eevBLAB #74 - 5G Causes EVERYTHING!

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hi yes it's 5g whack-job time let's have a good laugh at all the hysteria mass hysteria dogs and cats living together human sacrifice dogs and cats living together mass hysteria about how 5g is causing the coronavirus and all sorts of rubbish like this anyway of course Thunderfoot has already covered this as i'll link in his video about a5t causing coronavirus but I thought I've had a whole bunch of people contact me about whack-job 5g stuff because if you have a look recently in the news like this is like the last day or whatever last couple of that YouTube tries to limit spread of false 5g coronavirus claims after mobile phone towers attacked cellphone towers attacked us conspiracy theories in connecting 5g and coronavirus gained steam at least 20 UK phone must vent alized / false 5g coronavirus phase Phi G cell towers torsion the UK people are saying coronaviruses a cover-up for 5g it's like whack-job central really it's a hilarious celebrities are spread in a wacky coronavirus 5g conspiracy theory and they need to stock Minister claims 5g coronavirus conspiracy theories is dangerous nonsense conspiracy between New Zealand lockdown and 5g rollout unraveled and blah blah blah blah blah anyway it's it's just absolutely ridiculous yeah all these 5g antennas on these cruise ships they're really causing the coronavirus thought it's just burying the needle on the mental retardation PKE meter this is insane anyway there's like videos like this one people have pointed me to about some whack-job who's done a teardown of a 5g streetlight and it's a weapon and he shows various modules I won't like I'm not even good this is ridiculous I'm not even gonna and this will not be a proper debate we're just gonna have a laugh and we'll actually go through this international appeal to stop 5g on Earth and space anyway no why was it when was this anyway the amp-hour 430 I recommend you listen to it this is scheria from the signal path who is heads up the millimeter wave ASIC research team at Bell Labs actually designing the millimeter wave Asics used in 5g technology and he talks all about this so if you want to know the technical details about all this art by all means check that out it highly recommended I'll link it in down below it's sure and I like talking for like an hour an hour and a half about millimeter wave design and transmission and all sorts of stuff so really cool anyway let's go over to here this people have been pointing to me to this the 5g space appeal org an emergency appeal to the world's governments by scientists doctors environmental organizations and others so yeah if you read the appeal here and we will go through it it's look at all this and it's all referenced look at all these little numbers next to every single thing is referenced and we could spend hours and hours and hours going down oh my girl look at this unbelievable and here's all the references here we go we could look at or we could go in insight all of these references but I thought I haven't gone through it yet but this is whack job central stuff really let's just let's go but first of all follow the money let's go to the about page here who's actually running this the signatories to this appeal are scientists doctors in environmental organizations so every Contin who have been working tirelessly for many years to call the world's attention to an invisible assault on our biosphere and that assault can be ignored no longer 5g the fifth generation of wireless technology must not be built on earth or in space the notion that radiofrequency commonly known as radio waves is somehow not real radiation and is harmless was disproven in the 1970s and laboratories all over the world and the harm to humans animals and plants has since been confirmed in over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies if 5 G's built radiation levels were increased ten to a hundredfold virtually overnight everywhere they will literally no place on earth died from it the effects and levels of radiofrequency radiation already existing now on the health of the population in the environment as reflected in quality of life high rates of cancer neurological disease heart rate diabetes evening children plummeting populations of birds bees and butterflies and unhealthy forests can be seen and felt everywhere yeah it's probably like those sort of things have probably got nothing to do with the fact that the like the earth is like warmed up like what is it half a degrees or at least or something in the last like 30 50 years or something like that so ya know it's you know correlation always equals causation oh we've had yeah B numbers are plummeting so it's got to be the 5g radiation winning argument because if we go over to spurious correlations here I mean look at this suicide by hanging strangulation and suffocation matches the US spending on science technology Space and Technology clear you know correlation equals causation here the number of people who've drown by falling into a pool and vs. films Nicolas Cage has appeared in it's not bad correlation there it's pretty good look at this per capita cheese consumption the number of people have died by becoming tangled in their bed sheets at we just have to stop cheese consumption I'm gonna start a like a an appeal thing now get signatories this is ridiculous anyway look how many people they got to sign this as of April 7 two hundred and twenty seven thousand five hundred ninety six people without a clue have from two hundred eleven nations and territories of sign this appeal Wow let's let's have a look at Australia our land our water our future in Gosford abundant happiness Australian College of environmental studies of course an organic store so yeah all of these companies Asians of all sign this it's just in Australia I mean this is just ridiculous so let's check out the person behind this arthur Furstenberg he's free cv got a cellphone taskforce not