Egypt Says No to Palestinian Refugees: Cairo Abdicating Responsibility? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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as the conflict and Chaos escalates let's turn our focus on a country that is uniquely placed to bring peace tonight we'll talk about Egypt Egypt has played multiple roles over the decades from Israel's one-time attacker and home to the ideological parent of Hamas the Muslim Brotherhood to the first Arab Nation to recognize Israel and then being a mediator and peace broker Egypt has done all of it but today Egypt is playing another role almost that of a Jailer gazans can escape the war if they cross into Egypt but Egypt refuses to open the doors gazans also need humanitarian assistance and Egypt is at the center of those talks it will be receiving aid from all over the world it can send this Aid to Gaza through a border crossing the Rafa Crossing now multiple Aid convoys are already at Rafa they've been there for days they're waiting for permission to enter the Gaza Strip we are here at the National Alliance for development action to offer our help alongside the trucks the trucks are carrying Aid and the Convoy will transport this to our Palestinian Brothers we are currently at Rafa border crossing and we are waiting for the aid to enter to our brothers all the a to Gaza will go through Rafa but that's only when Egypt allows it to pass and it seems that's that's about all that Egypt is willing to do at this point Ferry the aid across it refuses to take Palestinians out of the line of fire it doesn't want people from Gaza coming in as refugees so Egypt has Clos the Raffa Crossing and Palestinians are waiting on the other side pleading with Egypt to let them in we come to the border crossing hoping that it will open but so far there's no information we blead with the Egyptian government to look at us with compassion because frankly we are in a very dangerous place there is shelling all around us and even if I wanted to return home I would be risking my life it seems almost heartless Egypt refusing to take in Palestinian refugees in its defense Cairo says two things number one it cannot afford to take care of these refugees and number two this will hurt the Palestinian cause if these people leave their land they'll never be allowed to return that's what Egypt says and it refers to the past to make this point now there is some truth to both these arguments and yet it appears like Egypt is abdicating its responsibility especially considering its long history with Palestine look at Hamas for instance in 1973 it emerged from a charitable organization working in the Gaza Strip the majama al- islamia this charity was involved with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt one of the founders of Hamas was Ahmed Yasin he also helped set up the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood Yasin even attended the Alazar University in Cairo so the ties between Hamas and Egypt Run Deep the same can be said about Egyptian ties with Gaza between 1949 and 1967 Cairo ruled over the Gaza Strip Egypt was the protector of the Palestinians in Gaza until the Six Day War in 1967 that's when Israel took over the Gaza Strip in 1967 it also captured Egypt Sinai Peninsula this happened on the watch of Egyptian president Gamal Abdul Nasser then came his Sessa Anar Sadat and he changed the game entirely he changed Egypt's relationship with Israel in 1973 Sadat invaded Israel he started what is called the Yom kipur War 5 years later he signed a deal with Israel what is called the Camp David Accords and for this he won the Nobel Peace Prize he became the first Muslim Nobel laurate Egypt became the first Arab Nation to recognize Israel this led to a peace treaty in 1979 and eventually to unar Sadat's ass assassination he brought Egypt closer to the west and since then Egypt has played the role of mediator and Peacemaker now given all this history Egypt should be leading the way in talks but not just talks about Aid also talks about dialing down tensions and helping gazans Egypt should be taking the lead but it seems president Abdul fat Ali is not keen on this he has domestic concerns he has a presidential election coming up in December and at this point point that is his priority to get reelected but is this the best strategy Egyptians have deep ties with Palestinians and a shut border crossing will not change that what it may change is public sentiment for their government after all the sympathy for Palestine runs deep in the Arab world and the pictures from Gaza do not help any Arab power what are they doing to help the people of Gaza why can't they bring them to safety these questions will be asked
Channel: Firstpost
Views: 440,671
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Keywords: firstpost, israel hamas war, israel palestine, egypt says no to palestinian refugees, palestinian refugees, refugees, palestinians vs israel, palestinian news, cairo egypt, egypt rafah border, rafah border, rafah border israel, israel gaza war, hamas attack israel, hamas palestine, hamas palestine israel, hamas videos latest, hamas video released, hamas vs israel, egypt cairo news, israel latest news
Id: rmP47mlSA8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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