EFAP Movies #9: Toy Story 4

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so just for clarification has everybody seen toys three one two three yeah I've not seen three oh I probably seen one a long long time ago I'll pick up what they're selling I was gonna say I don't know that you need to know much everything is the same except that is there any new characters bringing the probably uh well picked up anybody from the white with one about what about the choice of that girl had in her house I guess that part of the group aren't they are they do we met I don't know no really I'm not sure I imagine this film functions just fine without having seen three to be honest with ya I've probably seen one and two but like way way back what I will say and I've heard this from lot of people is a lot of people if they don't like three they still like it's ending okay the way three NS is Andy gives all of his toys in a big box to a little girl who's like playing and his marbles are symbolized sort of like hand-me-down the it's her generation now and that the toys will make her happy sort of thing and the toys are all happy about it you know mm-hmm Andy's growing herbs and soda and I think that makes for a good bookend for Toy Story it's like yeah of course that's before but then they made a fourth one the problem of course they did they've said this is the last one for sure now right I'm pretty sure I read that Tom Hanks has said something along the lines of like he's hanging up the stirrups of Woody's not make any more if he's not doing it I imagine Lee guilt him into it'll be like loads of children what this table you're gonna say a big paycheck I don't know I've got a lot of respect for Tommy I seems like a really nice dude yeah if I was Tom Hanks at that age I just I would have [ __ ] you money at that point well he I just I just looked him up on with pity he has a net worth of 390 million dollars as in let's say that's it yeah yeah but maybe he just spins a [ __ ] turn lives like a player oh wait what was the length of yours Mel please don't I wasn't prepared I wasn't prepared for the question we're too cynical for you movie you felt any trade up dog this long ago actually meant something when this thing in front of a movie actually you want money I remember being a kid and being like this is a perfect tonal introduction to being like yay Disney but as an adult is just like you Petey rats I know what you're up to Pixar is still like not fully tainted but bad I don't really like that much good the animation is balls that's funny because when when you're a kid you watch like twister one you know this is what's realistic [ __ ] ever and it's like yeah no yeah the walk back on toys for one and is very noticeable and you're like huh wait wait I thought she was unable to move properly like a full member I could have sworn that the whole thing was she had a model like what I don't what do you mean oh I know Andy's excited about buzz this cowboy camp all because of my stupid hat why they make you her like more important again oh [ __ ] why do you think she's gonna be a bad person for this movie remember how she mattered all the time it's not like Jesse was that character that's what I mean cuz I know that she's the main character in this movie I'll see what the [ __ ] are you doing out of there buddy okay oh the issue he just moved like all four inches when the extension is like two meters it's like that would have flung him so far forward man he's strong his nose yeah the slinky would Bend but crazy before they can do that I wouldn't even close probably for slinky is this a story Hatteberg Pete got sent away those peeps in that box right now and then just get around yeah what's Nick in the head just before he's back I'm not Andy's toy what it's time for the next kid but isn't she was from the little girl's room wasn't she yeah she was he was standing there was kids lose their toys every day don't care about all of your friends no yeah also to do it first like oh wait that's not that's a nice toy Wow sumbitch Jesus Christ witty also quite like she okay so she was always intended to leave and she just decided yeah once they put me in a box we want to say goodbye this so rushed Wow are you gonna explain that to everyone else so yeah Bo Peep just said a [ __ ] y'all what do you might want to try a better hiding spot I just like to point out that in the Toy Story universe sex dolls are alive plastic it's alive yeah [ __ ] the rules oh my god no think of all the plastic forks that just kiddin Oh exactly it's just like what constitutes a toy if I stick like a button or something on my behind in three when they had mr. Potato Head act himself into a pancake remember or whatever was yeah I I've really got a feeling if this was over doing this see I'm sorry okay this world is actually rather night Merrick there's a chair that's alive for they what Cheers woody he's in the back seeing my little boy no play with you no I don't want to get me to my first day kindergarten too young for this [ __ ] see that there's a also why would the moving lunchbox be any weirder than the moving cow just raises so many questions so not only my child you are my Creator that's why snow one looking after the new chart that just