EEVblog #463 - More Dumpster Diving

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hi welcome to another dumpster-diving video yes this is my latest score from down in the garbage room down here in the eevblog corporate towers this one I did literally have to jump in the dumpster for it was right in the bottom it looks like we've got a 27 inch LCD monitor still got some plastic and stuff on it and it was lying right at the bottom of the dumpster under a Xerox phaser printer thing which I didn't bother getting and I thought ah I think it might be busted because well then you know the big heavy printer was lying on the top of this thing but I got it I actually jumped in the dumpster and was standing right on the bottom of it and I lifted this sucker out and yeah it's got a few scratches and stuff on it but I think well um it doesn't look like the screen as being not cracked at all due to the heavy weight on there so yeah it's got a bit of a lien on it that's just not my that's not just my camera there's a something problem with the stand on that thing it's a bit wonky but if this thing works um brilliant or if we can just repair it if it's a bad cap well fantastic scored also another one of these Samsung arts ink master 510 ends and little 15 inch maunder great little monitor I've already got five matching ones of this so I've now got six I think hang on have a look to four or five yes I now got six total of these funky little monitors which I do want to do something with like I do like an fpga project - I Drive six different monitors or something like that I also scored this bulken battery backup thing it's really very heavy I don't know the specs of it yet haven't looked it up I have no idea if it works but it's like of a surge protection and battery backup in there there's some batteries in there ways maybe I don't know six seven kilos something like that so I thought I'd grab that don't know if it's any good but I'm going to pair up this monitor see if it works there was also a Belkin 8 way KVM switch with all the cables and everything here's a photo of it that was down there as well it didn't pick that one up I'm not sure if it's any of any use to me at all anyway this is an A och brand um never heard of them just one of those crusty crappy brands and right because it did come from the bottom of the dumpster no that's not a scratch so no I'm going to have to get out the isopropanol wipes and give it a wipe down few scratches at the top here but so that's where it looks like it took all of the force from the laser printer by the looks of it that's uh yeah but that's no big deal I'm quite happy with that it's still got the plastic on check it out there we go good as new got the plastic I love it it's an unbelievable what people throw out I mean even if if this is failed it likely is just like a power supply thing I mean it could be the panel but jeez you know um stands a bit out but we can fix that but anyway it's got all the requisite inputs it's got even a USB hub on it we've got DVI VGA HDMI and what is that and they are that must be a DisplayPort thing so a very modern monitor let's have a look at the model number and check it out manufactured April 2012 this is by far the most modern monitor I've got an unbelievable and the model number is e 27:52 V Q here we go let's pair it up haha Oh too good to be true folks whoops yeah look at that that's smashed haha bummer ah I wonder if that was actually the laser printer on top of the thing well that is well and truly broken folks even though there's no physical visible physical damage to it clearly it's had impact points you know here and here and and it's just absolutely crazy and I shattered inside but it's very artistic I my notebook up to it but we're getting you know getting nothing at all so possibly I don't know who knows it may have been actually working when they tossed it in the dumpster you never know I mean people are that nuts that that you know a business shuts down in the building or whatever and they just they just toss everything out so unfortunately this was literally like lying on the bottom of the dumpster with a laser printer on top of it probably tossed in so that's why we're getting our impact marks out I mean there's no I can't feel anything on the outer protective plastic cover on that but yeah clearly it's had some impact marks and I I'd rather like that it's very artistic don't you think shattered monitor art but a little 15 each Samsung works absolutely beautiful as does the other five I've got um they actually they toss these out presumably because they're really small I mean they're absolutely tiny I mean compare this 15 inch monitor with this 15 I mean well you know this is a 15 inch notebook wide screen of course but because of the very small footprint of this thing they can be quite nice for little arm you know monitor applications no pun intended of course you know like a little just a little monitor tucked away on the side just to display your latest you know tweets or some other status thing in a multi monitor configuration or to stick on a wall or two users you know part of a you know maybe a USB microscope camera system or you know something like that because they're small and they're like I really like them um the other ones I've taken the bases off I do have them but I plan on I was going to do like five of these in it like side-by-side and do a big video panel wall I've mentioned that before now I've got six of these or suckers and I really like them so please if you've got any real interesting ideas what I can do is six of these puppies then please leave it in the comments now as for this Belkin PSU I've powered it on and I get nothing so something's obviously blowing in there it's not just the batteries I presume otherwise you know and expect the power to come on and and the battery light to flash or something you feel something wrong with the batteries and on the bottom it's got two rs-232 u.s. billion protects your phone lines as well oh I don't think it's worth much they're probably very cheap I haven't looked up the price but I just crack it open and let's see if it's an input fuse or something like that it is a 650 V a model F 6 H 650 a u u end v Australian eyes de corse Belkin Australia there we go they're in West Gosford ah go figure there you go just a large standard sealed lead-acid battery in the thing so if the battery is at fault are easily replaceable well what an unserviceable pile of turd I'm not sure if you can see down in there I'm going to have to manually focus down in there on that screw perhaps you probably can't see it but what it is is it's a what I am not sure the exact name for it but it's basically a one-way flat head screw you can tighten these things up but when you try and go in the other direction the slot is designed so that it does so that your screwdriver just doesn't get in any purchase on it going in the counterclockwise direction and it just slips off so you can't actually undo these things you can only tighten them up that that's just to prevent people servicing these things why unbelievable what a bastard so if I actually get my screwdriver