oh god this will be good ah curriculum vitae of guy a good maid Arthur let's have a look he's the founder and prisoner cellphone task force and author of the invisible rainbow a history of electricity and life Mesilla he is also author of microwaving our planet the environmental impact of the wireless revolution cellphone task force 1996 it was editor of the journal no place to hide a huge circulation on that pile I was a regular subscriber since 1996 the task force has provided a global clearinghouse for information about wireless technologies injurious effects and a national support network for people disabled they've been disabled by all this cell phone RF technology ah in 1997 the task force was the lead litigant in a challenge bought by over 50 citizen groups they've been getting against the FCC's limits for human exposure to radiofrequency radiation how'd they get on with that anyone know post in the comments down below freshmen berg is also present in the Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety which he co-founded in 2005 which found a successful campaign to oppose citywide Wi-Fi in Santa Fe yeah how's that working out now Wi-Fi is everywhere instead of a let me see if I can fly the map yeah Santa Fire here we go something tells me very successful downtown Santa for I don't never been to Santa favorite anyway downtown Santa Fe sorry it's a riddled with Wi-Fi oops and right back here in episode 55 Wow in January 2010 that's a blast from the past back in the old garage I did this video on the radiation levels of Wi-Fi because you could apparently harness energy from Wi-Fi nough showed you how little energy is available in Wi-Fi and I go through the numbers here on the whiteboard surprise surprise here's a little secret you might not know RF energy drops off with a square of the distance and when you've got an antenna that's with a 360-degree radiation pattern like Wi-Fi you calculate one small area one dis one small like square centimeter area like one meter away from the antenna and you can calculate how much power is in that one square centimeter or whatever it's yeah half Abby's dick but you know don't let the facts get in the way of a good story here's president of New Mexicans for utility safety which he co-founded in 2015 which is which succeeded in stopping the deployment of smart meters in New Mexico cities he co-founded the global Union against a radiation deployment from space in 2014 to oppose global wireless internet from thousands of satellites in space - well SpaceX really pumping those satellites up there unbelievable but he's a published author look at these in renowned journals articles by Freeston burger or about his work have appeared in mother jones the ecologist earth island journal vegetarian x like thank you forget getting something published in nature it no vegetarian times that is the that is the pinnacle of scientific research vegetarian x and wow it's got to be true Village Voice new reader Townsend letter for doctors and patients Oh New York Daily News San Francisco Chronicle and other newspapers and magazines after graduating with a BA in mathematics so yeah not an engineer he attended the University of California Irvine School of Medicine from 1978 to 82 injury by x-ray overdose sorry to hear Arthur but yeah x-rays are really powerful and they're really close to you danger Will Robinson yeah cut short his medical career for the past 37 years he's been a researcher consultant and lecturer on health and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiations yeah so just because he got injured by an x-ray overdose cut short his medical career since then yeah ahrefs the problem but back in 1960 seven it was the winner of the Westinghouse Science Talent Search Wow hang on he had a Bachelor of Arts in with major in mathematics I thought yeah Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts in method and so it's not it's an Arts degree with a major in mathematics okay anyway highly highly credentialed in the medical and engineering fields obviously and he's practically a superhero look at this injured by overdose of x-rays he became hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation aha Wow like does he have a cape I mean it seriously you need a cape capes are cool I'm just saying you could have like electromagnetic spectrum on the back of the cape or something like that became hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation can't be all up here no so yeah pretty much I think for the last 40 years he's been running this whole I stick to do with yeah RF radiation and all sorts of other like hypersensitivity and cell phones cause cancer and whatnot so yeah that's who's running this whole shebang great you know we've got other signatories here let's have a look scientist have a look at engineers shall because we do know engineers I wonder if read PDF in engineers let's have a look Oh engineers Australia okay here we go ah Mohan he's got a Bachelor of Technology ah Peter good on you Wow all these engineers in Australia signed it must be legit Wow let's keep going and going and going and going Wow I feel left out geez is it some secret handshake I'm missing out on Austria not Australia all right let's have a look at these world-renowned scientists once again Australia look at them all well they signed us they're all signing up they're all signing up for this whoo whoo well they must have all missed out on their basic science 101 class I'm guessing but yep nope nope nope in Austria again and Luna and all these other people who signed it I mean like is 227,000 chiropractors ah the woowoo field of choice build it what's a building biologist okay um okay veterinarians are beekeepers other professions sex workers signing up to stop 5g because it'll impact their business yeah boy anyway let's read the appeal ah this could go on for hours and hours just tick back to the UN the who are you Council of Europe Europe and governments of all nations we the undersigned scientists