Effective Telephone Tips from Successfully Speaking

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hello this is Linda Catz Wilner of successfully speaking today I'd like to talk to you about telephone communication skills when we meet with somebody in person we communicate with the three V's the visual how we look the vocal how we sound and the verbal what we say however when we're talking on the telephone we lose that visual Dimension we're left with the vocal and verbal the clarity tone and quality of our voice takes on added importance and we are judged by this before you even answer the phone be ready take a breath and sit up straight you want to avoid leaning over to the side or slouching while you're talking be sure to smile our facial expression influences how we sound begin with a greeting hello is more appropriate and more professional than hey or hi identify yourself and your company immediately hello this is Linda Catz Wilner of successfully speaking eliminate other distractions that include typing or texting to somebody while you're talking or checking your email or even going through papers and checking the mail avoid eating drinking or even chewing gum while you're talking speak clearly with expression and a friendly tone be a good listener make sure you do not interrupt the other speaker and let them know you are listening by interjecting with comments like uh-huh yes okay but don't overdo that keep in mind the way you communicate on the telephone not only reflects upon you but on the organization you represent remember you don't get a second chance to make a first impression to find out more and learn how you can achieve excellence in communication contact us at successfully speaking
Channel: speaksuccessfully
Views: 207,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Telephone Skills, successfully speaking, professional voice, effective business communication, public speaking, interpersonal communication skills, communication in the workplace, telephone tips, accent modification, accent reduction, Lynda Katz Wilner
Id: 8v60jWtecrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2014
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