came in like even the cat I'm gonna go to those normal children who already know what's going on also he's like Joker it's about the failure of the system you can buy this thing and it's just like this crap estoy ever it's literally this like you have to pay lots of money for it all it's a plastic what is because she's a kindergartner making it the toys like to me it's like a sad [ __ ] baby that you just put down what he was like you need some would look after you kid to God just like so what he meant by that was putting scrap shield a table okay can't believe talking to a spork think I'm alive oh my god never seizes cross that is actually body made a friend in class [Music] this is what I mean what if you stuck some googly eyes on that bag over there does it become alive with the zipper for its math or something it has no mouth no arms no legs oh Jesus Christ oh it's desperate to become a part of the trash again that's it's life's purpose it's horrifying Oh [ __ ] terrifying intial level I'm oh my god this is worth so much got nothing on this [Music] well how would folk he noted how the [ __ ] would have gotten there and how does the [ __ ] know displayed like a toy what why does he have it how would she know it's like how a baby knows how to gasp for air when it's born or so we'll know because they establishes a Toy Story would some toys are actually other way that they're supposed to be toys oh yeah people establish is one of the potential plot holes yeah doesn't help this movie either what do you this is disturbing with our new net is really creepy Woody's please don't Woodman stop it seriously how could you possibly keep this going you need help with him on the road trip you can't possibly do this we know the ki so you could argue that the law is that whenever a human looks at them they lose the ability to move or speak that's not true either because they're sick yeah ridiculous this is the story he's desperate to be in a bed why is this your choice for Toy Story 4 right so it wants to be trash guys look all these characters that we're not learning anything about yeah but the fork but the [ __ ] part but the return also this child is extremely easy to please I will give it to them that it's a child but holy [ __ ] it's just like not funny this is a long exhausting my time well we know a bit about woody folky and Bo Peep I wonder who this film is gonna be about what about these all the characters were attached to you no it's not this story is this [ __ ] pork story Oh buddy just kills the fork in the end snaps his neck but I don't remember it being this hard really dude you remember the first three movies babe you would kneeling bidder did a horrible total budget in the first one you would nearly sold off what the hell light you've been trying to prevent a stick from going into a bid that is apparently the hottest thing ever okay so the only reason that he wants to protect pork is just because it only happier hat even though she'll literally [ __ ] forget he exists in a day yeah Wow let him or die just [ __ ] Winegard killing maybe [ __ ] when he flew this is the blog Toy Story whoa do you know how far away does this already yeah it's gonna say point yeah oh god back fight where overuse minutes we'll go five miles in the other direction you'll get lucky and find him and then you'll hitch a ride or some [ __ ] I'm sorry five miles quad I like I was going out for I would for cancer it doesn't help if you solve for key was like stuck so I guess you wanted to help no I'm stuck because you have Bonnie's name written on the bottom of your sticks why do I have bodies well that was my sticks you get turned into a toy when someone writes their name on you know Okemo day would have William write his name on the bottom of his foot and boom your slave your Bonnie's toy you are going to help create happy memories that will last for the rest of her life huh what happens when she dies it's [ __ ] up it's a weird yeah well right now it's to make sure you're Eddie ringing carry me yeah so how [ __ ] is this thing he seems to be reasonable but he has a desperate desire to be in a bin so he thought Andy's world so remember the first movies thanks for making it depressing it was a much higher dose in Toy Story 3 a new story he's like it's pretty depressing if you think about it that's how Bonnie feels would she's with you she does yes she's trash yes she needs me yeah why was that simple okay this existential crisis is over not just one guy just went out in the streets saw this they made really good time for toys absolutely walking most of the way porky look Ronnie's right over there yeah and you see look how much distance they make and how much time it takes to shave just so happens she's here what Wow so me and Frankie already know the Bo Peep is significant at this story like that's yeah I guess Woody's interest in seeing Bonnie supersedes is sorry to see Bo Peep supersedes his interest in making Bonnie happy I'm telling you man this is why so who's the side [ __ ] here what do you can't choose I think that's what his ox is gonna be in this film she's just I mean it's not that big of a country right no your friend so about the whole elements of the film being creepy uh-huh Oh God Jesus top we met you my