Elden Ring Gravity Mage Intelligence Build Guide - How to Build a Meteor Mage (Level 150 Guide)

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in the cell ring video i'm going to be showing you my meteorite mage build this is a level 150 mage build that focuses on the use of gravity spells to great effect so first up let's talk about the two staffs that we use for this build we have the carrion regal scepter in our right hand and we have the meteorite staff in our left the reason we have this setup is because the meteorite staff actually gives you a 30 damage boost to gravity sorceries this is rock sling collapsing stars gravity well meteorite and meteorite of acetyl so all those spells are going to get plus 30 damage if you're wielding that staff when you cast that spell that doesn't mean you have to cast it with that staff but you need to at least be holding that staff in your hand when you cast it and the reason that we have it in the left hand is that we're going to be casting in the right hand with the carrion regal scepter because the carrion regal scepter actually has better source rescaling at 80 intelligence so we're going to get increased damage by casting it with the carrion regal scepter and we're going to get increased damage by holding the meteorite staff in our left hand that 30 damage boost is higher than something like the jellyfish shields damage buff that it gives you when you buff with it which is 20 so it makes more sense to carry that staff in this case not only because you don't need the requirements for that shield without having to put some stats into it because you're going to get even more damage out of it beyond these two staffs really the only other weapon that i'm using is the frenzied flame seal and the only reason i'm using that is to cast golden vowel and flame grant me strength we don't need to upgrade this at all it weighs zero which is why i picked this one there are other seals that way zero you can use or you can use one that doesn't weigh zero if you don't have this one um but really you don't need to upgrade at all because those two spells can't be increased in a efficiency so you don't really need to upgrade the seal at all you just have it there buff when you need it and then swap back to the meteorite staff now when it comes to armor for this build you're going to have fairly light armor because we don't have hardly any points in endurance at all if any at all so you're going to use something really light you can use um pieces that increase your intelligence like helmets that increase your intelligence if you wish it's not super important you should have plenty of stats to go around with this build so you can do that to get a few extra points in intelligence which you could then dump into vigor to give you more health i only have 40 vigor with this build because we are a mage build and we're playing at range so that would give you a little bit more vigor whatever you do though just make sure that your equipment load is light enough that you can medium roll still when it comes to talismans for this build i'm using the ritual sword talisman the grave in mass tile spend the magic scorpion charm and godfrey icon ritual sword talisman gives you plus 10 damage when you're at max health again you're playing at range you're probably not going to get hit too often if you're playing the build correctly you're trying not to get hit so this is going to increase your spell damage by 10 and it's one of you know the few talismans out there that can actually increase your spell damage without having to trigger some like multiple attacks or something like that grave and mass talisman simply gives you increase to sorcery damage where all of our spells here that deal damage are sorceries so this works out nicely the reason we're using the magic scorpion charm for this build is that collapsing stars and gravity oil both deal 100 magic damage and meteorite and meteorite have asked to deal some magic damage rock sling is the only gravity spell that deals 100 percent physical damage although meteorite and meteorite have still deal primarily physical damage however the collapsing star spell and gravity well are pretty much staples as you're moving throughout the levels in this game so increasing the damage they deal is fantastic and the reason that we're using godfrey icon here is that gravity well and collapsing stars can both be charged and you're going to increase the damage of these when you do that by about 15 which is fantastic these again are two spells that you're going to use a lot with this build because meteorite and meteorite of astral are not spells that you can cast all the time and rock sling isn't very good in close quarters situations so let's talk about the spells a little bit for this build there are five gravity sorceries in total collapsing stars gravity well meteorite meteorite of acetyl and rock sling which i previously mentioned collapsing stars in gravity well are pretty much gonna be your bread and butter with this build as you move around the landscape go through dungeons face regular enemies and there's a couple reasons for that uh their damage is very high particularly collapsing stars outperforms gravity well in terms of total damage although it costs a little more fp but these both feel 100 magic damage which means they're gonna get the most uh benefit from magic scorpion charm and they can also both be charged so they're going to gain the benefit