more Gods plays the the best choice um but I I don't know exactly what kind of information she would be having and what she would be thinking on her end like she probably knows that I only have one remembrance done and she probably knows that I need to kill a second remembrance so she can probably take a pretty good guess that I'm gonna be messing around with incants on a remembrance for a while and for that reason making a lansex or more Gods play is probably a good idea um or probably just a morgot play because for all she knows maybe I think that she's gonna think that and I'm gonna try to be racer to lanciaks and then get my encant square and then go for more gut um so I I think she probably could have made a pretty safe bet making a capital play right around then and I I would have been too far behind I I wouldn't I wouldn't have been able to catch up if you did identify it but just didn't do anything to block it okay I mean that's pretty much the same thing but yeah I think her best play probably would have been to just Russian and a remembrance doesn't matter what it is um and then go for for more God's Great rune especially because that square has so much Synergy on this board because if she's up eight four and she gets morgot morgot's great Rune and Sombra nine she's up she has 11 and she needs two other squares you know and I at that point what do I have you know maybe maybe if I decide like worst case scenario for her if she decides to make that play is that I start playing for majority and I mean best case scenario how many squares do I get in the time that she gets those three like four or five squares maybe on my end but I I was already down by four so I'm I'm still behind and she just got rid of the the most major threat like I I would have to I would have to make up four squares I would have to get seven squares in the time she gets three to to make up the difference and granted these are these are kind of long squares but they're not like super long so I I don't think seven squares would be in the in the cards for me there but you know I maybe could have brought it back a little bit you know I did I could have maybe had like a minus two minus one deficit get a couple of races to go I wish they made me win how's it going good are you ready I am all right would you like to pick our word uh yeah chat what should the word be what are you thinking Frank I like Frank no caps uh sorry what was it Frank the like the name or D Frank NK are those two different words perfect I thought that's what you said is to be frank spelled it differently yep or your Uncle Frank if you got one of those how do you spell the word like to be frank the verb I think it's also the same way okay I think I don't actually know but I'm fairly certain um all right let's do that and then I'll re-roll the board now oh bushy this will be really interesting to see if I can mentally recover from how much I'm kicking myself right now this will be a good uh a good test at least you never have to play games back to back like this unless you're in the the finals right right yeah all right there is the card 35th remembrance remembrance only oh that's an interesting middle Square very interesting middle Square well it is interesting see do you have the envoy's Great Horn and the I should sure do I sure do awesome [Music] this is a board of all time as well um so killing a boss Spirit ashes only is actually a pretty rushable Square it sure is but it needs a Parry Shield or you need to go over to like Caleb and get raw dog ideally yes you would have a shield for that situation um Bach also his needle Cemetery Shades yeah they're all soldier of godric oh my God that's on there that's funny it's not in a very good spot though oh shoot bushy are you still here okay my inner I'm sorry my stream just went down for a second um but I'm back I've been having internet issues all day so I'm so sorry if like I drop it all okay um it's all good it's back now apparently we're good if you wanna like send me a message on Discord if you do crash I'll pause I will let you know yeah okay thank you thank you thank you um all right this is definitely a board okay uh oh do you see what I see I don't think so oh that's also interesting oh there's some really interesting class choices oh I'm not even looking at the classes yet you should look at them there there are choices to be made so there's an Uchi which is obviously god tier uh slicer is their uh there's no sorcery on this board there's no sorcery on the board hmm there there's good reason to go for Faith though I know I know in the starting let me just take a look at all the different oh God that's just so brutal this is an interesting thing that we have going on here wow um do you know if a remembrance incantation counts as a remembrance weapon for that square that's like an insane 200 IQ play I would assume yes my Flinch reaction is to say yes that would count I guess that would make sense like are you saying like Rancor or something um or like the the fire giant pillars I I if it's not a thing I would accept it like I because I would say for now just assume that it is because I would I would accept it but I'm not dumb so we'll ask him later I don't know if he's around right now yeah um I don't really see a Perry Shield though on any of the starting classes no there's a medium Shield there's a medium Shield but that's not a Parry shield for sure yeah and you still have to I think you still have to go buy Perry