name is Mary Gaby and this is my very good friend Vince thank you for your help I haven't seen Bo in years ask what were you made me what is that and look at that you have a voice box like me Vincent show him oh ho that's that's really not necessary oh no we can't stay yes you can [Music] Oh God they know no sleep that was relatively clever John wake ninja varnish well played woody after some poontang and you've just lost the only reason you left in the first place plot twist he was after the Sheep the spoon is safer this is Spoony every [ __ ] day so she seems to be the hoof of strange mental state a lot of the time yeah I feel sorry for her that her thing is gone but you know you like sitting down like I'm sorry this is like the worst toy you ever had anyone this one is like legit [ __ ] no time to explain so he took Woody's thoughts of a introspection extremely literally oh come on at this point boss has had enough development that stupid buzz isn't stupid he's quite small [ __ ] this is a total progression comin over this is just he's really listening to come on he knows better than nervous remember this music - yeah find a sense of theme yeah that's a good pump the highway really I feel like that would have broken him I remember he's broken before with all those NASA hits well he fell down me out the stairs not broken great man they old to [ __ ] it up because they're taught moral of this film so far don't be [ __ ] you in full [ __ ] man never go full [ __ ] [ __ ] Bonnie this chick gives a [ __ ] yeah want to create some great memories for here why is it yeah yeah why is it arbitrarily have to be Bonnie if I was witty I'd be like man this bitch's enemies his whole motivation was to increase of every good full body of this other girls you'd be like Oh Matt stole my toy that I really liked what do you want you so bad at this like an expert toy like toy aisle five or whatever the Sheep must be trying to direct him there's no way that's a coincidence again really Wow that's [ __ ] insane and she's gonna make them [ __ ] kiss this is today's been like a [ __ ] fee for a dream for me and she's like gonna be way better than Woody and Buzz at this more thing a skunk I'll seek on the skunk is alive girls girls of course just misgendered found that creepy sense Toy Story one lady we need new characters because our old ones are boring yeah no one liked them no one liked racks antagonist from Minneapolis yes or to rescue so lost is like an underground faction like the hobo kings I guess so yeah played with I think cameras would have picked these [ __ ] up a long time I need to get back to my kid what you got a kid yeah wait the bastard soldier being at the playground peep combat Carl's got a pinata party to crash no she's non-binary absolutely we wasted years there just sitting on the shelf collecting dust Oh years [ __ ] leave but Bonnie needs him to get through kindergarten kids lose toys every day Bonnie I'll get over it no nobody who are you well my kid really needs this toy will you help for old times sake could you describe the toy it must be really amazing it's really [ __ ] wants to go to what bow meets that toy she's probably like what are you okay you get the point of it right that is they can travel while people can see them so they can try and pull off that they are oh man the [ __ ] skunk Chris lick also for any I'm gonna go ahead and see me okay you're reaching the same point but this is our fatalism yeah I can believe someone called a kid hominid ultracal ticket Apple Wow not just weird all right Wow oh I would never she's actually porcelain the tapes not gonna be very good like a body you'd need like supa dupa glue and that's not even that great as a solution I mean I guess the tape would work fine because of how light she is straight ahead have you foot traffic at the entrance easy three in maybe some good loop okay yeah that just works that way fine I'm feeling like I could buy it I can buy the tape I think that tape is acceptable I approve of the tape I don't think it would work I approve of the tape mauler she's very liked her her little arm is so light that the tape and that's a medical tape she's meds medical tape that's not just regular tape gonna it's gonna come out no no no you got to scale it down scale it down that tape is already good tape down this is super tape I know what a porcelain doll is it's so that's so light and that tape is so strong that for the scale of this tiny doll tape would need to be thicker tape would not need to be thicker to 100% you to be fit good no it wouldn't you could make it thicker you wouldn't have to Sami it would say this no yeah someone so they really really pushes the you're stretching it man stop doing that put that on my pile of [ __ ] the coincidences what he's taking this really well I don't remember what people's never this use remember both these process - how did they get a pig I'm sorry what is the [ __ ] I'm sorry we can literally make one for four cents we could friend dad for a crime so he goes to jail [Laughter] [Music] remember Toy Story to happen how that's impressive [Music] if you get my toy nailed it I'm sure buzzing yeah wait what's the plan I missed it yes I'm curious if like Bo Peep like viciously bid is that of