El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 94: Duelo de reyes | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES Belen. Help her. Belen. Belen. Amanda... My daughter... No, Belen. Belen, you can't die! Belen, you can't die! No! Help her! Do something! Belen. Belen. Have we heard from Reynaldo? Leonardo, hurry up and call Reynaldo! Has anyone heard from him? Put me through to him! There's footage online. Reynaldo is with her. She's in an ambulance. Okay, let's go live with that. Upload it, upload it. You heard her. Look, it's Reynaldo. Here, here. Rey, what's going on? Are you in the ambulance? How's Belen doing? Reynaldo, say something! Okay. I'll break the news and then head over. Yes. Carla, what happened? The worst. Let's go live, guys. Find our best picture of Belen, Leonardo. -And get rid of that damn loop! -Get rid of the loop! We're back with new details of this event that will reverberate in this country for years to come. We were waiting to confirm what hospital she was taken to, but we've just been notified that the president-elect and president of this network, Cambio XXI, Ms. Belen San Roman... has just passed. Excuse me, boss, but I have to take this. Enjoy the show. I assume you're calling because you're the primary suspect. What did Leo say? What does he know? Nothing. Everyone at the channel is as shocked as we are. Things could get worse. What's going to happen now that Belen's gone? Will the country rise up? That's right, son. What just happened will change many things in the country. What do you make of what happened, Aurelio? This isn't good. We've needed peace since I came back from the dead, but the Colombians have gotten in the way of our plans. Cabo supported her. Why would he want her dead? Because she outed him. Being accused of being a narco is one thing and being shown ordering someone's death is another. I know Cabo must be panicking right now. I know what that wretch is like. Alfaro, I had nothing to do with Belen's death. That goes without saying. How could I hurt my candidate? She was my candidate. I was especially fond of her. I see this as a huge loss. It's gonna be hard for you to come out of this unscathed. He's a wretch just like us. Yes, like us. Sir, the president is calling. Answer it. Hello! President Gomez Labrador speaking. What just happened has your name all over it, Casillas. Did you do it? Don't overthink this. The Casillases did this. They killed her to make Jaimito president. I believe you, I do, but you're a foreigner and you're going to be singled out. Plus, you have a rather hefty body count to your name. I'm sorry to be the one telling you this. You know that I've always supported you. Then do something, fatty, to help me get through this. If I get upset, you're... I asked you a question. This tragedy bears all your hallmarks, all so that Jaime Rosales could ascend to the presidency. Are your people responsible for this? If I wanted to kill presidents, you'd be dead. Come on, you know me better than that. Nobody so much as farts in this country without you knowing about it. That's right. As it should be. Are you denying your support of Rosales? It's a shame Belen San Roman is dead because if she were here, she herself could tell you that I was, in fact, supporting her. Want me to send you proof of my support? Stop being so shameless, Casillas! No, it's not shamelessness. I call the shots here. I didn't expect to find you here. -Is she your daughter? -Yes. She's in treatment. I hope she gets well soon. Me too. I was about to call you, but things got hectic after the attack. Have you heard? Well, I was with my daughter... This is my ex and father of my daughter. Bernardo Castillo. He's a friend from college. He works at the DEA. I suppose you're here because of Belen. That's right. We're waiting for her body. -Nice seeing you. -Likewise. If you didn't do this, then who did? Look, Belen outed Cabo on the video during the debate. If I'd been outed like that, I would've killed her. You can reach your own conclusions. Greñas, hang up. Hey, son. What's going on? Why are you all so serious? The next president of Mexico was killed. You're old enough to know what's going on, bro. Who killed her? Go play in your room. The adults are talking. I'll look after him, Aurelio. I'm going to win this time. Play with him then go do what I asked for in Spain. You need to leave today. Sure, you got it. I'm going to check if dinner's ready. Okay. I think it's obvious to all now that we have to kill Cabo for real this time. Any questions? Thank you, Pitu. I still don't get how you plan to find them. Do you see those addresses? They're all in Mexico. When an encrypted address from an Asian or African country appears, that's where you'll find the Casillases. Sounds pretty complicated. And it takes forever. It's the only way to find them, though. Focus, Isidrito. That's it. I know them. Yes, I've seen those two before. Alexa Fliri, Stingray3, we're serious about the game. What do you say, Mono505? Flag31 and Gunner50 are ready to go. This is all so strange. I'd never met the deceased and I don't care about her, but I feel nervous and antsy about all this. Of course you do. If a presidential candidate can be killed in broad daylight like that, what do you think can happen to you? Me? Don't you get scared? This doesn't worry you? Of course it worries. All I want is peace and this disrupts that. It worries me to think about Isidrito's future. No, nothing's going to happen to him. He's well cared for. Your father knows what to do to keep him safe. That's exactly what worries me. Anyway, I should relax. There's nothing I can do now. You're right. We need to relax. Look, look. This is the life! I'm relaxed. I feel brand new. I never thought I'd be traveling in a private jet like a millionaire. Hey, Mecha. I'm calling because I imagine you must be worried. Yes. How are things at the house? What does Dad think? What's Isidrito doing? Isidro is fine. I'm getting him a snack now. He's living in his own world and he and Lencho are playing videogames. Maybe Diego's with them too. Those three are always playing together. With respect to your father, he's sure Cabo's responsible. That bastard! I know you're headed to Tamaulipas. I'll be there for two days. Nina has a gig. Unless your dad says otherwise, I'll be there soon too. What do you say we meet when I get there? Sure, sure. I'd like that. I need to talk to you about a few things. I feel like you and I need to put on a united front. You got it, Mecha. See you soon. Glad to hear you want to carry on with your plans. I was going to ask what you'd like me to do. I didn't know whether to call off the trip or not. Won't things be too chaotic over there? Things are different in the other states, but things here in Mexico City are going to get ugly soon. Can't you look after me? Honey, you're precious to me, and that's why I can't put you in danger like that. I'm so sorry. I'll be right back. Hey, sweetie. Do you know anything? I don't want to talk to you, Dad. Hey, there are cameras and people around. Rey, you seem very upset. Can I get you anything? I'm fine, thank you. Really? Excuse me. Let's go. Let's go, let's go. The president-elect's cause of death was an injury to the thorax, making it possible for air to enter her body. Pneumothorax developed, followed by rapid respiratory failure and gradual blood loss. She passed at 5:30PM. That's all. Thank you, Doctor. Excuse me. Pardon me. -Mr. President. -Mr. President. Mr. President. Could you comment on what transpired this afternoon? Candidate San Roman's murder is a heinous act. Know that we won't rest until we find out what happened. I offer my most sincere condolences to her relatives. I've had enough of the violence in Mexico. Thank you, Mr. President. So says our president when asked about the atrocious act that took place today at the end of this tragic electoral season. Wait, there's something I'd like to say. Of course. I'm here with Reynaldo San Roman, stepson and campaign manager of the recently deceased Belen San Roman. What action will the party take now? I'd like to discuss another matter. I was present during the attack and I wanted her to survive, but not for obvious reasons. I think it's time to bring the truth of this crime to light. I have heard from a reliable source that Belen San Roman,
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 779
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, nueva temporada de el señor de los cielos 9, nuevo capitulo de el señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 94, capitulos completos del señor de los cielos 9, capitulos el señor de los cielos 9, capitulo 94 el señor de los cielos 9, El Señor De Los Cielos 9 La Muerte De Belén, Aurelio Casilla es incriminado por la muerte de belen
Id: 9HanltLGEqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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