Eigg Scotland

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the are vague is the nearest ability an island situated southwest of a mountain see the most Westley village on mainland Scotland accesses by the lock nervous from a league all year round weather permitting and by a shot to passage shamanistic on the Shearwater during the holiday season on this trip we were on the Shearwater it usually takes about an hour to get egg the skipper will often change course to allow passengers a closer look at genuine Nike sports an erosion and minke whales are often encountered on this trip we were lucky enough to see some common seals lounging around in the Sun then we had some real love Romney spotted a basking shark these fish are huge this one was about 20 feet long they can grow to 30 feet they are filter feeders and swim along with their very large jaws wide open in the plankton rich waters just below the surface Rani maneuvered the boat so we all got incredible views of this amazing fish they are the second-largest filter feeder in the world they cruise it back to not filtering 2,000 tons of water per hour their diet plankton invertebrates and smoked fish they are an amazing sight in this distant view of egg give me seen the northern and southern high moorland plateau with the black drag of a school dominating the southern end as we near egg much of its volcanic past is revealed along the eastern cliff of the northern plateau of the island we see in section flow upon flow of solidified lava that erupted through cracks in the Earth's crust from the Earth's mantle beneath some 60 million years ago this volcanic activity started violently with eruptions of volcanic ash now visible at the foot of the school then followed the gentle excursion of the runny basalt lava which quickly sandy defied on a surface the cracks were caused by stretching and lifting of the earth crest prior to the opening up of the early northern Atlantic these lava eruptions smothered the entire had Britain region and beyond but most has since been uplifted and eroded leaving the present-day landscape the oldest and lowest lava flow with the columns is 63 million years old and is now overlain by the light grey band called new garage a softer rock all other flows are of olivine basalt the black crag dominating the southern plateau is the 393 metres high school the highest point of the island a position resulting from the resistance to erosion of the heart pitch stone of which it is composed as we pass Kildonan we know we're nearly there the sound of pipes usually welcomes you to the island in fair weather landing is straightforward it's more difficult in bad weather though but the crew are all there to help you as I said earlier you can come over on the left nervous from my leg in 2006 a new harbour was completed and now the loft nevus could dock making loading vehicles can now be driven on and off with ease making the unloading of supplies for the island much easier a tractor can now be used for large and heavy groups unloading at the final destination still has to be done by half but many hands make light work the hard bar also acts as a meeting place for the Islanders where they can chat to friends and discuss the problems of the day you can't even hang on a bike there's a tea room and if you get refreshments and a hot meal if you wish and a nice day there are seats out the back where you can enjoy a view of Castle Island and the lighthouse at abner marathon which is the most westerly point in mainland Scotland it's also a shop that has a large range of good Sun over his lovely gift shop as well which sells all manner of gifts a lot of which were made on the island pottery garments there's a selection of informative books one called Abe the story of an island that was written by this book is very interesting and was really useful in the making of this video these two sheepdogs are waiting patiently for their master in June 1997 the Isle of egg was purchased by the Isle of egg Heritage Trust and this monument and commemorative plaque were erected overlooking the harbor as you leave the harbor there is a map showing different walks you can take on the eye from that point you get a lovely view of the harbor's white sandy beaches there's usually something going on in the harbor whether it's boats or wildlife if you're lucky the Great Northern diver and red-throated diver can be seen in early May such beautiful birds you regularly get other species birds visiting the harbour in May you can see mail-id adducts display and defending their chosen female when courtship is over all the males leave for the sea or sheltered coves are you leave the lab and head for the launch you go through a wood and the floor is covered in wild garlic and the smell is just wonderful there's all manner of wildlife to be seen the lodge once the residence of the lastly it still has beautiful gardens with exotic trees and wild flowers on display in the front entrance there are several pieces of early Celtic art dating from the 17th century here we have a fragment of torrid and sandstone with an intricate pattern of intertwining lines and triquetra knots an example of early Celtic art in the grounds of the launch there's the recently modernized community the electrification of the island from the Scottish hydroelectric to electric most of the Islanders were there and many visitors came to oh well I suppose I'd better get ready for another day walking to the caves is very pissed there are lots of wildflowers to see you may see butterflies this painted lady probably came over from France there's a lot of incense all over the island with insects and dead birds this cosmic waters are a sinful nature on your left you get a good view of Castle Island the caves can't be seen from here you need to descend a fairly steep path this is the only land approach to the caves Massacre cave is where the most horrendous atrocity of clan warfare took place around 1577 when the entire population of some three mansions of 90 collect Souls except for one old woman that was wiped out they had hidden for three days before being found by Alistair clutter this revenge party a fire was lit outside the entrance killing everybody inside by smoke inhalation this probably the last those poor Islanders soul further along the shore you come to a much larger cave now known as cathedral cave where in the 17th century outlawed priests secretly conducted mass with converted Islanders not many churches have a view like that as you travel long towards the gülen's with luck you should see lots of interesting things apart from the seniors these baby black caps keeping mum and dad very busy in 2008 electrification of the island took place and these wind turbines are part of the renewable energy system this is the pitch tone south face of the school formed by two of the youngest volcanic ash in between this is the only evidence of violent volcanic activity on egg around the level of the spike and notch at the foot of the crag some coarse brakiri rock is exposed originally deposited in a forested River Valley which was overwhelmed by the first pitch stone eruption some 55 million years ago continuing along the path we come to the cruel ins this is grueling bothy with its wonderful view of the isle of muck life is very peaceful here but these two hooded crows are giving this Buzzard a hard time this is epic ruin and in the early 18th century was