EFAP Mini - Catchin' up on EFAP #271 – Ethics in Art and A.I - The Trial of Asmongold Superchats

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hello and welcome to EA mini Super Chat catchup episode asmin asmin Asma AI mold episode I forget which number I'm sorry but that's the one you guys remember that one it was uh as per the first message it was two eaps within two days and they said I must be blessed thank you long man thank all of us J we uh yeah we did we gosh the flow the absolute pipage of of of Moola EAP just just flowing the absolute content River even even before then but definitely since then enjoy the Fertile Crescent of the Nile the content Springs forth do check out some messages what we're going to do have a little chat be wonderful everyone we read all of your messages every single message you send us we really do we read we respond to with varying degrees of um enthusiasm but that's on you as it stands I think Super Chat catchup day is now Monday at least that's what the scheduling looks like Friday is the Lord the Rings movies minis which is a new thing and Wednesdays is TVs slm movies uh Saturdays the mainline episodes Sunday be the re-upload and then of course you got open bar the Thursdays willc Tuesdays you know you just you're just if you're looking to see what we're up to Across the internet plenty of things plent PL of things now we're going to get to the messages second one is apparently Weedle is Egypt's favorite Pokémon Australia's favorite is Mr rhyme not a typo it's a gen 8mon strangely how was this determined why would Weedle why would Weedle be Egypt's favorite take a look maybe there's something about surely it should be it's like those poles that you know Playstation or Xbox or Nintendo which one's more popular in each US state there's got to be some method ology for it weed weed's all right um what is uh what's Mr Ryme that's not I've not heard of that one if it's like RH y m I assume r i m e oh at least that's how they spelled it all right Mr Ryme oh is okay here let me show you this Pokemon and why so this is this is apparently Australia's favorite Pokemon apparently all right here's a here's a picture of Mr Ryme um yeah he's not my favorite yeah I don't I don't like him he's too human this this is a weird one yeah being like a human that's when it starts to get strange best when it's an animal with some tweak to it so Squirtle perfect Turtle Squirtle is perfect Caterpie is perfect Weedle per you know those are those are great yeah yeah or chandelier yeah there's a part of my heart that wants to give this thing rights so I'm not a fan not a fan would it be really weird if he he pops up and he's like hello there you're like what the [ __ ] oh my God mimic a human I am uh I'm imagining him with the same voice as the Monopoly guy yeah the let me read you I'll read you its Pokedex entries all right please do yeah this is from sword and shield um it's highly skilled at tap dancing it waves its cane of ice in time with its graceful movements its amusing movements make it very popular it releases its psychic power from the pattern on its belly okay so it's a psychic Pokemon psychic ice he's got an ice staff he's psychic I could tell that by looking at him yeah he's got I don't know if he can fly because it looks like he's got Wings on his little hates looking thing there apparently he's semi him he and Mr mime share common ancestor let me zoom in and show you this little wait like really yeah I'm not [ __ ] with you I would never do that um let me show you this this is on the the website Mr Ryme and Mr mime share a common ancestor apparently there's mime Jr and then he could be two forms of Mr mime Mr mime after Mr mime depending on the region that he's in he'll turn into something else instead of Mr Mii turns into that's got to be weird how evolutionarily do they explain if you're in a different place when you evolve you turn into a different thing well maybe they're like different you know sub you know like the difference between I don't know like a gray wolf and some other wolf that that Like the Wolf is the umbrella term Well normally it's the other way around right where you live friends the reasons we have you know Asian people black people white people Hispanic people is because generally when you have people who live in an area for a long amount of time the the environment in which you live will give you different characteristics like oh I need to be able to soak up more of the Sun or less of the Sun or everything like that and so you slowly but surely have species that develop differences wherever they are so but but that's because the environment changes over time sort of like the genetics that you have it's not that you literally change because of where you are on the planet so something to bear in mind if I remember correctly sword and shield the the region is meant to be based on England so maybe there's something there with him being a a Mr Ryme with a like a little kind of kind of like a top hat looking thing and a and a cane maybe you know it would be interesting uh because I suppose in the Pokemon world that means that there would be an entire market for evolution tourism I guess they would call it where you would specifically become a tourist and go visit a different region of the world specifically so that your Pokemon could evolve there either for your yeah and then they come back as a filthy Foreigner um but I don't know how exactly that works it's kind of odd but I suppose that would be how it would work in the game like oh my mime Jr has expressed interest or because of my because I am its master and it does want I tell it to I want it to be a gallerian Mr mime so we will go to Gar in order to make sure it evolves there so that it can become Mr rhy Mr Ryme one day so I need to get some plane tickets and fail out of passport do Pokemons need passports do you need to make a passport like a Meowth right Meowth would probably need a passport right I mean a dog doesn't need a passport I presume that in the Pokemon world they're in generally the same category as pets I suppose so but then when you have stuff like meow who's just like a Sapient living creature and also the best Pokemon so you would have to cuz it can like engage in criminal activity it can have you you know what you you need a passport for Meowth right nah I would assume so it'll be fine or not maybe it's just like well you know smart cat pretty smart cat pretty smart pretty smart cat you know what are you gonna do fapping twice in less than 24 hours nice yes oh yeah mariati my favorite EAP guest how you doing you was doing good you was doing good uh lemon character and baby lemon jumping in the air and doing a high five wow super sticker nice good stuff I Am pro lemon uh hello 271 episodes already time flies oh there you go1 yeah episode 271 we got it LW Shad um I some people were like shouldn't this be the episode Shad was on I did send him a message saying the he wasn't like kept out or anything it was just the Shad is in a lot of EAP stuff you guys haven't seen yet and we try to like aotu Bal things around well yeah it's why um some people like Drinker you never come on EAP anymore and he's like confused cuz he did recordings for like 10 EAP movies with us he's like yeah I am yeah just all the intermittent stuff and also he was on like what he was on a couple recently yeah yeah yeah well it's it's it's the thing it's it's uh there scheduling there moving people around giving people a shot obviously we hadn't I guess thrown our hat in properly about this AI stuff cuz uh we have talked about it but we hadn't like you know talked about it in the in the same way that it's been talked about recently and I thought the Asen gold thing was a good place to start and I thought it grab some guests that I didn't actually know their opinions on AI at all I thought it could be a good blend a good fun time though it was it turned out controversial cuz I think this is one of those hot button topicy things that everyone has uh attached a lot of anger to in a lot of ways which is okay um we did what we could at least we had the Dead rat to unify us yes AI art episode and you didn't have Shad on I mean you've got like hav't you got countless videos of his opinions on it I don't know why why does he have to be on the the episode doesn't it work to hear a bunch of people you've never heard talk about it I thought that makes sense and besides you'll get loads of Shad on EAB trust me you've been getting loads actually because the warok is in progress true it is wish there was a way I could have had like a I don't know renaissance music behind me when I said that but oh well um you need like the soundboard for that don't you yeah I guess this the the production we do just isn't that good we can do a sound look don't be don't be so hard on yourself we can do yeah we can do a soundboard see yeah that was the soundboard uh keep in mind that the results you get from typing in a sentence into chat gbt versus using the proper Syntax for the program are usually very different I would not be surprised by that there's going to be uh different layers and levels to using these programs I it was more so looking at the theory of it all I guess or trying to M did you know that asmin gold watched your entire DS2 series and he said that he 100% agrees with you he even played through DS2 and hates it that's funny I was aware of that but it's still funny because it's it's DS2 if the right person plays it they will be pissed off by that game more than any other it's uh I do one day want to watch fringy play through it all live just Dark Souls too specifically yes cuz I'm curious what your play style with dark souls will do in that game I don't know if you will be benefited by it or if it'll be a curse I have no IDE which one am I meant to play two or scholar of the first sin oh SCH the first for sure is that the one that's more me that's the one my video is about because it's the one that I sell on after seeing Dev comments about it right not dev's the developers comments they presented it as the definitive version of the game I presume comes complete with DLCs and it's supposed to have changes according to like their preferences for the they had for the game but most people agree that it is the worst version which is funny that is pretty funny um that be pretty demoralizing yeah he said some uh some nice things about the videos I think he resonated with them which is cool a lot of people do uh DS2 hit a lot of people you know not when it came out man I'm pretty sure it is the highest rated uh fromsoft game in terms of um just raw like Metacritic numbers well which is pretty funny um yeah it got better review scores than Dark Souls 1 and three I don't know if Elden ring got but I'm talking like 93 94 out of 100 here jez very high yeah it's you got to think really long and hard for to to really think of games that score that high it's like g a movie like giving a movie a nine or a 10 you gota be like it's just different I don't know it's just a different mindset uh when it comes to video games a seven is equivalent to a five in the movie world movies are generally rated more accurately in terms of an eight or a ner special rather than normal um I'm trying to wonder is that the case with IGN they they still IGN use big time on movies but generally if you're talking about like the typical kind of movie review Outlets you'll find that the scores you even see