El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 27: Desaparecida | Telemundo Novelas

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES Vitas, have her taken to the Alchemist. The Alchemist? What's that? Who's that? The Alchemist will make sure to erase all trace of her existence. She'll be submerged in acid so her body will disintegrate. He's very efficient. Would you like to watch? -No. -No? Vitas, I want a meeting with everyone. Go. Why does it have to be like this, Aurelio? Sorry, man, but you should've thought of that before you killed her mother. This is the result of your side businesses. Plus, you have competition. Who? Belen San Roman. She's running for president. That's something else I'm working on, though. Don't worry about that. MEXICO CITY Are you angry at your food? Why aren't you eating? I don't feel like it. What I do feel like doing is seeing my sister. She looked really cute in the pictures we saw of her. Are you excited to meet her? -Yeah. -Yeah? I honestly am. But... I also feel like you do. What do you mean? Like nothing really matters. Don't say that, Isidro. I don't get why you keep drinking. Because I'm unwell. And how does that help? It's not helping you at all. At all. It calms me down. There are some adult topics you don't need to understand. You just need to respect them. Thank you for being a good role model. If you say this calms you down, then I need to calm down too. No one asks me how I feel. How do you think I feel? Hey! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, that's not the example you should be following. You can't follow my example. No, please don't. I've got it all wrong. I'm sorry. The drug issue is getting worse in the US. That will reach Mexico sooner or later, and it's all because of some traffickers' whims. I don't think it's their fault. They sell their stuff to get ahead. I don't think they're to blame for their personal problems. Is that what you think? How convenient. Let's just say that I'm part of a different generation. I don't believe what's said on TV or the radio. I don't give their words the importance people like you do. Thank you for calling me old. Tell me, Leo, what are you doing here? I'm basically here to watch what your boss does. To watch what you do. Should I take that as a threat? Yes, absolutely. I'm authorized to act if anything you do doesn't benefit the boss. I think you should worry. Alright, settle down. You and I, Blanca, are ranchers. We're honest folks. Leave the politics to the fancy, over the top folks. The land belongs to those who work it. The land belongs to the people and it's for the people and I'm one of the people. Ignorant fool. Being separated from you is the best thing that could've happened to me. My poor ex-husband, may he rest in peace, introduced me to the world. He encouraged me to read, he educated me. I'm who I am today thanks to him. He encouraged my self-confidence, something you never did. Blessed be that holy man. He introduced you to the world and look at how he ended up. I wonder what fate awaits me, Blanquita. Just picture it. Don't call me Blanca, Ricardo. Blanca stayed at the ranch. I have power and resources now. I can manipulate people and make alliances, like you yourself say, at a higher level. I continue to surprise you, don't I? Right now, you are under me so you'd better be nice to me. My late husband was useful, until he wasn't. Rey's brother went too far and you know what happened to him. The choice is yours. I don't mean to scare you. Just something to think about. I'm not scared. But do you think it's a good idea to have a guard following me all day long? Well, that's basically what I was assigned to do. So unless you want to lose all this to get rid of a guard, I say you stick it out. Just so you can say you hired the wrong person? You haven't been hired yet. I haven't? Who cares? Carla, we're at war. And I don't blame you for this. Many don't know what's going on, but I think you do. -Son. -Hmm? You really don't want to talk? Come on, let's talk about Laura. Let it out, sweetie. Come on, let's talk about Laura. What do you want me to say? You already know, don't you? You heard her. She wants a divorce. Don't you think it's better that way? Don't you think you should go your separate ways? Do you want them to die? How could I? You're talking nonsense. I see Laura as a daughter and Santita is my granddaughter. I see who you're siding with. Stop saying stupidities, Ismael. Look at me, son. Taking sides my ass! You are my son. You are my reason for living. You are the love of my life. But you're acting out and sleeping with that