De hombre a hombre | Lee Van Cleef | Película de vaqueros en español | Cine occidental

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Watch out. That gang's around here. With what we've got in the cart, 200,000 dollars, we'd better keep our eyes open. - Here, this will warm you up. - Great. We can use it. - I'm going back. You stay on guard. - Don't worry. - He goes to his warm house while we... - Shut up. - I wish it was tomorrow already. - Let's have a drink. - Did you hear anything? - Yeah, you gurgling down that bottle. I heard it. Let's go take a look. Jack? Pat? No! John? John! That's all. Let's go. Well, let's get going. 15 years, ain't nobody seen you laugh. I understand. Ain't no laughing matter to be in jail. But you can laugh today because today is a big day for you. But you go out of here with that face, you're gonna be right back again. Come in. Come in, Ryan. It seems only yesterday that we met for the first time. Here's the 83 dollars you had in your pocket 15 years ago. Yeah. I hope it helps you get started again. My gun. Thank you. - Now the bullets. - The bullets? 27. 15 years ago, you put 'em in one of those bottom drawers. 27. You have a good memory. Well, sometimes it's not difficult. I still had 6 in my gun and 21 in my belt. If they hadn't double-crossed me, the count would be a little bit different. Here. Beautiful horse, isn't he? Take it from me, he's worth the 60 dollars. Hey! Come back here! Hey! What can I do for you? I haven't been around here in quite a while. Everything's changed. Your parents? That was my entire family. I'm sorry. I heard about it some time ago. HOTEL Ah. Hi, Bill. I'm glad you're in town. I wanted to speak with you. I've just been talking to the judge. How would you like to be deputy sheriff? The job doesn't pay much, but I'm gonna retire before long and you'll move up a step. It's time you settled down. I've noticed something between you and Betsy. I've got other things on my mind, Sheriff, for the time being. Bill, no one knows you better than me. I was a good friend of your mother and father. I know what's on your mind, but don't you think it's time to forget it? Thanks anyway, Sheriff. Over here. What's going on? Who's doing that shooting? Open up! Come on in. What's going on? Night target practice? Somebody tries to shoot me in the back, I defend myself. You defend yourself almost too well, mister. They're both dead as doornails. They came in the window. It wasn't to wish me pleasant dreams. OK, OK, self-defence, I guess. But in this town we don't like violence. I'm asking you to get out of town as quickly as possible. Good morning, Bill. How many glasses have you got? - A couple. - Can we dirty them? I want to have a little talk with you. What's on your mind? This. - What's that supposed to mean? - That my memory is pretty good. I've thought all night about whether what I'm about to do is the right thing. But I've known you for too many years to keep quiet. Where'd you find them? On a dead man's feet. Who? Last night, two men were killed. Those were on one of them. - Who killed them? - A stranger. A certain Ryan. He went west. All right, stand up. Don't turn around. Keep your hand away from your gun. If you're gonna follow somebody, do a better job of it. This world is full of nervous characters. They shoot you in the back first and then introduce themselves. Tell me what you're after. 15 years, there's been no new track. Only a spur. Then you come along and there's three spurs. If you know the story, then you can figure out what I'm looking for. We've both got an account to settle with the same people. - Only I want to take first crack at them. - We can go on together. No, son, you got too much hate in you. That's gonna get you in trouble. Hate's hate. There's no two ways. Somebody once wrote that revenge is a dish that has to be eaten cold. Hot as you are, you're liable to end up with indigestion. No, I'm going on alone. - You better shoot me. - Do I have to? If you don't, I'm gonna end up on your heels again. Yeah, I suppose so. Important thing is to get there first. That's why I'm gonna leave your horse at Red Rock, ten miles from here. An advantage you're gonna have to give me. Good luck, son. You might need that. HOLLY SPRING Whiskey and water. Where do I find Cavanaugh? Another drink? I'm looking for Burt Cavanaugh. Look, friend... ...I'm selling whiskey. Thanks for the information. Hold it. What do you want up here? Ryan. Well, this certainly is a surprise. Was it a good surprise or a bad surprise? Why? Did you think I wasn't happy to see you? How much did you give those two to get rid of me? I don't understand. It doesn't make much difference. Whatever you paid, it was a bad investment. I should kill you. Or maybe I have learned something after all these years. As an example, even a rat like you can be worth more alive than dead. I know it was not a nice trick walking out on you at the trial, but... No, no, no. You didn't walk out on me, you sold me. You turned me in. There's a big difference. It was a long time ago. Why don't we drop it? Here. Here's 100 dollars. I know it's not much, but business hasn't been good lately. - 100 dollars? - Yes. 100 dollars for 15 years in jail? Maybe I was right in the beginning. - Maybe a rat like you is better dead. - All right, don't get excited, Ryan. - What do you want? - 15,000. - What? - 1,000 for every