it reflected Metacritic has um you know how they've got like the red yellow and green colors to correspond with negative mixed and positive for video games it is higher the the green is higher so like for movies if you get a six you're in the green whereas for a video game I think you need to get 75 to be in the green that's the nature of how it's skes um it's kind of fascinating to see that because to me it it just feels like the clearest indicator that that is how it works video games are skewed Higher by review scores to where like it it kind of makes the numbers out of 10 pointless because so few things will ever score like a two or a three that you might as well Point end of the board yeah you might as well rate it out of six because it starts with four that's about as low as you could expect from the majority of our game joural Outlets we on EAP are very familiar with the uh one to four range we live there many for many weeks at a time we live in that realm uh it shouldn't be called AI art it should be called AI concept generator use it as a reference or inspiration not a supplement for the material that's the discussion isn't it right yeah that's kind of the core of it I find it interesting as a um a source of inspiration cuz if you jumble up a whole bunch of things it can like spark in your mind something not even that you just saw but something adj to it even be like oh Weir uh the brain is weird the brain is definitely weird and it can find inspiration in uh strange and unexpected places but I mean on that comment I mean that that is the the fight that's being had right now is whether or not it is even art or whether it should be used commercially or just for reference or not even at all uh so you're against cotton gin too what is that Eli Whitney's cotton Jin what is what is cotton what is that cotton Jen is a machine that helps to separate wheat uh so is the comment meant to be like you're against industrialization or something no [Laughter] no all right I recommend checking out two clicks Phillips video called protect your art from AI interesting what counter measures are being made against AI art using against AI using art without artist consent to emulate their style that's obviously another huge War that's being had that seems like one that will be Perpetual uh because I imagine it would be a back and forth that they'll be coun measures and then the air tools will be able to get around them and then they need new countermeasures and then new tools and so on and so forth uh the copy paste download tool can steal better than AI tools if people are fine with the copy paste tool existing then they should be fine with AI I think um stupid comment I think part of the difference people would see especially with like sharing memes or copy and pasting is the uh the theft is so blatant if it were to be called theft uh that everyone would be aware of it but if you where to mash other people's work together and then present it as your own and sell it that's where people are like whoa you've deceived me because yeah yeah plus like the copy paste tool is so incredibly useful across not just writing in text but you know also images little blurbs just sharing random pieces of information when people share memes I think it's it's it's it's basically taking it face value that you didn't make that you're spreading something that was that and mes have become the only get making a meme is when they share it and they specifically say I actually made this by the way oh if you're thinking about something like um you know those Breaking Bad the Mario Kart Breaking Bad memes or the the Thanos one where there's like an immense amount of effort that went into it of like mashing things together in that case remember put your yeah put your name on that [ __ ] so when it gets shared around people know that you made it you know put that on your YouTube sign your work one of dev's ones went like viral was a tweet and he he tends to put out every so often like I made that one by the way that one's mine I'm just saying um I I I'm a little bit confused by the comment because I just I don't see the like the connection or or rather I don't a big part of um what everybody's sort of fighting about is the idea of whether or not somebody can claim ownership of something that they created using AI tools that's a huge part of the conversation yeah to which that you can use copy and paste as a feature has nothing to do with that also where Shad also also play ddlc Dumbo interesting you'll see Shad in plenty of times in future and ddlc I mean you know maybe one day who knows have you guys seen shad's videos and tweets on AI they need to be needs to be set straight it's not stolen at all nothing has been proven that it is stolen art I don't there's been plenty of people who have uh responded to shad and talked with shad and he's gotten debates and stuff on it so yeah I mean we wen't looking for a debate episode anyway um like so like if someone wanted us to host somethingone like that we've uh it it makes the whole audience run away to the Shadows whenever the weird debate is even mentioned let let a load on a [ __ ] topic like this where everybody's visuals of everybody as running towards all of the shadows and the Alleyways around the place hiding under their beds good morning sleep fap 12 more hours today no no that was see because it was soon after the um the never knows best one remember that yes which was enormous that was a huge we didn't even do the whole video we uh we we were running time the video was like two and a half hours long so I don't think so much to talk about a chunky boy this this is this is a really funny Super Chat is it's funny anyway but imagine listening to was like who missed the episode and for some reason comes to this exact point in the catchup they don't know what's going on I'm going to read this out from start to finish this is what the Super Chat says by this logic would he buy Hitler's Jew soap um what what what what question of the ages how how did how did anyone get to the point of typing this what what was the context there are many watts in that watt I I am I am I don't understand de at all I can't help you on that one but thank you I guess when I hear that question I think of the two alternate realities where Hitler has become reformed and has learned to cooperate with Jews in order to make something that cleans the world together and the other pathway is that he uses Jews bodies to turn into soap oh he's got like a horor film so much yeah well yeah I mean you know good they may have been on the wrong stream I don't know uh I think they might have been on the wrong stream on top of using the correct syntax being hypers specific is where the art in AI art actually is it takes skill the text to image single sentence that the average person does is how you get the same looking stuff what if that changed what if in the future I only have to type you know um awesome sci-fi movie with Harrison Ford and it pretty much poops out Blade Runner but like you know not blade maybe push even further than that what if it's just I don't know you connect like you connect your headphones to a little Jack that's in the side of your temple and then AI is like what do you want today and then you just say I don't know and it's like that's okay I know because I can read your entire mind and then it generates you know and then you have your tongue out going and just like yeah there's not even any input from you it just knows to configure out your brain and then generate that that suppose it wouldn't even it wouldn't even generate anything it would just be stimulating like electrically your brain right in in a particular well I mean I guess it depends on I mean you could say that that's what's happening anytime that you're engaging in some I guess that's what I'm saying is that instead of creating something that does that it just does that um oh yeah I mean that that's entirely a but it might be that some people they need the context and the context being you know I don't know creating movies or video games for you on the Fly that are uniquely tailored to your personal interests um because um all the basic image creation thing where you type in you know will Smithy and spaghetti like all of them have improved and there's no reason why they would wouldn't keep improving uh I suppose that there would still be the observation that the tool like if you don't have it if if you use one of these tools and then it generates something that sucks but you're like oh that's pretty good because you don't really understand anything about art that's something that it would probably be a lot harder for these sorts of tools to overcome it can't overcome if you just have like bad taste right like if you just don't really understand um perspective or form or or any of these sort of art fundamentals so you look at a thing you're like yeah that's good but it's not um I think that's the thing though isn't it it's not being trained in such a way that it's confused it's being trained to just get better and making multiple genres mediums and markets it just like it's just spreading out it's the nature of one of the concerning aspects of AI in relation to human jobs is an AI generator can create a lot more images than a human can um in the same amount of time so even if the majority of them suck and then by chance a few of them are good you know like that's that's something that's difficult for a human to compete against in the sense that you just can't take that many shots there's only so much that you can do as a human being I love when Rags makes moral laugh hi Rags hello you're wrong about jumping I do Plyometrics all the time oh are we wrong about oh are you the one who does petrics all the time all right then fair enough yeah most people don't jump most people jumping is uh for those for those who don't know the lore on me hating jumping um uh I I have noticed that in video games the jump function is practically ubiquitous however in real life jumping is actually an extremely rare thing that you do I can't remember the last time I jumped I can't remember the last time I jumped personally oh I certainly can't remember the last time I jumped I just just doesn't seem like something I need to do that often but you know it'll come up I'm sure obviously for gameplay purposes as we' as we've seen over the decades jumping as a mechanic is incredibly useful and it's very fun it leads to a lot of different aome gameplay features but I think people want to dig more into your statement than what it is you know what I mean that's all it is that that's it that is basically the beginning in the end of to say is like observation it's just people don't jump much they don't you know this is true people walk all the time they don't jump uh also fringy favorite Halo Mission hi mubes hello oh my favorite Halo Mission my favorite one in all of the no no it's quana that's my favorite um man the silent cartographer is a pretty easy one to point to but it kind of is like the best mission in terms of presenting Halo to a to somebody new this is what Halo has to offer you in the broadest sense possible um it has a ton of variety it's cool to be going around in a a sort of like semiopen Zone it looks beautiful even so this day the original Xbox version still looks great some really great art Direction um but if I had to choose something other than silent cartographer um uh I really like um two storms