Efren Reyes Show who's the Boss in 9-Ball vs Tony Ellin at 1994 US Open 9 Ball Championship @ $120K

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welcome to sportsub reaction and commentary videos for today's reaction video exting [Music] dominating Rees K Tony ell g94 US Open n ball championship $120,000 Prem number one toon Playard 24 years years actually re number eight ranking number five ranking world ranking P bard Reon andard ball control and positioning run out sh s Rock number one lasts Tony Ellen Rock number oneall positioning ball number [Music] eight Back Spin winners break so rock number two and very hard notice theall right there in the middle of the table he's pocketed the eight ball but he's got a bad break the seven ball is number [Music] one one ball safety play e Rees has but he was masterful against Hall in the quarters can't get this far without playing good safety safy is very important I imagine will not to play safy imagine what fim's ability of controlling the Q ball notice his control behind number one number one making the CQ ball hit a rail first and then trying to hit the one ball that's really one of the techniques that the man from the Philippines has mastered and didn't he when he really came over several years ago introduce that strategy that type of thinking to the American players well oh Tony's missed an easy kick I was surprised at that Tony should have hit that Tony kick shots angon number [Music] two against rail so he's going to bring the Q ball over for the four ball well he stopped that on the dime nice position speed is perfect now most likely hit the four ball very easy and play the five ball in this corner down here see he's got the straight in shots I see notice where the six ball is he'll leave himself an angle on the sixth ball so he can come up table for the seven ball made the eight on the break when you play at this level you think about three shots ahead well it depends Dave on the table if the table's laid wide open like that uh we're planning basically almost the whole rack out especially if there's a trouble ball we know what shot we're going to break it open on and stuff e will play the Q ball up toward the middle of the table two rails out up in the middle of table number six at last two B number aing re number two tws on the it's a nice break he's got the balls wi don't but he got a kind of a bad break here cuz the one and the three are kind of close together it looks like he's going to play the one in this corner and possibly hit the three ball in also the two balls by the side so I'll have no problem with position got the one to go and brings it back to zero in on the two and the three did kind of make a move for the hold theia wouldn't go now he's concerned about the five and the nine ball okay they're a little close together he wants to make sure he gets the right position on the five so he'll probably play the two and then play position to leave an angle on the three ball so that he can play the Q ball in the middle of the table and want to bring the Q ball up here somewhere for the five ball making sure that the nine Ball's not in the way you talked about the the way his stroke works it's it's a little unorthodox it maybe like a Chichi Rodriguez or leino it's a different windup than most most of uh us players are used to now he's played the cball a little bit farther than the center of the table he wanted to make sure he had a shot he [Music] wasn't re control and ball positioning last three B re number B side pocket number four ball number one break andun number four he play the he'll play the one ball in the corner and bring the ball back out for the two ball in the side everything wide open here low right handing let show use here one back out in the middle of the table two ball absolutely ideal he's going to have to come back to the bottom rail it looks like unless he can hit this real easy looks like he can play it real softly he does does he leaves himself an angle on the fourball the reason he does that is cuz he wants to bring the Q ball off the rail and back out the middle of table over here for the five ball and the pros prefer a slight angle don't they they can do more with the Q ball bringing it back it it helps you to play position easier you notice he'll leave himself an angle on the five ball and he'll play the five ball in the corner and he'll use left hand English and bring the Q ball over to the other side for the six ball in the same pocket he's hit a little harder he's coming back over for the other pocket but I didn't like that he might have got straight in if he get straight in problem number last number aing aiming 31 number rock number five back to table Tony H that perfect and any other trouble spots we see the two is an easy shot for him oh he's got the three ball down here the two ball right here what he'll want to do is he'll play the two ball in the corner and draw the Q ball up a little bit for the three ball now's he's got to give himself an angle for the four ball because he doesn't have the five balls in the way playing the fourball in this corner so what he's going to do is leave an angle on a three to come up from the four ball he should draw this back a little bit look out that's a great shot he's he played position for the three ball in the side he elected to give himself a bigger angle so he can get on the fourball