EFREN REYES vs MICHAEL DEITCHMAN - 2022 Derby City Classic 9-Ball Division

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[Music] live from the aistats arena at Caesar Southern Indiana welcome to the 2022 Derby City Classic and the all-around pocket billiards [Applause] Championship thank you everybody arguably pool's most exciting event and it's proudly sponsored by Diamond billiard products Simona's cloth and arth Belgian bilard balls we also want to express our appreciation to our three signature uh associate sponsors which is obq Master chalk and outsville and finally recognizing our terrific tournament Direction team from Bad Boys Billiards Productions it's our 12th consecutive year here at Caesars we want to thank them for being such great hosts along the way and we certainly want to thank all of our great DCC family and friends whether you're here watching live in person or at home around the world for helping to make the Derby City Classic the greatest event in professional pool ladies and gentlemen thank you all very very [Applause] much okay we're back in the nineball division here for a little bit following this around 4:00 we're going to get into the one-pocket semifinal followed by the final after that tonight we have have the bank pool ring game so please stay with us for all of that great excitement let's get underway our first player from Angela City and the Republic of the Philippines I could stand here for a half an hour and list all this man's accomplishments and I still wouldn't have enough time so instead of doing that what I'd like to do is just make a couple of brief quick mentions first of all this man is a member of two halls of Fame the one pocket Hall of Fame and the BCA Hall of Fame he's also a living legend we'd like to take an opportunity on behalf of everybody here Efron to thank you for what you've done all these years to make the Derby City Classic what it is and what you've done to contribute to the growth and popularity of professional pool around the world you are the greatest of all time and we are honored to have you here once again thank you very [Applause] much [Applause] and sponsored by San Miguel Beer in Pat sports but anyway let's call him the magician all right thank you everybody his opponent from Sandy Oregon he's a bad boys Productions commentator he's sponsored by Bad Boys billiard Productions along with obq and Diamond billiard products let's welcome Michael dman thank you very much okay gentlemen come on lag for the break if you would 40 second clock race to nine rack your own QQ ball files going to send it upstairs to the com box now to the 18am mark and Double J take it away delighted everybody's here we got world class nineball with perhaps the greatest player of all time for sure the greatest player of my time it's Mark Wilson and Jeremy Jones here and Jeremy eons won the lag race to nine any opening thoughts here yeah just a little teered up after uh Kenny's Kenny's little mention there of eon and all he's done for the sport and you know he's a guy that's done it with his Q stick and and his and his you know occasional manorisms at the table we get to see his fun moments um and just an incredible guy racking the balls right there and I'll tell you I don't know a lot about Michael his opponent but what a special moment to be there uh as his opponent in the arena yeah you know with a standing o there for efon so something that Michael will keep and cherish and and you know still trying to get the win here but I've seen those eans been playing pretty good pool overall playing with a what appears to be a brand new Q right yeah that's what I thought it looks pretty new to me pretty white shaft um not one I've seen I've seen him here the last few weeks and online switch cues occasionally but I haven't seen this one so Efron with none down and if you tuned into our last match there's no way this one can keep up with the pace of that one and probably no match in the tournament maybe yeah that was tremendous Cory duel and Darren Appleton put on show nobody lost it just finally Appleton ran out of time oh sweet sweet little hit here a little eern esque here to start the match by Michael he may not have got the snooker but what a nice Q ball yeah we were watching the preliminary wor him up and it was really our first time to really get to see him and boy he hits the ball's good no doubt about it yeah he made a lot of long shots warming up okay I don't think he really makes the two here even though I might be trying to okay pretty good offensive opportunity here with this combo even though he's a little elevated nice shot and perfect control Mark yeah this guy can play there's no two ways about it you can just see the way he goes at the balls yeah pretty nice setup here he's got a little tricky just because of 69 so when he shoots the three getting proper on the four to make things easy maybe a little bit touchy just got to find a little little small window of a of an angle on the four I think that's a little light maybe if he got straight there then you got to pound this thing yeah it's close mark and it was just kind of touchy like right there you might fall short so you can use the rail to with top inside to come across the eight cuz if you get straight here like you said you got to pound it and speed control becomes tougher yeah I like the stroke though pretty full through the qball there mhm nice fall through stayed still mhm like to take on this cut pretty tough for the right-hander though and I don't know if the six passes the nine Mark oh he's playing the safety okay Eon could kick behind this one it lays pretty decent to do that I doubt he does that but lays decent or two rail angle two rails right behind the 69ine looks pretty easy as well like that oh he wanted to hit before the side not past the side has ever played here a nineball match on this table that'll make a difference on a shot like that let me think a second I know he played at least one one pocket yeah I don't think he did play a nightball match we've only did a couple yeah yeah so a shot like that definitely makes a little difference on the Slick table okay this I don't think the six passes the nine so that's why Michael's trying to take a little more time oh maybe it does kind of first one he's kind of steered a little bit kind of didn't really just kind of let the stroke out you know Ken Schuman gave that nice intro to efon it was a standing ovation here uh by everybody for a minute and like you said it was pretty touching but also uh I was thinking what a blessing it was that I was able to play around his peak time and get to see that and I know