in uh in in Halo 3 uh the mission where you um where you go to stop truth from lighting the Rings that's a fun mission but it's funny it's like oh yeah the other silent cartographer Squad like yeah but it has some different you know elements to it than that one um for get the other silent cartographer es Mission from Halo 2 that everyone loves uh I'm wondering if we're thinking about the same one if if I'm or if I'm mistaking in my mind which one are you talking which which I'm referring to Delta Halo had a feeling guess drop in with the ODSTs that area move from platform to platform go through your little vehicle section good stuff there Halo has a lot of really good levels the thing I like about Delta Halo is how much more overgrown a lot of the uh the Forerunner stuff is compared to on the original Halo where it's really pristine a lot of the Forerunner structures here are like covered in Vines and and Greenery it's kind of NE well there you go uh replace Rags with AI why do that that' be lame AI Rags I'm I can be just as uh controversial and offensive as an AI can I'll let you know uh you should give a criticism of Shan's AI Love Letter by deviant deviant Ral a chance it's good rat of criticism also High Rag frong and mly um as was mentioned by Rags this is like there's like a whole fight that's been happening in terms of video responses and debates we're not too into it at all um going to Soldier on with breaking down movies and TV the the AI debate you know dip a toe dip a toe nail maybe but like it's a bit it's a bit hectic over there yeah youp your toe and then you hear oh jeez B very angry today asman gold is a professional shoe connoisseur with how often he puts his foot in his mouth um I mean it's 50/50 to me I feel like if uh if you was hyper scrutinizing every single thing we said and put it into the form of clips and sent it out you know and and millions of people were watching every day we could probably get into as many controversies as based on my limited exposure to asmin Gold he doesn't come across as nearly as oish as someone like Hassan exactly like the context of some of the things he were saying were made better by additional Clips definitely so opposite for like I understand his his rationale you know like I'm not there are elements that I disagreed with but like I understood it which is more than can be said for some people that we cover on EAP where they are completely incoherent yeah 95% you maybe that's harsh maybe 0 most people literally never think about it even if it's pointed out thinking oh no that's terrible and make the same purchase next time anyway about a couple things it could be just general consumer behavior in a lot of especially Industries being supported by certain products or whatever right well they're making the observation that a lot of people don't get very worked up about um like that that people generally don't get worked up about the ethics of the products that they're consuming and it's kind of complicated because in a sense I think everybody has at some point or another with you know a few things gotten really upset upon discovering the way that it's made and then made a choice not to use it but then I guess you could say that generally there are a lot of things that people buy people don't have time to to be thinking about essentially how every single service that facilitates their life operates um people can't be thinking about how you know their car gets fueled or where all of their food comes from or how they clothes are made or um just because they got they got their own problems to deal with um so I guess it's like it's complicated on whether or not I don't I don't like saying that people don't care just by and large about how the things that they consume are made I think I think it's safe to say that it's pretty obvious that people do care because you see that there are definitely changes in the way that things are made and regulations for all sorts of things from like food so so clothing animal testing and stuff like that yeah I would say that pretty much everyone cares they just fall onto the Spectrum in different places but I think it would take like legitimate Psychopaths to truly not care ever it just depends you know the proximity to the problem the intensity of the problem you know how it proximity would absolutely be an influence like if every time that you used your phone that teleported you into one of the sweat shops you might not want to buy another you know phone like that might actually make you go oh [ __ ] it would it would however I think really increase the average quality of the Twitter post because you know if you're going to make that post you got to stare at those orphans for a bit so make sure it's a banger oh what it makes you think before you tweet yeah yeah which either way either way positive uh is the pal not entitled to the sweat of its own brow no says the child slave driver with a gun is the pal his BR um I guess one of the the the advantages semi- advantages I gu incidental advantages we'll call it to having a a bit of a delay between the um episode going out in US reading the super chats is that we sort of have some extra time to see how things settle and progress and I think in the sense of Po world I I haven't heard the numbers but I haven't heard anyone talking about it in quite a while culturally disappeared yeah hell div is the new I would even say hell divers is calming down you know and who knows by the time this this episode goes out maybe hell divers has not even been spoken about for however long maybe maybe but I'm still talking about it and I'm still playing it so we'll see how uh we'll see how it goes as far as I know they're already good update schedule on it I played a game on my own uh yesterday and it I uh did they fix the charges where a rocket I fired one rocket in its head and it died yes there was a recent patch I think two days ago that uh made their made their heads like a weak point for armor uh as a weak point as armor so you can hit them with like the E17 or the recoiless rifle and it will kill them because they said that the the leg meta for Chargers was not intended uh but instead of they didn't remove the leg meta instead they said you know if you shoot it in the face with a rocket it will die um and there's less armor in general now from the bugs however other spawns have been increased to compensate for that and one thing that I have noticed after playing after this patch is that games have the potential to be miserable if you get a whole bunch of the spewers out on the field because they are um they're awful and I hate them and I want them to burn in hell for eternity uh Chargers are annoying bile Titans are annoying and awful and all that but man when You' got a whole bunch of spewers after you and they shoot the acid and they mortar from a distance oh it could be really bad so I think everyone who plays that game needs to understand that avoiding patrols and killing them before they can bring in reinforcements is a huge key to not having a a long and very difficult Mission um but yeah I was just having to look and pal WIS numbers do just seem to be going down down down down which I think is normal to some extent it's just I was not surprised all normal for basically every game yeah but uh we'll see see how it goes over time because it was embroiled within this whole discussion was power world but uh come to think of it I don't know if I heard the term power world since this uh episode you know no no no I haven't myself I stopped playing blizzard games after the Hong Kong Fiasco Different Strokes for different folks yeah I think that's totally fair that's what that's what got a lot of people to be like oh [ __ ] damn has anybody ever eaten baby cow well that's well there's definitely people who have have any of us three done it I don't think so I don't think I have maybe but I don't think so I don't think I've had ve or whatever the term is for baby cow I think it's ve the reason why isod the South Park episode was about uh about that I got reminded of Simpsons one do you want to go first with your reference or oh well the South Park episode was exactly that it was just that um the the kids went to a farm they saw that ve was like baby cows that were tied up that weren't you know walking around uh and that made Stan particularly upset and so he tried to save them but then he started like growing vaginas all over his face um because he was turning into a [ __ ] like the Universe um I can't remember the resolution of the uh I can't remember what the resolution of the the story was though but I know one you're thinking about you're thinking about the lease of the vegetarian no it in scratchy land oh uh wait which uh which reference specifically it's when uh Bart orders like the brains on toast or something and Homer orders the like you know like the heart stew and Maj is like what are you guys doing and he's like oh they have crazy names for everything here and then ma goes oh okay I'll have the baby guts and then the the guy's like you disgust me goes Mom that's ve and she goes oh [Laughter] was it hinin who said I forget who it was but um I think it was him who said that if you eat meat you should probably kill and butcher an animal at least once just so that you have some kind of understanding as to where it came from and what has to happen for you to enjoy that you know enjoy essentially the this animal that you're consuming when you're so nor far away from the process and there's there's definitely something to that um there is like that little that little reminder in your head of this all has to come from somewhere and it is in a way it's a it's kind of a blessing that in Modern Life you can be so far removed from these things and at the same time probably important that you engage with it to have some perspective yeah you can extrapolate that to many aspects of modern living I feel uh that we we often sort of forget like man go to like a supermarket and just having basically any food item that you could possibly want there at your convenience that you can then take home and put in a fridge or a refrigerator to have it last for days or even much longer than that um like this this crazy really yeah this is kind of crazy you know only like 300 years ago that was not the way that it was even a 100 years ago that wasn't the way it was yep remember I mean you can you can talk to your grandparents and they'll tell you about the milkman and maybe if you have really old relatives they could tell you about you know ice boxes and things like that it's and then um but you got to be careful with the Milkman because of South Park established you know people people got content with somebody delivering some milk to their house but then they didn't know that the Milkman was [ __ ] their wife and now you got your Amazon and the milkman's coming back milkman's eye then they all dressed up as Bane to stop the UPS man the best part wife is his wife UPS mad anyway the best part about AI is not having to speak to Twitter artists the only metric that should matter is how fun or funny the content is I I don't even think you would agree with that um if you're trying to have a commentary on like what ends up mattering the most it's like yeah you could throw a few more words in there like how inspiring or how gorgeous how fun how entertaining these things might be one of the bigger factors but there's always other Matrix as we went over