the dollar Ted's out late no not so bad yeah that she they remind me the two robots the two robots from Transformers transforms to they just like people call them all the time because the whole thing was just keep cracking jokes yeah yeah we can handle a cat no not this one there's some googly eyes of the remaining pause yeah just write your name on its foot [ __ ] it wow what I come why the [ __ ] is body here at this time like really he's useless that's awful [Music] I like it how he's brushing it with you how are we supposed to do that we know exactly what it's like why we just tell them what you good oh Jesus I almost wish there would have been real me the same thing again hold on the car is it really long-winded and then ends the same way I want to see that movie missile go through to this point how does she get in and out of there and your shirts blow people's with him I like how they wanted to assure us he's fine he's about to die he's gonna you needs a battery I'm so thrown oh this is supposed to be Keanu Reeves right Gabby Gabby has his toy and my sheep no we don't have your sheep you'll she just won't let go of its ass Gabby Gabby you know better yeah some toy thought it would be a good idea to wander into the aisle that doesn't make any sense it doesn't does it everybody knows the best route is behind the shelves that would have been a better route wouldn't it Wow this toy sounds like a complete idiot he does wait we get it we get it what do you [ __ ] those amazing plan we need to jump over the aisle to Gabi's cabinet and you have a toy to do it no do you you don't pair this wooden with the woody from the boys story you know one and you're like what happened yeah proactive leader who both problems and [ __ ] go through some really difficult [ __ ] all the time rashon jean was so excited when he got me after Christmas it was the happiest boxing day of my life another sad story I was ready to finally do what I was made remember but jessie has this exact thing in Toy Story will you take it very seriously this is more of a joke clearly be pulling strings and pressing buttons to add some people's questions you get it how do we get that key I'm not gonna do it funny but this film is filled with convenience oh wow it's almost like three understand why they brought in so many new characters kids kids just want more we want more mo Morrison someone might be like a you an idiot rollers supposed to sell Motoya I'm like you know what I mean like I don't appeal to his sense of storytelling because if we just assumed that they would want to give a [ __ ] I wonder if all the animators who made this beautiful beautiful movie we're like man the story's [ __ ] wow that won't get an insane amount of attention they're on their way you win here I don't know a couple years I didn't want to sit on a shelf waiting for my life to happen so I Wow why you're literally not getting any older in life okay what you just said kind of just [ __ ] insults the [ __ ] out of you keeping a brewery from T - yeah - I thought tape is tape is home together just as I predicted it would by the way because this film is run entirely on reality it is Philip all Ilya rags with the [ __ ] over the tape is fresh let's go because he's heavier yeah sorry why wouldn't she just go because she's like the fighter as well as knowing how this [ __ ] works so all that was for nothing then coz what he could have just gotten there anyway they didn't need this they could have gotten here on their own home all that was pointless just walked up to it wait it's an actual that was a response we're gonna break his I'm sorry that should have broken already he's 17 years [ __ ] old honestly it's kind of grim yeah pulling the lungs out of somebody kill it [ __ ] [ __ ] ball work he's [ __ ] [ __ ] up well now that now things what is sold it was pointless yeah she's gonna rage and I was amazing what he's gonna want to go back she's gonna be like you're a [ __ ] idiot nobody is with you it's over because it's all I have left to do I don't have anything else no point was making Bonnie happy right why am i more certain of Woody's motivation than woody is something I lost toy wouldn't understand now everybody's gonna break apart and I'll talk to each other for about 10 minutes [Music] let's get out of here we've got a carnival that leaves in the morning go back to the RV what about woody okay yeah because buzz would leave woody yeah holy [ __ ] dude Christ man he listens to his [ __ ] voice box that's pre-recorded before he helps okay are they pulling his voice box out into you all day to fix a flat [ __ ] tire and cuts it again just cut again they're more of a real hot string thing like look it's them but look at them by his missing she'll realize she left it at the antique store and we'll head back in there really buzz that's good yeah like a real kid hmm how about Jesse cuts the [ __ ] wheel again how about that let's go [Music] all right let's okay eat oh right I'm not here that the toy just said your backpack is in the end I like the toys could fix a broken toy fastest yeah cuz the dad's a man he's [ __ ] useless oh [ __ ] horrible surgery seen by four key I'm going to miss our talks okay it's not lets me he got [ __ ] a part of his body to cut