for both of these shields you do yeah I don't think this one has Perry on it I can't really remember though to be entirely honest it's been a while since I've uh since I've used it um man this is a tough call honestly I'm I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do um I'm I'm weighing between the samurai because he has pretty high faith and a belief nothing to start out but they aren't wieldable which kind of sucks and they're not close to wieldable grave safe is fun though I do really like that weapon um I'm between profit and astrologer personally yeah the talons are nice for that Allen Square [Music] the uchi's obviously a good starting thing you could do like the whole game with the UC yeah but it's it's also regular smithing Stone I I feel like you kind of need a song or weapon I know I think you're right in that instance hmm ah this is really tough this is a super interesting board um I think I don't hate the Confessor because staff of the Avatar has a pretty big strength requirement and strength's an easy stat to get I mean the the physics here is easy two handing is easy and it's somber and it it's obviously a colossal weapon which definitely isn't a bad weapon type class weapons are pretty sick we do like to uh Poise abuse a little bit I know I don't know is there a bull only I can't see one yeah I call them four row one uh and that's how you got me last time oh it's in a much worse spot it's not on the diagonal yeah it was the corner last time right there um that's so tough wow this is this is what makes it so difficult for the starting class um I think I'm gonna go for Confessor I like the look of that yeah that's not a bad choice that gives you a lot of opportunity that's the that's the urge oh that actually you probably know this but that goes with faith which is why you can wield it right away because your faith is so high so that's actually really interesting Bo for 35th um I'm gonna go with dude I'm gonna oh oh my god oh this is so tough I'm gonna do something silly all right experiment around see if it works yup I'm that's what we're here for right that's what we're doing we're experimenting and it might be a flop and you might kill me here but I'm gonna try it out and see how it goes I'm gonna go with profit so we'll see this is what I practice for right I already lost once in a game that I felt really happy about and you just ripped that from me so like nothing can be worse than that honestly so um so I'm good there all right are you set to go yeah I'm good to go all right I'm gonna count down in three two one go and good luck yep good luck all right so I haven't exactly decided what I'm doing off the rip here I kinda need some runes to get some arrows to make a remembrance Possible only like even a consideration I I believe that's gonna be a convenience Square to get along the way uh what are we looking at here 24 faith I might need to pay a visit to liernia before I can even wield this weapon in wielding this weapons kind of important but that's also fine because there's ERD tree avatars up there and that's wood uh killing a boss Spirit ashes only is a little bit sketchy if I don't go visit Caleb though well I'm trying to get torrent out here Faith not's out of the way strength not real easy to get but yeah I I guess I could actually make like a dectish play and pick up the faith tier instead of going to liernia and that would make the herd tree Avatar Square pretty easy that's an idea very interesting idea uh yes I think it does split damage only and physically yeah same thing with the bow I'm also fat rolling I don't think I care about the seal and I don't think I need that on right now okay let's see what's Your Story collection uh uh okay that's a small shield with Perry hold on okay uh that actually opens up boss with Spirit ashes real early okay how much of a priority do I put on it I don't know I I don't know I could also just like pick up rot dog they're a good reason to go to sell your Crystal tunnel I mean it's not a it's not super hello there it's not super far out of the way but there's not much of a reason to go there bro what the [ __ ] come on getting trolled here dude the soldier of God count as a boss for Bingo yes it counts as a boss for the whole video game not just bingo he has a boss health bar there's a pretty objective way to define boss I'm always kind of surprised at how there's always what am I doing I'm doing that there's always question on what exactly a boss is because I I feel like that the boss health bar is like pretty obvious they only like real edge cases there are like Grail because she doesn't emboss how far okay um is there God skins on this board my name is Duo and Trio but I it's not like I'm gonna get all the way to God skin Duo uh I so I don't actually need the Perry so I I can forget about him for right now [Music] friendly NPCs no right I can't do anything about it anyway can't weld the weapon yet okay we'll check him see what he has the time nothing interesting okay so we decided no sleep right right six ball bosses and Alters could include God's skin Apostle or Noble yeah that's true definitely true I'm not sure if I route in the the Sleep pots for for that square though I would do it for right card I would do it for any sort of God skin Square not sure if it makes sense for just Altus bosses oh yeah Demi human Chief Duo has has some Synergy for sure um then there's the Watchdog Duo I don't know where where's another good Duo Crucible Duo