race to n you don't want to fall too far behind already down two and one knows this is an important game that's a great shot right there he used low right hand drawing the Q ball to the rail and back out for the four ball and the crowd here really appreciative of that this is one of the more knowledgeable crowds that you get on the tour they've been coming here for 19 years Dave they know the game they also know the players they know what players are favorites and what players play uh been playing in this tournament for the last 19 years they even know Tendencies the chatter in the crowd last night was interesting to say the least Tony's got a nice layout he's got an angle on the five to come back out for the six ball it's it perfect notice he keeps giving himself an angle nine ball is a game of angles you want to play mostly FR angles so you can move the Q ball around the table Ellen only 29 from Hollywood South Carolina Single Ladies he's won 30 satellite titles so he's been around a while Tony number six number number [Music] six number racking them they might not all be tight so we like to protect ourselves make sure the rack is tight to stop the corner ball from going in you notice a lot of times the two Corner balls going in the pocket a lot wow he hit them hard he hit him hard the Q balls in the middle but nothing went in similar to what happened with e re last time now it out for us that was a greaton it's a drve number exactly as you drew it up perfect don't give this guy an opening because I'll tell you what he'll take advantage he has a really nice layout here Q ball he'll bring the Q ball back up in the middle of the table right doesn't look like he's too happy with the layup we wanteded a little bit more of an angle but he'll be okay he'll draw the cube on the B table he must have got straight in on the number five sa Rees disappoint number six upon the moment he was glad to be at the table y friend is a bit upset with himself in the corner he had hit the shot very thin and he just overcuts the ball just about down an inch and it just catches the point and stays out tough break speed is very important here you got to watch out for the a ball number n he's not happy about what he did that was a mistake he shouldn't have done if he can't make it he banked it and he's playing safe at the same time if he hit it hard enough I don't know if he's hit it hard enough watch out for the white ball number number Open Table K Rees very disappointed Ellen snatch Rock number six [Music] number on Tony Ellen Ellen Leed one nothing and Reyes then grabbed the lead and doesn't want to let it go oh eims let the QQ ball fly notice the QQ ball went around three rails and I think he's going to get a B number play safe Rees I don't think he'll hit this unless he spins the cuq and tries to bring it back up table but I think he's going toit oh he hit it hard he wants to bring the cuq back up table I think he liked it the wrong way of playing it but he's gotten away with it he brought the notice the Q it appears though it's blocked by several balls to get to the number one yes I think he made a good choice there Corners Talen B in Rees aiming ball number one re RO number seven got it and he's perfect notice he's straight in on the two ball he's straight in because he only wants to bring the Q ball back in the middle of the table for the three ball in a race to nine one figures games uh 78 n become very important race to n d every game is important cuz the set can be run out at any time uh you never know when you're going to get back to the table and have a shot eone bring the CQ ball back in the middle table he'll want an angle on the four ball cuz he has to get position on the six ball he doesn't want to be straight in has a slight angle here I think he's going to be forced to go to the rail and back over to the other side of the table for the six ball perfect he bounce off the rail so he's not on the rail got a nice layout here I'm going to make a prediction and he gets out of here Dave you're not being too bold are you everything wide open and last three Rees number seven number number number number number score I 53 Rock number n so far in this match but that nice combination goes I didn't like what he did there he he let the Q ball go into those balls and he's actually hit himself from the two ball now the two Ball's over here and now he's forced to shoot a kick shot one the six already out of there but he's got to get to the two he elected to shoot a jump shot there which I thought was wrong choice because even if he jumped over the disregarding in re capiz number some of them look like a uh a broom handle and stuff it was getting a little bit ridiculous and I and you didn't need the skill that that these guys possessed to to do that and it was unfair for a guy who really can make that shot without a specialty stick yeah I happen to think that Don Mackey the commissioner the pro Players Tour made a good choice there and uh aing last re number n one 63 Rock number 10 there is still plenty of pool that we played remember Allen's whole tournament has been coming from behind or playing close matches going to the very end uh all these event races to 13 other than these semifinals and finals he's never let up when he's been down but he does look a little perplexed at the moment he's not happy Dave I can tell you that he's made a few