you must feel the same way got to play against the very best perhaps of all time yeah and you know the one thing that I miss um probably of course I was pretty lucky to see you know be around his US Open win and and then you know many other wins I got to play in some events of course that he won and did well and played him a ton of matches but I wish wish I would have got to see him and like some of the other guys on some of the older equipment you know the slower you know really where you get to see that brain on making these unique outs you know where the ball's clustered up a little more um because I think that's where you really see the separation um and his genius mind and even with the best players in the world there was a hair of Separation when it came to that brain yeah no question yeah all the other top players occasionally make shot selection mistakes takes eort is impeccable on that because of his background and beards yeah and it's a different shot selection at times is the thing it's a it's even more elevated you know when it comes to to the brain it seems like anyways and you know like the zigzag shot right mhm you know when he makes the shot on Earl there that was in the final right or semi-final maybe uh it was in Reno it was in Reno yeah at the Sands but you know it's one thing to make that do you know that do you remember the shot before how he got snookered how unique of a safety he was playing spinning that ball holding it behind that ball and then trickles it in you know like that kind of shot that's a you know the the Z shot or zigzag shot he made on the kick is one thing but the shot prior will show you a little something about Eon you know so right okay so two dry breaks very much different than our last match you know it's one thing that I I don't know how I started doing it really but I heard erfon did it a lot is just get out and see how the balls react don't have so much purpose on your practice as far as like trying to run out or play position position let's just see what the ball how the balls react and mhm I feel Eon did that a lot you know that's why he's just so unique and this is this one here's he's got to get in between the three and six come in short TI it was just hard on this table I think yeah went quite a bit long oh till he got that second kiss he was probably looking okay to get another turn yeah now Michael's got to just make a little decision on the two everything else pretty open oh I wouldn't play this not against the greatest ever he's probably going to find a way to hit it even though it's going to be super tough I think Michael was probably supposed to take his chances trying to open the the two right there and run out the bottom line you're not going to three follow him yeah and you have ball in hand with the offensive and the two's right next to it you need to develop it it was probably sitting about his ideal you do not want to give effort he's going to hit something he's usually going to hit it anyways and 20 % of the time he's going to find a way to get safe after he hits it you see that arm he doesn't want to elevate the arm he's got a problem with that right shoulder a little bit it's been like that for a few years and you'll see him especially a lot of times in the one pocket tournaments because you got to elevate the queue with so many little unique shots because you're near the rail right he's shooting this because he doesn't want to elevate the arm plus he can make the four look at that shot nice try oh I didn't even think he could get between there I know he queued up like he could but from our vantage point it looked like he was pinned in there pretty good it sure did and he's on two fouls so yeah I mean he can he can he could three foul efon here he could roll the one underneath the two5 and put him behind the four and make things kind of tough cuz a two five's no picnic he's got to play three cushion shot I mean like excuse me a kiss shot beard shot so well that be the achievement here looks like he's looking to doing just that yeah is he going to play the 14 and break out the 25 I think he's going to go for the safety just a little subtle QQ ball behind the well that's probably not going to hold efon it could though because the two rails is cut off so the Eight's kind of in the way of the natural one rail this could spread on him a little bit I might curve this ball yeah this is a very see it's the arm though he doesn't want to raise the the back arm 67 years old is zephon re okay well yeah no way to get position really [Applause] here all right put him behind the three here Mark Bank the one that would be great if he could do it looks like he can do it and did do it yeah I don't think yeah I don't think you would call Michael you know a champion right but I seems he's played pool for a long time he goes in the right direction a lot looks like he can spin the ball just above the four and come two rails into the one won't crush it oh he's going one rail never mind good hit even had some power velocity there trying to get get some separation didn't work out but it was a good hit nonetheless Michael switching hands now going to play a little Southpaw thinking better of that looking for the ridge he shot a few Lefty warming up he made them both that's that's one area of the game that I can dismiss and don't even need to warm up my left hand I do not use my left hand on this coordination is just a funny thing I can't figure it out really but kind of make guesses on why things are like they are but like I'm not very good left Lefty at all with the you know I can make the shots you need to make you know you're close to it cut it in you know you can't reach it stuff like that mhm but when it comes to catching something I'm way better with my left than I am my right maybe playing baseball those years with the glove on I just don't understand hand ey coordination fully and the way it works and that was a little bit because of settling on the two huh Mark yeah he took a lot of maybe distance right and he went left-handed you know I think he should have kept the bridge out he used the bridge on the shot before and I think because he just all he could do was roll the that very coordinated stroke wise with his left hand like he is with his right and you talk about long days and really long days for this man at 67 years old and maybe longer you know there's plenty of guys in their 60s playing in this event right but eon's really here to compete in this event you know and and get better and feel like if he makes put some matches together he can yeah make a Deep Run nice stroke sure was a lot of action on that yeah now