is not a good Duo that is a difficult fight and very out of the way Crucible and leonine are on the board are they and that's good synergy awk Crucible and leonine and then the double watchdogs oh the cellular dude is also real easy I don't think it's good to think about it but I don't think we focus on it for right now I don't want to make the same mistake I made last time where I focus too much on Synergy and end up just losing races to all the squares because of it yeah I can definitely that's maybe a good reason to go get Rod Dog for the spirit ashes only get a fire right next to that duo boss okay I actually need this fire because I plan on heading down to weeping uh uh killing an ERD tree Avatar down there and then I'm ready to wield this weapon explosive Fick is honestly a little bit out of the way if if you try to synergize urge Avatar and explosive physic and your opponent goes for herd tree avatars by just doing like the the caled and weeping I mean granted those aren't exactly easy fights they will beat you to that square explosive physic also one shots the Lim grave Cemetery shade yeah but he's gonna teleport away isn't he where is there a cemetery shade in Lim grave I don't know where that's at Coombs word catacombs oh it's in Weeping okay okay I know where that is well Beast Man is gonna be our victim for uh Spirit ashes okay never mind so I'm assuming she probably picked up godric soldiers and bought that Perry Shield that we saw it call a h probably has done exclusively that so far damn Dave thank you for the tier one I appreciate it um okay so in that case put a higher priority on ERD tree avatars perhaps maybe not I mean I gotta commit to something I think I killed this ERD tree Avatar I think I go through stormvale kill Margaret bow down uh godric get access to liernia killed the second herd tree Avatar for the explosive physic and then go kill a putrid Avatar damn Dave thank you for the five gifted I appreciate it kill a putrid Avatar to finish off that square um and then depending on where the board's at maybe look at like Cemetery Shades to get the explosive physic thank you physic strength Faith flasks add charges okay hold on can I actually wield this got a sanity check myself hey awesome that means we Level Health peace man up Forum Azula is an easy explosive Target yeah I mean we will consider it and Dave gift in 10 dude damn Dave is making me say damn devil s thank you Mr Dave now unfortunately this does do split holy damage and these guys are kind of resistant to Holy but [ __ ] it yeah it's fine foreign out here [ __ ] money laundering or something thank you for the 20 gifted good now let's not [ __ ] this up again that was stupid to [ __ ] up I gotta be more careful with the stamina don't have a whole lot of stamp for such a chunky weapon okay what the [ __ ] is happening okay dude all right okay damn babe is now gifting 50. holy [ __ ] uh I didn't get the physic tears out of that but I don't care foreign that's all we needed okay I don't need a rest or anything Dopey thank you for the tier one really that doesn't get the repost okay that's a bit unfortunate okay I'm losing damage because of that helmet really what's the helmet do you know okay what an absolute Giga Chad bro what an animal look at him go 100 [ __ ] gifted dude thank you Mr Dave and now now his watch has ended there's no 500 gifted options well but of course [Music] okay let's think let's think uh I I guess I can go to Round Table right quick oh I I also I oh Jesus you're welcome to say thank you I need to go buy some some arrows for sure Twilight thanks for the for the sub I appreciate it level 14 hype train this way tarnished I see yep what's up I don't know if I really need that but whatever we got it okay purchase okay goodbye yeah shut up and now we continue foreign I'm just trying to live here man hey Helma gives you six arcade but takes away physical damage really isn't that that mimicked here headpiece effect okay uh we Level Health to like 20 or something yeah that's fine price mask is just plus one Arcane all right getting put back on hold the [ __ ] on what the hell was that why why do these specialty arrows do so much less damage are they Frost arrows or something what the [ __ ] are these arrows what the hell are shatter Shard arrows chat I'm not sure I have enough damage that's with Mighty shot that's without oh [ __ ] okay change of plan change of plan chat they ain't doing bow only because that's [ __ ] annoying we're gonna go pick up some claws and hopefully not lose the race to the square I mean arrows make noise anyway though right like what's the point of an arrow that makes noise all arrows make noise [Music] they make more noise ah smart I hope I can wield that check all that roll is shitty are you God damn it bro foreign no I need to get to liernia but like I said it is what it is now foreign to our home bathed in Rays of gold yeah okay it does suck to not get a on a board that has three remembrance boss squares it sucks to not get one of those when killing a remembrance um but the the bow is just not gonna happen right now and I I need lionia access and getting access to a remembrance so that I can contest the middle Square that's very important 10 sacred flask charges on this board um which this doesn't matter for that I think this is a kind of Altus heavy board I probably need to be thinking about um really contesting that middle Square though I'm happy enough with this weapon I'm just gonna