EEVblog #414 - Apple Macintosh SE Teardown

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hi welcome to tear down Tuesday why am I wearing an Apple t-shirt I hear you ask I'm not an Apple fanboy but I am a fanboy of old vintage computers and we love a vintage computer tear down here on the eevblog so today I've got classic it's not that light classic Macintosh se computer from the late 80s let's check it out and yes folks this is a genuine Apple t-shirt direct from someone who works at the headquarters in the USA one of my viewers thank you very much so this is the Macintosh se model it's I believe two models up from the original Macintosh it started out is the original Mac then it went the Mac Plus and then it went the Mac se I'm sure the fanboys will correct me if I'm wrong it's the model 5 double 1o with the 1 Meg of memory and the 20 Meg built-in hard drive now this one the original Mac came out in 84 this one came out in 87 and was discontinued in about 1990 so it should be anywhere in that vintage I'm not sure exactly what year it is let's hope it's 1980s because I love the 80s brilliant classic Macintosh art form factor 9 inch screen massive 512 by 384 resolution monochrome black and white display know this color rubbish and the max went with the white display instead of the more common green or amber whatever at the time that were used on PCs and other what other personal computers around at that age and as you probably know the Macintosh runs on the classic motorola 68000 processor which is still even used today in some things it is an absolute vintage processor that was used in a whole range of machines it runs at a whopping seven point eight or eight megahertz something like that this thing thirty nine hundred US dollars originally with the 20 Meg whopping 20 mega built-in hard drive which this one has got now I'm not sure as this one actually works it is that supposed to so we'll find out after the teardown because you know we say you're on the eevblog don't turn it on take it apart and here it is as you can see it's a quite well it's a relatively small compact unit weighs about seven point eight kilos or something like that we'll take a good look at the various ports on the thing in a minute and it's a classic McIntosh shape of course and but you can see that it's all like your load you can see that had a sticker up the top here and a bit of a sticker on here which is peeled off and it's all yellowed and this is a very common for vintage electronics like this because that's the the bromide in the plastic actually you know leeches out of the thing over time and with UV exposure and stuff like that so that bromide is used in the flame retardant in the plastic in these things so very common for these things to turn yellow you can get some hydrogen peroxide I think and various other techniques to I get the yellow out of this but yeah it's got that classic vintage yellow look and yep classic vintage computer smell love it and on the front here we've got some vent ports here we've got a three and a half inch floppy on this thing power LED up there the Apple logo Macintosh se and underneath here we have a screen nut brightness adjustment control but that's it for the front and we'll take a look at the ports on the back here we have on the left side - apple desktop bus ports and that was supposedly I'm the protocol and the interface for that was designed by the was himself beautiful good Anya was and this DB 19 connector here that is a disk drive interface port and this db25 here is that not a serial interface or anything that's actually a scuzzy port and then we have two serial one one for the serial printer and one for the serial modem serial comms and audio output and there's a label on it Macintosh se it's got one megabyte of RAM and 800 K are three and a half inch drive and a 20 Meg's scuzzy hard drive haha beautiful and made in the United States of America beautiful and the model number is M 50 11 or a switching power supply to our beloved low FCC ID blah blah blah blah blah but there you go and we've got a fan on the back here and that's about all she wrote looks like we have a locking mechanism here that looks like you know you put it in so that nobody steals your little back and we've got the original keyboard here there's the Apple logo it's got the Apple white desktop bus connector on both sides there so that's a really good design decision so that you can plug it in either side and you can plug your mouse into the side of the keyboard or into the back of the unit really quite neat I like it and it is the Apple keyboard to Apple Computer Inc and that's the the family number mo4 8 7 for those playing along at home copyright 1990 Apple Computer Inc so there you go if this one's our 1990 then this could be a 1990 vintage computer assembled in Taiwan not in the US it's got a couple little flip out feet here and a couple of little rubber slide stoppers down there and it does feel quite a heavy ender dinner response is a little bit Dutch soft and spongy but it's not a big keyboard and we have an original Apple Mouse with this thing - yeah none of this optical rubbish it's got a real mousy ball in there and that is the Apple desktop bus Mouse family number gu five four three one for those playing along at home once again made in Taiwan and of course we have to take a peek inside this thing don't we so let's lift it off four screws on the bottom and tada we're in look at that or through-hole technology and there