El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 91: El arma secreta de Belén | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES We have a few wounded, but we're fine. Don't worry, babe, Ismael is with me. He sends his regards. I'll call you when we're on the plane. Bye. Things are heated and we have to go. The authorities will be here soon. -We're almost ready to go, sir. -Good. Son, we have to go. Hold up, Dad. Did you know the Figueroa brothers? Yes. That's why I urged you to keep a low profile. You're a Casillas and everyone wants to ---- us over. You'd never mentioned them. They were old school and they were familiar with the code. They worked for Rutila's grandfather and Feyo. Why do you ask? Are you wondering if it hurt me to kill them? I was just wondering, Dad. They messed with you, son. Your enemies are my enemies. I've lived here for a long time and I'd never heard of them. They were old school guys. Vitas can tell you. Really? Go for it. I told your father that the Figueroas, that those snakes could attack. They were old school. People who were around with Mr. Cleto, right? Yeah. Chatas, you worked for Feyo, didn't you? Did you know them? Of course I did, sir. Two bitter guys who never got to get ahead. They tried to fly too high and they paid the price. Yeah. -Isturiz. -Sir? Has Skinny been treated? Are we ready to go? -We're all set. -Good, good. Are we leaving or not? -Let's go, Dad. -Let's go. Come on! Well, Juan, we have a deal. I have to go home after what happened in Tijuana and when I come back, we'll work on what we discussed. We have to stop people from using Tamaulipas as a means to get fentanyl to the States. It's not that peaceful here either. The Germans, the snobs, or whatever you want to call them continue to show up. Those from here know what's up. The San Fernando Valley belongs to the Casillases. That isn't up for debate. We can use the Texas border. Let's keep it that way then. We need to increase coke exports to fight off fentanyl. Please tell Aurelio that I'll do what we agreed on. -See you. -See you. Juan, if Aurelio is in trouble in Tijuana like he is now, then he has powerful enemies. He doesn't control the country like he'd have us believe. Aurelio killed the Figueroa brothers, Melosa. Don't look for trouble. We're fine where we are. Nothing has to change. This isn't the sort of thing I like to do as a journalist and that's why I've never worked on election campaigns, but I think you've been too soft on Rosales. Attack him, Belen! That's what one does at the end of a campaign. Discredit your opponent! I like the sound of that but please explain yourself. Why now? As a journalist, I tried to remain neutral... but, personally-speaking, I'd rather have you and not Jaime as president. I expected no less from you! Perhaps I should've acted sooner since the margin is so small and the campaign concludes after tomorrow's debate, but I'm going to hand you another report containing the darkest secrets of Rosales' past. You have no idea how much dirt there is. I'm very overwhelmed because we've gone up in the polls. You've all done an exceptional job. Congratulations! Congratulations, congratulations... Congratulations, babe. Congratulations, Martin. Cheers! But we have to wait till tomorrow because something important happens tomorrow. The debate against your mother, against Belen San Roman. That won't be a challenge because, with all due respect, she's an ignoramus. We're going to win that debate and it'll just be a matter of awaiting the results. Thank you all so much. I'm so nervous. Should I get drunk so I won't wake up till after it's over? Amanda, get ready. Baby, get ready because tomorrow... No, not tomorrow. Very soon you and I will enter the National Palace as president and first lady. -Cheers, guys! -I hope so. -Cheers! -Cheers! Cheers, Santi. We have to wait till things cool off in the area. Are you setting up a date with one of your girls? CAN WE MEET? MAYBE... Yes, that's right. What can I say? I'm your son after all. Alright. We need to celebrate that we're still alive. We'll meet with the family and figure out what to do next, but right now, we celebrate. -Yeah. -Let's go, son. We start with breaking news. There was a face-off between the gangs that control black market sales of fish and avocados. Not even produce and fish are sacred anymore. That's enough. Thank you. Did you get any names or are you forbidden from talking? The Figueroa family went after Guajardo's heirs. This was Ismael's doing, wasn't it? We don't know. You do know! And you know what you can and cannot say. We need to talk about Belen's request regarding Rosales. We can talk after I'm done with the newscast. Okay. Let's get started, guys. I'm ready to go. And we're live in three, two... Good evening! I'm Carla Uzcategui. Thank you for joining us. Today, we received news of a clash in a residential area in Rosarito, Baja California. Dalila, I didn't expect to see you here so soon, much less wearing a tie. Things have changed, Bernardo. The president is very upset about what happened in Tijuana and if he sees what your Carla is saying, he'll be even more upset. The peace he preached about is over. My Carla isn't mine anymore. We ended our relationship a while ago. Do you have information from a reliable source? My sources dried up when I took the job at National Security. I feel so much better now that Isma is back from Tijuana. I'll die if there's another shootout like that. Don't say that, Tata. I'm so glad everything's fine. Oh, no! What did I do to deserve this? Well, I have things to do. You're always so busy. Go on. Hello, Tata. I brought you something. A few bottles of mezcal from my personal collection. They're very fine. You can serve these to your special clients and they'll say, "Oh, El Milagrito is a very fine place." You know what, Alfaro? I don't like this. -What do you make of that? -Come on. You could say, "Thank you, Alfaro. You shouldn't have." It's fine, though. Don't be upset. You should be happy because Ismael survived. I don't know what you're talking about. You do know, Tata. I don't. Come on, let's celebrate. Guys, get us some glasses. Look. This one is great! You're going to love it! I don't like it! It tastes like smoke! Try this one. We survived yet again. Once again, we're gathered together as a family. I'll toast to that any day, but the peace you had created is over, partner. Yes, Felina, you're right. I'm saddened by the people we lost. Vitaminas, make sure their families are set for life. I wanted to thank you all very much. That was rough and I couldn't have survived without you. I'm sorry about that, son. For separating you from us. No, I'm the one who needs to apologize. I lost myself, but we all have weaknesses, don't we? I fell prey to ambition, just like you fall prey to pride. Come on, Ismael. What matters is that you're together again. That's what really matters. We need to celebrate! Excuse me. Felina. I thought you were in Colombia. I heard about what happened to Rafa's daughter. I was talking to Marcela when she was notified that her daughter was being taken to the hospital and I decided to come back. I'm worried about her. Of course you are, Felina. She's your granddaughter. I'd love to be supporting him right now, but I imagine Marcela will be there and that'd be weird. You're doing the right thing. You'd just be a third wheel. Let's see if she answers. I just want you to know that I care about your son and granddaughter. Hello, Eunice. I called to check on you. You sounded very worried about your daughter. Right, sorry. When it comes to Sofi, I lose all control. Only Rafael can keep me in check. I don't like the look on his face. I know him and I know there's something wrong. Pardon my indiscretion, but was she already sick? Well, you know, the normal stuff. All children have fevers, headaches... I don't know. Just the normal things, I think. I'm sorry, but I have to hang up. What's going on? The test results show that... that Sofi has leukemia. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, nueva temporada de el señor de los cielos 9, nuevo capitulo de el señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 91, capitulos completos del señor de los cielos 9, capitulos el señor de los cielos 9, novelas de narcos, capitulo 91 el señor de los cielos 9, arma secreta de belen, El Señor de los Cielos, Rafael Amaya, Capítulo 91
Id: QTtZUu42SH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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