of godfrey icon as well so when you can charge them you should they also work better in closer proximity to enemies like not point blank but you know in the like 5 to 10 meters 15 meters range they're a lot better than rock sling rock sling if the enemy isn't far enough away usually one or two of the rocks will go by them or sometimes if you're in a tight corridor one of the rocks will hit the side of the corridor and you'll lose out on a lot of damage that way and it can be very hard to use when you're not at range another thing i want to note about collapsing stars and gravity well specifically is they have a mechanic built into them that allows you to pull enemies towards you collapsing stars pulls a little bit with each orb that hits the anime awards gravity well pulls like one substantial pole and it's better at pulling like more difficult or harder to move enemies whereas collapsing stars is better at moving smaller enemies because it can hit them multiple times and they move a lot more whereas it may not move larger enemies in some cases this may not sound like a great mechanic because you're an age and you don't want enemies to get close to you but you can use this to pull enemies off ledges or you can use them particularly gravity while i find to pull enemies into you where you can use spinning weapon to just absolutely annihilate them with the carry and regal scepter before they can do anything because the damage that you'll do with that skill is very very high because that's magic damage and you have the magic scorpion charm and ritual sword talisman etc so you'll do substantial damage with that as well another thing that i wanted to mention about gravity well and collapsing stars as well is that you sort of duck down when you stick your staff into the ground which is a small thing however it allows you to duck under horizontal attacks not unlike beast claw when you're using that spell so if you time it right you can actually avoid attacks and if you watch closely during the malachith fight you'll actually see that this happens to me two times where i'm mid casting the spell i thrust the staff into the ground and his attack goes right over the top of my head when he does a horizontal slash and this actually saves me two separate times also if you find you like spinning weapon as an ability you can also swap out like godfrey icon for instance for something like shard of alexander to further boost the damage of that you're going to be using spinning weapon a lot more than you think with this build because it's the best way to handle point-blank enemies these spells take too long to cast when you are very close to enemies and sometimes they can go right over an enemy if they're close anyway so spinning weapon is really what's going to save you in those scenarios rock sling is really good for this build because it's 100 physical damage and sometimes you will face enemies that are magic resistant it's not a commonly resisted damage type i find magic in this game however there are enemies like rinalia etc that are resistant to magic damage and it's a good way to get around those resistances and deal physical damage it's also very good at staggering enemies um if you need to stagger something if they have a weak point like the fire giant or something you can stagger them pretty easily with this spell as long as you can stay at range and it's a great way to knock down enemies so you can get in some free shots with spells or you can go up and use spinning weapon on them if you want so meteorite and meteorite of acetyl are two spells that are very very situational because essentially what you want to do is just hold the button down when you're casting these spells in order to unleash just tons and tons of meteors that usually will wipe out everything on the screen or if it's a big enemy which is generally when i'm using it will hit them repeatedly and hopefully wipe out their health bar before they can do anything the cerealian hidden tier works very very well with both of these spells because it allows you to use your flask of wonders physique as you get into combat and then just hold down this button for like 10 seconds where you don't consume any fp at all and you can just rain meteors down usually on big enemies like dragons and just chew their hell far away sometimes it'll even knock them down if you hit them in their weak spot or head enough times and then you can just cast it again and finish them off the difference between meteorite and meteorite of acetyl is just that meteorite is cheaper and it doesn't shoot out as many projectiles as the random actual does as quickly and you can get earlier in the game so you're pretty much going to use meteorite until you get meteorite of acetyl because if you're using the cerelian hidden tier that fp cost of the spell doesn't matter anyway and you want to get out as many meteors as you can and meteorite of astell is better at doing that also one of the reasons that we have a huge fp pool with this build with 40 mind is because we want to be able to use these spells even when we don't have cerulean hidden tier or like you know if you've already used it once and you need to go again with your fp bar just drain it onto an enemy you want to be able to get good use out of this spell even when you don't have that because you're not going to have that in every situation you know beyond being able to cast a lot of spells you'll be able to use these spells effectively