doctors environmental organizations and citizens from blink-blink countries urgently call for a halt of the deployment of 5g fifth-generation wireless network including 5g from space satellites 5g will massively increase exposure to radio frequency RF radiation on top of the 2g 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications actually 2g is now defunct 3G is like going this at least here in Australia I think is going like this year or next year or something they've already announced it's our retirement so it's like if you don't have 4G he'sjust things will stop working I mean you can't use a 2g phone anymore RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment yeah it can be if you get close enough but that's the trick ain't it the deployment of 5g constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law no it's basic engineering yes there's been a ton of research on the effects of this and most of the studies show well unless you're like got your phone pretend this is my phone I don't carry my phone around anyway unless you keep it up like this like all day like you're one of these business people who keep it here like 24/7 and you're continuously transmitting like this I did yeah you can get some localized heating effect and stuff like that and it could actually cause a problem in extreme cases but most people we use one for like 10 minutes a day or whatever even like a narrow day perhaps it's not really a problem that's why it's so hard to actually find a real research that actually proves it I mean I'm talking about like proper peer-reviewed research that comprehensively proves that it's a problem it's not but it can be and that's the thing in all these woowoo claims there's always a kernel of truth in there and that's how they pull people in and suck you in for those who actually don't couldn't be bothered which is 99.9 99% of people more that have practically a hundred percent of people who will sign this I guarantee have not gone into the actual claims for this down the bottom and gone and looked at the references that actually tried to understand them guaranteed I bet you there's not one person on that list apart from the guy who's actually done it is actually bothered to go in and read this stuff telecommunication companies worldwide with the support of governments are poised within the next two years to roll out the fifth generation wireless network this is set to deliver what is acknowledged to be unprecedented unprecedented societal change on a global scale we will have smart homes smart businesses smart highway smart cities yeah and self-driving cars are decades off look I'm not a fan of smart home appliances even in fact I'm not even a fan of 5g because 5g is if you listen to sharing on the signal path it's very it's designed for extremely high bandwidth sort of like pretty much kind of yeah you can electronically steer it but basically point-to-point kind of thing it's just not a replacement for 4G and it's like it's not gonna we're gonna have one day 4G vanish in 5g be the thing it just can't happen you need so many points of presence I guess so what's the correct term so many like transceivers scattered around the place it's next to impossible it's not a replacement for 4G technology so it's like it's just matt has some nice use but like people aren't going to be transitioning to fight G why on earth do you need like you know one gigabit per second on your phone it's just absolutely ridiculous what is not widely acknowledged is that this will also result in unprecedented environmental change at global scale the planned density of radio frequency transmitters is impossible to envisage in addition to millions in new 5g base stations and open 20,000 new satellites in space 200 billion transmitting objects according to estimates will be part of the Internet of Things yeah you know anything's growing and one trillion objects a few years later commercial 5g at lower frequencies the slowest speeds was deployed in Qatar Finland Estonia mid 2018 the rollout of 5g at extremely high millimeter wave frequencies is planned to begin at the 20 end of 2018 looks like this has been going a while it's a thing but it's just something my attention recently so yeah the thing about this is that all these you know one trillion objects the Internet of Things is like extremely low-power we're talking like Bluetooth and ant and other low-power protocols it's not like little 5g Internet of Things things pumping out like watts of power on a little node it's ridiculous we're down in like the micro watt region so even if there was a 5g transmitter 100 meters away on the building I can see over there like that by the time it gets here and gets through the window because it's attenuated hugely through our objects as pretty much you know line-of-sight you can't have anything in the way for 5g it's absorbed very easily and by the time it hits my window here we found in the microwatt region it's not a problem it's about energy heating you don't get much heating from microwatts you see the thing is well 5g is higher frequency than 4G we're talking typically like 25 plus a gigahertz here as opposed to like like 5 odd gigs whatever the current 4G and networks operated at under that in various places really we're not talking about any higher transmission or reception levels but but we are talking about more transmitters per tower for example these are so-called MIMO antenna arrays like a 5g system because it will have more slots available it might have an array of you know 64 by 64 transmitters and receivers for example where is a 4G tower might only have like four by four at most something like that but in terms of the actual if the towers a hundred meters away on that roof next door to me there we're talking basically the same power level actually hidden like per square centimeter per meter however you want to measure it of a person or the antenna of the reception of your mobile phone or whatever so it's essentially no different