keep rushing who knows maybe maybe we actually get a really good remembrance weapon that I'm comfortable to just pivoting to that way I can upgrade it in debt and almost certainly win the race to that middle Square middle Square obviously real important God please for [ __ ] sake not fire giant whip ideally a weapon that scales with faith like America's Hammer would be pretty [ __ ] sick uh I want to go pick up these Crystal darts okay maybe not maybe I just want to light the fire okay light the fire pick up the crystal darts later if I need them but if I'm if I'm gonna go kill Ronaldo yeah I'm getting Crystal darts on the way this was a waste Dark Moon Greatsword is not a remembrance weapon have I gone to round table yet I think I did right okay let's see let's see let's see a remembrance bow imagined uh uh [Music] [ __ ] fine fine fine fine dude foreign decks 23 okay if I get we're out again oh God it takes a bunch of arcade into oh Jesus I I'm not sure I can actually use that it also means that I forfeit the 30 Fades Square pretty much okay let's go get this fire and then I head over to the herd tree boss or maybe maybe I upgrade this weapon I mean I can pivot later going to plus four is not a massive commitment you know it's like about 20K runes and it's definitely going to save me some time darn X thanks for gifting a sub I appreciate it uh should I go kill the second liernia herd tree Avatar I think it makes sense foreign [Music] okay thank you because it's a boss of those Tree in its name or am I gonna get two other tree bosses there's the Watchdog herd tree watchdog where's another convenient tree boss are there any in caves or grottos there's tree Sentinel any are there any tree bosses in caves or grottos yeah there's the tree spared in Stormville I guess the Watchdog Duo that works on that square too uh uh okay are we sure that it works on that square how much extra strength do I need by the way we're sitting at 15. this requires 34. oh a lot we're very close on faith though actually we're meeting the faith requirement which is good news because that means I can implement the explosive physics oh not two-handed foreign [ __ ] me dude she is just knife in all my squares I don't I don't have any ideas here she's going way faster than I am okay well I guess we I guess we don't Implement uh explosive physic laughs okay uh so is there actually uh uh a consensus on whether or not uh uh watch erdtree Watchdog Duo counts those guys count two I mean counts for one boss okay you know and and when I was saying a couple days ago that some of these distinctions are very arbitrary I got a whole bunch of people in the chat okay she got the [ __ ] Christ dude I'm getting cooked here bunch of people in the chat got all pressed what do you mean they're arbitrary it's so obvious foreign tree Sentinel hope she doesn't [ __ ] snipe this off of me dude we're gonna do Watchdog and herd tree Sentinel I guess although there is good Duo synergy but I I don't currently have any Crystal darts she stopped most bingos at this point though most of my bingos I only have three left available to to even try to go for she's just moving fast I mean she she sniped a couple squares of mine which is a bit crazy because I I didn't feel like I've been super behind here like at all but get off the horse dude what the [ __ ] is this I I am spamming the get off the horse button and this guy just isn't [ __ ] getting off the horse don't don't come on stop being a [ __ ] [ __ ] about it please thank you but it's kind of crazy because she has like she has almost as much development as I do if not more I mean the maybe the only thing I have over her is like weeping and that's not a huge deal uh and she's just beating me to five squares but grantly it's a little bit unlucky that I went for the exact things that she was going for with a slight delay but you know it is what it is it doesn't stagger I'm trying to Sprint here dude stop [ __ ] buffering my [Music] I I don't understand why that's uh why they don't let you use your stamina bar until it fully Regens if for for sprinting if you run out like you can use it for attacking it it just seems weird that you can't use it for sprinting I can promise you you can't foreign I was literally holding Sprint and wasn't sprinting okay so what what the [ __ ] you guys are you really gonna try to Gaslight me on a game that I've played for 1200 hours come on thank you I'm gonna wait for the the things okay no one's gaslighting you you're overreacting ah true true true foreign I figured it was right there that seemed like an early [ __ ] hitbox dude okay all right okay I I it does seem like there's a weird early hitbox there foreign I I'm kinda sick of losing races no I I gotta play for something I go play for Synergy here stars mean that I'm targeting that square it's how I organize myself now that that's an interesting question I wonder if the tree Sentinel Duo would count as two uh where am I going [ __ ] where am I going uh here works just fine because since they're open world bosses it's like are they really one boss fight like where where do we draw the lines in the open world to determine what is and isn't and the bounds of a single boss fight because that falling star beast is just about as close to both of those tree Sentinels as as they are to each other uh this is Holy scorpion charm right here hold on I I this is actually a good charm to get if you die after killing one it responds okay that's fair that's