with huge f people as well beyond the gravity spells themselves golden vowel is simply there to give you another way to boost your damage and also give you a little bit more protection you are kind of squishy with this build and flame grant me strength is there to increase your physical damage as i mentioned meteorite meteorite of acid will deal primarily physical damage and rock sling is 100 physical damage so it can boost those spells it doesn't last very long it's a 30 second buff so it's very very situational but sometimes you want to use it and lastly we have terra magicka which boosts your magic damage while you're standing in the kind of circle that it puts on the ground this is really good for fights where you're going to be using gravity well or collapsing stars because those deal 100 magic damage it's not as effective with meteorite or meteorite of asphalt so you want to try and primarily use those spells when you're using teramagica so when it comes to the stats for this build i have 40 vigor 40 mine 11 endurance 12 strength 12 dexterity 80 intelligence 25 faith and 9 arcane so we have 40 vigor here which is probably a little bit lower than most people would like particularly and light armor but again this is a mage build you're trying to play at range you're trying to stay out of melee range most of the time so you shouldn't be getting hit and 40 vigor should be enough if you're playing the build correctly 40 mind is there again to give you a huge fp pull so you don't have to worry about casting spells you can cast a lot of spells or you can use meteorite or meteorite of astell without worry and hold it down and still get a very effective you know burst damage in some cases i love endurance is just there because i had an extra point so i put it in endurance you could put it in intelligence or figure or mine wherever you want doesn't really matter strength and dexterity are not really needed for this build at all they're just there because of my class and 80 intelligence is there to get the most out of the carrion regal staff again you want to be able to do as much damage as you can with these spells and it really shines about 80 and then starts dropping off 25 faith is simply there to meet the requirements for golden vowel i started as a confessor so this was only about 11 points for me to get there but if you're another class you may want to consider you know not using this or you know taking a couple points from strength and dexterity if you're a different class hopefully those can go into faith a lot easier maybe you have like nine strength and eight dexterity or something you could take those extra points and put them into faith should make it fairly close you know to or you need about 10 points shouldn't be that bad and arcane again you don't really need for this build and just a final tip for this build if you're using the flask of wonders physique obviously this irelian hidden tier is very very good if you're going to go into a boss fight and use meteorite or meteorite of acetyl that's not always the case though some bosses are very quick and agile you're just not going to be able to do that some bosses are big and you can but if you're not using that using the mask magic shrouding tier is also very good if you're going to be using gravity well or collapsing stars which you will in a lot of boss fights particularly with smaller bosses so that's a good one to use and the green burst crystal tier in order to increase your stamina recovery is always good because you do consume stamina quite regularly when you're casting spells and getting that stamina back quickly allows you to keep casting and also continue dodging and casting at the same time so that wraps up our meteorite mage build i don't know how many more builds i'm planning on doing at the moment i wouldn't say this is the last build but we are considering doing a series on um different weapon classes for instance uh the first one we're considering doing is great swords going through the great swords showing their move sets talking about the strength and weaknesses of each great sword and really like diving into like what great sword you should be using depending on what kind of build you're going for a lot of people know you know they like great swords but maybe they're not sure which great sword to use so we're considering doing a series on the different weapon classes going through each weapon and those classes and sort of explaining like what is good about those weapons what their weaknesses are so if that's something you guys would like to see let us know in the comments below because this isn't something we've officially decided yet but i would really like to know if that's something you guys would be interested in so let us know in the comments below [Music] bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 412,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring build, elden ring best build, elden ring build guide, elden ring op build, elden ring gravity staff, elden ring meteorite staff, elden ring mage, elden ring mage build, elden ring gravity mage, meteor mage, elden ring meteorite, meteorite of astel build, collapsing star build, elden ring collapsing stars build, gravity well build, elden ring intelligence, intelligence build elden ring, elden ring sorcery build, mage build elden ring
Id: df96J1sdJTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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