EEVblog #1299 - Dumpster Laptop REPAIR

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hi it's dumpster-diving time again just on the second channel because this is not like a huge score like I got last time with that touchscreen Lenovo thing which we use it at Sagan's use it at home by the way and we're using it as a workout thing in a remote telly like conferencing thing work teleconferencing thing and we're also using that iMac as well that we found in the dumpster as well so we're using that because we don't have any other Apple fruity type products so all those things are being used in that 65 inch TV and stuff like that all being used anyway I found this Toshiba there's well I originally didn't find this originally looked in the dumpster and here's a photo or I saw one of those small form-factor pcs turns out that things only like a quad core 2 duo quad or whatever and it's like yet no it doesn't even have USB 3 it's pretty much my standard if we're picking up pcs I got another enough of those small form-factor pcs I don't need another one so yeah that wasn't worth it but underneath that I am I found this it's a Toshiba Satellite s4 TOB okay it's like five plus years old but it does have a USB 3 on it's got the ether nets unfortunately are the power adapter wasn't with it so yeah when you're dumpster diving always look for the power adapters but anyway um it's not gonna set the world on fire but it looks clean and tidy enough it's a yes I have an alcohol to down it's an Intel Armored Core i5 inside I googled it and apparently it's an i5 42:10 you with a Pathmark of about twenty three thirty eight so 2300 so it's not gonna set the world on fire but you know it's okay so we'll pair it up watch a pair adapter for it and see if she's working so everything looks in reasonable condition all Harman Kardon speakers wank wank wank alright let's give it a Bell know which one is the one we want hate doing this well as it turns out my actual adapter lead that I used to plug into the back of these go to my bench a person like this one actually seems to fit winner winner chicken dinner all right let's give it a bell hello no maybe it's not the right adapter well maybe it's actually dead no I'm getting absolutely no current no standby not even a milliamps standby current nope I'm getting absolutely diddly-squat on that I measured the DC input I'm getting like 60 mega or something so there's like at least something there internally so yeah I tried it without the battery and I take it apart now of course I normally wouldn't repair something like this it's just not worth my time really although it would be you know if you're if you desperate enough for a laptop like this or at suit your needs or whatever but yeah I've got I got lots of laptop so it's not like I desperately need this thing but anyway just for academic interest we'll crack it open and see what's what never know could be like it blowing blowing input fuse or something like that do you know any secret squirrels under there nope yeah we're in like Flynn and a nice heat pipe going over there from the processor over there a little fan to get that out in there there's a little heatsink on the other side there on the output there and the first thing I noticed is that someone's installed a solid-state drive on this thing whereas it was supposed to have come with like a 500 gig regulus Oh huh what Oh is there a cable connecting that what's well that's just flapping around in the breeze there I really don't like the design how they've got these cables going over to the i/o board over here I mean but they could have snaked this main processor board around to here like this I know it takes up more of your panel space and stuff like that so technically it's going to cost more to design it like that but you know at least like run the cables like over here or something like you know if you're gonna have this as a separate assembly fine no work is about that you can you know test that separately and then you don't waste all that extra panel space and whatnot but cheese you know I mean and by the way if you make your board this shaped like this it means that on your panel you can actually take this board and then rotate it around like this and then have a large panel like this that actually contains two of these motherboards on the one panel it's just more cost-effective to get it manufactured like that whereas if you had it had this board jutting out here like this with this big cutout for the hard drive then yeah it's you wouldn't be able to do that so you're wasting a lot more panel area so just the bare board and also assembly are cost as well it's going to cost more because slightly more because when you've got two motherboards per panel for example when it's going through the pick-and-place machine it can place it's already picked up the part so it can just place it here place it here you know it doesn't have you don't have to run a separate bore through you run effectively two boards so you're not quite doubling your throughput but you know you're not doing a bad job anyway let's oh oh there's the cable I didn't see that don't okay silly me so anyway that's actually Sam so well like I can reuse that what's the decode on that that's a samsung 850 Pro 512 gig that is the biggest