this is just wide enough you almost need to check this up with some inside spin or you're going to get really thin I agree and Michael undoubtedly probably trying to shake off a few nerves here in the first couple games being on the TV table plus you know yeah you're played a guy that the uh MC says I can stand there for a half hour and not cover it all this says and from Oregon Michael deckman yeah right how would you not be intimidated and that's been the common miss out here as the overcut not using the side rail on those small angle shots saw one from Darren just one ref got a little in between but should follow this one row over with the nine so playable doesn't have to get great great on the eight but eord is such a humble guy too he he doesn't brag he doesn't spend any time time I mean he was I I know him and even when they're saying all those nice things about him and he knows it's true but he's still a little embarrassed in front of a crowd yeah he was making it more about the crowd there you could tell yeah clapping with the crowd yeah you know really making sure they understand that he appreciates them just along with them appreciating him he was in St Louis about two weeks ago I was watching him play eightball and uh he came over to me and he he was making some outs that you know average Pros wouldn't make he says no I'm not playing good CU ball no good cball no good I'm like it looks pretty fine to me all right Nice Shot there one one is our score kind of a messy game there I'm sure Michael realizes he has to Rack your [Music] own Michael dman yeah they come from from all over for the dir DCC don't they Mark they do yeah yeah West Coast Canada South America of course Asia Europe Middle East trying to think of a few more I'm sure I'm missing some oh New Zealand caught a few guys from the Kuwait yeah Al shahim yeah with a few guys from there now the break uh we've had two dry ones so far from that same left side we'll see what Mr dman can get going sponsored by Bad Boys there Productions who do a lot here at the Derby all right the reason why you know the difference I see between the breaks of the last set versus this break is a flat QQ ball I saw both Darren and Cory applying outside spin really trying to push that corner ball and that's what the spin does and I can't explain why it does it but it sure does do it and I see the guys play with that heavy spin now he's going to have to hit this one well the three does go by the six but you know even in his Heyday this is the type of shot got to commit now efon with a unique you know people used to I used to talk about the paws at the Q ball and I really believe it's a very important piece of your fundamentals and people used to tell me Well EF doesn't pause and I said well yeah he does he just does it different he pauses and then he takes one more pump like right there you see it which I know you've known it I mean you you've watched this guy and played this guy maybe you know away from the tournaments as much as anyone and then a few years ago when he was actually playing a lot of pool Mark but he was struggling a little bit Yeah I watched and he wasn't pausing you know he what he does again he pauses at the QQ ball then he takes one more pump and a lot of times when you see those unique fundamentals like that it's because they started at a young age doing something you know that was very you know they kind of got set in their ways doing it just see their pants there's no training there's no coaches Philippines yeah he's GNA put Eon in a treacherous spot here accidentally he's going to kick two rails underneath the five here to the short rail right where the QQ Ball's at that's the only way I can really see to get at the three here Mark and the thing is he he kicks so well with these watch he won't kick it hard either he's going to try and come underneath that three two rails at the eight yeah he he's going to have to warp it a little bit off that end rail so that means he's going to go below Center to lengthen it out so he gets it closer up to the side pocket there rather than a flat ball see the speed though and the long has gotten him twice on this table too long yeah on two kick shots yeah you know I wouldn't say the stands are completely full but they're pretty pretty darn full upstairs pretty full they got have a great viewing from a top here these players and and these not not just fans but players as well they know this isn't the finals or anything or near the final this isn't efon versus Alban Ocean or something like that you know eon's a pretty good favorite here you would have to suspect not taking anything away from Michael but just getting out how how much all and everyone appreciates e and they want to come sweat them as much as they they can before mhm you know maybe he doesn't make these trips to America so it's a hard trip and then everybody asks you for something and so you really have to be a giving person to make these trips and then it doesn't pay all that much so yeah what a nice shot that was a little unlucky to not hit the six even though he came away with a shot I think a little tougher shot than if he had contacted the six going by good chat yep maybe a little little Fortune catching the point I think his Q ball might have been a little hot okay he's going to get a little out of line on the nine so decisions I think if he cuts it in the corner he goes long on the scratch he's banking it oh caught both points we'll get a good look at how eon's feeling on this one if his tip slashes to the side he won't be feeling real good went pretty straight and you think he ain't trying to win you know what I mean like I know that he overcut it whatnot but he was playing a speed to where he had a chance of a mild back door safety he's never getting a snooker of course that's only the nine on the table but well sometimes your stroke will leave you but your knowledge never does yeah and that's just instincts built over time looks like he's trying to cut it to me oh no he banked it and he swished it great two to one dman over e r so dechman hit the First Bank pretty good on the nine and hit the Second Bank really well yeah nobody has their picture up more than efon in this building is that correct right Mark that's absolutely correct even the jackpot winners out in the casino I think uh I think what was it he's won nine individual events and five all rounds yeah and you know when you talk about the brain and percentages and like in the moment what are you supposed to do you know races a three magnify that you know and efon really probably that was a good thing for him you know under the pressure what decision