to what we already have with the 4G system there's nothing magical about 5g yeah it's higher frequency but that doesn't make a dangerous in fact it makes it less dangerous because it's less able to penetrate various objects I'm behind glass here it's not gonna penetrate this glass very well unlike the 4G signal that my mobile phone can pick up you know I get four bars here or whatever and where as 5g I'll probably get zippity-doo-dah because it's got to come through either let the glass and the walls and things like that so in fact it's really less of a problem then how current 3G and 4G systems in terms of like electromagnetic power levels 5g just uses a wider frequency band so it has and hence why we can get higher bandwidth and things that has more slots available on each tower so that everyone can get their one gig or ten gigabit connection or whatever like that or more people can get it then you'd get on the 4G network because it's using up and narrower our frequency range so therefore the data rate is effectively got to be lower than 5g but in terms of like power level there's nothing magic in 5g you're magically dangerous about 5g in fact I think it's probably less dangerous than 4G or 3G it's just dumb and they love to use words like this I'm sure I'm surprised it's not in bold you know the rollout of 5g at extremely high millimeter wave frequencies is planned to begin as if the frequency has some edge that just makes it more dangerous in that case over light boy better shut your eyes you don't want to be you know bombarded with all that light radiation you get in despite widespread denial the evidence that radio frequency RF radiation is harmful to life is already overwhelming is it really accumulated clinical evidence of sick and injured human sick and injured human beings like scientifically proven from radiation because this guy got dosed with some x-rays and got turned into forty years ago superhero damage to DNA cells and organ systems in a wide variety plants and hours and epidemiological evidence that our major diseases that the major diseases of modern civilization cancer heart disease and diabetes in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution forms of literature based on well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies written on toilet paper if the telecommunication industry's plans for 5g come to fruition no person no animal no baby no insect no flames earth weirdo avoid exposure 24 hours a day 365 days a year two levels of RF radiation that attend to hundreds of times greater than what exists today really are they yeah we might have more towers around and things like that Ben in terms of reception level it's the same thing we're already completely surrounded by RF radiation and it hasn't proved actually proven scientifically proven to be a problem and permanent damage to all of the Earth's ecosystems I think the earth quite capable of taking care of itself thank you very much immediate measures must be taken to protect humanity and the environment in accordance with ethical imperatives and international agreements 5g result in a massive increase in inescapable involuntary exposure to wireless radiation dude just go live in the woods you'll be fine you'll be getting like that.i watts for the satellites you'll be okay just build your house out of tea fine ground base 5g in order to transmit the enormous amounts of data required for the Internet of Things 5g technology when fully deployed Internet of Things as little tiny power devices that mostly that need you know like micro watts of power consumption they run off the smell of an oily rag they're not gonna be transmitted down on 5g they even admit Paulie transmitted through solid material this will require every carrier to install base stations every hundred meters in every urban area in the world yeah because the difference is is that lets say 4G 3G for example can penetrate the walls and the glass that were got here and I get X amount of microwatts a reception level it's gonna be no different if we've got a little micro 5 G transmitter like within like in the top of a warehouse or something like that you're still going to get the same reception levels it's not like they're gonna install like a 10 kilowatt transmitter at the top of that warehouses it's ridiculous they have these little different categories from micro transmitters and micro arrays just like this and I'm going to Wikipedia here so please forgive me if you're not a Wikipedia fanboy but look we have these different categories femtocells Pico sells micro sells Metro sells things like that they have different power output ratings you're talking tens of meters things like this you're not gonna even stall in as I said like a 10 kilowatt 5g tower in in a little warehouse that you know is like a 10 meter high roof or something like that you can install in like sub Wi-Fi levels this is lower lower levels then a typical Wi-Fi router but I guess yeah you tried to stop Wi-Fi back in the 90s or whatever that failed we're talking like serious ridiculous this is output power levels not to mention actual reception levels do the calculations drops with a stays square of the distance you can calculate okay you've got a hundred milli watt transmitter you can assuming that it's like a it's like shape like this for example you've got X square a radius on the ground calculate that radius calculate the amount of power per square centimeter or per square meter at that distance you'll find it's not fall Oh actually there you go they do actually compare Wi-Fi here here we go 22100 outdoors a bit like yeah typically like going your Wi-Fi router you can actually set to and they might even let you sit there like they let you set the output power level they might even tell you what it is in milli watts and that's the thing with these output ones like yeah okay it might be transmitting at like 10 watts 20 watts something like that you know you put it in the middle of some huge park or something like that