El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 4: Ilusiones perdidas | Telemundo Novelas

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES NEW YORK I want this one. I want a glazed. Don't forget Mom's, okay? You wanted donuts, I told you which ones I wanted, -so you handle it, thanks. -Oh, come on! Hey, give me all your money! Quick, move! Hey! The kids sure are taking long. I'd better get them. I'll get them, Pompeyo. Don't move! No! What did you do? What did you do? Let's go! Let's go! Betito, no! No, not you, honey. Say something! Here we go again, Cabo. Our war is never gonna end. Too many people have died on both sides. Like my son, ----------. I'll tell you one thing. You're not leaving my country alive. Doesn't matter who you sweet-talk, doesn't matter who you bribe. Tell Greñas to hurry up. Greñas, tell me you've got it. Keep him on the line two more minutes. Let's leave the rest out of this. You and I will sort out this problem. Aurelio Casillas, our Lord and Savior. But you know what? You and I both know that you're not bulletproof. And I'm making it my mission to see how many bullets your body can take, ----head. And not just you. Whatever's left of your family too, you hear me? Good for you. Your ----- finally dropped and you're ready to face me. Don't forget, though. This is a business too. If I go down, there'll be plenty to avenge my death. Same for you. We're in for the long haul. It's never going to end. Of course it's business, something you forgot when you killed my son. At least I got to have fun killing your mother, bud. A lot of fun! And I'm going to enjoy hitting you harder, striking even more painful blows, you feel me? By the way, I know you're just stalling so you can trace this call. Busted, you mangy dog. ----, he hung up. Tell me you've got it. No, only that he's in Medellin, near an area named La Candelaria. People could be heard in the background, but that's all I got. I'll keep digging. He said he heard people around him and that he's in an area called La Candelaria, but he could be anywhere, like on the street or in a stadium. We gotta stay on top of Greñas to find him. I want that mustached freak dealt with ASAP. All the bastard's doing is taking up oxygen. NEW YORK Hey, baby! You like New York? Do you? Do you? But you know what? We can't pretend like things aren't ------ here. Not at all, Ismael. Things are better than ever here. Oh, yeah? Why don't I believe you? Can't be that good without me, can they? You two obviously have some serious issues to discuss. Give me my granddaughter. Bye. Move it. You look tired. So do you. But I'm tired because the baby's full of energy and I haven't stopped working. You, though... I don't even want to ask. Why do you always have to attack me? Maybe I wouldn't have to if you didn't stick your thing in every skank you came across. Settle down. I want things to be cool between us. As long as I do what you force me to, right? You know what I want? I want you, babe. I want you bad. Now what? Sorry, Isma. What is it? It's Pompeyo. Ma'am, please turn on the TV. What's going on? A shootout at a gas station at the corner of 102nd Street and Lexington in the Upper East Side has reportedly left one child dead. The child is thought to be from Mexico. We'll have more as new details emerge. Mom. What? What happened? It's Betito, Mom. No! No! Not again! This can't be happening! Let's go! Leave some people here! The rest of you, with me! No! No! We have to get out of here. We have to go. He's going to be okay. Listen to me. Betito is dead. We have to go. Help me. I'm sorry. Come on. Please listen to me. Pompeyo... -Do you speak Spanish? -Yes. A witness claims you fired a gun. Yes, I did. I'm her bodyguard. I heard a gunshot and shot one of the assailants when I ran in, but I have a permit. Okay. You still have to come with us. No, I can't. I have to be with her. Sorry, but we need you to cooperate. Take him. So both the Catatumbo and Gulf clans have thrown in with Aurelio Casillas? Yes, sir. What about Los Llanos? No, they said they'd think about it. So they're joining forces with that -----stain too? What about the Pacific Cartel? Them too? They said yes from the get go. You know what they're like, though. Give them a little drinking money and... Is nobody in this business serious? We're screwed. Absolutely screwed. What about the motorbike crew? None of them came back for their payment, so... So Aurelio killed them. Son of a bitch! Yet again, we are alone in this business. Serves me right for pissing in the wind. Hey, Cabo, what do we do with all the ladies? Shove 'em up your ----, idiot. There they are. Where's my brother? Shh. Sis. I'm with you, Ruti. We're here for you. You can count on me too. Sir, we've reached the coordinates Greñas gave us. This is where La Candelaria starts. It's Ismael. Talk to him, Aurelio. What is it, son? I don't have much time. What's going on? Dad... Beto's been killed, Dad. What happened? Aurelio? He's dead, Dad. I'm with Ruti right now. Stop the truck. I said pull over, ------- it! You'd better start explaining! Aurelio, are you crazy? What are you doing? What do you mean he was killed? How? Find out if it was Cabo. Cabo? What the hell's he got to do with this? Find out what the ---- happened! Looks like the boys were getting snacks and Beto got shot. Ruti and Isidro are fine though. And I'm here. Grab your sister and Isidro and bring them to Mexico. Bring the body too. Put Rutila on the phone. Alright. She can hear you, Dad. Ruti, they found you. You have to get out of there. Please listen to your brother. She can't talk, Dad. Trust me, okay. I'll take care of it. What happened? My grandson's been killed. They killed him. It was Cabo. I'm gonna burn that ---------- alive. I want Cabo's head. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo Novelas
Views: 1,498,231
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Keywords: El Señor de los Cielos, Aurelio Casillas, Rafael Amaya, Carmen Aub, Rutila, Itatí Cantoral, Belen San Roman, Arturo Peniche, Flavio San Roman, Diana, Isabella Castillo, Julio Bracho, Ricardo Almenar, Ivan Arana, Ismael Guerra, Capítulo 4, Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, capitulo 4 del señor de los cielos, ilusiones perdidas en el señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 4
Id: QaO6_EBXrdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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