you go it's actually a Logitech mouse it's a rev B PCB it's got a Logitech branded custom chip in there and date code eighty nine four six there you go bastard - in 39 or transistors and a few passive stuff and you can see the optical encoder wheel down there for the x-axis as I move the mouse back and forth there you go that's how they used to work before the optical mice these days which are you know take an image of the surface that you're rolling on right they do them with a wheel and some photo and some leads and phototransistors there to work interrupter every time it passes through the light passes through one of those slits you can easily get the direction and of course we have one for the y-direction as well and in the keyboard here there's a nothing much happening there's larger 40-pin dip which is a manufactured by national semiconductor but it says copyright Apple 1990 it's a yeah 8 a 48 which is a classic controller chip used in all sorts of stuff we got an inductor up here and weird-looking inductor but it is right next to the Apple desktop bus and another one over here near the other desktop bus and there's a metal plate under there which they've earthed down in there a couple of flat flex going over the cable but ah nothing that exciting does have a reset button though tada so the 8o 48 used in this thing is actually a yard just you know a general-purpose micro I microcontroller but they do seem to be very widely used in that keyboards back in the 80s that's for sure and probably still even today maybe if you could still you know or well into the 90s or maybe early 2000 keyboards but it's interesting that they have this reset switch up here I you know I don't know another keyboard that actually has a reset switch on it maybe it's some quirk to do with the Apple desktop bus or something I don't know now if there's one thing I do like about this Mac is the big carry handle on the top here it's big it's deep and you can really get your hand right up under there and just you know throw this thing around and you know you don't have any real real fear of dropping the thing it's really quite nice so folks it is hair down time now this thing it's got to what stalks screws on the back here but looks like the other talk screws yeah you probably can't see it but they are embedded way way down deep in there and not sure if I have a Torx screwdriver long enough to get to it so just a regular Torx screwdriver like this it really doesn't know quite get in there because it just gets jammed on the case and the it's all too big so another option now this one looks like it's going to do the business but as it turns out this top part of the shaft here that holds the magnetic bit in place is just slightly too wide and it just gets a bit jammed in there and doesn't really doesn't really work so it turns out I've got an extender piece here for it and that one is slightly thinner than that one and how high can I get that to lock into place there we go and I think we have it that's coming out not sure how far to turn it tada it's out self tapper and I believe that's probably it four screws on the thing I'm assuming there we go and hopefully the case will just sort of lift off I'm not sure though oh there's one thing I wanted to show you is the bottom plate on this thing let's I probably should have left those screws in actually check this out it looks like somebody's actually installed a custom plate on this thing it looks like it's stuck down with double-sided tape on there which is really really quite weird double-sided tape and then there's this plate on the back and then it's got these little screwin sort of feet on the bottom of it and I'm not sure and sort of these little things I'm not sure actually what's going on there I'm tempted just to rip the whole thing off but I couldn't be bothered let's open the case so I've got the screws out now what I guess you might have some plastic latches around the outside I'm assuming so yeah let me work on it now it looks like it just needed a bit of gentle persuasion there to sort of lever it out it was just a bit crusty and stuck together over all those years so yep it looks like maybe yeah I can see CRT is attached to the front you can see that that's not coming out so I'm assuming that that is back case well yep the back case is just going to lift off so if I put that down tada ah there it is ah do that thing a beauty and that for those who are curious about the famous signatures on the inside of the case yep they're all there check it out and there folks is Steve Jobs tada and that's done by rule engravers incorporated they do mold texture in beautiful Illinois and here we have a rather vintage Ender crusty looking main unit the main CRT in the neck board on there high voltage supply we've got our hard drive in there has a Sony power supply will try and access the well with that in more detail but yeah there's all the crud and I really should take this thing outside and blow everything out of it and on the high voltage CRT driver board on the side here it takes up the whole side of the cabinet here the whole left-hand side looking from the front and it's got big protection cardboard sheet on the side with various instructions with the adjustment potholes which is really nice we've got focus adjustment we've got cut off we got width and height so you could get in there and die if you didn't like the width and height of your run the screen that they gave you out of the factory presumably