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SONORÃ, MEXICO, 1880 Clean up fast. We have out before anyone în between. Care, talk down. Sure, got everything? - Yes, and you here? Look, here comes somebody. - Good morning, sir. - Good morning, sir. Let's go. Come on, Doc Come on. "Come on, Kid. One-minute. The girl was trying to fool me. Do not hurt me. They stole everything. They took everything. Look, there they are! What? Does not come with us? You can please them. The till later. Do not drink too much, but is out of money faster. Let à glory then. His home is în Mexico? My home is... anywhere where I venture to go. Then travel a lot? One can say that. I go from one city to another. I carry money to banks from time to time. You're a speck în the eye. Left? No, if I may think I can get him with this. Yes, close your eyes. I made the mistake of thinking he was a gentleman. Now it might be better you go. Please go away. Very good. Never leave the bar. Our boss is always there. I do not have much chance to go around. Find a girl like you. I'm sorry, mã'am. I just hope... not too badly of me when I leave. Perhaps a little impulsive. You can visit me again if you want. Did not know how I feel good. Stop! Follow me! - Dismount and follow me. - Sure, Captain. Listen, disassemble. The final four go behind. The others follow me. You, go the other way. Do nothing. Wait I say. Come on, look everywhere. Search the place! They are coming. Exit the window. Your shoes! Your shoes! Underneath the bridge. My mother gave me this ring before dying. It means a lot to me, Lady, if you can use it. I could not. Could not accept that. Please. It makes me feel much better. It is very beautiful. I'll be honored to use it. Thank you. - Hey Kid. It is there, Kid? - Yes. Come, mount his horse. Come on! Where's Doc? - You are dead. My brilliant. What? Sorry, honey. Maybe next time. Right? - Can you handle that? - Yes. Take. There they are! Hey, Dad, come back here. Come on! Take the gold! Take the gold, fast! Come on. Up there! Where's your rifle? - I dropped în the path. Let's go down. Now stop the fire. We can not shoot them here. Will stop them. The till when, I do not know. We need to think of something. And fast. Now all we have is that horse. Better than nothing. Remember that assault we did în Colorado? Not. I was drunk, killed one woman and left. - Been? - Yes. That path must have about 8 km to the canyon. Not? Has no path. If we set up the two that horse... he will collapse before we walk less than 1 km One of us has to stay here. And the other has to go look two young horses. No chance. It's better than sitting waiting to get shot. Maybe it will work. - We have no choice. - Who goes and who stays? Well.. Let's toss. With bullet? If you take the bullet, go. You will. I'm here. I'll see you soon. - Kid? - Yes? Yes, I need it. Do not walk away now. I was not thinking în doing so. Come on! "Hey, kid. - What do you want, boss? Whose? - From my father. "Go call him. Daddy. Good morning, sir. "Well, listen. - How are you? Very good. Aº either those two horses? How may I serve you? Those two horses. But I will not sell those horses because... cost me a lot of work. Say, how much? - How much? Two hundred-weights. Two hundred pesos. Anda, Manuel! Come on! Give me that. Thank you. Let's get him. Hello, friend. He saw a foreigner to come by too rushed? Yes, Captain. A man very bad, and it was there. And had no shoes. Without shoes, eh? The horse is that? Yes, sir. And he took one of mine. He paid him, no? Yes, sir. - How much? - Little. I wonder what happened with his friend. Well.. may have gone look for the shoes. Well, come on, guys. Come on, guys. PRlSÃO OF SONORÃ 5 YEARS DEPOlS And now? Let's go home my girl. Take horses and clothes. Are you okay? I'm fine. Well, let's go there. Let him go, buddy. În such a Longworth. It will be very difficult to find it. It is a very big country. I know it's there. Sooner or later, I find it. Makes 5 years is waiting. So let's wait a little more. - And if he's dead? "Then I'll find him dead. Will spend the rest of my life looking for this man. Let's get going. Yes, Kid. Good evening, gentlemen. Can enter. Meet a man who Dad Longworth is called? I know nothing. Lurdito? See what these men want. You want, sir? Meet a man who Dad Longworth is called? Do not know. - It is American. "Come on, Mom. - Want to know what there is. - Do not want to come? Do not want to come? Want or Not? They do not want to enter. Come on. - Where were you? - Outside. - Say, Dad Longworth knows? - Who? Dad, an American nose fat. Not. "Want a slice of lemon? - Who is