mistakes that he shouldn't have made Jeff's follow through that fall he goes through about 10 in he's made two balls two balls on the break and he's got a nice shot he's got a nice shot at the one one number one [Music] ball number five 1 two three and four are gone tries to set himself up now for the five yes it looks like a nice layout here right he's got the five ball straight in the two ball he he'll play I mean the six ball he'll play an angle on the six ball so he can come back up back up in the middle of the table he's got the five ball here on the six ball he'll leave an angle for the six ball so he can bring the Q ball off the rail and back out up here for the seven ball now is drawing a c ball back and I believe he'll come out two rails in the middle of the table unless he feel wants to draw the ball it's hard to tell from here one ra there it is one rail okay it's okay if he had number AET number 11 number one putting on a display here of how you play this game commanding 73 lead and the Filipino has the break notice the Q boy let the Q boy get away from that time he didn't hit the one ball Square but he's made a looks like he has not made a ball on break looked like it was going to go but it hung on the pocket and then bounced away us shot ball number three for the whiteall watch out he tries to hide the ball this is what eim does so well notice he's kicked three ball and he's left a long tough shot for Tony Ellen he didn't scratch on he hit the Q ball to right speed the Q Ball's against the rail and Tony's got a long shot on three ball now if he can make it if he can make the three ball he's got a nice shot for the four ball cuz the four ball's in M table that's way to put this is he is going to make Ellen beat him he's not giving him anything definitely great nice shot out for the side pocket oh luck you there he didn't scratch although he had no has just let the keepy ball going breathing a little bit easier after that nice kick off the pocket Tony's going to be forced to play a combination on the 59 air three makes the four ball in the corner he's going to come over for the for the 959 combination I believe and he tried to come over see I I believe he missed that ball watch out watch out ball may go there it is you think that was the intention no I know it wasn't the intention but he instead of playing the comination he elected to go for the run out and I think that's what forced him to miss the four ball in the corner but he made it in the other corner so it doesn't matter kind of a tough break for eim but a nice break for Tony on you need those things when you're down 7 through i s force follow sh hard per speed down three last two ball aiming ball number eight B number 12 it's new life for Tony Allen dangerous party days anytime you step at the table this guy's capable of running out and so is Eon Tony is capable of running out the match at anytime because of his powerful break he has and we mentioned he has been able to come back several times this week for hasn't really had to play behind it all in this tournament we told you he's murdered everybody only time he was down in this game was won nothing back to re Rock number 11 K Ellens Rock number 12 K ens bounce off the rail now he's got the three ball down here he's going to have to play position for so he's got an angle on a two ball but he's going to have to do something with the que here he's going to have to elevate his que and get some drawn he's going to hit very low right Hing bringing it down to the side Ro here between where the nine ball is there it comes did he get there yes mhm that's a nice shot but he still has his work cut out because the four ball is in a difficult spot as the eight ball is blocking the pocket for the corner so I think he's just going to bounce off the rail here for the fourball come back G is very nicely done he controls that Q ball so nice he really on top of his game he's made very few mistakes in this semi-final match perfect position and notice for the six the eight ball is blocking the pocket for the six ball the eight ball here is blocking the pocket for the six ball to go in that corner so I believe he'll play position for the six in the side he's coming around the table here's elected to go three rails he really feels confident let to do a three rails and play the six in the corner and that strategy really differs from some of the American players doesn't it there wouldn't hit as many chrm no we would we would make the CU travel as far you know he can make a travel just a little distance and get position [Music] last [Music] commentator last B re Rock number 12 number last thank you see you on my next [Music] video
Channel: Sports Hub
Views: 534,014
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Keywords: Sports Hub, Efren Reyes, Efren Reyes 2024, Efren Bata Reyes, Efren Bata Reyes 2024, Efren Reyes tournament 2024, pool tournament 2024, Billiards 2023 Live, Pool 2024, Billiards Trick Shots 2024, Efren Reyes Trick shot 2024, Efren Reyes Best Matches 2024, #sportshub, #efrenreyes, #efrenbatareyes, #billiards, #pool, #billiards2024, efren bata reyes, efren reyes, efren reyes best shots, Efren Reyes Show who's the Boss in 9-Ball vs Tony Ellin at 1994 US Open 9 Ball Championship @ $120K
Id: R1t6cXXwubQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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