El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 26: Sangre con sangre se paga | Telemundo Novelas

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES Hey there! May I come in? Aurelio, I'm so glad you're here. Care to explain what took you so long? Shut up. I don't have to explain myself to you. Hi, Uncle. Hey. I told you to shut up. Well, danger's over. We can go now, right? Let's go. If you're with me, you're always going to be in danger. And I'm not sure you have the ----- to be president and do what I tell you to do. I have the ----- to be president. Everything we do has risks and consequences... You said it. There are consequences. You're neck deep in this mess. You're a murderer, remember? You're joking, right? What are you talking about? As a man of the law, you know murderers have to pay for their crimes. Aurelio, we have a deal. Yes, we do. Can we keep working towards it? Yes, but we have to talk about this first. About what? I don't understand. Are you going to show him or should I? You can do the honors. Go for it. Alright. This is what happened. Take it. Kill her, kill her! Kill her! You killed my mother, Jaime! You're a murderer! I'm going to kill you myself! Let me go! I hate you! Shoot when I tell you to, doggies. When I tell you to. Alfaro, we're not going to arrest anyone. They're all going to die! I understand, Cabo, but you know I can't be seen with you. Listen, you have to play the cop. You show up, you identify the bodies, and that's that. Got it. Let's find out if your aim is any good. Sure. It's Manzano, from the DEA. I have to answer it. Put it on speaker. What is it, Manzano? We're heading out to Sinaloa. You tipped them off, Alfaro. You told the president and he told Casillas. What are you talking about? What am I talking about? The op in Sinaloa fell apart! They knew we were watching them! Who else but you could've done it? I didn't tip anyone off. You probably have a mole. Watch your people! This man makes me sick. Come in. In Houston? There are fentanyl hubs in these areas, but the president claims everything's fine, that everything's peachy. He's a shameless liar. Ralph Morris was killed in Houston. Could his death be linked to Jameson's? Why would it be? They were both close to Manzano. Are you suggesting that he's involved, that he's killing them? I don't know, but it's a big coincidence. Don't you think it strange? I hate you! I hate you! You're a murderer! I loved you, you bastard! I loved you! I had a gun to my head! I loved you! You killed my mother! I hate you! Finish him! Please shoot him. Kill him. Alright, enough! We need to be adults about this and think clearly. Let's listen to what Jaimito has to say. What do you have to say for yourself? Listen to him? What could he have to say? He killed my mother! You watched the video! What can he say? Look, this puppet has a fate I've prepared for him and you're part of that fate in the National Palace. I don't care about that! My mother was your aunt! Don't you care about that? Yes, and may she rest in peace, but there's nothing we can do about it now. We can't bring her back. Think of something else. Let's get creative. Something else? What else can we do? Forget it. I'm calling Diana. Jaime, take the phone away. She'll handle this. Give it to me. Don't you dare! Don't touch me! No, no! Give it back! Calm down, take a deep breath. -Baby, baby... -I hate you. So that's how it is? You only care about your plan, Lord of the Skies? I thought family mattered, traitor! -Calm down. -You promised. Please calm down. Calm down. Please, please! Jaime has to pay for what he did! Kill him. I'm begging you, please kill him. -Calm down. -No! No! I hate you. You're a murderer. You're a brute! I've been called worse. I appreciate it, babe. You were very good. Amanda! Amanda! Amanda, open up! Coming! Amanda! On my way! Amanda! Damn it, man! Why are you yelling? Why am I yelling? Because you can't treat me like that. I'm your father. Besides, I could've taken care of everything on my own. I didn't know they were after me. I got away by saying I was a prostitute instead of your daughter. Otherwise, I'd be another of this country's missing women. -What happened? -That. I said I was a whore hired to welcome you back. Can I get dressed now? Is that what worries you? Getting dressed? No, I'm worried because you seem to have moved in. If that's the case, I'm going to start looking for a place because I'm not putting up with you every day. You always play dumb, but you're very smart. Leave already! Get out! Get out! I'm leaving because I want to. Go. Lazaro, thank you for helping him. Sure, ma'am. Get well soon. Thanks. You barely made it out alive. How are you feeling? Alive, ma'am. And it's all thanks to your son. Yes, I saw how he helped you. You should be very proud. He's an amazing doctor. JP, I said it to Diana and I'll say it to you too. I have nothing to do with that young man. Don't say that, ma'am. I can't take any credit. He's not who he is today because of me. I didn't raise him. In fact, if we had met any sooner, he'd be dead or in prison, like Aurelio's sons. Alright, ma'am. I can tell this topic makes you uncomfortable, so I won't bring it up again. I'll do whatever you say, ma'am. Oh, yeah? In that case, Lazaro, I order you to get up and walk. I need you, sweetheart. Come on, ma'am. I'm not the new guy. Are you serious, JP? I don't understand. I've sacrificed myself for you, for your damn ambition, but I didn't think you'd do this. I'm out. I know that this is hard to accept, but this is what's best for the family, for you. Look, I'll keep him in check. But what about me? Do you want me to keep sleeping with my mother's killer? A man who sent me to an asylum and made me think I was crazy? That's not what happened, Neni. Shut up! You need to shut up! I won't live with my mother's killer, got it? We're going after the presidency. You won't have to share a bed. Stay with him during the campaign and then get divorced. I can't do it! I don't want to do it and I'm not going to do it! Give me your gun! -Let go! -Give it to me! You're both murderers! -Calm down! -Murderer! -I'm going to kill you! -Calm down. Listen to Aurelio. Listen to what he's saying. Listen to him! Damn it, Jaime, you killed her. You just killed your wife. Accidentally, but you killed her. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo Novelas
Views: 700,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El Señor de los Cielos, Aurelio Casillas, Rafael Amaya, Rutila, Julio Bracho, Ismael Guerra, Capítulo 26, Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, Aurelio toma medidas, venganza de berenice, berenice busca venganza por la muerte de su madre, berenice piden que liquiden a jaime, el cabo busca atacar a los casillas, los planes del cabo fallan, capitulos el señor de los cielos 9
Id: 9xjD1yA0ers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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