the girl? I do not know, sorry. - You have a size and so. - No. - Hey, careful with that knife. You two are friends? They are enemies? It's an old friend of mine. Be nice. Good night. Hey, you two wait here. Be right back. - Where you going? - Be right back. I think I want to get drunk to be able to stay with me. Boy! - Remember me? - Of course. I was there. Very well, very well. How are you? I'm fine. What are you doing here? Doing time. It's been five or six years I saw him. I heard that was în trouble. " Yeah, a little. That 's bad. What happened with your friend? Well, do not know, I follow în his footsteps. - When you see him last? - Since they came together. Remember when the soldiers they killed that man? Damn! Perhaps it escaped across the border. It... What are you doing here? I'm there! Just a minute, my baby. I'm going, I'm talking with an old friend. - No. Come on. - Just a minute. She goes. I'm just asking things. Ask your mother. "Come, come. - Just a minute. Do not do it with her. What say? He said not to do that with her. I already get enough of you, dodgy. Well, Harvey Johnson will a famous name here. Will be killed by a guy called Rio - Is he? - Yes. Do not want to lose a hand to find out. And you, Harvey? I do not care if it. No? My name is Henry. I would sit and pay him a drink. There is one thing I would like to discuss. Be right back. Can I sit? Pay no attention to it. He drank a little too much. Must have heard about me. Has a good memory? Not. Well, it does not matter. You know, was very lucky find it so. I have an idea and would like to discuss it with you. What do you think of getting rich... once and for all? I would not want some change, is not it? Have something to say? There are 14 days away, the horse, There is a city. And this city is the seat more stuffed than ever seen. Full of good and better. Why are you telling me all this? I'll need help to rob that bank. And why not do alone? Two men are not enough. There are other banks you can rob. It's true. But this is a little different. I heard it is à demand for Dad Longworth. He had dirt between you. If this is true, I can tell you where to find it. Can I still talk? There is coming the funny part. And it will interest you. The sheriff of this town Dad Longworth is. Now we do business? Yes. Well, there it is. Monterrey, California. Thinking that money waiting the bank makes me want to cry. You know, Harvey, will have diamonds aº could ever imagine. Come down and get all there is. ESCRlTÓRlO OF XERlFE I will get a room. Be right back. Looking for someone? Looking For Dad Longworth. Know where I can find it? - What do you want with it? "I want to see him. Who wants to see it? I. About what? I'm the delegate. Do not believe could deal with it. I'm asking politely. Read that warning? I have many things to do Today, în addition to talking with you. By their ways, I see that is the head, sir. You better watch out with the back, kid. Am I'll take care of this type of thing here. Well.. maybe have the chance trying. You know where I can find Dad Longworth? - Stay away. - Where? Some 16 km from the city, toward the beach. His is the first house on the west side of the hill. Dad, we have visitors. Someone's coming. Honey, give me my holster, please. - What? "Do not worry. Give me. Who is he? Close the window. Stay inside. Hello, Dad. Hello, Kid. How are you? Well What about you? I will hide there. What's on your mind? Nothing. I was just passing and wanted to see you. Knew would come, sooner or later. Glad you came. Is there something you wanted to tell you long ago. How about a drink? Very good. "You look good. - Yes, I'm fine. Stay à will. Remember the last time we had to split one? Of course I remember. It was there în the mountains... when we get stuck up there, remember? - There are five years. - Exactly. Yeah, right, about five years. I think he was wondering why never showed up with horses. Yeah, I thought about it. You know, it was nine days away. I thought I had drunk too much and forgotten... or had not had time... No I do not forgot, Kid. But there was nothing I could do. When I arrived at the ranch there were no horses. And the Mexicans did not speak English and when understood, said... had ºold the horses few weeks earlier. I took our horse, I made it and went toward him. But when I arrived at the Canyon I saw men everywhere. I was hiding until dark. I came aº close aº I could, to where the horse could go. I was hidden în the canteen... I gave a little gold to silence the man from the bar. There was not much there, if I remember correctly. Enough to go through the border and