El Señor de los Cielos 7 | Capítulo 66 | Telemundo

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THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS MATERIAL UNSUITABLE FOR MINORS AND INCLUDES EPISODES WITH VIOLENCE, SEX, AND INAPPROPRIATE OR PROVOCATION DIALOGUE. CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK What I can tell you is that my little Colombian partner is getting to be a real pain in my -----. Let's let them ---- him. I'm here in Mexico City. Send me those drugs to Tlalnepantla. My people are on their way. I've got them. Perfect, we've got them. You'll be taking orders from me, is that clear, Ambar? More or less, babe. The shipment having a GPS intrigues me. Well, Ismael said it did. It's your decision. There they are. It's those mother-------. That means Ojeda didn't sell out Ismael and Javi, right? The plan's working out. I was just tipped off that the stuff you're about to get has been compromised. Compromised? Are the pigs going to come after us or some ----? The Casillases! Ismael just gave me some info. If it's true, you're ------, and if it's a lie, <i> well then, he's a liar</i> Here they come. What do you mean you're under attack? That bitch, the Colonel, just walked into the warehouse. You're here for me, bitch! Get over here! Get down, bitch! You going to let this bitch die? Hold your fire! You going to let her die or what? THE LORD OF THE SKIES Hey. Hey, girl. It's fine, now. You're okay. I'm going to put my gun down. Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. Do you know where those bastards are? Dianita. ----! Damn it. ----! Diana, you okay? I'm okay. What the hell happened here? -He's getting away. -After him! ----! We need to wrap your wound. I'm in the back. In the back, and I'm running out of ammo. Watch out, this place is full of Casillases. Hurry up and get me. You sold me out, didn't you, -------? What the ---- are you accusing me of? If I make it out of this alive, I'm going to gift wrap your head and send it back to Cuba, mother------. Why would I lead them to the merchandise if my people are there? You sold me out, you bastard. You're dead. What happened? <i> I have news for you,</i> but it's going to cost you. I want two things. I'm in no mood for any of your horse----. What's going on? First off, I want double the money you gave me last time. And second, after this, quit ------- harassing me. The money's yours, but forget about the other thing. You're too valuable to us. What have you got for me? Well, you don't have to worry about Uzcategui anymore. It appears the government just requested that her program be taken off the air. See? That's so you'll know the reach of the long arm of the revolution. A bit of good news amidst a sea of ----. I wouldn't be so happy, sir. That's a take-charge kind of woman. She personally asked the Secretary of Security to handle the case. You know what I mean by "personally". So if you're on her bad side, be scared. She's one tough bitch. Deliver my money to the same bar as always, and don't forget the mescal. Camagüey, gather the documents, the computers, everything. We'll probably have to haul ass out of here. Yes, sir. Sir. What's going on, Fidencio? Tell me you killed the Colonel. I hit her, but she got back up. That woman's a demon. I'm badly hurt. I'll try to get to you. No, don't come here. Go to the bar. It's going to get heated around here. <i> We have to find a way</i> <i> to get back to Cuba.</i> Sir... I don't know if I can make it... I've lost a lot of blood. If I can't do it, you do it. It's because of that bitch I'm on the outs with Rita. Then save yourself so we can settle the score with her! What's wrong, babe? Are you scared? That why you're complaining? Get out of there! Come out! Sir, it's the end of the line. What are you saying? The Colonel's got her gun trained on me. Tell her we can negotiate. I'll talk to her. Put her on the phone. He wants to negotiate with you. Negotiate with me? This is for me. This is for Rita, mother------. Scumbag. Son of a bitch. Hey, Valdes. I don't negotiate with corpses, and that's what you are. Listen, you ------- ----, you'll regret this. Regret? You already stole from me and screwed me. What more can you do? Things can always get worse for you, and I know where to hit you where it hurts. And tell Lazaro that he'll have me to answer to. Bastard. You need a tourniquet. Here it is. Put it on. How are you, babe? That's all I care about right now. Diana's hurt, but we're okay. What happened? I'm here with Isma. We can see how you've got them cornered. The bastard's trying to get away. Forget him. We'll capture him later. What's important is that you're all safe. The Colonel and Isturiz have the truck. They took out Valdes' people, but there's no sign of Pio. -Have you seen him? -Negative. We have to go, coz. I'll talk to you later. Babe. Check you out. How much champagne did you drink, honey? It was good, but I hate champagne hangovers. Thanks. It's the Department of Transportation. Don't bother answering. They always call to ask me for money. Jaime, you're the governor. You have to answer. Answer the phone, Jaime. Answer it, ------. Don't answer. They call all the time. Relax. You know what really matters, sweetie? That you and I are getting married. I already confirmed it with the judge. Really? Tomorrow? Tomorrow. Husband and wife. Yes, Pio? <i> They got me.