El Señor de los Cielos 6 | Capítulo 1 | Telemundo

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CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK <i> I, the man who hunted Death, </i> <i> the man the Reaper</i> <i> once called master,</i> <i> became the hunted.</i> Grenade! You've been hit. I have a bullet left. Kill them. If you have one bullet left, waste them. Hot damn! Let's go. Those ------------- finally found me! Don't worry, though. I'll protect you. Don't worry, this isn't my first rodeo. Let's go. Come on. Shh! Go, go! Come on, Aurelio! Please tell me you found him. Tell me you did, ------------! ------- it! It's okay. I know Casillas is a slippery bastard. He's why we're here, though. We're here to hunt Take a deep breath and be patient. Good things come to those who wait. Keep the party going and keep me posted. What'd Samario say? Did they catch him? No, but they shot the -------. Don't worry, though. I know Casillas. I've been after that ------- for years! I'm very close to catching him. There's no way he's getting away. And if he thinks Leandro Quezada is after him, even better. Hey, how's the roadside party going? It's still going, Cabo. Hand me a weapon, Zopi! I'll call you once it's over. Yes, sir. I'm scared! I know, honey. -Who's firing at us? -I don't know. We're gonna be okay! Don't worry, kids! Our cars are bulletproof! Keep firing, Zopi! Get us out of here! Let's go! This is the end of the line for you, ------------! Where are you? Where are you? ------------. MEXICO CITY I have this weird feeling, like there's something I've forgotten to do. Maybe we should first talk our plans over with my dad. You can stay, babe. It's fine, really. No problem. I have to swing by the old country to find out why they're trying to take my coltan mine away. I can't help but laugh when I say it. Are you sure? I'd gotten everyone's hopes up when I agreed to join you. Don't do that. You won't get the chance to miss me. We'll work on your projects when I get back. And if we have to open shop in Mexico, then we will. I don't mind. You know I adore you, don't you? Keep moving. Go, go. Let's get this party started, gentlemen! Move it, --------! Think we're safe? I sure hope so. But we can't let our guard down. I never let my guard down. What should we do? Hold on. -What's that? -I keep caches everywhere. I like to keep caches. Forewarned is forearmed. I'll show these --------. That's it. I take it you know how to use one. -I'm going out. -Okay, boss. -What's wrong? -It's nothing, honey. Everything's fine. Head to that house over there! Stay down, son! Down! Stop! Carmen, you and the kids get out. Head to that construction site when I say! -Are you sure? -Yes! Do as I say! Move it, kids! Be careful! Let's go. Cover me, Zopi! Get ready! Now, Carmen! Run! Let's go! Run! Heads up, Zopi! Head over to that tire. One, two, three! Cowboy, go after Carmen and the kids while we keep them busy! Move! Run! Get in there! Come here. Get me the bazooka! Now! Get in, get in! Carmen! No! No! Not the kids! My kids, Zopi! -Let's go, boss! -My kids! Let's go! Calm down and listen to me, ma'am. It's Porqui. I work for Mr. Ismael. Calm down. You scared me, damn it! Calm down, ma'am. Oh, look at you. You've been hit. -Yes, but I'm fine. -What's going on? Who the hell are these bastards? I don't know, ma'am. But I'm sure they came here to kill you. Listen... let's head that way and find the road. Alright, let's go. It's an ambush, ------- it! An ambush! Stop! Job was too much for you? No, we had the team ready to go... Quit talking, --------. I'll end these --------. Show your faces, Mexicans! Show your faces! MEXICO CITY The establishment is nervous because I'm doing well in the polls. They've tried to tarnish my reputation, but they won't succeed. Let's go back to Casillas. What you said made me wonder why you would bring him up when Aurelio Casillas has been allegedly dead for years. This is a country in which lies are told so many times they become truth. <i> I'm not making this up.</i> <i> People on the streets</i> <i> say it too.</i> <i>The cartels are running the show</i> <i> here.</i> <i> The Casillas cartel</i> <i> in particular.</i> For your sake I hope you don't repeat what I'm about to say. Where are you manners, Omar? Are you really threatening me? That ------- is telling the truth. Aurelio Casillas is alive. Give me a break! Sounds like you know him. I know him very well. It's about time the Lord of the Skies turned up to shut them up. And he'd better turn up dead. After them! What are you waiting for? Get them! Damn the boss' need to go hunting on his own! He must be in a shootout. He was near the river. Then we need to cut those ------------- off! Let's go! Everyone out! Come on! In position! Let's go! We have to get out of here! Erase the hard drives! Make sure we don't leave any trace! Now! Where's the boss? You got his location? No. I was preparing a drone when this ---- started. This must be Quezada's men. Get your stuff and let's go. Take everything. Come on! We have no time to erase anything. We got 'em, Cabo. We killed everyone and ruined his house. He's ------. What are you talking about? This doesn't mean a thing to Casillas. Is that job done? Almost done, sir. What do you mean? Call Samario and ask him if it's done. Hey, Samario. Is it done? He says he's on it. Tell him I'll chop his ----- off if he lets him get away. Did you hear him? Come on! Go, go, go! Yeah. Tell the boss that if I don't follow