come here. Here în Monterrey. I thought it best to stay out movement until... until all the scroll Mexico was forgotten. So far I am clean. Clean enough to have been elected sheriff. Knowing me the way aº I was... could not blame him not to believe. But if you're looking for a time to avenge what I did... I will feel very therefore, Kid. But if you want, tell them how and where they want to fight. I will face it. You gotta go, Dad. No need to worry what happened to me. I was also hidden until it was dark. When I saw the captain and soldiers... They also failed to find me. Thereafter, they were only women, drinks e... game. Are you sure that was it, Kid? Well, you know me, Dad. If unsure of this... we were exchanging bullets with one another outside. It was difficult to accept at the time... but that was 5 years ago. A man can not be angry for five years. Can? - Know what to do? - No. Will stay for dinner. Hey, Dad, I... gotta go, was only passing through... came to say hello, but there are people waiting în the city. Let me worry with it. I do not know. Better think about it because... I'm still în business. I want you to know my family. - Right. - Great. Come on. Just a minute, Kid. Mary! I want you to know an old friend of mine. Mary! Hello You are waiting for my father? Yes. - Do not want to sit? - Yes, I do. It is a friend I want who knows. Glad you're here. Rio, I want you to know my whole family. My wife, Mary. - How are you? "Very pleased. I already know my stepdaughter? "Yes, we said hello. Luiza-This is my stepdaughter. Very pleased. I love her like my own daughter. - He will stay for dinner. - Great. - We are happy. - Do not want to bother. There is some discomfort. Whether you wash? Yes. Take his hat. Father Almighty... thank food we will receive. We offer our humble thanks... and ask for a blessing food we eat. Pity those who nothing, Jesus, amen. Never heard you pray before the rank, Dad. Do you know long? Dad and I have a long history. I was just a kid when... when Dad got me. I never heard talk to you. We were half looters. When he was on the other side, no? All right, Kid, you all know already walked outside the law. We were a good match, enjoyed ourselves. Everything was reason to laugh, Dad. They could have cut our heads or... could have ended în jail or something. He was lucky. "Only luck, huh? - Yes. Of course that was long ago. They were bank robbers, Mr. Rio? Yes, mã'am. And your father here. But no more. Not anymore. Will stay în Monterrey long? Enough to fix my horse and do some things. And then where are you? I do not know, Mrs. Longworth. I thought about going to Oregon. There is plenty of land there, I would like to take a look. Will be here for our party? When? Tomorrow till night. And you can not buy horseshoes for horse... because everything is closed. I mean barber shop, saddlery, bank... everything? The bank, everything is closed. So why not stay here? He heard the young man. He goes to Oregon. You know, I can postpone by one or two days. Do not expect much, Kid. It's just a street dance. Should be sufficient to entertain a man. So you stay? Well, from a young so adorable... I do not know if I can decline the invitation. Yes, I'll stay. ... And it's really true. Do not know about you, kid... but it was a great day for me. For 5 years I have lived with it. I'm happy for everything has ended. I bet you do. Good party, Dad. - Thank them for me. - Thank. Good night, River Thanks for coming. The pleasure was mine, Dad. Good night. I think I have the right to know where you stood. I know our business include not knowing where to walk. Do not have any right to know. Aº long aº I understand. Not ridden 1500 km to return empty-handed. Could not get into bank before the day after tomorrow. What about Longworth? I'm not thinking of him. When the bank open I'll kill him. Welcome à party... hope you have fun. Every year we do this party. Remember that all we are neighbors, friends. I also want to take advantage the opportunity to thank... having been elected sheriff once again. I want you to know I am grateful for that. And I will continue to do the best I can... to make this County a place that you really want... to raise our children. Well, come on, let's begin. Give me some flowers. What kind do you want? It makes no difference. Violets are very beautiful. Okay. How much you want for it which has în the neck? This? Not à sale. But I'm glad you like it. I can give you $ 20 for it. Could not sell it. It was my husband gave me. So who knows, worth $ 30. Very good. Very nice, but... $ 30... Yeah, I was