EKG Rhythms | Top Tested NCLEX Review | How To Interpret

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[Music] now for the nine need to know ecg strips on the nclex starting with the first one normal sinus rhythm the memory trick just think a normal beat that's evenly spaced the treatment there is none so we just continue to monitor and the cause of it is just being very very healthy now the second one to know is bradycardia so the memory trick just think brady is below 60 beats per minute or the brady bunch is an old tv show for slower times now the treatment is very simple we use atropine but only if symptomatic showing low perfusion like pale cool or clammy so the memory trick think atropine puts the heart rate high like on top of a pine tree with atropine or atropine now the causes of bradycardia is typically from a vasovagal maneuver or even from meds that slow down the heart rate from calcium channel blockers which calm the heart or beta blockers that block the beets next is number three ventricular fibrillation also called v-fib so the memory trick just think fib is flopping around like a squiggly line now the number one treatment to know for v-fib is d-fib defibrillation immediately so stop cpr and do it before drugs and there's no need to synchronize that's only for cardioversion the controlled shock now treatment number two is drugs like lap so l for lidocaine a for amiodarone and p for procainamide now the causes untreated v-tac will slip in to ventricular fibrillation and we also see v-fib with post-mi or post-heart attack clients as well as clients with electrolyte imbalances and even pro-arrhythmic medications next is ventricular tachycardia number four here so the memory trick just think vtac is for tombstone pattern we get these wavy like tombstones here the big cause is post mi post heart attack here and hypoxia is also another cause as well as low potassium with hypokalemia as well as low magnesium just think magnesium mellows out the muscles so with low mag the heart muscles are going crazy and wild now the treatments to know for the nclex here number one is early defibrillation huge nclex tip right there apply the defibrillator pads call out and look for everyone to be clear and then we shock and immediately continue chest compressions those are the three to know now when do you shock so another big nclex tip here v-tac with no pulse we defibrillate but v-tac with a pulse we have to cardiovert so memory trick here if you can see count a pulse then we see cardiovert and always be sure to synchronize and sedate first now the double d's of deadly defibrillation so d if you're dead with no pulse then you defib immediately there's no need to synchronize so d don't wait there's no need to hit the synchronize button just d-fib for v-fib as well as pulseless v-tac hey nursing student listen up i got some big news you're missing out on over 900 videos not here on youtube wait a minute say what stop missing out and get full access today visit simplenursing.com number five is atrial fibrillation also called afib so the memory trick if we have no p wave then we have fibrillation flopping with the double p's there so the causes is valvular disease as well as heart failure or even pulmonary hypertension with our chf clients and copd and especially after heart surgery now the treatments include number one cardioversion but only after a tte to rule out clots and we always push the synchronize button with cardioversion number two for the long term we use digoxin to get a deeper contraction and we always check atp before giving digoxin so a is for apical pulse we have to listen for 60 seconds t is for toxicity max range is 2.0 and we always look for visual disturbances as well as nausea vomiting and anorexia early signs of digoxin toxicity and p is a potassium less than 3.5 which potassium makes a higher risk for toxicity now number three is anticoagulants like warfarin we always have to monitor inr keep vitamin k as an antidote and monitor for green leafy veggies not too high and not too low since green leafy veggies have vitamin k and we don't want to block the effects of warfarin number six is for atrial flutter also called a flutter so the memory trick is a flutter with two t's think of a saw tooth with two t's now the causes and treatments are the same as atrial fibrillation but just make sure to know that the sawtooth is for atrial flutter the nclex loves to ask about that now number seven is svt supraventricular tachycardia just think the memory trick super fast for supraventricular so the causes are from stimulants strenuous exercise hypoxia and even heart disease and the treatments to know for the nclex here number one we go least invasive first we use a vasovagal maneuver so we ask the clients to bear down like having a bowel movement or even use ice-cold stimulation around the neck number two is adenosine we rapidly push and flush with normal saline and the heart rate may stop this is expected we want to stop this very fast supraventricular tachycardia so the memory trick just think it puts the heart rate down into a den with adenosine and last case scenario is number three cardioversion we have a controlled shock and we always push sync before any type of cardioversion so kaplan mentions which medication should be held 48 hours prior to an elective cardioversion for svt digoxin due to the increased ventricular irritability remember digoxin digs for a deeper contraction and a second question client with svt has the following assessment data a really fast heart rate of 200 a really low blood pressure 78 over 40 and a respiratory rate of 30. the priority action is to a synchronized cardioversion yes for svt number eight is tersadas de pointes and the memory trick just think of the tornado of points for the nclex you must know what this rhythm looks like so the cause is post mi or after a heart attack when the heart is injured hypoxia but really the biggest one here that you should write down is low magnesium so the treatment is magnesium sulfate huge nclex tip so remember the memory trick here magnesium mellows out the heart muscles so with low magnesium we get a crazy tornado inside the heart so we just give more mag to mellow out the heart and the last one to know number nine is a systole the flat line there so the memory trick just think you have to assist fully because the patient is flatlined they're basically dead the treatments to know is epinephrine atropine and cpr the most tested here was epinephrine and a big nclex tip here is no defibrillation no shock we cannot shock a systole because technically we need electricity to shock and with a systole we have a flat line we have no electricity to shock now lastly the nclex key terms to know when you see these key terms next it typically means that the question is referring to an indicating rhythm so a p wave is an h real rhythm a qrs is a ventricular rhythm so if the question states that the lack of qrs complexes the answer is probably asystole or for wide bizarre qrs complexes the answer is typically vtac or if you see chaotic or unorganized this is fibrillation so if a question states chaotic rhythm with no p waves the answer is typically atrial fibrillation or a chaotic rhythm without qrx complexes the answer is ventricular fibrillation next is the key term bizarre if you see the word bizarre just think tachycardia so if the question says bizarre rhythm with wide qrs complexes the answer is typically ventricular tachycardia and the very last one is sawtooth you have to think atrial flutter just look for the two t's in sawtooth to know that it's atrial flutter now the last big nclex tip if you guys know these nine rhythms then you will pass the nclex here i always have students asking well what if they show you third degree heart block or 15 other rhythms well yes you don't need to know how to interpret these for the nclex but you do need to know how to treat them and how will harm the patient because the nclex is all about safety so loss of life and loss of limb if it will kill the patient you must know how to treat it alright guys that wraps it up for this segment don't forget to take your quiz and download the study guides thanks for watching for our full video and new quiz bank click right up here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our youtube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts helping us make these great videos alright guys see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 121,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ekgrhythms, ecgrhtythms, ekgnclex
Id: Mq6yDg1czUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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