Eggplant Chickpea/Garbanzo Stew Recipe ๐ Tasty + Easy to Make Vegan Stew in One Pot!
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Channel: Food Impromptu
Views: 352,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food impromptu, vegan recipe, easy vegan recipes, vegan recipes, easy vegan recipe, eggplant chickpea stew recipe, tasty and easy to make vegan stew recipe, chickpea stew, vegan stew recipe, vegetable stew recipe, how to make vegetable stew, vegetable stew easy, chickpea soup, plant based, easy vegan, vegan stew, eggplant and chickpea recipe, eggplant recipe healthy, garbanzo bean stew, garbanzo beans, spanish garbanzo bean stew, chickpea stew vegan, vegan chickpea stew
Id: Td4H4X_MywY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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