are you going to make versus what decision he's going to make um and just because he's been in so many pressure moments races to three it starts out pressure in the other vents Banks and one pocket little longer race here of course nine and the nine ball but a QQ ball you could see it right from the G he did make the one on the break though and it looks like a touchy position shot on the three even with ball in hand doesn't go by the eight in the corner doesn't go by the nine doesn't go by the six not a great route what's he going going to go between the three and eight with the Q ball is he going to go to the right side of the eight with the QQ ball what do you think Mark between them I think I guess that's where he's going yeah just mildly looks like good speed he's going to go right into the three yeah and way too stretched to probably shoot the combo yeah it's awkward combo because the Q Ball's going away from the direction the three would be heading yeah I think if he could reach it you know what I mean if it was that typee of combo I think he could hold it up but I think safety is what we're going to see no he's looking at shooting a combo he just sized up the three into the six got to hit this with like a soft straight draw to hold play position for the bank now the banks there he can certainly cut the three thin enough but the Q ball is going to be screaming back and forth kiss shot is there as well but really hard to hold shape the CU Ball's going to be near this end Rail and the three is going to be you know out a little bit so made a really nice Bank last game yeah sure did look like he's playing the six he is smart to play with speed but you just lost it a little bit and the thing is he hit ball first on the six if he would have hit rail first the Q ball would have ran much much hotter and gotten at least open I don't think he would have got a much of a shot but hit that pretty nice okay do you draw this Mark I like drawing it versus follow myself you spend so much more time in the open at the five you draw if your speed's perfect to Follows fine it's just that you only get position right at the last moment right New Q maybe I mean yeah very uncharacteristic miss when we watched him beat Roberto Gomez in the one pocket it was a performance that was you know vintage efon Rees I don't know if you remember that match absolutely I do 3-0 and efon made every shot and then today he comes in with a different queue and is clearly not gauged in the speed or the spin volumes or the amount of Squirt then his confidence appears to be down a little bit he's playing eight hard days and I'm sure he's tired great chot can to get a I thought was a friendly kiss now I don't know eight still may pass the nine it looks like it does well maybe not treacherous little combo here cutting it back okay ER is he going to get a pocket is the nine going to get it in the way wow so now what cut it in the side I guess yeah I mean he will but I think just a straight high ball he's going to cure with outside I think nice shot that was and he got a lot on that so maybe it wasn't as thin as it appeared to us right yeah he bent the C Ball quite a little bit 2-2 is our score if it's calling a timeout he smiled at the crowd he's such a humble guy he's the most beloved pool player ever that's a great player usually there's some little faction that doesn't like you not in efence case all right e got the rack set the matches tied two games a piece e the breaking eight balls on the wing sticking to that side rail he's got ball down the nine was pushing towards the corner he going to have a shot on the one but it's nothing friendly with the Q ball jacked up over the four and I don't know if the 29's makeable the 29 combo doesn't appear so now you have to get down below it and Bard it in I believe oh he's jacked up and that's his bad shoulder so I think he's going to take the nine out of the play all together prev a quick rack he wants to move the two a little bit as well yeah and the funny thing is you know he's been in the country for a few weeks he's played a few few tournaments and some matches and I watched and I actually brought it up on some a broadcast that I did from home and brought up at shoulder because I saw it so many times him having problems with it when he was here for you know the last few stays and I didn't see him really mess with it too much and I saw him raise the queue in the arm in the air and like he seemed like it was better and now maybe playing so much pool since he's been here and not just at the Derby but here in the states maybe he's aggravated a little bit touchy shot here no matter what you're doing and he just needed to hit it that's all Let It Go and Let the qball run up table now this is where afron should still be pretty accurate huh Mark when he's close to the ball yeah and the master of spinning balls too so he hasn't shown that thus far but we certainly expect that he will round into his good form wrapping around the eight with heavy spin yeah timing's just off just a little bit it doesn't take much when you're involved in all that s spin oh okay Rando has now showed up with a different queue H for switching back to his no yeah he is is it is that yeah that's the one yeah that's the one no I don't think so he's handing it back out well that is the one he was playing with but I don't know all right e with ball in hand can shoot it by the one by the five and follow between the nine and five you could go this way as well play the other side and I'm wondering why exactly maybe just because I guess from that side you go towards the four a little easier with high ball I guess that's why he went that route I mean either's fine I wouldn't say one's right or wrong I was just trying to figure out why always trying to learn something a little bit one you couldn't get tangled up over the top of the four so yeah wound up pretty thin here though sure did the five goes in the corner by the eight though so he doesn't have to try and play subtle for the side he can come back and forth yeah he's not feeling good at all here something aai because one he never plays position like that from that previous ball to get on the four that thin where he's got to make a heck of a shot but he's got some cover here the five ball got in away and saved him for the time being yeah Q Ball's got to come back you would think here yeah like that good shot good shot now Eon will try and use the eight and the five maybe probably more just the eight this is natural here Mark isn't it one two three rails dropping right behind the eight this is all about the rail speed oh he played it like that I thought