that that come in sometimes when you least expect it yeah certainly be wary to take that ultimate inss justify the means sort of approach to the creation aspect of the things in your life that you enjoy especially from the especially from the um if you're taking this from the point of view of someone who is just the consumer not to belittle it but just to say you're the one who ultimately you just get the final product you don't have to do any of the work yourself so that's where your perspective comes from and don't forget that uh the best part about AI is not oh wait sorry I read that stopping in for an interesting AI example production teams use collages of images for inspiration so some people I know have been using AI to generate more specific images that don't even exist thoughts so you talking about like you could have all of the most famous fantasy know creatures on a wall from all different kinds of artwork to inspire you to create your own and you're saying like well what if we just had an equivalent of that where you have a screen that's presenting an AI image that you've typed in a bunch of way and you keep refreshing until you find something that kind of I don't know gives you the right inspiration to create your own thing Ian it's uh these are these are the sort of factors and tiers of using the technology that I think everyone has lots of different opinions on in terms of whether or not it's ethical and where does it come from and then how different is it from formats we already use cuz I mean it's been Decades of using AI so to speak in the creation of all kinds of artwork it's just that now it's become a lot more consumer grade I guess you could call it and it regards things that are complete works rather than pieces of works I think that might be yeah that that would probably explain it because you could think about a whole bunch of like simulation tools and things like that that have been used in animated films or like visual effects work for liveaction films um it's no longer a part of the process are a tool used in a much bigger process now it has become just the thing in and of itself and it end begins and ends with what it is yes ma'am yo MOA since you talked about doing a Godzilla Kong Arc in the future I emailed you a sort of Guide to the monster ver films hope you got it and that it proves useful I will uh go looking for it once we maybe put things in motion for that that the thing about it will be that we have to figure out between Godzilla and King Kong what movies we will be covering in total we will need to it limited at some point you know I just go do them all so it's like so which ones like probably the original for both but then from there I'm not actually sure I can terms of exactly which ones will cover cuz everyone's going to want us to cover the [ __ ] Rolland Emer one like you know come on oh yeah um when I was watching Dune 2 when I was at the theater they showed the trailer for the new Godzilla King Kong movie and I was I was just like man this looks yeah like such [ __ ] have you seen the clip where uh you know how you see the floopy Run of Godzilla there's there's there's a part where King Kong jumps on Godzilla's back and like rides him as they're like riding into battle which I don't even see how that's beneficial if you're about as big as each other wouldn't that just like completely weigh Godzilla down you make slower king of the monsters is a gooa film but that one is being like embarrassed by the new ones you know what I mean in terms of I thought we were like epic and we have choir and and and it's dark and there's lots of danger of death but like the new ones are just like woohoo Gooby goobers let's run around yeah I I don't want to see Godzilla run uh I don't want to see that I really don't want to see him run well don't you know that there's there's running of him in the classic ones so you're [ __ ] on the classic ones now are you is I mean that's an interesting argument that I presume some people have actually made the the the conversation about Godzilla has gotten very difficult from what I'm gathering cuz it's stepping on communities that have existed for a very very long time who've decided that a lot of stuff to do Godzilla is totally fine that I I know that it's something that I found I have found it fascinating in in relation to Godzilla minus one is um to me the view that Godzilla minus one is the ideal Godzilla film and that Godzilla king of the monsters many people said and I know that they've forgotten it that that was like ideal that's what they wanted from Godzilla that's irreconcilable they are fundamentally presenting like different interpretations of Godzilla obviously I think one of them is dramatically better than the other one but I find it funny that these two positions can sort of be held simultaneously well and it's sad that they are both considered to have human drama it's like yeah I guess so but there's one that does it correctly one of them has real compelling human drama the other one's [ __ ] so you see it reminds me of Man of Steel do you remember when we we had our fora into the DC world just like people like what the [ __ ] you doing like you just Shadle over B of Steel it's like yeah we did a really bad movie that's uh you know at Wonder Woman right these these this was a bit bold of us in terms of the general takes on these movies change now now now everybody views all of them as terrible which is really funny they all come around eventually well Wonder Woman has some some reputation left but I I still think that if people really watch that [ __ ] no man if that no man's land scene came out today do you think people would be still okay with it no people would be making I think people would be [ __ ] furious with it I don't think they would just dislike it or make fun of it I think they would be like this is disgusting uh I mean it is really awkward like oh yeah you humans with your mortality let me just go out there and just win because I'm superpowered like it's almost like H this is weirdly judgmental like well it's just the the direct comparison should be with Captain America who's fighting alongside and is is is killable you know what I mean help yeah and helping his fellow soldiers and his soldiers help him but like with Wonder Woman wasn't she like come on let's go over to noad land then he's like what the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah and then she and then she's smugly is like well no I I'm going to do it and then the slow motion of her walking across it's it's so embarrassing no they didn't play that music there it was much more generic annihilates the Gert no that was before the yeah yeah again it's like World War I like okay I me all right I like partly agree with asmin like the part about customers not really caring about the behind the scenes of the games if the game is good we play I I just don't think it's binary like either they care or they don't I feel like with everybody you'll care about different things the more knowledgeable you are on the things and the only way that you get to be knowledgeable about them is people [ __ ] flagging them down or up I guess what do you much I mean how did crunch become a big uh conversation that's a huge talking point when it's existed probably forever right with all artistic Industries yeah basically and especially in video games it's always been I mean it's you know it's it's known um people don't care until they do crunch Halo 2 yeah just went but sometimes it's a matter of people just aren't aware of it and then once they made aware of it and if they decide to look more into it they realize oh huh okay wow I didn't know any of this you know backto back streams you're too kind long man hey don't forget the fringo and the Rango they they were there for the whole thing too they survived can't wait to see what cringy takes we see today well it was like a 50-50 mix thing we ended up uh agreeing disagreeing we had lots of takes from all kinds of people as well we had the whole Twitter section my friendly reading it all out if it's revealed that the MCU film uses AI to make their films can we then dismiss their rights of being considered Cinema please well going to be Cinema well not to mention there's Ai and like Pixar movies do do you want to consider Incredibles and moners Inc not art like I mean I suppose that's that's one of the more difficult questions isn't it if they were if those kinds of movies were built from the ground up from just an AI with the prompt good movie what does that do to you what do you think I guess what I find interesting is the uh the notion you know like instead of simulating sull fur should somebody have individually animated each of those individual and when I say somebody I mean many people it would have taken many people to do it individually animed it wouldn't have come out they wouldn't have finished that's what I'm saying those are kind of interesting examples because you could get a bunch of people to do it but that starts to actually be Beyond like feasibility yeah and that would also be in service to just one tiny little Su superficial element of that entire movie thank you they wouldn't made him make him like that if that was what the process entailed then you literally would not have you never would have had that character yeah uh thank you for uploading two long man's on the one weekend I have a 12-hour flight here is to save travels for anybody who's on the road SL in theair today absolutely oh all right yeah that I'll get you covered uh it's funny to me to see how the AI argument hinges on whether or not you care about human input or if you want to rely on heris algorithms humans experience things that translate into art AI doesn't have that AI doesn't have that to create it would it would be dependent on your definitions right and that's what the whole discussion is about yeah because then you start you have to start delving into those conversations about the nature of human consciousness and whether you think that there's you know we're just uh biological robots or if there's something something like some special spark or you know those sorts of conversations I think that that was one of the things I we talked about during the stream you got you got to remember that that a lot of what will be Tethered to the arguments that are happening right now the very specific specific examples of AI Auto people talking about specific software um a lot of that's going to be Tangled together with some pretty fundamental like philosophical disagreements um that are not the kind of things that we're ever really going to resolve I don't think that's always going to be a permanent discussion but it's worth remembering that that's going to be tied up in it something that uh struck me when I was doing star grift right was like you have the people who uh I assume i' be speaking for you two as well as myself but I know I'm speaking for nid rodigan as the fans of Star Wars who are so entrenched and belove like the OT that their perception of the force doesn't go too far outside of what they see in the OT and I don't mean that in the sense that anything you see outside of the OT just can't happen it's like no anything that is within the bounds of what is set by the OT that's like their perception of the force how it's used and that it's a a philosophical thing in a lot of ways as opposed to like a hard magic system that is going to be dependent on for like