out that's like on the skill to flip out and still like bashing your head against the wall Ruby that's that's actually like legit sad going over this movie like good oh it wants to be almost stuff yeah what about Gabby why do you give a [ __ ] about her know she's done threat this film woody like okay the RV to the merry-go-round you understand absolutely what is a merry-go-round what the spinny ride with lights and horses you mean a karistinos those gonna live for two days I don't know how that works carousel discussion so what was the toys plan like buzz and stuff alright were they just hoping that when she got the backpack that she would get woody buzz has been [ __ ] useless in this film I say that as if Woody's been really useful come on Gabby what no stop it oh dude remember this seed for stinky Pete awful lot so for ya stinky Pete was an icky boy to the muscles get a driven around to the sinestro massage for life but [ __ ] it Gaby now that [ __ ] motivated by what a glove from children's and stuffs like wow well I just ran on the street pocket and Oh God oh no the baby is dead the GPS sound funny to you honey it's fine you just drive hmm thought it sounded fine really another right nothing right really again they're really pushing it yeah how does this [ __ ] you resign I don't care what you know ones I guess we're in a world where apparently all people obliged so boys you can hate people very badly by doing this you're just getting distracted it's so annoying we don't have time for a moment the whole reason they just did that was cuz they're oh my god okay as a kid who's on his own okay it's fine she's not white let's go come on you know what never mind she is let's go you gotta go save her what remember last time remember last time come on what if it doesn't work in this world everyone just gets ideas randomly and that you track them don't think about is this do it what are you gonna do just walk over fall over be like I'll be your friend you know I'll never see the light of another morning remember she's tried to kill you yeah I do it was like 10 minutes ago no one in the audience wants this Tara didn't succeed they were on a time limit weird creepy doll listen infant Halle Berry needs a friend [Music] Oh oh good thing that worked we have time to spare guys come on yeah um we know them to hurry at all the instant feels just add water sort of moment that is bumped into a security guard one meter okay okay plug the toys make all this it's like the security part is clear competent characters of this are just no it's foofy you can have that oh it's what we need to take that to lost and found that's obviously belongs to somebody just throw it in front of it this is so contrived all right this happens now okay we had no intention of doing five seconds children here what are you doing oh crap yeah you'd be arrested for sure you please step out of the vehicle totally hop so he actually might be that well no I think it's a guarantee how could he not go to jail he'll check the car nothing oh the coppers just fine the cops are gone I wouldn't work for very long yeah what he's not gonna go and so they just all stay this is gonna last like ten minutes it's gonna be a whole introspective mode this tie will stop for this and pregnant I've been pregnant for nine years it's gonna come out any bit I'm sure like a cross between a pulse lit of a [ __ ] a forehead lead all this is like man he's grown up now he doesn't need a kid to be a value noise Toy Story to [ __ ] establish that it's not worth it if it is white I don't either she'll be okay Bonnie Erbe Oh Bonnie we'll be okay okay thanks what wait what yeah this happening this would never happen your inner voice this is insane this is actually insane what the whole happening if I could say goodbye oh my god Oh oh my god Wow so turns out Wow okay Wow so Jesse maybe you will we gotta crack whoa oh they're up here now guys they're up here there they just I'm oh yeah they could [ __ ] reunite with Bowie have you done that yet how did they get from the car up here oh whatever am I missing something like I told you man time pools time pools in the wheeled right now they just [ __ ] around with the door lock get off wait of course oh oh here you go you're the sheriff now [ __ ] me and everything that I did froze [ __ ] you movie go and [ __ ] you I've never been angry or headed for stories [ __ ] movie in my hey remember you I were you were a funny horse in that one movie that we apparently forgot happened oh yeah bullseye I could've forgotten he was hidden this gonna get a singular goodbye for buzz and he's actually gonna leave I can't believe they've dubbed this I he's barely in this film and when he was to make me see this now I know that they go okie gets the last [ __ ] hug I'm happy really upset i I have I [Music] Wow yeah watch this [ __ ] no no oh my god you just [ __ ] abandoned Bonnie does this mean Woody's a lost toy he's not lost [Music] Norwalk no way I can't believe who's woody gonna be today who's gonna be tomorrow Byzantine actually we had a body basically [ __ ] Toy Story 1 2 & 3 Wow yeah now it's just like being without a kid it's better better than being with the kid buggin kids aren't doming [ __ ] that whole stuff you were telling