he'd go ahead and get to that side rail and then back behind the or maybe he was trying he hit it heavy you can see how far the four went all right dman with a good scoring opportunity now good shot maybe even got too much out of it Mark he really got a lot out of Q ball there I haven't seen incardone in a few days I don't he left yesterday okay yeah I do see Jerry fory in the arena good to see him that's going to be behind the n unless it really grabs it's going to be close I think he's okay a sweet stroke there oh it was too what do you like here Mark well I think he's going to shoot in the corner and I guess that's probably the best shot going down playing safe no good not easy to get good safe overcut it yeah that's the tendency of the miss it seems like it's the overcut more than anything Ence had a couple thick ones but just has a hole all right draws back for the the corner most likely here he could go over for the side but you doubt that n rays will regain the lead at [Applause] 3-2 rack number six set to begin eight balls on the wing almost hit the corner five ball found the side pocket six ball gives the one a friendly bump and if you can reach it easily which I think he can just got to come one rail towards the three with the QQ ball a little high of the three of course he's not getting as much out of the ball it doesn't seem like that was a center ball draw he didn't get that effective spin like maybe the tip is still a little bit coated or there's not spinning the ball not biting on the Q ball like we're used to seeing tough shot here yeah that up and down that's definitely one of the shots that he's made a lot of money with that then cut coming straight up and down under pressure used to be so good at hitting the mark even when there wasn't a big alley to come up and down you know like just a small little yeah Little Alley to come up and that was much more of the stroke we're looking for from Efron or we expect I guess looking for a first breaking run here Mark yeah looking good for it to made a couple nice position plays there so he didn't have to exert himself being a shot maker through that rack routine nine ball now Eon will expand his lead four games to two taking advantage of the N fors there by dman yeah you could tell the crowd was waiting for that break and run by Efron really making making sure he knows they're paying attention to his every move we were talking in the intermission that uh you never know how long the efon Rees will continue to appear at these events and we don't want to miss a match that we can see even though it might not be vintage yeah but you know the one thing about Efron even though you know most would say he wasn't a real vocal player um there's a lot more to venage Eon Reyes in my mind than just him swinging the queue you know those Timeless Smiles uh you know the the little lazy arm up in the air when he wins kind of like you know like he does and it's just just some unique things by a very unique champion okay this is the spin shot if the two goes he would hardly ever pass up on he does know that the Nines in play here coming two rails also the corner pocket it's the feeling I get anyways see I think he's looking to see I think he is coming right at the nine with the Q balls the feeling I get yeah that's the that's to me that's twice that he's hit that kind of shot very very thick and that to me tells me something about the new Q stick uh because that that that that was some Mark he missed there uh Mark and it's one of Efron's all-time best shots the low outside throwing the ball in you know it's almost like a shot that you know even though he's not in his prime I still feel like he's one of the best at see if Michael take advantage he's overcut another one that's easy to cut the balls out there they cut a little easier on the Slick table do you just come towards the three here at the three I think that's a little safer than trying to come across the three I thought he might play the confidential on the five but maybe you're right oh no no he is yeah he is you're right I thought the two went he may dig on the qball but that was probably a better shot leveling out I think the three kind of had him impeded a little bit too to to dig on the Q ball right okay got to make sure he doesn't apply much English to this if he's going to go for the side on the five okay speed was pretty decent he didn't get behind the six speed's perfect here not the easiest of shots but certainly very getable yeah just definitely just got to go through your normal and pay attention good chot H the heart of the pocket 4-3 is now our score dman will be breaking for four balls the wing ball he made it yeah you see how much spins on the Q ball though right I really think most of the guys I see that make the corner ball really have that heavy spin something that they say it pushes the the the corner ball a little more kind of got to believe him because I see it happen a lot yeah apparently so he playing a bank but really kind of playing a bank without really doing much with the QQ ball huh wonder if he was that's maybe trying to three rail it around right I think he was trying to play safe cuz he tucked the QQ ball up there along the rail just got into a little too much power I think in his Heyday takes on the 37 combo but here I don't know if he's really wanting to get at that might Bank this one ball across corner to get the Q ball closer to the three he's elevating so maybe so oh scratch on the side yeah wow wow I was watching the one cross back and forth I didn't even notice the QQ ball well good thing for Eon he didn't make the one that would make things really easy on Michael the six wasn't there you could try to draw into position a little bit I mean yeah this is they there will not be any of the top players that take ball in hand to put it here it's amazing when them balls are at a slow speed it's almost like they have Velcro on them just connect looks like he might get the hit he did on a miscue good solid misu though yes if wantan to dig down and draw this back out to the center of the table you really have to spin this just didn't quite get there and go three rails at this behind the five he can go two rails kind of like the two rail a little bit myself when normally you would really go three on a lot of these but the way the Eight's laying here makes me feel like I like the two better I think the Eight's going to help him out maybe he came across it that draw shot also might have been a shot where the shoulder came into play yeah right watch out nine ball okay got by it a little little rub on the nine but it's not going to hurt Michael it's