year in jail. Cash. Where am I going to get my hands on that kind of money? Oh, you'll find it. I'm sure you'll find it. I'm not in a hurry. Tomorrow morning will be all right. It warms my heart to see all my old friends doing so well. You're all pretty well established, aren't you? I'm gonna visit our friend in Lyndon City. See what the first citizen has to say for himself. Till tomorrow. Oh... Watch out for these things. Wouldn't want you to get hurt. Not yet. - Bad luck at the table, friend? - Not bad luck, mister. It was robbery. They took everything I had. You look like you need a drink. You don't understand. That was just a warning. They got all my money, but I wanna keep my skin. Sure you do. Who said anything different? - I can't go back in there. - Come on. No. I don't want to. No, no, no. I don't wanna get killed. Two whiskeys. - How much did you lose? - 30 dollars. What are you doing? Are you joking? Well, take the dough. And beat it. I never leave without finishing my drink. That should take care of it. Stranger, I'm putting you under arrest, charged with attempted homicide. Means you can be put in prison for ten years. - When can we try this man, Judge? - Tomorrow. Take him to jail. I'm sorry it turned out this way. Hold it! If I'm worth anything as a witness, I'd say this is a case of self-defence. More than anything I've seen in my life. Based on the personality of the witness, the charge is withdrawn. Cards. You were lucky. Get out of here now. I want to talk with our friend here. Young man, you're a faster draw than all those stupid idiots. If you're looking for a job, I may be able to help. Come up to my office. Hands behind your head, son. Now let that hammer down. Slow. At ease. You still got a lot to learn, son. This time you got something to learn, too. Oh? What? Cavanaugh's paying me 500 dollars to kill you. - Another bad investment. - You think so? - Maybe I didn't take him seriously. - If you didn't, you'd have been right. But tell me, why does he want you killed? And who is Cavanaugh? You ask too many questions. I can pay for the information with his 500. He's worth more than that to me. 15,000. So I suggest you keep your distance. 'Cause if you don't, I might get mad. That's a warning. I'll find out who he is. And if he's who I think he is... ...get ready to get mad. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hey! Hey, wait a second. Wait. I wanna thank you. Yes, sir. I ain't worth much and it's been a real spell since anybody's done anything for me. But if you asked me to walk on fire, I'd just started walking. I might ask you a lot less. Like what you know about Burt Cavanaugh. - How long's he lived here? - When I got here, he was already boss. But if you want to know more about him, I know the right man. Get a good, strong bottle of rum, 'cause the more this man drinks, the more he talks. All the sheep are gone, and the pastor lies sleeping alone. The bottle. The bottle! Better drunk than dead. Here's to you. Bottoms up. Now tell me about Burt Cavanaugh. That's my drunken wife. If there's any alcohol a mile away, she smells it. The bottle. Where's the bottle? - There isn't any bottle. - Where is the bottle? I know you've got some. - There it is. - But it isn't ours. It's his. My good man, forgive the impression you're getting of us. It's just that she's my wife. She's a bit... The poor woman's a drunk. Before you finish that off, tell me about Cavanaugh. Cavanaugh. I'll tell you. He's a scorpion, he's a snake, a beast! All right, let me tell it. When I arrived here, the church was in good order. I was an upright preacher then. - But what about him? - What about who? - Cavanaugh. - Oh, Cavanaugh. All he had was a pistol and a pack of cards. You know, now he's called... Four Aces. - Full house. Queens. - Not enough. Full house, aces. Poor man. The ladies love you but not Lady Luck. - Give me another chance. - What security have you got? You know I've lost it all. You've taken everything. My farm, my cattle, everything. You know that. Then get out of here. You're using space. Only 500 dollars. Just give me a chance, that's all I ask. Just 500 dollars. - Who wants to come in the game? - I do. My employees don't play. Deal the cards. How many? I stand. I'm happy to take your 500. Four aces. Me, too. Four aces. Look, young man, I'm afraid I don't feel like joking. Neither do I. Remember, Cavanaugh, 15 years ago at the Mesita ranch? You and your friends killed everybody. But you forgot one thing: to kill me. Give him a gun. Get up! Piano player, hit three notes. Two lessons, my son. First, watch behind you. Second, count your shots. Four bullets for one man, that's a waste. I'll go and drive away his horse. Hey! You owe me $15,000! Damn. - Are you in charge here? - Yes, sir. What is it? - What time's the train for Lyndon City? - It left 15 minutes ago. - What time's the next one? - The day after tomorrow. Keep calm. Your pal left your horse with me. - He took the train, huh? - Sure. But that's not all. He said a pal of his would be coming along. He said I should give you the horse and a kiss. The horse is there. Now, where do you want that kiss? No, thanks. I'll settle for the horse. I am proud indeed to be here today, and I consider it a great honour to introduce to you our leading banker, Mr Walcott. SALOON LYNDON CITY There is more. Senator Carlyle has kindly agreed to have the