you could adjust that right to the edge warning this board here is your yep there we go just a shielding sheet there Rev II jeez how many rooms do you think that way look there are a few ribs just for shielding sheet with a plastic insert of course plastic cover on that and today we're into the back of the board look at that beautiful so what we've probably got here is a four layer board of course you can see the internal planes in there and have it all be running on the same 5 volt power bus of course they probably don't have any other voltage rails in there are not too many you know that have some for our you know cereal and stuff like that of course but all the logic would be a 5-volt logic and probably that's our main 68000 that processor and another custom chip in here that looks like it's probably our power connector up there and yeah just a four layer board it's neatly laid out I like it you'll notice that down in here they've actually got something which was quite innovative on a Apple Macintosh was an expansion bus connector down here and even to this day you can buy like our add-on expansion cards which you know speed the thing up and have much faster processing and coprocessors and all sorts of stuff and you know it was sort you know you could plug the card down into here but of course apparently it was it's right next to the high voltage part of the CRT here and well you know um yeah it's not good that's why Apple recommended that users do not replace or you know plug-in those boards and souls you had to take it back to a dealer or that was their recommendation anyway now try to get my hand in there to get onto the lever to pull out - to release the power supply connector in there you see how they put that oval cutout down the bottom down there so you got to stick your finger up under there like that to try and ah man it's next to impossible I don't know now the workers must have had small hands it must have been part of the requirement there we go oh no oh man this is a pain in the ass well I got it so if this full time blogging gig goes to buggery I could probably get a job in the Apple factory brilliant now I think the board looks like it probably just slides out yep I think I've got all the cables oops nope oops there was a looks like a two pin speaker connector which I probably bent the pins on that but tada there we go beautiful and here it is here's the main board in an Apple Macintosh S II brilliant and we'll look at several of the chips in more detail and there we have the Apple logo on there and this is the dip sim Mac se model it's got eight - OH - OH - 500 19 copyright 1988 and it's got a barcode label on there as well if anyone knows how to you know decipher that barcode label where it came from and you know I don't know what factory it came from is that a you know a revised model or whatever let us know and here we have the main motorola MC 68,000 p processor it's upside-down all the electrons are going to fall out there it is and next to the main processor here we have looks like a our custom Apple ASIC chip it's the 3 3 4 s Oh 603 - a and decode 88 3 6 so I'm and 88 to 6 on the processor here and most of the other chips are 88 you know sort of mid to late 88 week branded so it looks like this thing was probably manufactured late 88 early 89 it's got coffee right 88 all over the things so it looks like we do have a vintage 80s model here love it but this custom ASIC I only had a brief look for it and apparently it integrates 19 chips from the plus a gal chip or something from the original Mac plus and apparently it accesses the memory which is above it twice as fast as it did in the Mac plus so you know faster updating and that sort of stuff so that really enables a lot of the functionality in this Mac SOE and this board has all four SIM slots up populated and I believe there are one Meg per slot so this has the full form egg in it beauty and you can see the expansion slot over here are heavily tied into the processor by way of the traces there's this MLS two four fives there as well presumably to help with that and um the reason it's called the back se is because it's apparently stands for our system expansion because it had this expansion header in it and we have some seven for f-series logic fast logic 257 to are presumably looks like it hooks into the memory there and up in the corner here we've got two tactile switches marked a and B I have no idea what they do I have to look it up I hope I didn't it is about battery power by the way there is a battery backup battery in here so well yep I don't know they don't seem to protrude from the case to the outside world anywhere so no idea I am 26 RLS 30 and companion to companion LS 32 there are RS thought for 32 white drivers and receivers for the serial bus and then we've got an MC 34 double 8 that's an RS 43 transceiver and here we have the classic zilog serial communications chip and the two Apple runs they've actually got those are masked for them so their master owns copyright Apple 1986 and by the way are NYC resistor the hackerspace they actually found some hidden images inside the roms images of the developers there were several wife photos of our groups of the developers of the Macintosh hidden in there so I'll link that down down below so check that out it's really interesting how they reverse engineered these are roms and actually got the images out of them it's beautiful and there's the main crystal they're fifteen point six six seven