solid-state drive that I've actually got I mean the biggest I've got in all my main machines is 256 in other machines like my laptops and stuff or use a 128 which is not this is a 512 Wow so just from that aspect that's assuming this side is okay I'm gonna get that out work it in the main PC and have a look I wonder if they have raised the data but anyway I can I can nuke that from orbit and reinstall so I don't know how you read the date codes on these things where is it gonna it's got a manufacturing date Beulah pew or someone will tell me in the comments all those PC experts will be able to tell me what the date is please on that drive cuz you know like if it's 5 years old or something has had a hard life then obviously it's not gonna be great but yeah that's like twelve solid-state pro-drive that would have cost a pretty penny I assume they didn't put it in there maybe they didn't put it in there when they got it I don't know were they like back in because this is like a 2015 model or something like that I think so they still even cost a pretty penny today so Wow score okay we've got two memory slots in there so it's fully this thing's fully optioned up um yeah it's not a beast of a machine but anyway ah looks like there's our Wi-Fi module up there you know these are is that our that's our Harman Kardon speaker system is it yeah but looks of it yep over there and there we've got two different size damn you've got to do two different motors and they're on there rubber baby buggy bumper supports like that and you've got two different mouldings because it's just play with that all day that beautiful anyway you gotta have two separate mouldings because well they just couldn't fit this one duplicate this one over here they probably could have duplicated that one over there couldn't name but then what's this over here oh that's the power button that's your power button on the front panel so maybe that's the problem um who knows but yeah where's our DC input there it is all the way up there it's got a little cable and everything they didn't bother putting it up which is nice cuz you know you could in theory get the or salvage it get this as a separate assembly if you you know bug it up your input connector I'm you wouldn't have to resolder oh hello yeah it's Ernie Bernie I think let me get the micro lens out I see an Ernie Bernie Mike there yeah look in there that that's bent right up Wow somebody had fun yeah I really had to ramp up the light there but hopefully you can see that that is all burnt all the way down around there that's on the negative side so but I don't know what does it act across as it was there some surge or something that arced that across mm-hmm anyway set our fuse all right let's have a look at the two GaN oh here and there we go you zoom out a bit yeah we this beautiful look at that we can see that nicely now Wow yep look at that big blast mark right around there so this an input choke doesn't look like a cap because it's like it then usually not so gray like that is that an input inductor there's a cap gone down the ground there's an input that must okay that must be an input inductor that's an input inductor so and then that looks like our poly fuse there it's arced over like that anyway what I'm going to do is that that inductor could be buggered surface-mount inductor so just measure the continuity of that and I'll just measure from well from this point to ground make sure it's not shorted or anything like that think I need one of those our poor Daniel style on-screen multimeter things anyway let's measure between there and ground pins there to make no it's just yeah it's cycling through that's fine whatever it's doing we've got all active crap there and let's measure the inductor she's open there you go there's your problem so that node inductors blown open so like you wouldn't get if there was some fault inside the PC you wouldn't get a big Ernie Bernie spark mark across there so I'm yeah I reckon it's just an input surge lightning or whatever as I arc to that over there just wasn't enough clearance there and it seems to have just arced over and of course the inrush currents just burn out this inductor so if we replace that heaven done and that cap looks okay in fact we can measure that there you go eight Mike that's a 10 Mike input cap that seems fine so I'm you might replace that as a matter of course but yeah there you go Wow so we should be able to replace that not sure forgotten exact surface man inductor for that but you could always just bridge it over with a link just put a bit of flux in he dude are on there here's where some SMD tweezers have come in handy place actually said that send me their new model but there we go where did it go yep went somewhere she is so that's a little culprit and we'll clean that up a bit ah look at that they got a nice little inductor mark under there isn't that cute hey guys so we can get in there and we can yeah we'll get the isopropyl and we'll clean that up hey somebody's had to go with this it's supposed to be a screw in there look at that and there's a lineman peg down there there's supposed to be a screw the next screw is not until a like way down the bottom here anyway let's clean that up rather nicely actually let me measure this fuse here so yep