Atchison-Santa Fe line pass through our growing little town! Which augurs a fine, prosperous, up-and-coming future... While I'd be delighted to continue to address you, I must go because duty calls me. Hooray for Senator Carlyle! Hooray for Lyndon City! One is here and the other will be here very soon. That's the one who killed Cavanaugh. Go and get Pedro and Paco and the others. Just say that I decided the party is for nine. Hello. Nothing else. The boys'll get it. Well... looks like we've become important. And rich. You've changed your old clothes, haven't you? But you still haven't been able to change your face. You still got the meanest-looking face I ever did see. - Now listen, Ryan... - Shut up. And I can tell you where I've been all these years, because of you. I've seen some mean faces. Plenty of them. Things aren't the same as they used to be. Because I can pay now. Just sit down. We'll talk about it. There isn't that much talking to do. Just five words. Fifteen thousand plus fifteen thousand. 15,000 bucks doubled? A lot of money, Ryan. It's a pretty high figure. But not for 15 years in jail. And you'll have to pay Cavanaugh's share. He was killed right under my nose and I didn't get a chance to collect the money. I'll give you an advance now. How about... 10,000 bucks? All right. The rest tomorrow. Now it's my turn. All right? Hold it. Don't kill him yet. He's useful to us for the time being. We could finish you off now. But that would be too simple. Let me tell you this, boys. Ryan was sent to us by heaven. Good old Ryan is going to be helpful to us like in the good old days. Wait. I've been working at this for years, building their confidence in me, the citizens as well as the governor of this state. But the most important thing is I have in my bank more than a million dollars now. The funds the state deposited with me in view of our future public works. What do you think? Should I build their stupid old public works with this mountain of dollars? They don't think I should. I guess I'll have to go along with their idea. You make sure you don't lose him. - Mr Walcott. - Yes. Good evening, Frank. - Some extra work? - Open that door while I close this one. - Who's there? - Me. Mr Walcott. Good evening, Mr Walcott. - My God, look at that. - A million dollars. THREE CHEERS FOR SEN CARLYLE Untie him. Throw him out. - Let me get through here. - Get back. He was with me for ten years. A loyal man, a good worker. And a friend. They killed the other guard and blew up the safe. - They didn't leave a penny. - They caught a bank robber! Hey, they caught one! Hey, they got one! Hang him! All right, out of the way. Let them through. I recognise this one. Yesterday he was in my office. He robbed the bank, he and his men. Calm down! Take it easy! This man has a right to have a regular trial. Killers and thieves don't have any rights. Calm down! Don't you worry. He'll be hanged. But first he's gonna tell us who his accomplices were. Walcott, don't you wanna get back what they stole? Listen to me! Give me some time, then tomorrow you'll see. The sheriff's idea is good. I lost my temper for a moment, but now I see he's right. Don't worry, he's going to be hanged. Put him in the jail. There's something funny going on. - On your horses. Let's go. - Sheriff... I'll go with you. Whoa! The prisoner escaped. He must have had help. This is your fault. You were against us. Dead men don't escape from jail. Now this man is a danger for us all. You catch him. You're gonna pay if you fail. Let's go, men. I'll go back to Lyndon City. I'm anxious to meet Walcott face to face. What do you say, Grandpa? - You'd be making a mistake, as usual. - Why? Lyndon City's all excited right now. They're mad at strangers. You get recognised, you'll get a rope around your neck. And Walcott isn't there any more. What makes you think so? I'm in the habit of using my head. You should try it. Walcott had a good plan. Thanks to you, it failed. Now, with me free, he's had to go and give up playing that honourable-citizen role. - Which way you think he's headed? - Same way as the gang and the loot. Which is? After criss-crossing their tracks to add confusion and gain time, they went to El Viento. That's a village in Mexican territory. Walcott's favourite hang-out. Boy, you really know everything, don't you, Grandpa? Except that now you'll stay here quietly. You can go ahead and finish your shave. This time I get there before you do. Course, I'll leave you on foot, just like you taught me. Except I won't leave your horse ten miles away, so look for another one. Don't you wanna try some of this meat? It's just about ready. I'll see you around, Grandpa. Bill! I was thinking. I'd like to have had a son like you. 