through, I'll cut them off myself and send them to him. Move, --------! Go, go, go! Aurelio! Aurelio, there's a drop! Get down. Look at this, man. This guy has a great security team. They must've realized we were coming. No, you tell him. Put him on the phone. We need to invest in more technology, Cabo. We need to modernize. Modernize? How's this for modern, -------? Bullets. Guns. It's Samario. Don't tell me I have to chop your ----- off. You'll have to because even though we hit him hard, the son of a bitch got away. The bastard went down a waterfall and killed most of my men. Too bad he didn't kill you. It'd have hurt less than what I'll do to you. Look, man. Give me a few hours. I'll look for him down river and see if I find his body. If not... Then get to it! Do it, ------------! Get to work! He got away. Casillas got away. He's a slippery bastard. I knew it. Oh, well. No one said this would be easy. No one. Finish the search. If you find any art, bring it. I know Casillas likes his art. I do too. And the clocks too. If you find any, bring them too. Yes, sir. -Let's go. -Let's. Hey, Mocho. Head to Mexico City. I know that's where Casillas is headed. I know that much. Don't just stand there! Move! I won't leave you alone, Casillas. I'll keep going after you. I'm gonna hunt you down, you ------- rat. Almost there. Leave or I'll call the police. If you call them, I'll kill you. You're saying it's all in this undercover agent's hands? MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY You don't know her. I trust her. Where'd you find her? What has she done? Plenty with the CIA. We've worked together on missions in Kabul, Afghanistan until they got to her. Where is she now? What's her status? Last I heard, she was with Casillas. They were out hunting in a ranch near Veracruz. Have a little faith. We want him alive. We're waiting for the right time to get him. <i> What you find her body</i> <i> in a thicket</i> <i> with a bullet in her head?</i> Breathe. What happened? It's okay. Breathe. Nothing. You almost died, but it wasn't your time yet. Do you know where we are? No, but we'll find out soon enough. Don't worry. Remember that the stars always tell us where to go. That's why they call you the Lord of the Skies? We'll you're the empress of the Earth. Are you okay? Can we go? Okay. Let's go. We won't let those bastards hunt us down. Wait here. Got signal? Yeah, but neither the boss nor Ismael is answering. -Call Rutila. -Any other bright ideas? About time someone answered. Where's my father? We were ambushed. We don't know his or Ismael's whereabouts. The house is destoyed. I hope they're still in the forest. I don't know who they were. Maybe Colombians. Leandro Quezada must be behind this. Tell her to have Pompeyo take her to the San Francisco house in Desierto de los Leones. -She'll be safe there. -Okay. Pompeyo, they said to head to the San Francisco house. You know where it is? Of course I do. It's one of our safest houses. They must've run into a lot of trouble over there. Maybe we should've hopped on that plane. What's up? Serves you right for messing with the Lord of the Skies. Babe! Let's go. Come on. Ready? Let's go. Let's get crackin'. Let's go. ------- ----! Son of a bitch! Hello. Please take them to their room. They're exhausted. -I'm going to check everything. -Thanks. Hey, Javi. Babe. You've no idea how glad I am to hear your voice. How are you? We're about to land in the Serrania del Perija, where you and I will promise to love each other forever. What was that? No! Javi! Javi! Javi, say something! What's going on? Javi! Javi, I can't hear you! Talk to me! We're almost out of ammo. Come here. I'm sprouting ink. It looks better. Yeah. There's a town nearby, but we can't go there now. Besides, I'm tired. Are you tired? Have the stars shown you the way? The stars? Thanks. MEXICO CITY Have you heard from Samario? Not a word. Not a whisper. I hope I don't have to chop his ----- off. Alright, ladies. How many of you want me to drive them crazy? All of you! I'm going to need some help with that! Shh... -Let them in. -Come in. Easy or I kill you! Do you have a phone? It's Zopi, Vitaminas. About time you called. What happened? We were hit. Ismael's badly hurt and Nazareno's wife and kids are dead. No... don't tell me that... Miss, Ismael's badly wounded. And Ms. Carmen and the kids... Okay, that's it. Pick up Ismael and bring him here. Zopi, we're in the San Francisco house. We're going to send someone to pick you up. Yeah. Give Greñas the coordinates. Here. Write down the coordinates. And send word to the people in town. We need to be ready. Find a doctor, a surgeon. Bring one from a hospital. These people are not going to ---- us. And if my father's dead... then this is no longer about power. It's about survival. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 20,398,117
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Keywords: raul mendez, gabril porras, jorge luis moreno, carmen villalobos, detras de camara, fan infiltrada, carmen aub, el señor de los cielos, rafael amaya, gala montes, maritza rodríguez, mauricio ochmann, vanessa villela, aurelio casillas, el senor de los cielos, el señor de los cielos 3, lisa owen, sabrina seara, capítulo 1, el señor de los cielos 5, monica robles, caso cerrado english, laura flores, mi familia perfecta, gabriel porras, 12 corazones
Id: l3ZN4TEk-I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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