and it's got a cover like hundreds of meters circle radius like this so unless you climb the freaking tower and stick your head right up to the thing it's not gonna be a problem I think you better ban all those like five watt walkie-talkies and stuff like your wacko walkie-talkie up to you head like one of those UHF radios and they're pumping out you know five watts or whatever next to your head and people are complaining about oh this might be like and maybe maybe tight five to ten watts output power for a micro cell for like hundreds of meters once again it's the word in here unlike previous generations of wireless technology in which a single antenna broadcast over a wide area 5g base stations of 5g devices will have multiple antennas are raised in phase arrays that work together to emit focused steerable laser light beams that just zap you like this car unbelievable in fact it's more efficient the thing is doing this sort of beam for me it actually leads to potentially leads to lower reception and transmitter powers because you're utilizing the transmit power and the bandwidths are in this particular case so for a given you know data throughput or something like that you could be talking about actually lower power levels than what you're talking about with our 3G 4G or other systems and there's been much talk about this the u.s. FCC has adopted rules a permitting effective power those beans to be as much as 20 watts 10 times more power so if we actually go over and have a look at these adopted rules here yeah you're going to hear peril limits they're talking about an AI R P which is the isotropic radiated effective isotropic radiated power density of plus 75 DBM per megahertz maximum and that yes is supposedly higher than 4G but what you can't take into account is that there's actually more losses in the transmission of this thing so they have to up the power a little bit but effective but the limits to the general public will go into our presentation here this is our from the FCC and yeah they say plus 75 DBM per 100 megahertz for fixed and base stations and they've got other limits for mobile stations and transportable stations and and stuff like that but yes so it could be higher a bit higher than 4G but the losses are greater if you have a look at this this is an Ericsson thing I think and if you have a look at here they've got like exclusion zones here's the antenna here and they've got existing guidelines for the ten watts per square meter the exclusion zone for the general public exclusion zones for workers which can be up to 50 watts per square meter and things like this so they still have to meet all of these requirements for exclusion zones in fact it's harder for 5g because of the potential to have a higher limit doesn't mean it's transmitting all the times and all the nodes and you can have a look at actually one of these are my mo small cell antennas here you can see this one's got to 512 that's not 512 and 10 that elements but oh yeah now there could be four per thing there anyway yeah like they're in an array like this so they can do beam for me and stuff like that but you're not going to always get the Maxima in fact you hardly ever get the maximum power output out of these things it's it's highly adaptive because the protocols and the communications is all like much more advanced than 3G and 4G which just it can dynamically change the power but this is far more advanced than 3G and 4G which just you know spew it out 5g is actually more advanced so it could actually be potentially safer than 3G or 4G or other types of you-know-who in transmission technology because it's so intelligent it can not only be informed but also modulate the output power as well so yeah look it's not a problem now if we have a look at who sets these guidelines it's the I see in IRP and if you go over the ICN I up here who are they the International Commission on non ionizing radiation protection so they're the ones who protect us from this and set the standards about these you know how far the transmitters have to be away and the reception power and all that sort of stuff anyway let's go down here characteristics of the applications there are a number of differences between 5g and previous wireless standards one of these is that in addition to the EMF frequencies that are used for 3G and 4G some 5g communications technologies utilize higher EMF frequencies eg 28 Giga Hertz is currently used in USA EMS at higher frequencies produce relatively superficial exposure relatively superficial exposure with less power penetrating deep into the body as I said like they have a hard time getting through objects like windows and walls like the 3G and you for GE do the restrictions in the guidelines account for this to ensure that exposure does not cause any harm different EMF frequencies also behave differently in an environment as a result additional antenna are required to utilize these higher frequencies because everything you know it's somebody fart so ten meters away it's gonna interfere with 5g that's how low-power these things are when they actually get to the receiver it's ridiculous these are not expected to affect the exposure scenario appreciably and initial measurement studies suggest that exposure from 5g antennas will be approximately similar to that of 3G and 4G antennas a key feature of the Phi G wireless standards that will use beamforming technology which allows for the RF EMF to be focused to the region where is needed ie G to a person using a mobile phone rather than being spread out over a large area this will allow for example the same RF EMF frequencies to be sent to different users concurrently without interfering with my mother which increases communication rates blah blah blah this also as I said this also reduces exposure in regions where communication is not needed 5g is actually better than 4G and 3G in this respect with no appreciable difference in the amount of EMF RF energy that's actually you're exposed to come on RF pmf's