going to get a little on top of it so a little more stretched than he may be wanted plus a lot more of a cut than he wanted yeah you got to be pretty tall cuz you're more than a diamond pass the side pocket yeah the good thing is he's just hitting a high ball which helps the stretch a little bit there you go they're going to be tied for a [Applause] piece okay it's a race to five now both players having four we're going to nine seven ball is the wing ball pocketed the wing ball last time Wing ball and the three ball went right in yeah really nice connection there on the rack really um didn't didn't unload on him and got nice movement yeah maybe you know the camera may be fullness he may have just a sliver of the right side of the one even if you got to curve this Mark now you know this isn't critical situation but even if you got to curve this a hair and come across it pretty safe shot a lot of times because you're banking it and running the QQ ball now he's hit it a bit hard and now only lost the Q Ball but the one maybe a little more speed on it than he wanted so eer now with ball in hand and a good chance to take regain that lead he didn't do much there no trying to draw it's almost like a worried stroke when he has to draw a little bit Mark he just a little worried of what's going to happen like he doesn't know if he's going to get too much on it maybe sometimes of course worried about getting the draw period you can tell one thing with a brand new que and I'm not making any excuses because this just not efference a game but that shaft is stiff and if the tip is a little bit slick sometimes it doesn't respond at all like you're intending adjustment period and Breakin period for a new queue yeah the one thing about e is when he played his best it wouldn't it wasn't like an 11 mm Shaft or anything but it wasn't real big and this one to me looks a little thicker than maybe yeah he's uh you know accustomed to that's going to be a little light so he's going to have to work the rock here he's coming for the side should be just straight draw he can add a little inside if he wants to catch that second rail or he can just come one rail looks like he's going to throw it actually with outside of here and he put the outside to help keep the Q ball away from the cushion but then he hit it just a little bit too high for the the judgment on that spin the grab luckily he found his right in front of the side pocket so he can get to the center of the ball like to know which which kind of shots he uses to judge C as far as like spin deflection feel whatever or if he just needs to hit a lot of balls well in my experience with Efron he sometimes switches cues intentionally because it makes him concentrate harder because it it doesn't play the same he's not comfortable he doesn't get complacent and sometimes you'll see him switch cues in the middle of a match and you think well this is preposterous you know but that's that's him and he's so a very superstitious guy won't like to talk to you on the phone because he believes his Spirit goes through the phone lines doesn't like his shaft real clean it takes the magic off of there he added spin on that one he complied and got the five down on the sides got a tough shot on the one nothing easy he could roll it in the side and it looks like he can go to the rail and hold that gap between the 69 he could cut it in the corner as well come across two rails and have a shot on the two I think he's going to go offensive huh Mark yeah this is a daunting shot in the side pocket so he went for the corner overcut it our good friend Mark Kendall sends in that uh efen played Cory till 5:00 A.M this morning yeah they played pretty late that's for sure I watched the end of that so thought that at this moment very tough game for cor uh for Efron MH all right got a good chance to make this I think two rails if he kicks that way in the side pocket with the three being there I think it's a possibility let's see if the long the long has gotten him on a few kicks so long on this table would actually be on the right side of the one like that you know not the other side of the one like a lot of kicks would be so the Slick table has definitely gotten him on a few kick shots mark oh nine ball oh nine ball thin one here may not even shoot at this just Bank it away use a seven to hold the QQ ball mhm just a little high right English right here and and you don't have to get the two all the way down you just got to cut it a little bit and the reason why you don't try to get it all the way down oh he's hitting left so that means he's maybe trying to make it he's he's playing that kind of safety that's fine super nice watch out ain't done M it's not done got a ra [Applause] too nice very controlled safety yeah maybe the best ever with the object ball I mean it's one thing the Q ball control there's all the grates are are unbelievable with that and all the grates are unbelievable at the object ball control but e may be the best ever at controlling the object ball yes those are skills that went away carum bards games and B line bilard games where you have to control all three balls and that's what contributed the E success rate on controlling the secondary object ball on combination shots and the rotation games all required that too yeah in the rotation game a lot of times it's you know controlling the object ball with a little more speed on it whether you're double banking it crossing over the in rail it's not just out in the center of the table like he does so well that two ball wasn't going to another rail or anything like that it was just pure control clipping it which is more difficult in my opinion anyways than trying to move the ball like uh you know a couple rails where you get a little feel [Music] mhm okay is he sacrifice the distance here on the seven a lot a lot of players would rather than coming all the way back down we'll see stayed down pretty good look out nine going to be close he's okay he was thinking he was getting on past the nine there now Reyes for another two game lead [Applause] 64 yeah no matter what it will forever be fun to watch Eon stroke decision making then all the great memories that he's left us with and after this match we'll have a little small break but won't be long before we'll lead into the semifinal of the one pocket division huge match feder gor Darren Appleton Josh Roberts got the buy into the final and Josh has had one heck of a year already to start um with a big win I believe it was in Birmingham in the the one pocket almost swept the board there in Birmingham went in the one ball one pocket mini which is not easy uh-oh eight ball