two double-o megahertz and that of course would be R divided by two Fe main system clock so that would give a main system clock of seven point eight three three six megahertz and here we have a classic 16 la to power that would just have some glue logic in that and it looks like a some sort of VLSI arm ASIC custom Apple chip as well that's um copyright Apple 82 ancient and there's another Apple branded part and that's the real-time clock chip it's you know probably just an off-the-shelf hour clock chip but they've got them to our custom branded Apple for them so that's happened a lot in this thing so Apple send even back in now you know the late 80s they seemed quite paranoid about getting that Apple branding on a lot of these chips and there's an Apple branded chip manufactured by Sony three four three double O four five B and it's got SN d above it so I'm presuming that is the sound chip and it makes a sense because it's not too far away from the sound output port side there and check this out folks look what we have here we have a microchip path as in microchip pic this would I'm fairly certain would be an early microchip pic part and of course it manufactured by microchip it would be masked Ronde as well and that is for the ADB you can see that written on the right-hand side that's the apple desktop bus so they're using a microchip pic chip in an Apple Macintosh se go figure and down here we have a classic Rockwell branded 65 23 VIII or versatile interface adapter that's got various timers in it and parallel interface and some serial stuff as well very common chip in pcs back in the 80s and down the bottom of the board near the scuzzy connector is obviously this scuzzy controller that's the AM 5380 which is capable of a whopping one point five megabits per second whoo-hoo all under your hat and just from my German viewers made in West Germany varta brilliant and really that's all there is to the main board these are surprisingly not much on there at all it's a very well integrated with you know several Asics and stuff like that so you know it really gets the chip count down and there's the three and a half inch hard drive folks much bigger than today's look at that a mix of through-hole technology and also you know like surface mount PLCC stuff you know even a dip run on the thing can you believe it little hybrid over here check that out little lot sip yeah it's a sip hybrid single inline package ceramic cow hybrid that's been dunked down in there it's a thoughtfully got a date code on there 30th September 1988 so this is definitely an 88 vintage machine and this is a whopping 20 megabytes I'm not sure sure who the manufacturer is though and the power supply here is the Sony model CR 44 and there it is it's got the specs there five volts at six hours plus 12 volts for the sweep at 1.25 ebbs and dad plus 12 volts for the disc - at 2.1 amps and minus 12 volts at half an amp so I think I might call it quits for the teardown part of this thing today I won't get into I won't take out the drives and the power supply and all that sort of stuff sorry for you our power supply aficionados there but yeah I want to actually put this thing back together power it up and I've only had a little bit of time left to do that so fingers crossed it actually works alright let's try and power this sucker up and see if it still works let's give it a go there's a switch right on the back here which is really annoying don't know why they designed it Oh beep nice clunking noises listen go to screen flicker in it's flickering more on the camera than is in real life it's going to do anything hey we have a mouse pointer hey welcome to Macintosh looks like this thing is working a treat sorry you're getting a flicker on the display on the camera display here not a huge amount I can do about that I don't think and we have a mouse pointer mouse is working woohoo we're in hard drive trashcan apple icon - uh about the finder we're in finder six point one point eight and the system ROM is 6.08 Larry John Steve and Bruce good on your Apple Computer Inc ninety eighty three to nineteen ninety it's got a total of four Meg memory and the finder takes one hundred and sixty K in the system takes seven hundred and ninety K G's if you had a standard one mega system you wouldn't have much left over at all if you had the finder and the system in there oh lucky this one's got four Meg and woohoo we have a screen saver that's turned on look at that state-of-the-art graphics there folks and sorry folks I can't get rid of the flicker on this thing and the white balance may actually be slightly out because it on the LCD here it looks a bit blue ish but it's actually a black and white display of course now I can actually go in and change the white balance so let me try and adjust that so there you go I turned it up to 5,000 K in the lab here it's normally a normally should at 4200 K and that's what it if you do the white balance adjustment with a white sheet of paper that's what you get but had to turn it up a bit to make it look I think more realistic on screen to what it actually is so we got black and white so here's the Macintosh and of course we only have a single mouse button check it out on this - mouse button business which is a bit hard for a a Windows person like me to get used to so let's have a look at the calculator here stunning state of the art for being our calculator as they're called terrific stuff I love it key cats Microsoft mail scrapbook staff directory