have the ability to penetrate the human body with the main effect being the rising temperature and the exposed tissue the human body can adjust the small temperature increases in the same way as it does when undertaking exercise and performing sporting activities geez I like still sweat for an hour after an intense class that's how hot my body's getting this is because the body can regulate its internal temperature however above a certain level referred to as the threshold RF exposure and the accompanying temperature rise can provoke serious health effects such as heat stroke and tissue damage yes if you're standing right next with your face like and pressed up against the transmitter another general characteristic is that the higher the frequency the lower the depth of penetration of the EMF sent to the body as 5g technologies can utilize high ms in addition those currently use power from those high frequencies be primarily absorbed more superficially than from previous mobile communications technologies yet people are just going nuts over 5g because of all the Toyo frequency it must be bad however although the proportion of power that is absorbed superficially as opposed to deeper is larger than the high is larger for the higher frequencies the restrictions have been set to expose that a resultant speaks yeah peak spatial power will remain far lower than that required to adversely affect health for cotton leaf IG exposures will not cause any harm providing that they adhere to the guidelines and as if so towers and mobile phones aren't going to adhere to these guidelines it's important to note that the at the levels measured so far they exist in 1998 regulations before 5g was even a wet dream would also provide protection for 5dg technology however got to predict how new technologies will develop they've made the one 2020 has made a number of changes to ensure that new technologies such as 5g will not be able to cause harm regardless of our current expectations these changes include the addition of whole body average restrictions for frequencies greater than six gigahertz restrictions for brief six minute exposures and for frequencies greater than six gig and the reduction of the averaging area for frequencies of our six key so there you go that's from the actual body that is responsible for setting the standards for like exposure limits and everything else so once again unless you climb the tower and stick your head up to the transmitter it's not gonna be a problem the actual reception thing for the general public look this is 25 meters away and we're already outside the general public like exclusion zone and things like that so for this huge base station it's pretty much just like a ball park on par with 3G it's not like magically a thousand times worse it's ridiculous all these fears are completely unfounded and once again multiple laser-like beams simultaneously zapping people like a laser flies happens it's a few can surf you can serve you at least five companies are proposing to provide 5g from space for a combined 20,000 satellites low and medium Earth orbit that will blink at the earth with powerful focused steerable beams each satellite will emit middle millimeter ways and effective radiator power up to five million watts yeah all of these our satellites have like five megawatt transmitters on they even admit it although the energy reaching the ground from satellites will be less than that from ground paste antennas it will radiate areas of Earth not reached by other transmitters will be additional degree and gather ground based on thanks it's like come on it's not just pumping it out like this it's more intelligent than that that's the reason for 5g and beam for me but even more importantly the satellites will be located in the Earth's magnetosphere which exerts sea significant influence over the electrical properties here the atmosphere the alteration of the Earth's electromagnetic environment may be an even greater threat to life and humanity than the radiation from ground-based antennas see below until we get into wacky thing I've already there's this thing about clouds let me show you this Jesus he'll mental retardation pka meters got off the scale for dr. Naomi Wolf if you enlarge you see tiny ways throughout this giant anomalous cloud formation could 5g be having unintended consequences EMF is a real thing that Europe more strictly Rijal it regulates in the u.s. I'm sold it's gotta be the 5g we were causing his cloud formation couldn't be any atmosphere any other atmospheric phenomenon nah look at it like God there it is there it is that is clear evidence I wish you could see these electrified looking clouds in the strange detail that my phone can capture also correlates with people's ears heads her team there's reasons that your head is hurting in 5g is 5g messing with delicate reactions of clouds and with fluids and tissues in human beings would make sense you think x-rays are energy this is great stuff over New York City a field of particulate shearing off to the right of man-made boundary line with these distinct fields of ripples 5g what is causing ripples like water and man-made cloud cover Andrew Cuomo isn't either like New York emissions visibility depends on atmospheric conditions among other things but yeah those ripples are damn weird microwave heaters in the atmosphere I confirmed now confirmed EM trails tomorrow Congress votes on 5g wouldn't new why wouldn't new energy ways create ripples in cloud cover other anomalies I'd it's clearly 5g and look at those chemtrails yep yep yep confirmed confirmed that's the new world order loominatee i yep i would like to thank the sponsor of this video the New World Order and the Illuminati thank you harmful effects of radiofrequency radiation are already proven because there's dozens of appeals from similar nutcase organizations yeah that's proof sure oh my god look at all these look at all these these are like miscarriage yeah cardiovascular does a cognitive impairment