everything throughout the universe or something not that it isn't that at all I just I'm trying to paint a broad picture and um so you have that and then you have like the people in the prequel TCW sort of edge of things force force unleashed where it's like there can be powers that go far and wide and are insane and can do all kinds of awesome spectacular things and then there are people like another faction who would just say it's unlimited like there's just nothing you can't do with it in the right circumstances and I guess what the reason I'm bringing this up is that when people refer to the force all of that background isn't necessarily even prompted from anybody and yet everyone will have to have the conversation on the same level right it's like is this character doing a thing that matches what you perceive as a thing and then like two people agree one person doesn't and the two people who agree don't even agree for the same reasons and that nobody even knows this sort of stuff it's all background information and experience that isn't overt and so then like a lot of disagreements will happen without even realizing why because everyone's got different definitions and all that and I was just thinking and when it comes to the conversation about Star Wars super simple and you can sort of sort those things out eventually CU you'll figure out where the differences are in the people but blow that up to an AI discussion on the very concept of creation art and human consciousness and input and it's just like I don't even you have billions potentially of people talking about this and and like no wonder will never [ __ ] figure this out because everybody's you you nobody knows what everyone's experien and understanding of all these words even are and they're all getting thrown around all over the place you imagine it like the iceberg typically is what 10 times larger under the surface here it's it's more like it's 100 times larger under the surface there is so much that is informing just the discussions about like specific AI tools or specific examples with a lack of recog that so much of it is tied up in really fundamental questions about existence another way to put it might be that when someone says the force I think of like Vader using it in the OT Oda Oda Yoda using it in the OT that sort of thing and then someone else might be thinking of characters I've never even seen using it then someone else might be thinking of Ray using it like immediately like they're picturing these things in their head the equivalent with AI could be like someone says Ai and someone immediately pictures like that some of those meme images right with a brain that's all like code someone else pictures a Terminator someone else pictures like GLaDOS and you're just like yeah yeah there's all these different biases that come in immediately and it's like God our language can be very ineffective and inefficient I guess but I mean you know what is it going to do it's uh we can't we can't reverse M read right Rags that is correct except we can well we try we we only have our words and our words are dependent on what we about them that's kind of like reverse mind reading yeah but like it's really inefficient or at least it's not as efficient as it could very well be maybe we'll get there one day with a um I guess I guess it depends on your frame of reference cuz I can by the arguments for both how incredibly efficient it is and also how it isn't efficient at all I think there's an argument to be made for before we had that when it came in that would have been a huge leap right like communication to that level because I mean if you if you think about it the what's a good way to describe it I guess language is so intrinsically a part of our our experience as civilized humans to where it is just something we don't even think about it's so tied into our daily lives our experiences even our thoughts the languages that you learn impacts the way that you think about concepts for instance you can ask metal when he's uh when he's around uh what language does he think in you know if if you're I think we had a I think you did switch he said to English right I think it some that does sound sort of familiar like a long time we had we had talked about it but to the point where yeah learning different languages changes your internal monologue Lang anguage um there's a lot to be said about I mean wasn't it Metal Gear Solid 5 that started with that quote about how it's um a language is like what we're really sort of tied to more than Nations or something like that it's language is just it's it's such a deep practically intrinsic part of the human experience and the way that we communicate in much the same way that for instance sight sight is the most important sense to human beings to the point where we use the word c as a stand in for the concept of understanding things at all if someone tells you something you'll say oh I see I see because knowing in the acquisition of information is so tied to being able to use your eyeballs and see things that we use that word as a standin for the concept of understanding information uh to grasp a concept is to see the concept um when you were talking about the importance of language I mean that's what 1984 was about you know the the the idea that when you remove certain words from a language you begin to remove Concepts from people the more that you reduce language the more that it it just makes it so that it's it's more difficult to even think uh in in novel ways yeah there's not a word for a thing then yeah yeah how do you understand the concept yeah and and certainly makes it harder to spread it too yeah if you have an idea that's outside of new speak that's outside of the you know party approved words even if you understand it which you probably will but it'll be difficult for you to it'll just be it will be difficult for you to spread that to someone else because there's just not a word for it one the thing people also forget about AI is when AI are when art is made with passion and Care by an artist and then people think and says it's sayi art wild wild world there's a lot of a weird sentence structure there but um yeah the the nature of an artist trying to create what looks like something that was made by AI you know and then they're successful it's like well yeah yeah it get weird it's like if a human being if uh it's human being I was about to make a weird dichotomy it's like if an adult was trying to um mimic a child's crayon drawing yeah you know and then they're like oh this isn't very good it's just it was this isn't very good at all it was clearly made by a child and then the man steps out from behind the curtain and you're like aha you fool you played right into my trap uh that was actually me I yeah that was actually me it was me the whole time turns out I was uh it was it was I fooled you uh asan's point is that the opinions of artists do not factor into the customer's decision consumer's decision to buy a product that is wrong and he wrong um you have to not like if someone said um no he just means most of the time it's like say most of the time when you're going to make a a point that broad that weeping we just had a little Super Chat talking about language the whole point of language is to avoid this element of me trying to interpret what the [ __ ] you mean I remember um we criticism we had on that episode some people were saying like I love how EAB don't apply the standard to themselves they'll say like oh Disney content is just [ __ ] and then they'll say like oh not not all of it though and I was like yeah don't we do that though often and loudly we often clarify we often say in fact I often when we say all the Marvel stuff is [ __ ] we often feel compelled to say well except Spider-Man yeah and and there's nowh the elements like the box office of guardians or uh end game should be considered like the downfall not later than that necessarily or like there's all these different little things we like to mention yes it makes the episode longer but me why not are you going to be worse off for being more precise when is it ever worse to be more precise um and I'll be honest with you as well if Rags like suddenly announced you know what all of Disney's content is [ __ ] and then someone said Super Chat say you said all of it was [ __ ] and if he I didn't mean all of it I'd be like yeah but you said all of it it's a you could definitely use context clues to know but the thing is the another thing that's important here is that uh it depends on what's being discussed right if someone says the fall of Disney it's loss of money it's this it's that and then rag says well I mean all their [ __ ] content has been [ __ ] and someone says well andle's andle's not [ __ ] and you're like no no I'm saying like I'm saying the vast majority has been [ __ ] to explain why why the downfall is there and um the the point about the consumer's point of view about artist input is incredibly important to this discussion because we're basically saying like artist shut up about AI cuz it doesn't matter but it absolutely does and it has changed the industry like the artwork being [ __ ] from Disney is is a direct explainer for why they're falling apart Asma gold saying that people don't care about artist opinions when they buy stuff as an explanation for like the success of power world I I I think there's so many contradictions in there and some stuff you have to consider if he was to then say no I I I know some people do like yeah but some people becomes loads of people the second the it it's an issue that's super important and we only know when people make more noise about it that's just how it works we went over this on the stream and also as um there there's there's obviously a very clear utilitarian purpose to language and how we express Concepts however there is also a very uh clear artistic and style uh stylized element to language that I wouldn't want to miss I don't want to lose concepts of like Hyperbole and you know exaggeration and things of that nature uh just for the sake of always being precise but usually if you're going to make a very important Point relative to a conversation that you're having probably good for you to say what you really mean so there's no confusion or to stress very much so that you're about to make some sort of a thesis statement besides because yeah I I am interested in the point the an artist's opinion on their work never decided whether or not the consumer base is going to be buying their product that's an interesting idea wouldn't dismiss it out of hand it's just that we start thinking about like historical examples and then you know pragmatically how it works and just uh and then theoretical like uh if I don't know [ __ ] it how much of a difference do you think it would make if sayi said he watched B Superman I was about to say Superman Legacy is renamed now if you watched it and said it was absolutely incredible I feel I feel like that would make an impact uh with with the film Community you know they'd be like GOI said it oh my God got go check it out but vice versa if he said it was absolutely [ __ ] and completely confirmed all of his opinions on superhero movies being uh I don't know roller coaster rides I think that would make an impact as well and that's not even about uh ethics that's just his opinion of the quality if skill say he said did you know the Superman Legacy or whatever it ends up being called if