she's good so it's just the inductor the choices but wildering yeah okay it doesn't really matter week as I said but you can replace it with a leak no workers but the thing about inductor kits like this you've got to find one that is suitably like it rated for a suitable current what is this I think the bottom of it I think said 19 volts at 1.5 amps or something so you need something beefy so maybe something beefy like that perhaps I don't have an exact day replacement of course I'll go check the datasheet for that but look at those pins on that though yeah so I've actually got a lot to choose from I got several wire kids here but anyway this particular one in LC series there now are TDK ones they were righteous iliyan yeah this was a Sicilian design kit so this side this 1812 series here they weren't good enough they weren't rated for high life karma but the twenty20 size here is for the one micro Henry so it that's over the 12 10 but the 20 22 20 so they start from one mic and go all the way up like you don't want a high value like 470 micro henries because here's the datasheet and you'll see that the higher the inductance you go of course you get more inductor II goodness but you get more Henry's but the problem is is that your rated current slot so we'll just whack in the lowest one mic value it's rated for 1 point 8 amps or something she'll be right no workers there it is 1 R 0 actually have come a guts are there I think that's slightly too big it could be too big oh you mongrel Oh barely do with it she just made it in there luckily cuz they are the one the size down that I wanted my tube was empty on all three but the ones I wanted so yeah I need a bit of assembly inductor kit I've got three of those kids and you know various ones yeah yeah alright let's probe up the clock here and see if that gets through to there it does there you go it gets through to the fuse gets to the other side of the fuse there Bob's your uncle so hopefully we can power this I actually let me check between this other side oh yeah no I checked this before I didn't know this other side and ground that yeah so not that's so good it's not short it on the other side of that fuse on that inductor so let's give that a bell we know we're no chicken dinner but you probably screaming at me in the comments down below it was actually 2.7 19 volts at 2.7 amps so that inductors not going to do the business but I thought it parrot on anyway and it's actually drawing under an amp at the moment nine hundred odd milliamps so I might have to go back in there and yeah ever replace that with the link we'll find a better inductor because technically that one's not rated for that in to date and time we're in Toshiba setup utility there it is yeah the 512 gig is recognized at 1.7 gig it's got the look in the core i5 42:10 as I suspected from googling it's got a gig of ram this too shabby so yeah um this looks like other is the screen a bit is that a bit faded down the bottom was something I don't know that could just be the yeah yeah don't know yet anyway um the screen looks fine the keyboards working the Moose is working Wow fixed uh-huh there you go you can see it drawing yeah 1.7 amps something like that little bit of dropping down to 1.4 so yeah I probably should replace that inductor anyway this will get us going so I'll see advanced looks like Windows didn't load correctly we'll just restart that shall we of course I'm gonna nuke the hard drive I wouldn't use it like this but 512 wow that's like seriously driver God how much is that worth on its own can you sell them ii wouldn't do people's buy second-hand hard drives reflective hi yep Windows loading anyway I'm at the moment unless it's got some more intermittent issue I'm I deem this to be repaired because what seems to be working and well yep no password and nobody's nuked this hard drive not that a password stop sighs just seen in previous videos or just heard the speakers go yeah so anyway I'll go nuke it forum and there you go she works we know winner chicken dinner oh yeah two point two lamps yeah I better go in there and fix that yeah I'll do that I won't bore you with the details but anyway there you go that's a repair of a dumpster laptop I didn't think it would be that easy well I expected it to work because I've had laptops before almost everyone I've gotten that I've taken out of the dumpster is working bloody Norton oh goodness high-risk license Kiera oh it's trackpad on this things a bit dodgy but anyway you know it's not the world's best laptop but anyway you know might be useful for something over that hard drive definitely nuke and I wouldn't keep the 512 gig Sol estate driving this geez that's a bit that's a bit rich yeah I'll use it for another much more powerful machine but yeah we know we're not chicken dinner I like that but if you like that please give it a big thumbs up and yeah check out my library channel 15,000 436 followers woot and as always you can comment down below or on the EEV blog forum catch you next time [Music]
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 124,497
Rating: 4.9120541 out of 5
Keywords: eevblog, video, dumpster diving, laptop repair
Id: YfpUggLais4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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