yeah anyone who believes this is cognitively impaired all right DNA damage oxidative stress what on earth is that it's clearly caused by 5g and RF in place increased free radicals I thought free radicals were a good thing I'm obviously behind the times 5g causes autism just like vaccines and ADHD as well I suspect it's not ADHD causing your kids to go hyper it's because they're kids damage goes well beyond the human races there is abundant evidence of harm to diverse plant and wildlife laboratory animals and birds honeybees fruit flies are the trees the trees just can't like just quit I ever done 5g the hoos International Agency for research on cancer concluded in 2011 in their RF radiation of frequencies 30 killers the 300 gig are possibly carcinogenic to humans however recent evidence includes a later studies and cell phone use and brain cancer it's indicative that RF radiation is is a proven carcinogenic to humans oh let's just go check out these references shall we and this one here International Agency for research on cancer non iron ionizing radiation World Health Organization let's first of all let's just look at well have we had an increased rate of brain cancer because people have their shoe phone like right up to their phone like this for hours a day I don't I'm I'm lucky if I get like one call a week from the wife and then it's like oh there I put it on the hands-free thing but anyway the people with their shoe phone up to their ear you know talk to people don't talk anymore do they they just so we chat now on their Facebook's geez where did I get my first phone it was like the Nokia 5110 I think it was and that's like just before 2000 something like that if anything we've seen so that's kind of like why it's not like that was like you know we've got the brick phones before that and things like that so but if anything look it's just like the cancer rates of if anything they've dropped if you hold your tongue over angle it's they've gone down so like mortality females males and like like come on you don't even have to read the rest of the studies - people are obsessed with these things on before the new face books and everything everyone was like talking for like hours a day on their phones and there's been no increased rate of brain cancer here in Australia so come on like where's your data so yeah like you can just go and read all these things until the cows come home but really where is the real data that the biggest transmitter that everyone has is that's right next to their brain cause it you know it causes cancer and also that like where is it where is the increased rate of this it's just not there it's not in the data so like I don't know you could go read this for yourself like but it says like this thing does not provide a quantitative assessment of any cancerous nor does it discuss a very any other potential health effects of RF radiation this is an this is a nothing burger this is their proof and here it is not our nose in radiation and monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans International Agency for research on cancer for the World Health Organization okay well the number of mobile phone subscriptions has been increase increasing rapidly around the world changes in mobile phone technology have lead to lower time-averaged RF power emitted from mobile phones in that at present of those of previous generations and 5g is doing a similar thing I'm reading this thing and it's like it's it's a nothing burger there's like nothing in here that's going bingo like RF causes brain cancer and other stuff it's just it's just not here so let's go to the evaluation at the end of remember this is the document that they cite as proof over here that RF radiation possibly carcinogenic to humans blah blah blah this is their actual you know this is their proof cancer in humans there is limited evidence it's it's it's highlighted limited evidence in humans for the carcinogen genesee of radio frequency radiation and they do mention positive associations have been observed but there's limited evidence basically like with the billions of people using mobile phones the countless studies over the years there's limited evidence it's a nothing burger cancer in animals limited evidence in experimental animals like overall evaluation radio frequency electromagnetic fields are possibly carcinogenic to humans possibly under whatsit but is there data that actually shows that's happening in real war of course if you stick your head up to your shoe phone for 24 hours a day seven days a week if you sleep with it right like this and it's just continually transmitted yeah maybe you're gonna heat up some of your brain tissue and maybe if you do that for 20 years yeah maybe the odd person might get brain cancer back it's ridiculous come on and even here they admit the human epidemiological evidence was mixed and several small le case studies were considered to be largely uninformative a large cohort study shows no increase in risk of relevant tumors but it lacked information on level of mobile phone use and where several potential sources exposure things like that showed no increased risk of rezulin revenue tells you no increased risk of relevant tumors of course they have to say are possibly carcinogenic because underneath most extreme circumstances yes of course if you can drink too much water you're gonna drown the bulk of evidence came from reports of the Interphone study a very large international motor case study and a separate large case control study from Sweden well affected by selection bias and information bias to varying degrees even in their own evidence paper it says that is inflicted by selection bias and every information bias these studies showed an association between glioma and I know that is an acoustic neuroma I don't know what that is and mobile phone use specifically in people with highest cumulative use of mobile phones yes on the same site as they had which I'm the chairman development pieces and yes it