it's just Superman was made with baby blood I feel like uh that would also have a huge impact yep question you are each immune to copyright and sorry you're each immune to copyright or any pro project that you decide to work on completes instantly well like what would we want to make if it so like if it was a film based on something that exists basically guess yeah would you rather be immune to copyright or any project you decide to work on completes instantly well hm if I had it robs me of like actually creating something so I definitely completes instantly no I wouldn't complete instantly if it was like if it's it yeah if something along the lines of stay motivated um you know no weird no bizarre technical issues that stops you from doing it then yeah but IM to cop you know yeah that would be really good yeah because I would L because I would run it creative process but run it as ethically as possible in terms of you know what I believe is fair at the same time you know when when I need a minute of a of a piece of footage I'm like you know what I I feel I'm Justified this time and I don't have to worry about copyright so there we are yeah basically the first option is what if the law just was like followed that would be nice that would be cool uh people still went to restaurants in track because rep replicator food is the same every time people see the Mona Lisa to look at its details up close yeah I don't disagree with that that if we had the ability to do everything in an easier and faster way that it like stops anyone from wanting to do it in other ways yeah I mean we know that this isn't the case sometimes people still do things in a I guess what you could call a slow and more manual fashion because they enjoy it if the Lou Mona Lisa was fake the islesworth or illw worth uh Mona Lisa would become more valuable being the last Alisa painted by Da Vinci yeah I'd imagine so yeah probably I assume that's to prove the value of art can very much be just tied to its scarcity SL cultural uh relevance yeah which no yeah absolutely if um you have a prolific artist who made a million very similar things then each one wouldn't quite be as valuable and that's what happens a lot with artists they do you know the same thing a lot of hand painted or handmade knives handmade Cutlery handmade this that Pottery there is an element of if there's if they're doing it all the time every day all day maybe to the point where it's almost like a human assembly line there's something that's kind of lost in that does a Christmas present have value why don't you buy yourself I think they they're pointing out the the value that's the thought that counts right that's the thing it's when someone's giving you a thing what that means doesn't matter what the thing is sometimes uh in a way yeah but it's almost uh sort of tied to that similarly is if the thought is really good then it's very often that that means that the present itself will be more impactful or meaningful because the thought is often going to lead someone to making a a a gift idea that's very person in the same vein uh the more and more money they provide someone could be like well that's not very that doesn't change their thoughtfulness does it and it's like well in a way it does it's how much money they were willing to give you right uh or how much they want to one can read into that and that's not even like a a you know like a thing they made or a thing they bought knowing your interest they just gave you money but it all has play in terms of what a thing will mean a lot of the times it's just an element of I don't know what to get you and you don't really know what you want so here's some money spending on whatever and I'm here you know we're having cake and hanging out and just talking and that's uh you know that's a okay not every gift has to be a silver Game Boy advaned SP with sort of Mana yeah but hey something to think uh I really love the stream could you cover just right's video on subjectivity we have like four years ago think the uh subjectiv round two wait I thought subjectivity was implied was uh um isn't that uh Joseph Anderson oh wait yeah you're right did we do just W's video on subjectivity just right did the tlj one didn't it I think we did one where we had the big conversation and stuff oh that was covered on was that on E was that that was on just Wolf's stream I think wasn't it unless that was just a TJ video that doesn't pop up much anymore or maybe it's more like phases the whole subjectivity objectivity discussion it hasn't really happened in a while I haven't really seen it cuz that it's usually brought up as a a passing comment and like a Reddit post or something like that some people think they could be subject to with d but people don't seem to really get deep into that discussion or at least they haven't lately maybe it just sort of comes and goes sometimes it's in Vogue and sometimes not so much yeah I can't remember that or not the audience have to let me know on that one I think I genuinely can't remember but it does exist um have you seen the Ragnarok season 3 finale if so what did you think I have not I assume you guys haven't either I Haven Ragnarok I don't know if that no is that a show I guess so if it's got Seasons but no clue if all recordings of Music were destroyed overnight and no one made any more would people go back to playing music themselves like they used to yes I think so there would be a dramatic increase of people creating music if there was no music the desire for music would especially if it just happened overnight and it wasn't a slow decline of people wanting music which seems really unlikely but I guess is technically possible but yeah people would want to hear music there'd be a lot more people getting together getting instruments making music going to concerts that need would would would be filled in alternative ways people would people would start doing a lot of singing people used to sing a lot more than they do now yeah cuz anyone can sing you know it's it's it's your built-in instrument so it was very um it was very big it was both a he was just a lot more common place for people to do singing M I think you'll find it amusing to hear that asmin gold is a big fan of your Dark Souls 2 video series I've heard I know uh I'm glad he enjoyed it the librarian at my high school always used to cry about Google and Wikipedia because folks didn't have to read books for all their research is it really those websites fault that she couldn't get kids to see her values I mean that was a transitionary period right of understanding was yes don't use Wikipedia as a source for your paper in your book report if I see Wikipedia as a source it's not going to count but they didn't know that all of the things that Wikipedia says has the sources at the bottom of the page and so you would just write those instead of the wedia link well because what was funny when transitioner period they didn't know what the [ __ ] they were talking about the best thing was when people had essays printed and there was footnotes in the printed pages and it was like wait what is this and you're like oh weird I don't I don't know why that's there as in like Wikipedia footnotes you know like the yeah they did that with they did that on Batwoman remember yes they did God that's [ __ ] lazy man but yeah whatever you guys should absolutely talk to asmin if possible it would be great stream for sure he is welcome on EAP when he wants with him about uh most things are we human or are we dancers I remember that song Let's Celebrate oh wait that's wrong one uh where what would be the difference between a psychopath and a synth both don't feel emotions the same way as normal people do no Psychopaths literally cannot feel certain emotions and like EMP I think empathy Psychopaths cannot empathize with with other people um I think that's what makes a psychopath like it's a it's a literal brain like disability essentially they cannot feel that emotion um chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior that's a psychopath right maybe maybe I'm confusing it with a sociopath I often probably get those confused but there is also the element of it depends what kind of synthetic person you're talking about some synths are very human in the way that their emotions are sometimes even more human more human than human right that's right anti- AI say AI is bad because it is soulless but forget that Jackson Pollock exists wow true that's mean no Jackson PA Jackson poock he splattered that paint like a real old poly boy he knew what he was up to listen I'm I I don't give a [ __ ] about Jackson poock man I just don't give a [ __ ] but it's art it's undeniably art it's his experience or whatever putting stuff on that canvas boy and I've heard that oh those canvases were big so those a lot of paint my take as a musician the scenarios are the same you tell an artist what to make you tell an AI what to make your ability to communicate your needs based on your experience sln knowledge of the medium is the only gold star here creatively speaking nothing to scoff at don't get me wrong it problem is equating the skill set to the work itself they're two different things now if we can all agree to just call all artists tools then my view falls apart slightly off topic sorry take care yeah iume that go for it someone who's commissioned a lot of artwork over the years cuz I'm no artist myself in this sense if you tell if you tell the same description of what you want to different artists the reason you will get wildly different things comes down to their musculature where they're from and the cultural impact of where they're from their personal their personal preferences and their Styles and all that stuff very deeply relating to who they are as a human being and I don't think that's the same as just considering them a tool that just spits out things based on your description um especially when you are in a somewhat collaborative process with this artist and you're telling them well why did you make it like this I did it this because I like the way that this looks over here and I like the colors I don't think there's good contrast here and there and I think because I'm trying to you know invoke some sense of style from something that I really liked as a kid or something like that and it's I don't think that it's it's quite the same as just saying that you know they tools or anything like that okay so the impression that I got from the comment is is kind of like an interesting thought which is um that you could imagine that somebody I I feel like a more straightforward one would be you could imagine somebody who's got like a really good grasp on the English language they got a writing things down and writing things down that are grammatically correct um Dynamic it's it's just like good writing but the whatever what's being expressed in the text itself the meaning is kind of hollow and vacuous or just not that interesting or Bland as like there there can be in some sense being really good at the technical skill doesn't necessarily mean that the stuff that you're creating is also good it could be great or good but it could also be like eh you know I would agree that that um assuming that you have the technical skill that you are good at writing words on the page doesn't mean that you're going to be able to write a great novel necessarily just because you're good at putting the words down doesn't mean that um what