sorry. - Hello, Martha. - Hello, Helen. - Mrs. Longworth, Luiza. - Hello. Just wanted to thank you for wonderful last night. I really enjoyed it. Glad you enjoyed. Thank you. - Thank you. "Hey, kid. - Hello, Dad. - Are you having fun? Well, have not started yet, Dad. I heard you say that speech... you must be a great man here. - I try to be, is not, mother? - You are having fun, no? Yes, I am. And the dance-à? - Do not worry about the dance. - How about dance? - The party is great, Dad. I think this is our dance is not, Luiza? I think Miss. Luiza already been asked, no? - Excuse me. - Later. Better late than never. Come, let's have a beer. Come on, dance. Hey Luiza, I think your mother needs your help. - Excuse me. - Be right back. At the barbecue tent. Well, I do not know your friends. My name is Henry. Henry Buddermic? Yes, myself. Yes, I saw your picture în the mail. So have heard talk to me, sheriff. Johnson. Well, the law allows us to take drinks during the festival... but tomorrow I want a clean city, So, while not leaving... have fun. You bet. - See you, sheriff. Where did you get this pair? There. You know, is not partners like you today. Well, I think it's time to say goodbye. I tell you one thing, before you go. Throughout my life, never I met someone like you. Sorry you go away. Why would to know him better. If you knew me better, you dislike. I sure would like. Goodbye, Miss. Luiza. And thanks for everything. Rio - Howard, pay attention. Was-à your search. Go have fun. I... I'll give you one... - Well... - I want to talk to you. - And I want to talk to you. "But I'm serious. I thought I had fled with a vendor who knows what. What is serious. Let's go home right now, let's go home. - Please be true. "Come on, say what, say. - Wait. It's about Luiza. - What does Luiza? I do not see there's a time and I do not see your friend aº well. That 'is not terrible. - Please, please. - What? Why not try to find them? - No, not now. - Yes, now, please. - Mr. Longworth, now! - Very well, Mrs. Longworth. But I shall return. Alright, now go. Just to make sure who will drink. - Chat. - Hi, Dad. - Chat, Luiza not seen out there? - Let me put a little bit. No, do not mess around, is not it? Of course, I was dancing with that guy just now. - We are glad you are here. - Equally. You like it? - Good to see you. - Good to see you. "Ladies and gentlemen... - Longworth. I do not want to go home. I'm enjoying the party. I'm Longworth. "You saw Luiza? - No, not seen. - Where is Luisa? - I was here. - Must be with that guy. - I have to go looking for it. - You can leave, Mrs. Longworth. "But bring it home, yes? - Rest assured, I will take. - Promise me that. Yes, you better get going. I will try Luiza. I'll take care of Luiza, do not worry. What? I was just wondering... What is the most distinguished woman I've met. I'm sure you already knew many women who are kind. Yes, some. But not many like you. There is one thing I wanted tell you, lady. Luiza. Lied to you about me. I was putting on all night. I work for the government. Why lie about it? I needed it. I swore not to talk about my job. I know nothing about tomorrow but to have an idea... I'll be out about 4 or 5 months. Plâns to return to Monterrey? One day? I hope so. Luiza not have much time to woo her. I'm not exactly what usually call a gentleman. But before you go want you to know it will be a great wife. And I know he is not entitled to tell you this, but... I want you to wait for me. I do not know what to say. Not have to say anything now. Just think about it. Yes, wait for you. No idea how it makes me feel good. Not much to offer. Not a ring or anything. Everything I have is... this necklace my mother gave me before dying. And this would mean a lot if used it when I leave. I am proud to use it. Feel really missing you. But I'll write every day... When you go to Oregon? I'm not going to Oregon. But it should go. I do not want him out of their work. There is a small village fishermen a few miles. I have no job. Make a living robbing banks. What do you mean? I mean... everything you said yesterday à night is lying. Lied? Yes. About everything? About almost everything. And the collar of his mother? I never knew anything about my mother. I bought it from a girl $ 25. Well.. That's it. Do not know if advance something to say but... I have disgraced you. And like that had not done it. You just disgraced himself. Scare you. Arriving late? What are you doing here? Trying to figure out where you were. I was just walking. Let's take a small walk, you and me. A more will not make a difference. Out of my way. Hey, Ed! Ed! It's me, Loan. Sorry to wake you