okay a two rail kick maybe a one rail kick with the nine there gives them a little bit better bigger and better chance to make the three and what I was getting at Josh Roberts won the one pocket played great beat many Filipino players and then went on just to take second in the nine ball division out of 160 o almost caught that nine a nice effort for now the four is a little funny but I would like to think he cuts at this I mean the four is a little covered up considering the CU balls coming hot down this end of the table don't think he's spinning it too much yeah he did so again a very thick hit when he uses that s spin like he's not in command of the deflection of that que just yet seems like anyways mark yeah definitely uh not vintage and definitely not the what we're used to seeing with the spin shots at all cuz he usually makes an adjustment by now if it was the case Nice Shot there to thread around the six ball okay you got plenty of angle there easily come across this is where you don't try to get super close when you come across just stay a foot or two above it pretty okay here right spin should easily get two rails on the eight he could just come to the back of the eight also huh without the right Spin and play the eight in the same Corner not terrible shot really most want to do this but just in case you didn't want to add Sid spin to that seven ball thing about Sid spin is you know if you're going with the flow if it's outside ball you know you should stay pretty confident with it overall don't be afraid to use a hair very rarely met that don't put a just a hair of that English on there mhm it's almost like a controlling thing they want to control the connection between Q ball and object ball use Center Center when the stroke's off a little bit it can act a little skiddy kind of like Mark and grab the object ball it seems like KY showman getting a little the chalk dust off the table bergman's the one I talk to about that a lot we work together he just said Jeremy you know we do some drills that are just Center you like Center low or Center high and whatnot he's like Jeremy I just rarely ever do this he's like even if it's an eighth of a tip off to the outside you know he he he likes that controlling feeling and it's a pretty common thing espe top players Mike seagull always did it too yeah I mean I wouldn't say I'm totally guil of it because I've been trying when I have played to really understand what Center can do um I started at 17 Mark playing pool so I was pretty much almost an adult right so I understood English quickly which is probably a fault overall you know I didn't go a year with just Center ball like a lot of youngsters do right mhm and so maybe learned English a little quickly to to and which isn't a Terri terrible thing but also made me involve English a little bit more so it's hard for me to maybe just hit totally Center a lot of times all right good cut shot here if he cuts this he got a good chance it's been the overcut a little bit for Michael today going to say he could tie this match though I just play the thin hit here huh with the herab inside just mild yep and now he's going to have to come out for a 59 combo which I don't think he probably wanted to do in the first place but it's not too tough fell on a nice side of this wouldn't have mind it being straight but Q Ball's going underneath the eight here and the only reason being is I'm I'm not a huge fan of trying to stretch the safety on these combos because you miss it a lot but this this one looks fairly natural going that way got to be careful you don't hit the high side of the eight here yeah looks to me because efon will put a hair of English on this he kind of spreads underneath it to me it looks like pretty tough shot yeah yeah the only problem is he's left a big pocket if he doesn't get the snooker it's going to be close and he did get the snooker this will be a pretty billiard shot yeah the K kiss shots there you know the five can come across one rail and make the nine too now the key to this kick shot is don't over hit it um if you over hit it you probably Scratch by the nine using the nine you kind of Bounce off the five and now that doesn't mean baby it but just you know again I bring that word up medium mediumish a lot of times he's looking at the curb shot or jumping it with his full cube oh no he's going for the kick good effort there for Michael he's going to leave a well not kiss the five don't leave a 79 combo or kiss shot though routine combo this time were you there at Reds when he made his debut there no no sure wasn't that was there the year before 75 is our score no that really kind of began his Legend even though I was aware of him I'd never I'd read about him but You' never know how much embellishment there is in that you know so I wanted to see him for sure but it was nobody knew that he was going to appear he didn't even appear under his name to begin with but everybody knew him when he left yeah the funny story that I like is I guess he had made it to the semifinal under an alias and uh all right they're switching the two not to be racked in the back um he made it to the semi-final under Alias of Caesar Morales of course everyone knows that and he went up to to Mr Walling red Walling and said Mr Walling he was afraid of not getting paid if the real name came out so he came up to him and said hey Mr wall Mr Walling I've been using the you know a fake name my real name's efon Reyes I just want to make sure nothing's going to have a problem you know mhm and red of course told him don't worry you're getting your money no matter what so okay pray holds for the three in the side if the four goes by the five the three in the side really carries you to the four pretty easily so just barely any W English here just come up by the eight kind of mildly yeah like that now he's got a real natural even if you get a little thinner a little less you're still going in the right direction I'm not sure what he's upset about maybe maybe just trying to settle himself because he hasn't hit every ball as well as he wants I don't think he was mad about the position he was in nicely played chat there did you know red Wong yeah a little bit he was again before my time I was fortunate enough you know him and jersey red were really good friends yeah so I got a chance to meet him a few times and uh it's funny last time I saw him uh it was in the international terminal at the airport I saw a man about 66 with a queue on the back of his H shoulder I said well let me go find out who this is over here and it was red Walling as soon as he I saw his front I thought it was him even though it