they actually amount to is particularly interesting yeah uh this happens in when I then not toot my own horn a little bit but uh I took like a good nine or so years of piano and my brother also did piano lessons and I think I'm a better piano player than him but that's alternative to the point but I think it's because if you play the notes perfectly when you sit down at the piano and you play the notes perfectly and on time and you do it as the as the page specifically tells you to do it can absolutely feel very mechanical and impersonal whereas if you lean into an element of what you think feels right what seems in context to be really good ways to make those notes flow with each other and the way that your hand can hit the keys in a particular um with a particular weight that you could have two people play a piece and have it sound you obviously very similar because it's the same piece but it will sound very different as well uh and I think this that's sort of the same concept of yeah you could you could you know you what are those little roller players of the um the the the machines where you have like a a roll of paper and it goes I don't know if they're called like player pianos I think they're called and they are just it's going to sound the exact same every single time cuz it's a purely mechanical process that is just clanging things in tandem with holes and paper or however that works uh whereas if you have multiple people playing it then it's just going it's just going to sound different and it might sound different based off of their mood and how they're feeling at that given point or something that they heard and are trying to incorporate into their own style so B yeah I like to think there's a bit more to it than just just doing the thing as it's written down and that's it well on that note opinions are like [ __ ] mine is right that's well like should be in the middle strange yeah asmin conflating value and utility they mean different things man the word the words the words he was not very good so many things even what you said could mean many different things what I mean this whole thing like breaks down into this enormous web of just words that all mean different things to everybody uh but a lot of it is said with such Brazen statements that funnily enough like I said you could have thousands of people agreeing and they all actually disagree do you know what I'm saying like like they agree with the statement but they all think it means different things yeah well we have the inverse of this when we talked about movies a lot of people would be like no you guys are wrong about this movie you're wrong about this movie and then they would all be disagreeing with each other oh I remember as they disagreed with us that's a fun like you're wrong for this reason but it's likeone else like no no they misunderstood the then someone comes in with like a source argument or um conflation with like something else the that happen with um I think king of the monsters actually and uh some other stuff it's it's a weird Adventure we've been on but a fun one nonetheless can I add that neurobiology absolutely shows that art and writing by hand have inherent neurological benefits it's just making the art has medicinal value to say nothing of cultural and communicative I wouldn't be surprised considering yeah yeah there's definitely like a therapeutic element to having like Hobbies filling up your time doing something that you're proud of working hard on you know getting better at a task or a craft yeahum that's why we push back on the whole like you know you can have something complete instantly it's like I don't want to have it that the process creating it if it was created instantly I can't look at it and go man I worked hard on that i' go oh there it is Jesus yeah gu yeah you you definitely lose something there you lose a lot you lose most of the thing here is a torty for you how did Bill Gates become a billionaire he spent less money than he earned it's not a tarology yeah not as I understand toies you can yeah you can spend less money than you earn and Never Be A Millionaire remember the Su G I did get rich writing checks oh damn you don't remember that reference oh you do all right good uh why you always go live when someone's mids sentence why not we like the what that's it's not a cold open is it it's a um what would that be called like it's it's more so just the the the conversation never ends like I don't know if there's a film making titim for what I'm trying to imply with how we do EAP but the implication is just that you're we we're always chatting about [ __ ] and the an EAP episode is just like okay now we're live doing it like this is like today you can hear us as opposed to what we just hang it out in general yeah we were talking before we went live where people we chat a lot and also it's it's stylistically kind of nice to have just it open and we're in the middle of just whatever we were talking about before we went live yeah I feel like we're one of the only shows ever to choose to not have an intro deliberately when that's considered like a scuffed and awkward thing to do whatever intros can often be really weird and awkward oh yeah I remember the days back in I think I made fun of in my outlast videos the amount of Outlast reviews that start with the dubstep hyper animated yeah and then and then you have the Super Hyper animated dubstep gaming channel and then it just yeah that was and then it cuts to a guy who's just hi everyone it's me he's like just off to the side on his chair the background is like a grayish beige guys uh found a really cool load out for Modern Warfare 2 is really good I've been getting a lot of kills with it I'm really angry because the update made it so the care package and Commando doesn't work anymore upates to that game probably did they they might have that's did happen remember it did happen sometimes yeah uh it wasn't nearly as common place as it is now which is in general a very good thing but yeah remember every remember kiddos back in the day you bought a disc in a box hope you like it day that disc was for you to keep that's the game if something's busted to [ __ ] then it's gonna be that way until the sequel baby a synthetic Shilling for the AI meter thank you key thing with pow wield is it's the fan game that Nintendo should have made but didn't that's what I keep seeing you would think that like the world of Pokemon is sort of built like built perfectly around this concept of an MMO where you have all sorts of people who can have all sorts of different roles relating to Pokemon and they can cooperate and battle each other and you have in-game leaderboards like you would have leaderboards in real life where people have records and then you would have you know you would have all of the emergent culture that comes as a result of that but you don't have to battle you could be a you could have entire like in like an MMOs you have different crafting systems and other things that you could learn you could have like yeah I want to be a Pokemon doctor I want to be a Pokemon breeder I win in Pokemon this that the other thing and you could all fulfill roles that not every player could know so you might have to have multiple characters or you might have to actually rely on other people to make sure that you're in tiptop shape so if all you want to do is battle Pokemon as like well you need the you know there's a lot of other players you might need to rely on to make sure that that infrastructure is all set up and everything you think it' be purpose built for it they go on to say Mega Man is a reskinned rocket boy game that lost the license last minute interesting interesting it now uh supers and highlighted messages show up here if you change filters this filter will only show your last 100 fan funding messages I'm guessing that's a Fe thing that they've added I think I think I try to there's like three options live chat all chat and fan funding which is all messages that are super chats or memberships which they [ __ ] took forever to do that on the back end I've complained about this with ads how stupid the way they make super chats work and how it can like bug out and you lose all of them the new system I have for keeping track of them seems to be working though I've seen less complaints lately you missed mine it's like no I think I've got everyone's now which is good glad the multi-billion dollar was able to work out these extremely simple things normally they just ruin [ __ ] and make everything worse with their updates they do I'm sure they will but for now it works so 6,000 tweets can lose a man his career but using tweets to affect positive change is just off the table now poo sus yeah well that that was part of the point we're trying to make right the um the influx of complaints about pal W's creation whether or not they're accurate whether or not they're big in number whether or not they're uh they're making good arguments just ethically as a foundation I wouldn't dissuade them by saying you know what this will make no difference anyway because they historically have made a difference with different things they can make a even if they hadn't they can um so yeah you think nothing was ever Changed by discourse yeah like the whole thing seems really odd to me it's just like [ __ ] it complain your H's content if you think you found something horrible complain get it get it noticed fine a lot of the time with like a big controversy there'll be someone saying like I was talking about this 3 months ago and no one mentioned anything and it's like oh [ __ ] were you okay but how you get the bull roll in a long time uh don't call it capitalism call it free market capitalism was a word coined by KL Marx to blame it okay [ __ ] whatever taking it it's mine now [ __ ] yeah it's not his anymore and you know what I'm doing it out of spite yeah what the [ __ ] ever I don't care if he was the one that came with the word it's just it's an economic system as simple as that we can talk about says that um that atmology dates back to the mid 17th century so did call go back in time steal or forward in time no back in time that make sense but and in fact Wikipedia says that KL Marx did not use the form capitalism but instead Capital capitalist and capitalist mode of production well I I don't care I don't care who made this is all un interesting learning but yeah I don't care everybody like at this point capitalism is a word that people have a general understanding what it means and use yeah uh in Marvel Comics Thor is the son of the cosmic chicken AKA The Fan force and Odin I want you to think about that I don't know what to think about that all right fair enough I wonder if um if there's been a conversation about Marvel Comics changing Norse law and if that's a problem or not uh maybe maybe more so now than before well I mean in the comics themselves like uh when they first brought in nor [ __ ] right like it's incredibly Unfaithful oh oh I that's you know they're adapting it to the hot's content which is something that I'm okay with but I don't know if everyone's okay with uh Tech frees people to pursue the Arts and explore in classic Sci-fi stories this Tech and the entire discussion around it equals Black Mirror BS come true maybe I mean there's certainly an element of Truth to the idea that the more Leisure Time people have the less time they been doing you know labor the more that they are theoretically freed