soon, Dad. But I want to tell you something. She stayed out all night. Who? Luiza. With that aº the Rio Aº you know, Loan? I was waiting here all night. She has now arrived. Looking kinda confused too. Of course I hate being who told her, Dad. Loan said he was with River at night. Is this true? Not. Why are you dressed? His bed is made. Answer me! Was with him? - Yes, but... but... "But what? What? - Nothing happened. - You should not lie to me. I'm not lying. Just walk along the beach. "It's all, just walked on the beach! - Yes. - Just walk along the beach. - What? What is going on here? What? Luiza, what happened? Mother... I want to speak for a moment. Luiza, what happened? Where have you been all night? Did something happen? Answer me! Mom, I'm waiting. I think she is lying for me. I want you to discover. Luiza never lie. I hope you're right. Luiza... tell me... slept with him? Why, Luiza? Why do it? Because I believed they liked me. It was a lie. Excuse me, Mom. Forgive me. She was telling the truth? Yes. Are you sure? Yes. "But he got all night. "She's fine. Keep it în the room. There, gentlemen. Hot coffee. I think they need because last night, is not it? Hey, man. This horse has is fighting for his life. That is why we have a sharpened knife, pal. - Hey, buddy. - He said he was about, Howard. That night we had, What a night! What you want now? - Give us more whiskey. - And you will want to eat? - You will eat chilli? "I'm not hungry. - So let's drink whiskey. - I'll bring. "Come on, drink. - I do not want more, please. - Drink, be good. - The night is over. Take the cup. Come on, drink. Want to see you drink. - I do not want. - Why not? Drink hoe, come on, drink! - Drink! - There it is! - This is how we should treat them. - Right... owes me six pesos. Wait a moment. She needs to eat something. - I do not want to die of hunger. - Please, I'm sick. Will not eat? Go take care of your stuff. Take it easy! Get out! This is a good place. What do they think they are? Give me a dollar for who has good manners. Please, is breaking my arm. - It will be nice now? - That 's all? Yes, almost. - How are you, boy? - Good morning. Get up, your bully. You will see what is good! - Easy. "Who does he think he is? - Stop! - Stop! - Get off me! Wait! Thinking, I'll kill him too. I'll kill you, I want to kill him. Wait. Beware! Had already said more than a thousand times this would happen. Well, finally succeeded. You killed it. I better take care of it. Beast is what you were. They killed you at last. - Get off me. - Walk. And now, what will you do, friend? That 'does not change anything. Let's hope those two. And continue. Let's have a drink. - Hello, Kid. - Hello, Dad. How did it happen? He began to drag e... came from behind I had to grab the gun. - That 's his style. - Yes, gave me no other choice. He was always asking for it. Had it not been you... would have been another person, I think. You better get him out of here. Gonna bring the charge. "You help me. - Sure, Dad. Let's put it în the cart. Kid. I think it would be a good idea surrendered his revolver. Very good. Hethon. Ace! Tim! Hon! Left hand. Kid. Throw it. Hon! Come on! I warned not to cause no problem here. But no, Kid, you ignored my warning... and went straight back Man, did he? Well.. not want that kind here... I will teach him a lesson will never forget. Let's see what kind of thing you're done. And this is a good start. Look what is happening with Romeo. - Must have done something. - Made something? Nothing so serious. When he gave that shot started a war. If I could I would help get râd of that posudo. What we do about the bank? Well, let's stop there today anyway. Now, he says, Kid? You better kill me. - Kill you? - Is. No, there is no need. His days of gunman over. Untie it! Hethon. Bring the horse here. Now, I'm letting you go. But if it ever comes here again... I'll shoot you like was a dog on the street. Very good. That 's all. All finished! Go home! It's raw! Yes, sorry therefore, River We saw everything and there was nothing we could do. It's okay, Bob. I've been everywhere trying hide the delegate. You know me, River If there was anything that could I do have wheezing. I said okay, Bob. It's called Devil's Point. Get there. And then? Let's just wait. Just wait. I hope you can, River Wow, they really did. It seems that everything is broken. I do not think will be fine for a long time. No need to be fawning around me, Bob. This is not, I'm just Rio thinking of you, that's all. Well, come on. We need some rooms. My friend is sick. We need a place to stay. - How many bedrooms? - Four. What is