Einstein Is (Almost) Always Right: Gravitational Waves Edition

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[MUSIC] In February 2016, the final major prediction put forth by Einstein’s theory of general relativity was confirmed, more than 100 years after he initially proposed it, proving yet again: The greatest physicist, of ALL time, is JOHN CE-- No. Just no. It’s Albert Einstein [OPEN] Let’s face it, in the world of physics, Einstein is like Beyonce, Kanye, and Taylor Swift all rolled into one, and a touch of Lady Gaga in the hair. He's famous, but he's got the skills to back it up. By age 26, Einstein had already completely changed physics, but who would be satisfied with that? He still wanted to integrate gravity into his theory of relativity. Einstein’s idol Isaac Newton had claimed gravity was mediated by an attractive force between two bodies, and that an object that feels no force will either remain motionless or move in one direction at a constant speed. But this way of looking at things really bugged Einstein, so he did what bored patent clerks do and daydreamed his way into the history books… Einstein imagined himself falling from a great height in a sealed container. Everything inside would be weightless, floating around him, but there’s no way he’d be able to distinguish this from floating in deep space, far from a massive object like Earth. Now, suppose that sealed container is accelerating through space at 9.8 meters per second squared, There’s no experiment we can do to distinguish this from the feeling of standing on Earth’s surface. If we drop an apple, we can’t tell if it is accelerating towards the ground, or if the ground is accelerating toward the apple. This means acceleration from gravity and acceleration from any other force are indistinguishable. Or to put it another way, gravity isn’t a force at all, but a result of our surroundings accelerating *relative* to us. Einstein’s theory of general relativity joined these two ideas into one. Rather than gravity being a special force between two bodies, massive things warp spacetime, like dimples in a fabric, and falling objects are simply moving in straight lines around these curves. Of course, a beautiful theory’s just a beautiful theory if it can’t make observable predictions. But for the past 100 years, physicists have been putting Einstein to the test The first test was the gravitational effects of massive objects at close distances. People had known for a long time that the long axis of Mercury’s elliptical orbit rotates around the sun over time, called precession. But new measurements of this rotation made in the late 19th century were off by 43 arcseconds per century from what Newton’s physics predicted. This is just a few thousandths of a degree, but it’s still something. When Einstein applied his spacetime curvature, the numbers lined up. Einstein’s next prediction was that massive objects should bend passing light, and scientists were able to test this just a few years later in the form of a solar eclipse. If Einstein’s relativity was correct, then stars visible near the edge of the eclipsed sun should appear in different positions from when they were viewed away from the sun. Newtonian gravity also predicts that light can be bent by a gravitational field, but it’s based on some bad assumptions, and gives a number just half the size of Einstein’s prediction. Astronomer Arthur Eddington sent teams to Brazil and west Africa to observe the event, and their data confirmed Einstein’s model over Newton’s. This resulted in what might be the greatest scientific newspaper headline of all time, and made Einstein a global celebrity. We’ve talked about the effects of Einstein’s *special* relativity on time and distance before, but general relativity has its own effects on how clocks tick. Let’s say two observers each have a photon clock. Instead of ticking seconds, these clocks tick when a photon bounces between two mirrors. Without any other factors, each observer should see the other’s clock “ticking” at the same rate as their own, but if we accelerate one clock upward, it ticks more slowly because the top mirror is moving away from the rising photon. Now remember, Einstein’s equivalence principle says we can’t distinguish an accelerating frame from a gravitational field, so clocks tick more slowly, time passes slower in stronger gravitational fields. We don’t have to go near something like a black hole to see this at work. Clocks aboard our GPS satellites, far away from Earth, have to correct for this effect when beaming time information to our devices. A clock on Mount Everest, if it had been ticking there for the entire history of Earth, would be 39 hours ahead of a clock at sea level. A clock on your head would even tick ever so slightly faster than a clock at your feet. Perhaps the wildest prediction of general relativity was that massive objects could create waves in spacetime itself. We’re talking huge things –spinning pairs of neutron stars or colliding black holes. As these waves traveled across the universe, they’d pass right through Earth, squishing and pulling us like Jell-o. But these ripples are tiny and had remained undetectable… until now. Last year, the LIGO Observatory detected a passing G wave using tiny fluctuations in laser light beams, and in February 2016, scientists confirmed these spacetime ripples had been directly observed for the first time ever. The waves originated 1.3 billion years ago, far outside our own galaxy, from the collision of two black holes, and were detected here a century after Einstein made his prediction. If you want to dig deeper into how these gravitational waves are formed, and how LIGO detected them, check out these two videos from our friends at PBS Space Time, they are really great. Gravitational waves let us see a totally new spectrum of physics beyond electromagnetic radiation, letting us study the most massive objects in the universe through completely new eyes. With this new discovery, and the final confirmation of general relativity’s predictions, Einstein cements his place as THE spacetime lord. Stay Curious.
Channel: It's Okay To Be Smart
Views: 505,853
Rating: 4.9292297 out of 5
Keywords: science, pbs digital studios, pbs, joe hanson, it's okay to be smart, its okay to be smart, it's ok to be smart, its ok to be smart, gravitational waves, gravity, einstein, einsteins theory, gravitational waves explained, gravitational waves explanation, general relativity, physics, veritasium, scishow, spacetime, gravitational lensing, special relativity, asapscience, ligo, black hole, albert einstein
Id: Ci4L6myFFng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2016
Reddit Comments

Got me

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/UltraSpecial 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2016 🗫︎ replies

fuck you

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/PsycoPunk13 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2016 🗫︎ replies

Funniest part is its part of the video. Not an edit.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Darkagent1 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2016 🗫︎ replies

I also subscribe to /r/mealtimevideos so this was just a reflex click. Got me good.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CheesusRice 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2016 🗫︎ replies
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