had been many years since I'd seen him but he was heading to South America to go fishing South America go fishing he goes down there for a month every year and always takes his queue because he plays a little pool with some of the locals down there and the funny thing is I'm that's a little light it looks like maybe has to go a touch is I'm from the east side of Houston Baytown which is you know just uh minutes away from Northshore and channel view where where Reds was at be the wrong speak go no all right we're going to get a little Lefty Efron here I don't think that even cuts no maybe it doesn't on the overhead but maybe on the real table it does yeah I think you might be right more than I look at it still might get some Lefty effort unless he's not edging the ball here looks like he's going to move the object ball instead of the Q ball might Bank this at the side pocket yeah yeah absolutely I think swish what a nice shot yeah nice shot and that's you know classic effort yeah exactly you know a lot of what we were talking about earlier right to me that's not one bit surprising no back in his day that was a it was better than a 50/50 chance he makes that bank he just has a nice feel for it he always chooses the speed that just Glides on down to the end rail when it doesn't go in the only time he ever gets cheated on that is if it hits the point LJ Bry is reminding me that his dad sponsored efen to come here you have to have a sponsorship and efen asked me if I would ask Jerry if he would do it and he sure did Jerry said he you mean to get in the country and all that yeah yeah because uh you can't be Indigent and maybe National beard Academy rack trck there anyway Jerry said he'd happily do it and eim was going to compensate him and Jerry said if you would just play in my PO room for a few days that would be good enough Jerry bre yep yeah now in Utah or where no Madison Wisconsin oh Wisconsin okay so I know Jerry spends time in Utah he mainly lives in uh just outside of Phoenix yeah yeah yeah in Sun City yeah yeah yeah I went there a few years ago and taught for a few days that man have you been down there mark no I haven't what a place I'm talking about you have four communities in the Sun City and they have four pool rooms have four different biger places in each you know one in each community and really beautiful Don McCoy lives down there uhhuh I saw him um I went in there it's funny Mark I flew in I was supposed to work Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and then head to Vegas so I I started work at 10:30 on Wednesday I flew in Wednesday morning went to John finck's house where I was staying got cleaned up head to the head to to their place there on in the community beautiful beautiful pool room with 12 diamonds um I get there about 9:45 maybe 9:30 I got a lesson at 10:30 this is in the a.m. of course I go in and there's a ladies league with every table taken at 9:30 in the morning yeah wow really nice shot here Michael really nice um and you know I go in there a few people know who I am and get to talk and a few of those ladies gave me a look like you need to hold it down a little bit we're serious over here at 9:30 in the morning it was pretty fun to see but I couldn't believe in one of the one of the communities there in Sun City they have a 30 table pool room how you like that like 14 gold crowns like 12 diamonds uh three cushion table a snooker table Bayer table just really awesome stuff they have over there it's probably the second biggest retirement community in the country I think behind the place in Florida was the place villes Villages yeah that's where Peter Fleming Pat Fleming's brother lives Villages I think I knew that all right nice speed here it looks like boy he's playing some Dynamite safety yeah and really something we hadn't seen much of during the match and just he just hadn't had to play a lot of safeties look Eon always wants to go three rails behind this but I think he's just going to come one rail across don't see the three there maybe he can bend it enough to get three rails that's what he's doing before the four and then stretch it out after it's been long for him on most of those multirail kicks mhm all right five five and six is a little funny that's for sure did you ever get to play Don McCoy I played Don some cheat pool back in o a a few times uh when I was younger um he played awfully solid even though he didn't play full-time by any means at that point and now from everybody that I've ever talked to about that guy what a solid player he was and great great player yeah I knew him for a lot of years and we played a lot of tournaments he won them I tried to play in them come down to him in Dallas West quite often all right the SK Ball's going to run to give Eon a shot not an easy one by any means we were at a big Pro tournament Burlington Iowa Keith mccre kind of broke on the scene was beating everybody and Don played him a $500 set and did beat him but he was the only guy that week to beat him you got to be a good player at that time because Keith was beating Denny Cersei Louis Roberts yeah that's one guy I never got to say see with cersi and uh jersey red told me a lot about him as well that he really liked his game kind of famous for playing pay ball on the snooker table yeah how many times did efon finished second in the US Open twice was it twice I know wants to read Pierce I think wants to Nick Varner no might have been yeah I know that was a title that escaped him for a long long time yeah I kind of felt like he had gotten there at least twice before he won it all right little light the draw there he's going to be laughing about that one a little bit and he's wondering why maybe the tips's just coming up because I don't see the stroke being that bad uh Mark really and I can almost hear the tip you know you can hear it when the tip's a little higher right it's a little more of a boom effect all right good go he might hit a couple draw shots here all right Reyes what a pleasure fun match the crowd is thrilled good for him get through that all right everybody thanks for joining us we'll be back with more action one pocket coming up that's our time for this time until next time so [Music] long [Music]
Channel: Accu-Stats Video Productions
Views: 400,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Accu-Stats, accustats, Cue Sports (Sport), Pool (Sport), Billiards, Pro Pool, Efren Reyes, Michael Deitchman, 9-Ball, Derby City Classic
Id: 4_nZL5pDl5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 21sec (5121 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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