this? Fish? Something dead. Hey, where can we find drink around here? There. Hello, Miss. Luiza. Wait a minute. You know, I heard about your friend. That guy, what is even his name? Rio. I thought I could be interested. - Yeah, what about him? He was hanged, e... tortured în the center with lashes on the back. And how do you know? Someone has to the whistle. Four weeks. I think the honey over, boy. Will not improve more than that. Never mind. Let's go back to Morrel. Lying în the sun. Forget this Longworth. He's not worth it. What you say, pal? You must be crazy. Here is a fish. Take this fish stinky here. I am full of fish, Howard. And these waves crashing all day. Six weeks and was just vomiting I heard it from him. And it will not improve anything. How is hand, Rio? It going. Well, I was thinking if we stay here. What's the plan? I was thinking about everything that waiting on the bench. What is the plan, Bob? I'll tell you what we do. Let's hope that sheriff outside his home... and then assail that bank. I'm still hurt, Bob. Take! Well, we may have to change because their style... seems a little slow for me. I'm getting tired listening to this bullshit. We rode 1500 km, because you were considered the best. But how Things are going... I think from without you. Would have to go with six, instead of me. Me, may be only two of us. Oh, Bob. Do not want to get up, baby? It is eight o'clock în the morning. Come on, get up. So many things to do and I'm here. Luiza! Luiza Why did not you answer? Yes, mother. I'll have a child. - Hello. - Hello. - How are you? - I'm fine. Are you okay now? Yes, I'm fine. Want to sit? How did you find me here? - Loan told me. - Loan? Do not know how he knows. Well.. No matter. I'll leave here soon. Where you going? Have not thought about until end Longworth. End what? I'll kill him. Will kill him? Right. But why? Just because you hit? Yes, so and other things. I know it was something horrible what he did. And I was embarrassed for him. But that is no reason to kill a man. Reason? I have reasons. I have a thousand reasons. How many days spent în that jail în Sonorã. How many nights spent digging holes for the swollen feet. With mice à around me. I let five years pass. Heard men shouting and praying. Catching up dying. I do not understand. No? It is difficult to understand. 5 years ago on a hill were caught by soldiers. And he left for get new animals. But did not. It was the best friend I had. Abandoned me. And you know why? For two bags of gold. Are you sure he did that? Yes. Well, that's my sad history. But when it's over... I hope you come with me. After murdering him? That 'is not murder. That 's reckoning, that any man would. And you think to kill him will make it man. I do not know, but... just know that I think of that over five years. And that was the only thing that made me stay alive. River.. There are not many chances to be happy. And I think we have one now. Could not try forget it? Forget? Not while I'm alive. Rio Rio! Please, please try to forget it. Please take me with you. We can be very happy. Can not forget? - Can not forget... I can not, can not! Do not understand it can. I'd rather die than forget. So... I'm going away. I would not be here, when they bury you. I love you. Goodbye. Wait a minute. You should have some reason to come here. Yes, had. But it does not matter now. - This is my best bet. Very well. Want to get rich with my blood, Bob. The New York Yankee takes this. Well, thanks for the donations. How about a little your money? Romeo? While you're here good things to do. Was changed after he spoke with his little bird on the beach. That 's right, Bob. Get up, you pig! Get up! I want to get up I can break you. Come on, get up. Come on! You have reached the limit. If you speak one more time on it... kill you. I'd better forget the bank tomorrow, eh? Yes. What will you do now? I'm going behind her în the morning. What about Longworth? Just pray to God not cross him. Come with us, Modesto? I do not know. Go back to Mexico? Maybe. What do you think, Howard? Well, we have nothing else to do. What about your friend? Still determined to go after this woman? Yes, I think so. I do not know. "I'll say goodbye before you go. Very well. Boy. We are starting now. Just came to say goodbye. Has a long way ahead. Right. - Think of me once în a while. You bet. I will miss him. Listen... If you are tired of here go to Morrel. It's a small place... There is almost nothing there, but... - One can live quietly. - I will, boy. "Well, goodbye friend. "Goodbye, kid. Take care of yourself. Hey, where do they go? The way this is. This