EG4 18K after 1 Megawatt Hour! Is it worth the $$$?

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so about a month ago I installed the eg418k in my workshop and now I'm finally doing an update review a lot of people have been asking about this and they want to see if I've had any issues so first let's go over the numbers on the app I've done over a megawatt hour for solar I've done over a megawatt hour for battery discharge and I've done over a megawatt hour for feed and energy or how much I'm exporting to the grid the only thing that hasn't had a megawatt hour is the consumption from the AC output and that's at 800 kilowatt hours and so far everything's worked perfectly I've done multiple firmware updates I've changed the settings multiple times I've been changing the time of use settings I haven't had a single Hiccup and I haven't had a single error code also I've been checking the app every 30 minutes to an hour because it's fun to see what my system is doing but yeah not a single complaint with the app at all and this is my favorite app it shows everything they also color coded it with the recent update and it looks fantastic fantastic now when solar equipment actually does its job and works my videos become very boring and it's harder for me to make recommendations because then I'm scouring the forums to see if anyone's having issues with this unit and so far no one's complained about it the only complaints I've had is people calling me a shill for this company are you freaking kidding me I've bashed on eg4 more than any other YouTuber or Internet Forum poster or whatever so it was really funny a lot of people that own soul arcs or work for soul art seem to not like it when I talk about this unit they think that this is a copy of them but guess what this unit the solarc and all the other ones are made in China so I don't feel bad I don't care about these Distributors I care about the product and if it actually works especially with these larger all-in-ones if the software works because I've showed you all the issues that we've had recently anyways let's move on I haven't seen any complaints on the Forum and I'm waiting for it I've been scouring it and trying to see if anyone has any issues with this unit next current connected is going to be Distributing these as well and Dexter has one typically if I don't find a problem he does and I haven't heard him make a complaint yet also a tech and a distributor who works with these all day long says that he likes this one better than the solarc he says that the interface is by far better so I don't have experience with the solarc I just know how well it works and where you can install it but yeah this one a lot of people are seeming to like we do have one for a member running his entire house off of it and he hasn't really posted any updates but he said everything's working fine and they've sold a lot of these so I was expecting somebody to complain about it by now but so far pretty much crickets now let me tell you about some things that I think that they need to improve because I think I can always find something that they can improve so first off the input voltage for solar I wish it was a little bit higher because two of my strings that are on this victron mppt over here do not work with this unit because the voltage is too low also I wish the mppt had like four or five trackers that would be incredible and I would spend extra money to have that capability especially for off-grid systems with multiple arrays next the Wi-Fi dongle you have to reconnect it manually when The Internet's been down so my internet at the house was down for a whole day and then it wouldn't reconnect so I had to log out of the app connect it to Wi-Fi manually and then everything worked again in that day I actually had to reconnect some ring cameras so I'm not sure what happened but yeah I had to reconnect a lot of my devices and this was one of them oh I do have a complaint so the input wattage for Peak shaving needs to be set manually we did not have it set before and I had 19 500 watts going into the unit from the Grid in the conductor size that I have supplying that AC input is not large enough to handle that current and I did not know that so if you have the settings and you're running running a lot of loads and you're also charging a lot from the grid and maximum rate you have to keep that setting in mind I think that's all the complaints that I have I can't find anything else so in my last video though I made a recommendation that you should buy an lv6548 if you have a strictly off-grid system and I'm still standing by that and it's like half the cost of this but this is really nice and it's cheaper than a soul Arc so if you have this side by side with some LV 6548s I think most of you would actually prefer this even if you do not have the grid and you don't want to use the grid interactive features this thing is a beast if you want to run large loads this thing is fantastic just the quality and software alone in the monitoring and data logging is on a completely different level than the lv6548 I know you guys do not want to spend more money on software but if you get used to using this and then you go back to an lv65 548 you're gonna know what I'm talking about this is on a completely different level this is like commercial equipment versus like a consumer Chinese electronic device there is a massive difference in the quality and everything else on this unit actually one thing I could complain about is the fan noise when you have Max export to grid and you have solar coming in and you're pushing this thing to the limit for like five or six hours and I do that every single day with this unit that's why I was able to ramp up a megawatt hour in less than a month now I must mention though that the lv6548 is a lot louder even if there are no loads attached to that thing if you have the mppt if 50 capacity it's still like twice as loud as this thing that thing is ridiculous also eg4 posted a video running dryers running an air compressor running heaters all sorts of other stuff and other people are running their whole house off of this I'm going to build a new workshop up the street from my house and then I'll be able to do larger load tests because this works shop is at maximum capacity I cannot fit anything else in here and it's kind of stressing me out so we're going to do those tests in the future but how it's connected right now I haven't had any issues and I've tested every feature on this thing so so far no complaints now to end this video I'm still mad about being called a shill when people say that to me when I complain about everything and I've bashed on these products more than anyone else it makes me very angry I do not know what you guys are talking about it shows that you guys are biased towards solar I like solarc I have no problem with any of these companies I don't even care who the company is or who works for them I just test the device that's all I care about I'm here to find every problem with this device and that's my job and when you think that I'm a shill for doing that over and over hundreds of times it drives me bananas so anyways that that was not nice of you guys and seriously if you have a complaint about this share it with the world post it on the Forum post it on YouTube find something to complain about because we are all desperate to find the faults of this unit so help us out and instead of being a keyboard Warrior go on and make some videos with me like help me out find more faults we can make these products better and we can push the world forward complaining about something that you've never bought complaining about me even though I'm bashing on everyone it's it's not helping anybody so please help me out find something wrong with this thing you'll be doing me a huge favor so thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse
Views: 113,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy solar, will prowse, eg4 18k, eg4 sol ark
Id: QrQMu9VgGxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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