woman and Laura isn't going to put up with it. You'd love to have them put up with it without whining, right? But that's not going to happen. So you'd better get ready. You need to be ready. I need units in Iztapalapa 24/7 on the streets adjacent to the supermarket. They all need to be in civilian clothing. Use as many units as needed. That's all. You're excused. -Yes, ma'am. -Understood. Sir, yes, sir! Well done, Zuk. I like to see how motivated you are when I'm absent. Yes, I'm very motivated and you're very happy, huh? Easy, easy. You know how it is. I went to a meeting that ran till lunchtime, it got late and... you know. I know. So what's new? Nothing. The eerie peace continues. Meanwhile, two murders took place in the US and the country is crumbling. Jameson and Morris. Now that you bring them up, I'm craving some imported beer. I'm going to order some. Do you want... Whoa! She vanished. Those two lawyers worked cases in which Manzano was involved. Yes, and their clients were released, which means Manzano is linked to large-scale corruption cases. Is that what you're trying to get at? You said it, not me. It says here that there are no suspects. In fact, they blame the lack of drugs. They haven't seized any shipments in a week. Which means, addicts are going out in search of fentanyl and that doesn't benefit Manzano, even if he has connections to those who deal that crap. Know what this looks like to me? Like your friend Casillas' doing. Friend, Bernardo? Are you serious? You know that I'd never side with him, much less given the reward we could receive. I know you're not corrupt and I'd never suggest such a thing. I'm just not sure you're willing to settle a score only through legal channels. You're being paranoid. Let's focus on this. Okay. I'm so glad I got a hold of you. Thank you for taking my call. I basically live here. What can I do for you? I've been authorized to tell you that Belen San Roman is starting her political career. And we know that you're a key player at the national level. I wanted to speak to her and share some ideas with her. Tell me, Reynaldo, what role do you play for Ms. San Roman? I'm her personal secretary. I apologize for not mentioning it earlier. Could we schedule a meeting? Yes, of course. You're an important pillar of the country's media and I'd like to have a direct line of dialogue with the press. I'll stop by the Cambio 21 offices tomorrow. Does 10:00 sound good? Goodbye. Who would've thought I'd be an example of social permeability! I, Rigoberto Alfaro, who came from the tough streets of Tacubaya am now wanted by the highest spheres of power. It's probably because they seek people with similar interests. You're being sarcastic. I can read you now. Come on, have a seat. Let's have a drink to celebrate. I don't think so, Alfaro. Sure. Don't play coy. You love it. Good God. I mean, you don't have to worry either. I'm not worried. I just don't want you to think you can do whatever you want. That's precisely what was asked of me. To watch what happens here. Is it okay if I call you Carla? Of course it's not. I'm your superior. You can call me Uzcategui or ma'am. It's all the same to me, ma'am. Feels a little dated. I'm going to talk to your boss because I don't like this. I'll let him know. There's no need. I have a direct line to Aurelio. Okay. You tell him then. Remember what I said, though. Our plans are on. If you have nothing else to say or teach me, I'll get going. I'll be here first thing tomorrow. Excuse me. Ma'am. Right. - Do you understand? -Yes, sir. -Yes, sir. Jaime. I guess so, sir. What do you mean by that? It's all crystal clear, okay? Crystal clear. Good. Chatarrero. There are clean clothes for you in that bag. Guys, this is very serious. The person wrapped there was dearly loved, but they made a mistake. That can happen to anyone who runs their mouth. Jaimito, you'd better be honest with me now or you'll disappear like your loved ones and I'll find someone else to get the job done. I have plenty of candidates. Understood? Good. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo Novelas
Views: 575,675
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, El Señor de los Cielos, Aurelio Casillas y Rafael Amaya, Carmen Aub y Rutila, Capítulo 27 La ausencia de Berenice, ira de diana al no estar berenice, jaime rosales esta mintiendo, Mecha y Said vuelven a Ciudad de México, Aurelio finge ignorar la situación, Diana estalla ante la falta de Berenice, Aurelio opta por ignorar la todo lo que pasa
Id: 0yY2l4mNL68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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