way. This is the way to Monterrey. Right. Let's rob the bank right now. That is, only two of you? I'm thinking it'll be three. - Are you în or out? - I do not. That 's not good. We will create many problems to Rio, you know? If we wait... Who knows. We've waited long enough for Rio I will not wait no more endure one more fool. Because he is no longer the boss, I am. Now... - Come with us or not? - I do not. Not you. Will try to stop me? Yes, I will try to stop him. However, Modesto, I am disappointed în you... acting this way. Will take time to Rio I'll tell you one thing. One more word, and I cut you în half. One more word, huh? Let me see. Maybe I can think of any. Yes, I have one. V-E-R-M-E! Worm! Try again. I am very disappointed with him. You're not? Of course I am. Perhaps it is this that 're looking for. Swallow them... worm. Damn! You had a good life. Come on. "Wait here. Be right back. - Right. Hey, Longworth! Longworth! Good morning, Sheriff. Rio said it wait for it here. For what? Because he said came to kill him. Say I'm waiting. Okay, I'll say him that. - Good morning. - Good morning. Just a moment. Coming serve you. Deposit? Not exactly. Where is your gun? I have none. Not have any? It is better to dig one. Up there. Thank you. Give me the notes. Forget the rest. Good morning, Mr Carnby. My father was here? Was here recently. You'll be good, not going? It will not scream or get out of here, are you? Very well, then sit there în the corner and not get hurt. You better make it soon or burst his liver. There it is. I'll take it. - What? - Not July 4th! Come on! Hey, Barney! Where is Longworth? I do not know. Hello, sheriff. Dad! The devil happened în the city. They did everything. A left town, I did the best I could. Tell me what happened. They cleared the bank. That's what happened. Who was? The staff of River- The box hit Bob, and the other fled. They killed the small Amy. What about Rio? Not seen. Very smart. Bob was shot so I came up here. Okay. Be right back. - I'm going. - Thanks. Thanks, - Goodbye. Stopped, River Raise your hands slowly. "Very good, Dad! Let's hang him. Now comes. "I'll remember that. - Will not remember anything! Now-back. - You do not have brains, you hear? - Come în, come on, quickly. - Yes! Hurry! Come on out. That 's all. You too. Well, that's it, Kid. I think there is nothing to say. Dad! Got a minute? Sure, Kid. Bob knows that it sent there to say they stay home. Well, maybe I was wrong. But I'm not going to judge you, those guys and going. They will be your jury. You are dying to Watch me turn ham, right? No, Kid. You have been trying to these ten years... and now will get. Should have given up when I was ahead. How you? Like me. When I came looking for him, Dad... I saw the other side of his face. You know where I spent the last five years? În a prison în Sonorã. What do you think? I think you're lying. It's slick aº soap. I will have a trial, Dad? Sure, Kid, of course. Will have a fair trial. Then I'll hang him. Personally. Rio? I had to come. I'm glad you came. Then he looked. You look great. Good indeed. Maybe if we had found again... you have changed your mind. Luiza, I was not coming after Dad. And nothing on that bank. Was coming take you with me. her request to be my wife. This is true? I have no time to lie. Listen... I'll tell you one thing. I'll have your baby. Why do not you tell me before? Because I was afraid. I thought it did not. It would be wonderful. Because it is our love. And you would have very proud of him. I love you, Luiza. I had no chance to tell you. I want you to know that... be thinking to you tomorrow. Do not say that. They will hear it trial. And see that you are innocent. But to believe it. You bet. Well, come on. Come on! Sorry to have to stop this dating. You heard me. Back. Turn around. Hold on to the grid. Put the blades back. Stand firm. What about you? Nothing. Too bad they will take care you. I would do it. With it. Wanted to break you. Why does not it? Come on, pull the trigger. Very good. Go ahead. Try it. It is not necessary, Loan. "You will lose. Continue. They say it is brave. You do have courage. I think it will be more fun wait until tomorrow. Let's see how it goes stay on your face. Will turn black, and its tongue out. Why do not you shut up? Why does not care of your stuff? Do not forget a thing. Yes, what is? Is not finished yet. Yeah, but you'll be. You may not pass tomorrow. Ah, yes. Do not forget it. Will be watching it before they kill you. You die, scum. Until later, idiot. Check on your cell. It is best when if you're hungry. What will happen to him? What will