with staff directory probably still has someone's data on it I'm assuming I don't know if that's are normally part of the I assume it's not so assume it's like some sort of app that they've installed it's taking its fat time about it that's for sure staff directory there you go all well no clearly notes it up they've installed and they haven't got anyone in there whoop-dee-doo let's get out of that and let's have a kick out Microsoft male control panel chooser alarm clock let's go into control panel you can hear the hard drive clunking away in there it's great ah there's the screen saver there you go and file save our keyboard I can't do two things at once Mac TCP the mouse so even back then they had you know networking local talk and there's not anything terribly interesting there so let's go into special restart shutdown arrays disk don't to do that set startup options that's pretty much all you can do in there and we don't have any other programs installed on the Apple menu there so that's going to the hard drive and hey there's programs SimCity looks like it's got SimCity installed and virus tools and system folder and that's it let's go into SimCity let's play it ah it is Dave town I love it I've got to have a look at Dave town so assuming we can double click on that because it is associated with the simcity up there we go SimCity circus simulator version 1.4 copyright 89 to 90 - brilliant the SimCity still around our people still play the sims I'll look at that city map comprehensive shut that down we're looking at Dave town I don't know how to play SimCity looks like we have 51,000 dollars in funds it's I guess the date is February 2028 is that right bulldoze an area for a dollar oh we had some ah this no no color cuz you can you can't figure out what's what here - I've no idea how to play SimCity oh look I'm bulldozing everything mi is that what I'm doing ah terrific good stuff what options are we got up here file options Auto bulldozer auto go to game speed disasters fire flood air crash tonight Oh earthquake monster love a monster let's put a monster in our can we put a monster in there no I don't know I don't know how to play this stupid thing Oh Oh monster attack a large reptilian creature has been spotted in the water seems to be attracted to areas of high population there is a trail of destruction wherever it goes as a last resort try calling blah blah blah blah blah sorry I don't know my kin G characters they're havin that wait till he leaves and rebuild from the rubble oh dear oh man everything's quite slow like the redraw and the screen and stuff like that really is bottlenecked lode scenario Save Changes No aha look at this San Francisco 1906 earthquake Hamburg 1944 after the bombing wasn't much left of Hamburg I've been to Hamburg great city love it Detroit 1972 crime monster attacking Tokyo ah Boston 2010 meltdown a major meltdown is about to occur at one of the new downtown nuclear reactors whoo fantastic do that there you go anyway this sucker seems to work a treat I like it it's going to programs here and see what we've got you can't know you've got to actually click on the little folder there Microsoft Works FileMaker macwrite stats for you tools Microsoft Excel let's try Excel love the sound of the hard drive going clunk clunk clunk clunk or the application Microsoft Excel has unexpectedly quit - what a bummer ah fail tools copy - that's for copying discs I think and super conveyor I felt yeah boring so there you go anyway it seems to work an absolute treat very very old-school I mean it's very slow you can see it drawing the windows and stuff like that you can see it actually drawing the menus up there and it's just incredibly slow all this site graphic because back then you know this was very graphic intensive stuff so it you know it really struggled to do the business back then with the processor and the speed that these systems had and if we select our hard drive here and have a look at the info what do we got there you go twelve and a half Meg use to end up just over 12 Meg available I guess on disk there you go so that's a you know a 2004 25 megabyte discs in this thing are scuzzy of course and there's a hundred and fifty-five totals files total on the disk I'm going to presume that that you know includes all the system files and everything else nowadays 155 files jeez one of my teardown videos you know I generate one hundred and fifty-five files crazy well I'm afraid as interesting as this thing is from a retro point of view it's absolutely useless for anything but I just love the look and the form factor of this thing so if you've got any ideas of what I can actually do with this classic Apple Macintosh se please let me know in the comments or on the EEV blog forum so I don't know you can take the screen out turn into a fish tank or something like that but heck if you got any good ideas let me know catch you next time you you
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 192,676
Rating: 4.8866062 out of 5
Keywords: apple, macintosh, macintosh se, apple macintosh se, 1980's, vintage, teardown, review, mod, hack, pcb, memory, upgrade, expansion, 68000, 68000 processor, microchip pic, apple desktop bus, woz, wozniak, rom, image, screen, boot, operating system, bromine, bromide, yellow, yellowing, yellow case, fix, how to, disassemble, vintage computer, old computer
Id: M_Qq5nVCsRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2013
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