fair okay that [ __ ] misses thank you Merry Christmas nice nice Jesus [ __ ] Christ what about this ah ass hit him with the ass so that's a Talisman that is useful but you know is also a talisman charged attacks might be a bit overrated here I think I'm gonna take that off all right yes this will be number five my headset is dying okay what do I level I think I need three Faith stats three faith and then probably more Vig okay headset just died that's [ __ ] excellent time for the hot swap baby okay is this the right way uh yes no no thank you a headset is pretty vital bro God this [ __ ] room these [ __ ] rats okay fine just take me back to the beginning my check keeps reconnecting I don't know why shouldn't be don't chase me you [ __ ] rat don't do it bro [ __ ] off okay you drink all right this needs to go right the first time one two three four got a bit frisky with it okay I didn't think you were gonna have that much [ __ ] rotation brother [ __ ] me [ __ ] dude okay well that that plan [ __ ] out the window no I respond at the stake can't do anything down here oh [ __ ] me all right oh that feels bad yeah this is a hard boss to do with little Vig I mean I [ __ ] up don't get me wrong wrong but tough to do with little Vig I mean at least it's set up for duo later but I can't do anything with it right now damn I mean we have this tree right out here I guess we can do this it's convey oh wait no this isn't a [ __ ] tree boss dude I mean I wouldn't be so confident WAMU we we lost a couple early game squares but I am absolutely not gonna be playing desperately yet and on top of that she seems to be taking the strategy of blocking lots of bingos anyway neither diagonal I I only have three potential bingos left to available and I considering the fact that she's taking her time I imagine that uh she's probably focusing on blocking bingos because she's thinking that she's she's winning right now but end game's different can you [ __ ] not dude how the hell does that not kill me wow I'm get I'm getting kind of [ __ ] horseshitted here okay she she did Soldier a Goddard bear fist only which is a block Square it doesn't really uh develop much and it's it's definitely a block Square so yeah she she's taken the idea that she's winning and she's mitigating chances of bingo so that's not really an idea that's going to work here regardless and on top of that I'd I really don't think I'm that far behind foreign okay let's let's go detectives I guess I'm not really worried about her getting the 30 face Square I think that's a pretty free Square for me so I'm not going to put a super high priority on rushing it or anything I don't need to do anything there right magma worm on the way up to all this is very rarely worth it precipice is an incredibly long dungeon he's very fast at these early game squares though I was supposed to make it night time I have to no shot to van I mean you you would need like uh what the [ __ ] am I doing you need like a black Flame Strat right off the rip you know please thank you although Grail without status effects is on this board um so I guess I could go check like Twin Blade location black flame in Kansas probably I mean I guess we have a lot of faith and it's maybe an idea Warren could be a good source here okay this is gonna be one horse boss we've killed two horse bosses herd tree Sentinel right um any others don't think so okay is that too far to the left okay so two horse bosses we're gonna go get second half of dectish do I I want to pick up radiggins sore seal because that's maybe gonna enable the use of of morgot's weapon Maybe a black flame isn't a status effect so killing Grail without status effects the easiest way to do that is with black Flame okay let's go let's go look at Corin for something black Flame oh welcome to I teach and explore so that one day ensuring by the way you know damn tragedy tragedy we can check twin blade as well right quick oh yeah I mean the the best thing to get here is God's skin peeler that's the thing that makes this easiest by far but doing a strength strategy with a little bit more Vig is definitely possible just more of a nuisance would be much easier if I could just get a god skin peeler okay I wonder if she's going to be able to use morgot's weapon because her getting middle Square would suck but I don't really know like 17 arcade and a bunch of decks is pretty difficult to do unless you're already going for a decks build okay let's think let's think I think I go to Crucible night and Miss begotten Warrior right now where's the uh the pumpkin head Duo is it in the ruins on like the Far West Side like in the basement ruins on the West Side by like the tiny rot Lake is that the pumpkin head Duo no yes nice it's a twitch chat moment right there foreign I should get that fire that's a good fire to get where the fire head vehicles are roaming around okay all right please don't kill me I would really prefer to not die foreign I actually have to go through red main Castle gross it's actually a [ __ ] struggle this bridge is a pain in the ass to get past okay let's level what are we leveling um big I mean it has to be Vig we're dying too easy here foreign didn't get blasted still haven't what what homie what the [ __ ] am I getting stuck on here this is ah dude this stupid [ __ ] colossal weapon glitch that's still in the game that makes it so that you can't get a double jump if you fall off of something foreign I guess it has better strength scaling I don't