looks like in some extreme cases somebody had a tumor on the side of their head that they had their mobile phones strapped to for bloody twenty hours a day unbelievable the comparative weakness of the associations in the inner phone study and the inconsistencies between these results and those of the Swedish study lead to the evaluation of limited evidence so multiple conflicting studies is what they're showing there was however a minority opinion that current evidence in humans was inadequate therefore permitting no conclusion about a causal association this minority saw inconsistency between the two case controlled studies and a lack of exposure response relationship in the Interphone study their minority also pointed out the fact that no increase in rates of glioma or acoustic neuroma was seen in a nationwide Danish cohort study and that up until now reported time trends in incidents related to have not shown a parallel trend to time trends in mobile phone use there's no association there they just don't even correlate let alone have causation really this is like it's it's a nothing burger really I mean sure like yeah actually continue to study the effects of this sort of stuff on the human physiology but and be bombarded with this stuff for generations now and still they let the studies alike kind of not really but in the extreme cases yeah but like their extreme case yeah you just get the odd person strapping their mobile phone to their head for 24/7 the deployment of 5g satellites must be prohibited table-like by our biological rhythm biorhythms they will the rage in the seventies and eighties weren't I you can get biorhythm calculators you get it in you get it in your little digital diary back in the day you remember those like sharp digital you can get like biorhythms like that was all the rage whatever happened to biorhythms and the well-being of all organic organisms depends on the stability of this environment including the electrical properties of the atmosphere God explained the importance of the Schumann resonances and why isotropic I say farik disturbances can alter blood pressure and melatonin and cause it's a reproductive cardiac and neurological disease of death are we just getting into whack whack job territory these elements of electromagnetic environment have already been told about radiations and power lines we had to get to power lines oh yeah I live near power lines when I was a kid nothing wrong with me the placement of tens of thousands of satellites directly in both the ionosphere and man-made a sphere emitting modulated signals at millions of what milli megawatts Wow mega what transmitters up there well I wonder why they get the power from geez those you know nuclear thermoelectric generators must be pretty good tech these days it's likely to alter our electromagnetic environment beyond our ability to adapt informal morning anyway this crap it just keeps going on and on and on and on and on and on is both both acute and chronic effects and on and on and more references in more studies what governments are failing their duty of care to the populations they gather and it goes on and on and on international agreements of the environment children think of the children the Nuremberg code you can't experiment on humans you can't possibly put 5g transmission that's experimentation on humans since you mean I know we're not even halfway look at the scrollbar oh we caught up on the Y are they just this is like the classic sales technique of any like scam although these people vote genuinely believe this stuff they really the people behind is genuinely believe they ask that deluded that they was despite every little scrap of evidence regardless of how relevant it is to to actually I prove their course respond to appeal and it just get it oh no no sorry here's the it's just signatories okay we're at the end Oh anyway I there you go I'm gonna i gotta call it quits that is the international appeal to stop 5g on earth and in space so yeah let us know in the comments down below our my engineering audience my seven hundred plus thousand audience of Engineers you're going to go sign it are you embarrassed that your site at five years ago or something and your names in that list anyway that's absolutely hilarious oh yeah 5g causes everything it's it's the magic woowoo that causes the corona virus and causes cancer and it's gonna kill our kids and the bees and the environment unbelievable yeah that mental retardation pke meters just off the scale it's just ridiculous anyway leave your thoughts down below I like this is not a proper debunking it's just it's just having a laugh these nutjobs anyway yeah don't just stop reading the news and about this sort of stuff and like you see these posts on Facebook or wherever and with all this whoo-whoo of all this crap in here and they just bamboozled you that scientists and engineers and also you know people are all signing this thing and it must be legit and it's like no look come on this is loudly loudly blood all these references and you go in and read them and they're like nothing burgers wait then they really are well seriously and all but they put serious studies behind this and it's just very little - if anything has really come out about it if anything they all conflict each other and they even admit in here that it's just you know it's not no it's a nothing burger anyway there you go hope you enjoyed that if you did please give it a big thumbs up I can't handle this anymore let us know your thoughts in the comments down below links to other whack job articles and and news reports and things like that people rip it down catch you next time [Music]
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 133,169
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Keywords: eevblog, video
Id: 4vHx-UyIM9M
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Length: 54min 31sec (3271 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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