happen to whom? He will even be hanged? Of course it will. Do you have your reasons want him to die? Not. Reason. He just... robbed the bank, killed a girl, that's all. Why do you ask? I thought I had personal reasons. Personal reasons? Like what? The story of his having fled the Mexico and leave him to die. Did it? Is this true? I've heard that story. Where did you hear? He told à Luiza. Clever boy. It's the truth? The truth is that it plays with the truth. What the hell is wrong with you? I'll tell you. Luiza will have his child. Yes. Please listen to me. You have been good for us and I am grateful. And if you talk to them? I do not want she suffers like me. Then lied to me another day. Yes, I lied to you but... Shut up! That's what I get by removing it from the field? And give him a life respectable? I gave him clothes he is wearing. And I gave her a roof. And what else? I gave my name to her daughter. My. Why not have one. All we are saying true. But now she needs your help. More than ever before. Help? Yes. I'll help you. It took me five years to build such a decent life. "I will not stand here. - Killing him will not solve. - Left my hand. - Please. Release my hand! - Is guilty. Will pay. - Do not lie to me anymore. I realized from day one he came here. Your hatred for him is more important than anything. Even our own lives. And will do anything to hide the memory that caused it. Even kill. I told you shut up. His execution will only a day earlier. That's it. What do you think What are you doing? You better come down. He brought something to eat. You know something? Why not take it back, because He will not give you anything. My father told I bring it. And you should give it to him. He told me nothing about it. Is it? I will say that you refused. Wait a moment. Let me see. What we have here? A little stew. I'll take a peek. You shall not touch that. "I love you Rio! - Luiza. I love you! Back! Get your hands off her! Get your hands dirty off her! Get off me! Get off me! Get off me! I'll take it from here and see what your father thinks that. Very good. Open here soon. I'll count up to eight give me the keys. I'll rip your neck. One Want to start my neck out with this? Two. Will be lucky to hit the wall. Three. I'll shut up until they go down the stairs... but will be hanged the same way. Four. 're Bluffing, brother, I pay to see. Come on, try it. Six. What I have to do is to get the gun. Seven. - So? - I am going. Open the door. Calmly. Turn around and enter here. Enter here. Left hand. Take the belt. Knees. Very good. Was discharged. Give me the keys. I'll take it. - Now. No, please do not kill me. Remember? I said was not finished. - Do not want to die! "You do not seem brave. I would like to see him lying on your blood. - Please do not kill me. - Get up. Get up! Turn around and go see something. Do not move. Stand up. Stand up. Between there and grab all weapons, fast. There are no weapons. Will die if you're lying. Turn around, lower the hands. - He 's there? No, he went to the bar. Help! Somebody help me! Help! Get off that horse. - Help. He'll run away! You killed my father! Sorry, could not do nothing. "Come on! - No. I gotta get outta here, Luiza. Yes, gotta go fast. I want to say something à his mother. Say you've tried to run but he gave me no chance. And tell her... I had to do it. Gonna be okay? Where you going now? I do not know. Will I have to think about it later. Perhaps Oregon. I'll râde for a while în any case. Why do not you to Mexico? Might find it în Sonorã în April. Once the baby arrives. Not. Not. I do not want to go behind me în Mexico. No matter. Listen. Wait for me în the spring. One dark night I will see you. Go look out the window and see me. Do not worry. Find a place. Now I gotta go. Go, please, go. I love you, River Take care of yourself. I'm so afraid to lose you. Farewell, my life.
Channel: Grjngo - Películas Del Oeste
Views: 3,143,589
Rating: 4.3545337 out of 5
Keywords: Karl Malden, Ben Johnson, filmes occidentales, El rostro impenetrable (1961), Katy Jurado, películas del oeste, cowboyfilm, peliculas western en español, western, película de vaqueros, pelicula del oeste, full length western movies, películas occidentales, Marlon Brando, marlon brando western movie, peliculas completas en español, cine occidental, peliculas del oeste en español, peliculas de vaqueros en español, película vaquera, películas gratuitas, Películas de vaqueros
Id: Sb0X7WYVcdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 55sec (8455 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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