know maybe it makes sense can you not do this jump yeah I thought you could call me get out of my way yeah I guess it maybe makes more sense [ __ ] sake no the The Vig at it is more than the the damage negation until you reach the soft cap pumping it it makes me tankier oh God oh dude this guy is so [ __ ] chunky man but I don't want to go oh God I really don't want to go do Altis and then [ __ ] myself out of this [ __ ] fight oh I'm actually not that much of a fan of this weapon I thought I would like it more but it it chews up way too much stamina foreign thank you what about this bro come on oh God this is such a [ __ ] pain in the ass okay she has a somber nine dude okay so she went to like volcano manners or maybe maybe she went to to Lane Dell I mean this one's almost certainly chalked although I I don't I don't really know what I did wrong I'm just gonna take the opportunity uh uh practice squares that are difficult I guess but she got more squares and more progress than I did which is kind of [ __ ] crazy oh I'm out of the stand God [ __ ] off dude oh wondering thank you [Music] foreign was just wrong or something I I don't know oh I did lose like a couple races which were definitely relevant please don't die man that only gives 16k that boss is [ __ ] crazy difficult for only giving 16k okay I can look at I mean Bo only just is not gonna happen but I I guess I can kill radon try to get a better remembrance weapon option thank you I think Telegraph and Crucible Knight and Miss begotten Warrior she's probably not gonna go for the Duos and trios I would think probably thinks that I have a lead on that and she's just not gonna bother with it which I can use to my advantage hopefully um okay maybe I do something uh more simple like an omen killer first like she's not threatening a whole lot of bingos at this point so I'm not super scared of that we do like Omen killer and then I do for Dawn radon doesn't he he gets us access to finger Finger Slayer blade uh it gets us access to Moog sewers eventually oh um all of this is kind of important for like sacred flash charges Grail with without status effects is going to be happening anytime soon I don't know I I actually don't feel terribly what the [ __ ] am I doing over here I'm behind by quite a bit but uh this probably isn't shocked yet probably okay that hits me oh right this is the [ __ ] dog boss dude what am I getting to stuck on here man stop [ __ ] me oh Jesus [ __ ] crazy this is a mess okay we take it she did do Grail without status effects that's interesting that blocks my last bingo okay um more faith more gooder yeah this this time she she knows she's winning and she's making sure to block all the bingoes which is is probably the right move foreign bosses right I believe that's three horse bosses plan now with no Bingos well I I was never actually going for a bingo I was never shooting for a bingo at any point during this game so get more squares okay where's another convenient horse boss to get any idea havers oh yeah radon makes sense why am I [ __ ] jumping here dude foreign what the [ __ ] is that noise what the [ __ ] are you doing here oh God this is this is an annoying ass boss to fight Dude that [ __ ] hits thank you Jesus man yeah I I thought I would like this weapon better it eats too much Dam though all right so I lit a fire in Altus yeah okay we're good to go Champions welcome the stars of a line the festival but but now but also she has a plus nine weapon she must have done a detour to volcano Manor if she went to Grail after that which like fair enough you get the square but that also seems like a little bit of a waste of development this word is not very well suited for volcano Manor I mean there's the duo in volcano Manor the the virgin Duo but other than that I mean I remembrances maybe like you she could have gotten another remembrance off a right card to shoot for Middle Square Maybe well yes obviously the volcano manner with the somber Stones I I get it that is the point to volcano man that's what I was saying oh yeah I guess they counted all this bosses does that follow up okay good oh that was [ __ ] close all right I knew I had to be close to the repost there okay [ __ ] me then dude the spam on this [ __ ] weapon all right the weapon certainly isn't helping there's been a lot of deaths that have been weapon related it's not low it's the stamina consumption the speed of it is fine but the stamina consumption is ridiculous I mean good to know I was probably overrating colossal weapons foreign wow she actually went for the Duos and trios I wonder if she had progress towards it before I marked the Miss begotten oh yeah yeah she had Bach too that's true it's true that's true that's true yeah I'm gonna need one hell of a comeback here bro but she's fast I mean she's done very well Mark the square after the horse bosses ever right now to become oh [ __ ] okay at least I can wield this [ __ ] weapon dude okay so that that's gonna be able to get me middle Square oh I don't know what to do magma worm I guess foreign hey looks like her game crashed too bad I'm making a comeback boys this is how we win she wanted me to pause shoot also unmute and tell me and I would but you didn't I mean at this point I just need to win a bunch of races right it probably makes sense for her to start threatening like a legitimate Bingo which maybe that's what she's doing and I'm just ignoring it because I'm desperately fighting for majority dude what the [ __ ] is this get out of my [ __ ] way dude okay did I not jump there what the [ __ ] is this the sprinting God you bastard okay thank you hyper armor what did she do it's hard to do something [ __ ] dude oh my okay I lost the [ __ ] arrested okay this has been a tragedy this has been a tragedy of weapon a tragedy of [ __ ] races [ __ ] has not gone well for me on this run oh that's tough yeah I was right there dude okay hold on um what do I [ __ ] do I don't know what I [ __ ] do I I need to raise her to whatever she's trying to do Cemetery Shades Maybe I feel like she might be going for Cemetery shades I need to do exactly what she's doing and I just need to be faster than her at it okay where's the second Cemetery shade that 30 Faith doesn't matter 30 faith is our Square we don't we don't need to focus on that there's a where's a good second Cemetery shade I'm in Weeping Leonia is this the run where I I did the one in caled where in caled okay when I say where I obviously don't know the name of the [ __ ] catacomb next to the castle all right hello my controller died dude hello my whole game like my keyboard wasn't working either what was that dude hey it seemed to like kind of sync up with like the the fire as well I wonder if the mod is has like some weird bug where these fire pillars like lag the [ __ ] out of the game or something thank you oh maybe it's 1.10 not the mod oh hello sunshine hello okay off to Caleb we hope we we sniper Square okay she got the Talisman Square I mean like we're still gonna get this Square so it's better than her sniping R square but I mean I need to get lucky and I need to guess correctly at this point I feel like she might be targeting Cemetery Shades like I I need to make her waste a bunch of time by doing the squares that she's targeting faster than she does them that's the only shot I got here I need to make up a six square deficit which is a lot of guessing correctly in a row hey but if possible I think her best move right now is to probably press a bingo like she probably has to uh she can't really press row two because I think we both have a pretty good idea that I'm winning on the faith Department but if she could if you could press column three or Row one it would force me into doing things enabling her to get the rest of the squares and it would [ __ ] me um but I don't know if she's gonna do that I hope that she just races me for easy squares now okay what's he what's he gonna look at here um you just did talismans she's probably doing all this bosses if I had to guess I'm I'm gonna go underground dude oh does that make any [ __ ] sense I don't think that makes any [ __ ] sense no I gotta go make a play for like she's probably gonna beat me to all this bosses but I think she's gonna chain that into Lane Dell if I had to guess okay so I got six total flasks one seed how many more seeds do I need I think getting D eight is gonna take four total does it start costing three seeds per flask after that any numbers okay do you do you know it it costs three seeds to go from eight to nine and from nine to ten charges how many Altus bosses have I done I I doubt it's enough I I am sure she's ahead of me on that square so I I don't think I'm gonna bother with that square granted I'm only allowed to Forfeit one more Square um but I I think that's the one to Forfeit okay so faxter says that so I need nine more total seats I just picked up two gonna get three four five and six are over there in Altus jeez Man hitting 10 charges is kind of hard huh because at this point I still need five more seeds right cause I'm sitting on five and can't we can get one from Kenneth there's one right in Ray lucaria he's two over an open world Altus um and I guess there's like another one over by precipice oh stormhill Shack works yeah well then I presume um but the thing is I have to guess what she's doing correctly at every point and I'm I'm not sure she's running sacred flask charges right now she might be but I I have a feeling she's doing all this bosses and trying to chain that into uh trying to chain that into Lane Dell thank you and come to think of it beating Regal ancestral spirit with the ERD tree bow probably is not the hardest thing to do but then again at the same time that doesn't get uh remembrance boss with remembrance weapon holy [ __ ] holy resistance man yeah oh I'm one-handed okay never mind okay that's better all right now I shouldn't have gone for that heavy I knew it but I did hey chill homie what the [ __ ] was that that's the follower bro okay so that's one Altis bars right okay so if I had if I have to get both of those squares which I think I do I guess I use flame whip on ronalda and I use the bow on Regal ancestral spirit foreign I really got a feeling that she's doing all this bosses and going for Moog at the same time so I really want a beater to Moog but who's gonna suck ass because of Regal's heel everything's gonna suck ass that Regal is gonna get full heals no matter what that has no bearing he's just weak to Holy damage the whip is better for Ronaldo [Music] unless I want to try to do more got with something but I and I I guess if I kill the deer with the bow first I have a better chance at getting another good remembrance weapon because I mean the whip is not very good here is just as weak to fire as he is to Holy okay I'm not even sure that's true but even if it is true he's in a water Arena so no not really I'm also not allowed to respect if I kill Ronaldo because I