up to pursue their own personal interest work on that fortnite battle pass o good Del quote of the day I'll see you next episode folks rage Shadow Legends and then the video ends yeah that was one of my favorite jokes see you later folks rage Shadow Legends I just say that and it ends uh would that be a gold Mandingo I'm not sure what you mean I don't know what that is but if it's golden I'm inclined to want it uh Tay Tay AI took a jerbs m rage also High Rags hello hello indeed Tay had to crawl so that chat GPT could crawl better yeah Will TFA be five pots or six pots in total six I saw someone say that I apparently promised they would all be out by 2025 so you know I'm still in I'm still in the green zone the safe zone right now that's right but now maso's hierarchy isn't really real skydiving would not exist otherwise because it trades safety for excitement self-sacrifice also doesn't fit in the hierarchy see the need to keep breathing I don't think got maslo there like thought of that like surely like maslo was around when there were dangerous recreational activities I think it's probably not specifically being the safest you can possibly be or taking no risks whatsoever it was probably something along the lines of like a a a so as I've understood it as I've understood it it's always just been that fundamentally there are certain needs that need to be met before you can even start thinking about satisfying other needs so like you're not going to be thinking about you you know figureing out philosophy and the meaning of life when you're like living in a cardboard box yeah you're scraping to get by and you don't have any um yeah you know worried about you're if you're bleeding and hungry it's like you're not going to stop to be like you know AI like I wonder where that's going to take and and of course like I presume that and I mean I imagine that there's plenty of discussion and debate about how useful the hierarchy of needs is whether it's accurate or not but I just find it funny the idea of maslo hadn't thought about skydiving well the thing is I don't know enough about it to say this is the case but I would have assumed that's the top of the pyramid isn't it You could argue yeah exactly or even a steam yeah so yeah could ball Ross paint without ever seeing a landscape the art human beings create even if they've never seen art made by a human before is still some amalgamation of the data they've been exposed to yes but I I imagine this might have to do with I I don't know how you guys feel but I mean I think I feel like it's safe to say that all art is derivative in some way shap form it's just people get really worked up about what the word derivative means because it's got a negative connotation when it's more so you have seen things that you like that will inform the things that you make I think something that gets brought up is the um depending on what AI you're using I suppose this would only apply to the ones that this is actually true about cuz i' have to look into it but a lot of people end up saying that humans can create art whether or not they've had an input right if you drop a baby in a white room and uh pull something their mind yeah like when you provide them the ability to use you know say pains crayons whatever the [ __ ] they will make imagery oh well yeah I mean I feel like what we you know the the argument that people would be making and that you would make even in the lens of all art being in some sense derivative of the work that came before it is that well there's something special about you right a synthesis of the things that you've seen or value or if you want to get even more abstract like your being as an entity that then gets imbued in in whatever I've seen people highlight this as interest because with an AI that doesn't have any references what does it create like so a human without any references other than the white room like very unethically created you know they're dropped into the room and fed enough to stay alive they'll create something but like an AI without any references what does it do how does it create and it's like well you have to make an actual like a replicant style AI right the one that can imagine yeah well I imagine Wally he might if you leave I think point that film is that he kind of does right he's broken through and the same in in a sense there's an implication of the Terminators in Terminator that the once you allow them to start learning they can be very creative in ways that you might not expect you mhm uh Jordan Peterson would have an aneurism looking at asan Gold's room correct yeah yeah he would he would be so upset he would shed a tear uh please watch the channel the art of Aaron Blaze he provides a non-fear based point of view of the what the future is for artists and AI I think I've heard of him he was like one of the um Disney Animation directors like back in back in the 2D animation days I think the 4-minute joy of the chili cheeky bird is important okay The chil Cheeky Bird yeah I don't know oh that's a fun name saw a video of AI creting a desert or sorry dessert with mushrooms strawberries cheese and cream a world class Chef couldn't find anything like it tasted great okay not sure what to make of that they put a bunch of delicious things together and it was delicious well if they're saying the world class Chef I don't know if they were trying to say the world class Chef couldn't like like create it himself or find it anywhere else and it's only the robot can do it I don't know I don't know anything about that discussing Ai and not and not getting Shad on I know apparently that was a a a Blasphemous move and uh it's all right we will we will continue to do things with shad and I'm sure he'll continue to talk about AI I think he still is to this day you shall see him in the AI Wars he you know if the if ioot happened he'd be on the robot's side that's the truth right [Laughter] there my brain is so fried at this point all I hear anyone say is thing is good but also bad but it's good too but you shouldn't feel bad also long man bad well we all know long man good but you know yeah I'd love for asmin to come on EAP and talk with you it'll be fun like I said we're on board I'm pretty sure asmin is saying is that an artist's opinion of themselves doesn't matter why oh that's that's totally different than what he said then well but but why wouldn't it doesn't matter to what I mean to who it matters to them there like I don't even know what you mean like if someone said like do you want to know what Martin sc's opinion of Good Fellas is i' be like yeah they'd be like well it doesn't matter though does it they be like oh I I don't know I don't know how to deal with these statements I'm not sure what I'm supposed to assume about them some of my favorite art Wicks I really want to know what the creators have to say because it can really inform my like sense of you know inspiration or respect for the work or it can have the reverse effect who knows it's bit of a gamble in a way but it's Insight right I love I love bits of insight what am I learning from this stream is that he's just stupid in a different way than I first imagined he was stupid I'm not going to I don't think so I don't think he's stupid it's um I think it's it's it's just ripe for back and forth this whole subject and I think a lot of people are very trigger happy and calling everyone else stupid right with this there's a lot of um I hesitate to use the word but identity is a lot of it is placed on this in in a lot of ways and I don't blame people for that CU it's regarding art so people can get angry about it real quick uh love all you Heroes Moher and our good boy Rags have been here since from day one fry joined and was immediately one of my favorite people love you all marotti is just a legend uh take care eat boys and chat that's very awesome hooray thank you uh Hey guys I've made two EAP compilations if you ever want to watch them on your own time also how much uh to have pyro cynical on EAP love you guys he's welcome as far as I know have to pay to people anything he's uh he he makes long videos too very very long TV shows and stuff and and games and films I think I think I haven't kept track of him but that's all I know uh this is not how you get good rat no they're uh no not at all the alarm clock no it'll linger like the smell of dead rat there are people I've told about that who don't believe me because of course they that's the thing isn't it why would they believe me there's no reason for them to believe me crazy story it's well it's so crazy that it's just like nah this is too is too much n uh Tony your work has a higher level of scrutiny unfair perhaps but seamless to ignore and potentially the foundation of a uniquely Superior career who's Tony Tony Gil that's a that could you repeat that line again that sounded very similar to a line from Andor Tony your work has a higher level of scrutiny unfair perhaps but senseless to ignore and potentially the foundation of a uniquely Superior career that's definitely a line from Andor but obviously not Tony I think it that would been to D oh I guess they're saying that about Tony Gilroy okay Tony yeah uh corn does not care from where the blood flows okay probably the EAP I've disagreed with you the most but it is what it is love y'all and love asmin you should invite him on I'm sure he'd love it sure maybe maybe Asma gold you are welcome to come on EAB if you're interested um yep absolutely I'm not sure if I follow him on Twitter but uh I can shoot him a message someday maybe if he if he wants as for uh the disagreement I mean yeah it was it was a spicy episode and I think it's cuz it's a spicy discussion anyway right I don't think there's anything anyone can say on this subject that won't get them uh in a position where people be like I [ __ ] disagree with that you know like Pro AI anti- or in the middle in fact in the middle might actually be the most contentious place to be probably the worst yeah which is all right um oh and we've got a Pokemon of the day sh Shedinja shinja is that like a version of Greninja that I've never heard of well I was say I don't think I've heard this okay I think you like this one I think you like this one all right let me post this here for you mhm um yeah he's chill uh looks like yeah um they want the sapphire entry if you can find it okay Sapphire shadja is a peculiar Pokemon it seems to appear unsought in a PO Pokéball after a NADA evolves this bizarre Pokémon is entirely immobile it doesn't even breathe H so it looks like it appears on a Pokeball when an incada evolves um it's a discarded Bug shell that came to life peering into the crack on its back is said to there it is is said to steal one's Spirit there we go we we got there all right um yeah it looks like get said to steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back well of course let's [Music] see yeah well that I mean that's that that's the last message for the episode so thank you all very much my goodness uh we'll we'll we'll be heading out now hope you had fun and whatever it is you're up to best of best of fun best of luck uh goodbye bye everyone and thanks again see you later bye bye bye bye
Channel: MooLer
Views: 8,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2qi_mwbQO-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 59sec (5759 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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