one of eight tracts of land rented out as you wander around the remnants of these old dwellings he tried to imagine what life was like then all the trials and tribulations to laughter and the tears life in fact was very hard the land that ruling was not good and the farmers had to be a higher end consequently they were shot at food every spring in the highest point walking along the top you can see an aerial view of the columns of pitch stone when you get to the edge you are rewarded with wonderful panoramic views of most of the island the Shearwater looks very small from up here that's Castle Island Kildonan the forestry de Dale and Harrison and the Isle of rum in the background traversing Southwest words we come to a defensive Iron Age fort commanding view in all directions there's a very good view across to ramen into lag Bay at the base of the port and looking over the edge there's an aerial view of the weather top of hexagonal pillar formations in the pitch stone you'll find lots of wildflowers growing up here as well one view from the fort would have been cleared ale and lag Bay named by the Norse when they large would have been a very productive farm with its rich sorry there has been a farmhouse here for hundreds of years this one since the early 18th century the Loughran at lag known as the giant footprint is a silted up kepler hole caused by the melting of ice trapped in rock gouged from the bedrock by the last blessing and it now supports a wide range of plants and animals egg is home to five different or different species of damselflies here are just a few this blue tail damselfly just having lunch it's at lag when a hydro turbine is situated the water is coming down when a purpose-built down on the edge of the forestry this hydro contributes a considerable amount of renewable energy for the island the island is home to many different species of gal you'll see many species gathered where fresh water runs into the sea the oyster capture by the asana it's a mystery how it knew it was there can't think of a nicer place to chew the cud the beach does get a bit crowded this be chipler is where some of the first settlers move landed some five thousand years ago just up from like a beach the west facing coastline supports a wide variety of flowers and birds in may/june there are a wide variety of orchids on display on grassy banks seaweed harbors a lot of food in the form of insects small crustaceans and worms the rooted crew has learned to search the seaweed in order to harvest this food supply one trick the hooded crow has learned to do is having found a shell and then flies up and drops it on rocks it may have to do with several times before it fails when the fresh water runs over the rock larvae and small crustaceans they provide food for this project here the short not only provides food for this rings blower but also plenty of camouflage as it makes its way back to its nest and eggs oh good just still there hang on the Scout that I who seemed to it got bigger ah that's better much more carefully silly me the shore is also home to the oyster catcher Phil it feeds on shellfish worms and of course oysters like the ringed plover the oyster catcher also uses the stones to camouflage its nest and eggs the mail beeps came in in some trouble from the racism yard when all the fuss has died down the female returns to the long job of incubation at low tide there are a few rock pools which are home to many creatures there are a few small multiples along the coast with something magical herons are not the only a fisherman on the island their scruff and David as well they go out in real soil condition knobs do not have the opposite so they're being catch they are both very careful not to take not decide to capture occasionally there's a surprise that Koreans have to yield that at every ski do they feel that offers you it deals but nope occasionally they see pinky lives on this trip we saw progress I think they're both happy when they're making for whom north of lag they are trips of valtor's sandstone the most massive of the basement rock formations below the lava flows those are embedded within it until weathering uses their hold and they fall out to the shore below a little further along assure you come to as yet unexplained process carved in the rock face next you come to a beautiful waterfall this pair of grey wagtails find plenty of insects for their young and of course themselves because it is fresh water birth slag to washing it it's very important for all birds to keep their feathers in good condition and in the case of this common goal as for the girls they need to keep their feathers well oiled they do this by collecting oil from a gland at the base of the tail and smearing it on those feathers if you're lucky you may see Sheldon this shot dry off after fishing next you come to the singing sounds when they're very dry after this week turn against their name across the bay of the singing sands can be seen our raised Beach due to the isostatic rebound of the Earth's crust once the weight of the last Glacia some 15,000 years ago and onwards by stages the beach rose to its present level it is now rich in wild flowers the clear waters around ergo very fertile and home to a lot of fish the shag is not alone the otter is also very good at fishing catching all sorts of fish and crustaceans this playing in the pool helps math teacher count all the twists and turns needed to catch fish successfully afterwards they can catch up on some grooming and have a play mom is always coming out doctors have a very good sense of smell I think she has just spotted someone so she is soon Ravens are the largest of the crow family and there are quite a few on the island as we make our way around we come to Tallinn Island we sometimes see grey seals here ascending to the northern sheep pasture it's called tau when arrives at a jumble of rocks called erratic s' dropped by the last layer as it melted some 15,000 years ago heretics can be massive almost house sighs this buttress is at the foot of the northeastern face of Don and Talisker the highest northern summit and is a higher exposure of outer sandstone which rises to several hundred feet above sea level we are now looking at a foreshortened view of the pale muga right band and the weathered basalt lava flows that over lied about her sandstone looking up beneath the western spur of the northern cliffs we see a thin red line sandwiched between the first lava flow and the pale muga right floor above it's a clear exposure of a fossil laterites Oriole that had time to establish itself in the semi-tropical ecosystem it supported over the thousands of years between lava flows if you climb to the top you get a wonderful view of Hulan kir Dale and as far as the school meaning well worth the effort below lies five pennies originally a Viking fun the ground is mushy here and home to both the long leaved and the round leaves some do with their long and sticky tentacles waiting for any small insect to stick to them also growing here at acres of yellow irises and abundant bird life the type of ground here is ideal for bug loving plants and you should find a good selection here is just a small sample
Channel: Causeless Rebel
Views: 12,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eigg Scotland
Id: croK-uBYgOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2013
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