need to get the 30 face Square so I mean like pivoting into a weapon that doesn't suck is not really on the table uh she did do flasks all right I guessed wrong and most likely I'm gonna lose because of it I need to get seven squares and I need to snipe seven squares in a row here so if she did flasks again she's still probably doing all this bosses I think and at this point I actually need to get it um now here's the somber seven down there but [ __ ] them I don't need it now there is no time limit both games she's been way faster than me like it it hasn't it hasn't been [ __ ] close I outstrategized her in in game one but there there wasn't any opportunity for that in this game I have to say brother's having an alien GX is great so far she have fought its bushy pepega bushy pepega Pepe pushy monk thanks America bushy monk Bush Monk okay thank you is oswitch for the 42 months foreign I'm a little bit worried about giving her this information this early I feel like I should maybe go do a different boss first but like which boss do I [ __ ] do in all this oh Jesus bro I I I got no idea a lot of these Altus bosses are a pain in the ass to do like the the optimal play here because I don't think she's in sewers so I I would like to delay this information by a little bit but uh I just don't have a plan on how to do that god dude this weapon is bad all right lesson learned bro colossal weapons not great hunt like I died a couple of times to running out of stem and getting smacked by something and that might be the time difference for what caused me to to lose a couple of squares a race to a couple of squares at the beginning like granted you know like obviously that it's not entirely the weapon's fault I still obviously have to choose to run out of stamina you know so that there's still potential for me to play better of course there always is but I there's weapon choice is a pretty big factor the starting class choice I misevaluated it right off the rip I think that's costing quite a bit foreign it's not super surprising does she know that she won not sure she knows dude maybe she fell out of the Discord call or something I wish he [Applause] G GT good game what'd you just get uh well you did a Moog yeah at the end here I knew I was just gonna have to hope to snipe you off of your uh of whatever you're going for which was gonna be really difficult because you had a plush nine and uh I've been rocking this plus six herb tree hammer not great oh no oh my gosh that's so impressive you killed sewer mode with that too that that's amazing I so I actually had a game with dom the other night where he was sniping everything I was going for and almost came back so it like it happens for sure yeah I slim chances especially when I'm doing less damage but yeah that's what I was going for I thought that I I knew that you were definitely going for all this bosses because you went to volcano Manor to get the plus nine uh yeah I was thinking you were probably gonna chain that into sewer Moog but as soon as you got the sacred flasks I was like all right I'm not gonna be able to stop hold this bosses here yeah I did um the abductor route so I did Noble abductor gilica nightcav I tried worm face because that boss actually scares the crap out of me but plus nine melts everything I feel like I'm addicted to the plus nine now like I'm gonna be able to go back it's so nice to have this kind of damage it's amazing yeah I feel like a kind of awful underrated volcano manner I figured it just never really made much sense to go there unless you had a whole bunch of synergy but it's pretty fast it's pretty fast it's fast and I you pushy you have me so scared I'm so scared because you are so good at like laying things out and just getting a sneaky bingo so the first like the entire half of the first Earth the first half of this match I was freaking out like what is he doing he's gonna get a line on me so I just did everything you went way faster than I did and blocked all the Bingos which granted I wasn't going for any but I had to you made sure I didn't have any uh any win condition to get out of this awful spot I was in thank you you did really good as well in the first match still like that was so masterful and I oh my gosh that one will stick with me for a while um but I wish I could do a third match but I think I'm gonna be done for the day but if you ever want to do more practice in the future I'm always around um I would be more than willing to stream during your time slot because you're very accommodating today for me this time slot is perfectly fine for me okay I just want to make sure okay that would be great but yeah I think it would be fun to be awesome best of three but I am starving right now and I don't think I can do it yeah of course um but yeah you did awesome uh you were so sneaky and you were gonna be a freaking amazing competitor oh my God I look forward to it uh you are too I think you're a real sleeper pick you are a whole lot faster than I thought you were gonna be I'm not gonna lie no I I think I just somehow I'm just making some lucky choices I feel like pretty quick yeah it's been 40. thank you I appreciate that very much I hope you have a good rest your day okay yeah you too thanks for the matches thank you bye see yep
Channel: BushyVods
Views: 13,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 250min 23sec (15023 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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