El Señor de los Cielos 7 | Capítulo 52 | Telemundo

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THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS MATERIAL UNSUITABLE FOR MINORS AND INCLUDES EPISODES WITH VIOLENCE, SEX, AND INAPPROPRIATE OR PROVOCATION DIALOGUE. CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK What are you accusing me of? Easy, miss. All in due time. Son of a bitch. That's Alfaro. He was one of my guards. Is it true you got Diana Ahumada in Toluca? That's right. I need you to hand her over. Diana was caught at the airport in Toluca. <i> They're making it seem</i> <i> like it was a routine op,</i> but we think someone snitched. Then give them this. It's truck full of coke ready to be sold. They'll take you seriously then. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I keep thinking that you're sleeping with someone else. You slept with Pio's wife. Miss. The convoy will pass through here. Here's where everything will go down. We let her truck through and shoot the ---- out of the others. Stay about 2 km away. We'll be right behind you. Let's pray this works, guys. Let's go! Come on! Stop right there. I'm sorry, ladies. You're coming with me. Please. What's the motive behind this call? Don't tell me you want cash in that favor. We want to know if it's true my sister-in-law was caught. If I leave, I'll take my daughter. We're not going to fight over custody, You'd stop seeing her? If you're going to threaten me, you'd better be ready to see it through. I thought you were mad at me. Of course not, my man! We all have bad days, but don't worry about it. What's that? Sir, we're under attack! Stop. Stop! Son of a bitch! There are two types of people in the world: smart people and stupid people. Which type are you? THE LORD OF THE SKIES Skinny. I have another one further up and one behind you. You'd kill her? Alfaro, I don't think you understand. We have a deal, you see? We'd rather die than be in prison. <i> That was her idea.</i> What are you waiting for, Amado? Kill these -------------! -Don't touch me, -------! -All right! She's ready! No! Casillas, wait. Wait. Uncuff her and let her go. ------- it! Hurry, hurry! -Ismael. -Yeah? -Shoot the tires. -Right. Give me that. -Let's go! -Come on, Skinny. Yes, Paola. Everything, absolutely everything. Let me know. Yes. All right, you heard everything. Seize everything. All the security footage from the day the president's secretary went missing. Understood? Yes, sir. Dismissed! Paola. Alfaro? What? What do you mean she disappeared? Sir, we were ambushed. I was forced to let her go. Otherwise, they'd have blown us up. That's impossible. <i> You had backup!</i> Yes, sir, and they were under attack. I have wounded men and units are gone. Alfaro, handing over a detainee is like handing over your gun. <i> It's a ------- embarrassment!</i> With all due respect, sir, I think you'd have done the same thing. They had heavy artillery. Let's stop ------- around. We're not in the same playing field. Alfaro, now's not the time to bitch about government policy. Now get to work. We'll talk later. Then when can we discuss it, sir? Casillas' men are better armed, better fed, and better paid for ----'s sake! <i> Alfaro, that's enough.</i> <i> Head to Los Pinos. </i> I just sent a team to seize a considerable amount of security footage. Get on it. Also, look into the missing drug cargo <i> that was to be destroyed.</i> You want to feel better? <i>Then do your job and do it well.</i> <i> They're the bad guys.</i> <i> Let's hit 'em where it hurts.</i> I'm sorry, sir. Sometimes I feel that it's just not worth it. This must be really important if the Secretary himself is calling. I need you find me a truck. No, man. No "Good morning" or anything. You know how this goes, bro. Dylan, this isn't a social call. I'm calling because I need the cooperation of a citizen. How manipulative! Typical cop. Fine. But I need something. I'm no wizard, you know? You sure sell yourself like one, -------. <i> I want to know</i> <i> who intercepted the truck.</i> <i>I'll text you everything I have.</i> All right, Mr. Secretary. Speaking of how I sell myself... you owe me some money. Do your job and do it well. Then we'll talk about your payments. I'll even give you a bonus. You sound pissed. Everything must be in the -------, right? You people suck at your job. I don't need your opinion. Goodbye. Sir, this is the place. If this place is full now, at night it must be lit. Here's where I meet Alfaro. Then you know the advantages of meeting in a place like this during the day. It's discreet. At night, this place must be a mess. Where's Alfaro? He's on an op, but I'm in contact with him. Is the guerrilla man coming? He's done with the guerrillas, but he's a man of his word and should be here soon. Then we can relax while we wait for him. Bring me a bottle of your best rum. I'm taking that small camera for my interview with Rosales. Please stay on top of the Los Pinos investigation and of the stolen drug cargo. As soon as we receive the information, we'll confirm. I think the government has completely lost control now. It lost control a long time ago. Don't remind me. All right. You're in charge. Sure. Be careful. We should've gotten married when my mom and Dalvio were here. What's this? I want to marry you. I don't need to marry you to know that I love you and that you love me. Well, yeah, but you never know in this life. What are you trying to tell me? Are we in more danger? You know I'm not afraid, but if you're not here... Don't be like that. It's the truth. I'll take better care of myself, honey. For her sake too. You know in this life you're never really at peace. Love her. She will always love you, Ismael. Don't say those things. It's only because of love. Because I love you. I love you more. -What'd these ------- do to you? -Nothing. They hit you. -I saw them. -No, it's fine. -What's this? -Are we done? Welcome. Thank you. So you want to do business? Yes. How's the merch? Well, it's pretty much average. Part of it is good, but the other part not so much. It's been altered. How come? It was seized from different distributors. -Where'd you get it from? -It was in PGR custody. Valdes and his people stole it from them, and I stole it from him. The bastard owes me. An eye for an eye. And you know that ------- had it in for me since I got with your father. You don't think he'll calm down after this? Of course not. He'll come after me, and after you too. He would've offered the merch to you anyways. I just beat him to the punch. Fine. Skinny, find a place for them. What's up, Javi? What are we doing here? Why do you sound like that? Here's where Angela almost died and that other guy died. You're kidding! Why the ---- is this idiot meeting me here? Beats me. If this is where Angela OD'd, there must be more to this place than it seems. We need to be alert. You know what do, right? I have an appointment with Valdes. I like it, though the music is a bit too loud. Ramon, come here. Show me your left hand. Ramon, it's pretty long. You're going to live a huge life. Hey, tell me. Why are you serious and quiet? I've told you I could teach you a few bad things. You'd like it. You won't want to go back to being good. Go, go. You make me tense. I really like him. If this ------ is as good in bed as he is at bartending... To hell with you. Go ---- yourself. I'm here to talk to Valdes. My man! Commander. Why'd you ask me to meet in this place? I like the place. It's discreet. Fidencio's my right hand man. This is Javier. -Nice to meet you. -I also know the owners. Guys! Hey, Valdes. Everything all right? I guess. I don't want to worry you. Guys, this is Javier. They're the owners. Hello. I'm Cecilio. And this is Dylan. So you two own this place. That's right. Welcome, man. All right, bastards. You selling fentanyl here? -Easy. -Talk! THE LORD OF THE SKIES WILL RETURN
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 3,061,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El Señor de los cielos (Séptima temporada), Telemundo, Superserie, Capítulo Completo, Matías Novoa, Carmen Aub, Isabella Castillo, Ivan Arana, Robinson Díaz, Nacho Fresneda, Lisa Owen, El señor de los cielos neuva temporada, el señor, telemundo, aurelio casillas, rafael amaya, matias novoa, Capítulo 52, Ámbar negocia con los Casillas., los Casillas, El Cabo, Novelas de Telemundo 2019, Evelina
Id: 8RxWgU1t3Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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