</i> Slow down, calm down and tell me about it. What do you mean you're hurt? Fill me in. What happened? <i> I'm behind the warehouse</i> <i> and almost out of ammo.</i> Something I can help you with? Move it! I hope you bleed to death, -------. Valdivia! You're not going anywhere. THE LORD OF THE SKIES THE LORD OF THE SKIES It's the cops! Let's go, coz! You'll pay for this! Police! Thieves! Thieves! They went that way! They're robbing me! No, they went that way! What? You can't arrest me. He's the thief. I'm just an honest citizen. You can't arrest me. Please, gentlemen. They just held me up and you're taking away an honest citizen? For God's sake, you can't do this. Jaime, are you kidding me? Getting drunk a second time in one day? Just a little hair of the dog that bit me. Now this one I do have to answer. Work is work. Yes? My dear, respected governor, I have news from our friend Pio, who just called. He's in trouble, he's hurt, and he wants your help. Between us, what if we just did nothing? Are you serious? They really caught him? If they caught him, we have to help. He's got too much on us. A shame it wasn't the Casillases. If it had been them, we'd be getting rid of a big ------- headache. Oh well, though. We have to meet. I'm headed over. If anything comes up, let me know. I have to go, Neni. -What? -Work, babe. You can't go in your condition. You're drunk. Work is work, okay. I'm not getting behind the wheel. The driver will take me. Let me inform him. I need the driver downstairs to get ready. I'm so embarrassed that you're like this, Jaime. Neni, I'm going to fix myself up and splash water on my face. I hate you calling me Neni. I'm serious. Calm down. Don't be such a snob. What's up, Javi? You're on speakerphone. <i> How is everyone?</i> How are you, coz? How's the wound? I'm fine. They're all overreacting. I'm okay. I'm just pissed that Cabo got away. What matters is that Ojeda buys your story. You not mad at me anymore or what, Uncle? Isma, we need better communication from now on. Yeah, and like Dad used to say, it's in the past. Skinny, call Greñas. Have him find us a way out. Right on. How the hell do we get out? Hurry up, bro! In Tlalnepantla? What part, dummy? How many were there? Were there losses? Son of a bitch. Next time, learn how to properly report to me. I mean, that guy couldn't be any dumber. What's up, babe? I can't talk now. I'll call you later. Some ------- manners you've got. Look into what happened at Tlalnepantla. Something big apparently. I want to know if my little Colombian partner is dead. Okay. Let's go to the lab so I can get a blood test done. Why the long face? There was a shootout in Tlalnepantla. Valdivia might be dead. Let's go. What do you have to do with what happened? -What's your role? -What's my role, officer? Do I look like a crook to you? I'm an ordinary citizen who was on his way to work when, unfortunately, I got caught in the middle of that shootout. Thank God you all showed up or else... But you look like you suffered a gunshot wound. I was only grazed. Those criminals did this. Thank goodness you arrived. I came to the station to ask for protection, but now you're treating me like I'm a criminal. I'm a lawyer. I have my card that I can show you. That's what every Colombian who comes to steal from here says. What's the problem, officer? Is being Colombian a crime? You can't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. Allow me to call my law firm and we'll square this away. Don't get your hopes up because you're not calling anybody. You're going to rot in jail. Officer, there are 50,000 ways we can resolve this problem. THE LORD OF THE SKIES WILL RETURN
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 2,784,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El Señor de los cielos (Séptima temporada), Telemundo, Superserie, Capítulo Completo, Matías Novoa, Carmen Aub, Isabella Castillo, Ivan Arana, Robinson Díaz, Nacho Fresneda, Lisa Owen, El señor de los cielos neuva temporada, el señor, telemundo, aurelio casillas, rafael amaya, matias novoa, Ámbar negocia con los Casillas., los Casillas, El Cabo, Novelas de Telemundo 2019, Capítulo 66, Pio
Id: qTWMa6YBPxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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