forky about how great was and then you told the doll with the voice box how great it was to be with the kid and guess that doesn't matter anymore I'm gonna go ahead and guess this was not written by the people who wrote 1 2 or 3 I don't know for sure unless mm why didn't they go anywhere wild ride with a kid we could make that happen you can really also know today do the same thing Jeremiah was a bullfrog get it they're making it so the toys get to be connected with kids yeah oh is that what people want oh is that the most amazing thing it depends on the toy really you could be a toy the proof it's a kid you could be a toy and I'll prefer a kid [Laughter] yeah because he's high and you know just not paying attention yep you just destroyed his business possibly pain they're probably resupply him from the antique store [Music] I know that I have treasured every single cheap ass little [ __ ] toy that I wanted every carnival that I've gone to absolutely I never further away oh here comes the funny bit where he realizes he's gonna go what no way this is another why why do they hate him this is one of the situations where it was a poor idea executed really poorly yeah you know I'm not gonna say it's the top contender but there is a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of contriver to this haven't seen in a while they made a girl oh my god why to stop oh gosh what is happening this is sad I'm forky trash no no toy we are all toys you mean she'll get over the existential crisis quicker I guess I will explain everything how am i alive oh my I don't know is probably the best way you could have answered that well so that's a very deep question no surely there's like a religion of toys where they try to answer these questions of how are we alive what is it my power cross that line hardcore like you know the Toy Story movies are all you can always ask these questions but this one was [ __ ] played with the light like crazy oh yeah this one needs to not exist like it needs to be deleted it ignored it needs to be Dee cannon ahel did they do he abandons his [ __ ] friends to be with barbed teeth yeah because we all know that his love for Bo Peep is far greater than that of the of all his friends this is definitely not a decision he'll regret in a week absolutely no man he's delivering toys to kids that's the happiest woody could ever be we didn't stop this movie out room woody being in a depression it was why depression he was remember when the little girl gave Jesse the sheriff badge and he was like oh man I'm supposed to be the sheriff yeah he hated that part and I was like no you can be the one I don't have a voice box anymore I'm worthless well never he's never ever gonna say there's a snake in my boot again or somebody's poison the water hole now he'll go on some quest to get it fixed like that one we're adding Toy Story to the list of franchises that were destroyed like Wow pray yeah like Toy Story 3 rule that's problems had a really solid ending Toy Story 4 [ __ ] in love I hate this movie I thought it would be like a hug Toy Story 4 okay no I hate it I didn't think that I would be so emotionally invested and I haven't even seen that the movie this makes me upset I hate it aside from all that it's badly written anyway the contrivance is just oh yeah oh so we just happened to look at puppet to each other it's only the diet each other just does that big way just ignore all the previous characters just like look at all those new characters at the underground toy club where a half-dead toy is like that's all good I don't like anything in this movie it looks either like three jokes yes you Canada yes you Canada it's called a carousel and the high-five that the guy didn't get I like that oh yeah my god did you know me and Mel didn't even we were gonna watch a different movie we're gonna chill out instead we went with this one oh hey I was almost in a position where I never would have had to see this movie mm-hmm you know what I was doing I I was eating because tomorrow I'm gonna finish up the skiers five review so I'm powering through the campaign that's what I was doing before we started watching this I gotta go back to that now that it's like a it's not bad it's just eight what a tonal is it what a shift what a night you know when you get stuck trying to figure out your feelings like this is I know why this is bothering so much because I grew up with toy stories [ __ ] tiny when I was watching these like audiences or let's load this up Minna score is 84 from critics it's an eight point zero from users you don't accept change that's all I'm just I'm sure there's a lot of people saying this can makes complete sense even though it doesn't make any sense Joyce Tori for is an immensely fun movie that caps off the series in a perfect way oh no not even slightly yeah that was [ __ ] [ __ ] what you bring me
Channel: MooLer
Views: 167,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every, Frame, Pause, The, Rags, Mauler, Mooler, movie, reaction, react, review, DOOM, metalcommander, Fringy, Toy Story 4, efap
Id: 2KwU-8eJ00Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 44sec (3344 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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