in there watch this it if I turn it counterclockwise it you know it just won't let me undo that screw but if I turn it that way it'll let me tighten that screw up no worries at all but then you go back in the other direction and ah bastard died well for measure the mains input here there's at least something connected on that there we go so it's not you know broken plug or anything like that or you know broken mains cable so there's a some input stuff there but um yeah I mean what do I do with it I don't know how much is it worth it's probably not worth you know a lot trying to crack the whole bloody thing open they're probably not worth much sure they're quite cheap so if we take this sucker apart here and sir it's really crusty it's just the front bezel like this just snaps off and then this is just sort of stuck in place with some tape on the back of the board's here it really is a rather rather crusty but what do you expect from one of these up hang on I'm going to connect her in the back of this there we go and tada we have our panel there we go that's uh that's all she wrote and of course there's not much in it just a single processor board power supply with the backlight inverter on it USB hub board over here or look at that some RFI um tabs on there wow I'm surprised and up yeah just a few things held in place with tape here we go there's like sort of silverback down kind of like our duct tape kind of thing just holding that panel in place really quite terrible and a little tiny board down the front for the switches and LEDs and that's a that's all she wrote boring and single side board of course built down to a price return it's quite a low-profile board because you know it's just I'd I rather like it actually very compact look at those long radial calf's look at the length of those things like 2 inches long in cred all stuck down decent you know I'm it's not it's not bad at all I rather like that design and classic stripe to removal of the solar mass there on those pads in those sort of patterns just to get some increased current handling capability on those traces because they're probably using like you know the crappiest half answer copper on a good day on this thing but really on something like this which is not high power at all I mean it's you know um you've got to doubt whether it's a has any benefit whatsoever might have another reason why you might do this is it might have some effect in terms of our heat dissipation and stuff like that because I solder mask is quite an effective insulator so if you just leave some of the solder mask off like that it does help with the heat but once again um you know something what is this monitor draw you know 50 60 watts or something most of that's going into the panel the efficiency of the power supply is going to be quite good so yeah I don't know the designer just did it because he could or she could well if you're going to put stitching vias on a board go for broke count the number of vias folks anyone who can count the exact number of ears wins a prize why not it does actually cost extra you know in really high volume manufactured stuff you know when you penalize these things this one is obviously the grooved you can tell by the really rough edge on there so they've just V grooved these boards and there's the fully routed edge of the board there and they've regrouped this way on this edge and this one and the top one so it looks like they probably had a our panel of you know a panel of like two boards like this and then you know long ways like this so they might have had like 10 boards on one panel and of course some all of these holes add up I mean that some I mean it takes extra time to manufacture these boards with all those holes as fast as these routing and these automated our CNC drilling machines are it takes extra and that's why a lot of PCB manufacturers will actually have a maximum number of holes per panel before they start charging you more you know they'll only tolerate a certain amount of time used up on their CNC machine in that production process so you know I'm adding these things on here might be kind of groove in you might you know yeah let's really put stitching via stitching everywhere and really lower that ground plane inductance and everything else and well you know um just be careful if you're going to do that I mean just gone berserk on this board absolutely berserk looks like they've got a thermal pad on the bottom and once again as I said before that's probably why they've done it it's been probably a similar design well no it wouldn't have been a similar designer because the power supply was probably farmed out to somebody else but well maybe because it's a coincidence they've got the once again the striped removal of solder mask so that's going to help with your heat dissipation from this pad ordinarily just leave the entire solder mask off the entire thing rather than just a small little stripe like that so it's a bit silly but if you flipped so there you go that's just probably like a little low dropout voltage regulator or something like that and they've fully removed the solder mask on the top there so I don't know why they didn't do that on the bottom and here we've got some some paste which was uh on there there don't know why they've I've done that and probably to increase the thermal capacity going through because if you do put that solder on there to greater up thermal mass you get that lower thermal resistance through to the other the pad on the other side of the board and for those who care what chip said it is I don't there's a package you don't see everyday look at that so there you have it that's another quick get dumpster-diving video I'd like to say I got something useful out of this but well all I got is another 15-inch Monda that's not bad though so can't really complain too much but I'll just you know keep these boards they might be useful for that and also during tutorial organ repair I don't know something anyway I'll just go into the spare boards bin and check out the USB hub boards got a proper RFI shield on top and look at that that actually looks like like a decent quality USB hub look they've gone to a lot of effort there once again a lot over via stitching and stuff on there but that's actually pretty good quite impressed with that um but why they've gone to the effort of double siding double-sided loading that over you know I I don't know surely you could have fitted everything on the top and there's the Xerox printer in the dumpster it's a zero it's a phaser right and I modeled something like that and here is the KVM switch complete with all the cables and everything it's a it's an omni view pro2 eight port KVM switch I don't know should I take it I've already got enough bloody VGA cables and things yeah you know I can't help myself catch you next time you you
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 85,414
Rating: 4.884109 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, led monitor, teardown, belkin, kvm switch, ups, lcd monitor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2013
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