'Cause someday I'm gonna wind up with a bullet in the back. Ah, forget it. Get out of here. Might need that. I'm thirsty. Why did they run away when they saw me? What are you afraid of? You... you aren't with the others? I'm on your side. - Run away. Please. - Why? They'll kill you. Before anybody kills me, they got to get my OK. And I don't think I'll give it to 'em. Glad to see me, eh? I came as fast as I could, little one. I figured you were worried about me. Kiss me, little one. The whole time, I kept thinking about you. "She's grown up, she's a woman now." Was I right? Are you a woman now? You dirty little... You. Who are you? Someone who takes his anger out on men. What are you trying to say? That I'm afraid? You've got a stupid face, but you get it. Come on, hero. Let's you and me see which of us is afraid. Something the matter? Did you change your mind, hero? Yeah. I've decided to kill you. Unlatch your pistol. The other hand. Remember 15 years ago at the Mesita ranch another time when you took it out on a woman? That woman happened to be my mother. I want to deliver him alive to Pedro. He ought to revenge his own brother. OK. All right, let's roll it. Watch out. You stay here. Whatever happens, wait till you get relieved. Where is Paco? I asked you where my brother was! Who did it? Who? We have him, Pedro. Alive. You rotten murderer. You rotten murderer! You killed my brother! You dirty rat, you're still alive! Murderer! Well, that's interesting. Then you're tied up with Ryan. As his pal, you must know where he happens to be now. Men, prepare a deep hole outside. I'll make you talk, boy. Be sure of it. Because we are very interested in where your pal is at present. And my men want to surprise Ryan. Talk. Do you want to finish your life by dying of thirst? Or chewed up by ants? You've got a handsome face. It would be a shame for it to end like those mummies outside. If I talk, who'll stand good for my life? Tell me where Mr Ryan is and you won't die by these methods. Pedro will kill you in a regular duel. Do you agree? All right, then. Ryan thought you wouldn't be back yet. He headed for Redstone Pass to meet friends who'll help get rid of the lot of you. And when is he supposed to meet these men? Today. Redstone Pass is 20 miles from here. We better be on our way. For your sake, I hope you told us the truth. Bring him outside. - All right, shovel it in. - That's right. Go on. That's better. Go on. I see you're a man of your word. We should be back in ten hours. But you'll probably think it's longer, out here in the sun. The honour of serving the salt... is yours. Let's get going. - Let's see them. - Here they are. Hey, look. What's that? Hombre, what are you doing here? You better stop there. The next one I'll aim at your head. You had to get here ahead of me, didn't you? Are you on your way in or out of that hole? You remind me of a groundhog that couldn't make up its mind. Now, let's see. I'll just leave you there for a while. Hey... stop joking around, will you, Grandpa? Here, don't give him too much. Or too fast. Senor, I don't know who you are, you and your young friend, but I feel you were sent by God to help us and to protect us against the evil ones. Actually, I don't think I'm in that close a relationship with our good Lord. And I don't recall receiving any messages from him. But I am here for personal reasons and they may just coincide with yours. I think you've invented some tall tale that sent Walcott on a wild-goose chase. - Yeah. - How soon do you think they'll be back? Eight or nine hours. That gives us time to prepare a nice, warm welcome. All you men, listen to me. You must dig a ditch from there to there. I want it this wide and this deep. Fill it with dried branches and anything that'll burn. Then stand by with your barrels of oil. It must be done within a few hours. Now go! - Is there a safe place for the women? - Yes, outside the village at the old mission. Take them there. Pour that over there. Go there. I guess Ryan is at El Viento and that he's had enough time to prepare his reception for us. - How do we fight him? - I'm taking four men and attacking the rear. You take the others through the front. - Come. - To El Viento! Here they come! You should've knocked first. They'll leave us alone. For tonight. The night is going to be long for them, I think. A little music might soothe them. It's an old Mexican custom. They play you a funeral march to wreck your nerves. But don't listen to it. Go to sleep, son. You gotta be well rested tomorrow. We'd better get to them before the wind comes up and hits us. We've no time to lose, men. Ah, good morning. I hope. You were there, too. There weren't four, there were five of us. I came in late. When I saw what was happening, I was too late to stop it. All I could do was save a child and now that child is gonna kill me. All right. I've been waiting for that. But let me help you first. There's too many of them for just you alone. When it's over... ...I won't run away. Manuel. Pedro. Out the back! Before you fire again, remember the Mesita ranch. How many bullets you got? Three. This time I'm out. I can see that. You don't even have your razor. Turn around, Ryan. Defend yourself! Turn around, Ryan! Turn around, Ryan! Thanks for leaving me my horse. Good luck, son. THE END
Channel: Grjngo - Películas Del Oeste
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Keywords: películas del oeste, películas occidentales, filmes occidentales, cine occidental, películas de vaqueros, película de vaqueros, película vaquera, películas indias, películas gratuitas, lee van cleef, Película de vaqueros en español, Película de vaqueros, vaqueros, las mejores películas de vaqueros, mejor película de vaqueros, mejor película del oeste, las mejores películas del oeste, spaghetti western, película del oeste en español, películas del oeste en español, occidental
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 17sec (6797 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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