EEVblog #1079 - Mailbag

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hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment my ol bag let's get into it this one's from well you can probably tell what its gonna be um this one's from engineering mine's dog thank you very much for sitting this one in it's obviously some sort of I know it is it's a poster spoiler alert um engineering minds this is engineering minds plural reminds me of a former fellow video blogger Todd Cyr I believe his name was in from an engineering mind anyone remember that that was like a V leading um he worked for National Instruments and he did this some great um cheese that's tough to you it's impossible to get out um and did this great podcast podcast video blog back in the day and from National Instruments it was like a Nash nation responsive thing then he left them and it just vanished so that was a shame that was the leading one but I cannot get this out so like it's stuck together in there like it was still but I hope wet ink when it was printed or something trying to spin it around on itself I can kind of do this to this end but it's not looking good I'm probably gonna end up ripping the thing oh Jesus big I actually they asked what size I wanted I foolishly said a zero well this really is an awesome post to check it out and I've got the smaller one here which is like a to size or something like that and it's a timeline of all the great scientists mathematicians chemists physicists entrepreneurs and visionaries and game changes taken throughout history and it's unbelievable the amount of effort put into this each person appears at the intersection of the day month birth includes their name year they'll born many prestigious medals and all that sort of stuff Nobel Prizes and I read lines connect important relationships between people it's a work that's gone into this is absolutely phenomenal so I will link it in down below I can't possibly go through it all but it's absolutely amazing and it's super high quality in terms of our like getting the like the large what was a zero one I've got printed I think it might even be bigger than a zero it's absolutely enormous but this deserves to be on the wall of every you know lab hackerspace if things like that it's just absolutely remarkable so hats off I'll link it in down below do yourself a favor pick one up completely random order thank you very much B Slattery from much unique hearing night New South Wales Australia no workers no box open it upside down the electrons gonna fall out breads projects this is one of breads projects be yes thought he'd send in a few of the projects he's developed over the past couple of years they're all open source and further details can be found on breads projects comm LinkedIn down below wha it's more I'll show you oh goodness we had a game last week it's a game black soda Mosca matte black matte black saw I gotta show you this all that's pornographic Oh Oh so Brad is sending some very cool projects check these out Brad's projects calm and look at it it's a pong it's a retro ball it's like a yum up to 4 player pong game plus we've got a USB power meter project and we've got a binary interactive ruler cool you know I like rulers and I love I always love these little breadboard plug in power supply things this one looks really useful it's got a 3.3 v and a variable v 216 that is great let's check him out isn't this just beautifully constructed look at this four knobs here so up to four people can play USB on the side to power this baby and there's not much on the bottom because of this you're in circuit serial programming port love how the pots are mounted on there very nice and all the stuffs under there this is all open source hardware so presumably you can build your own and whatnot so let's power it up plug it in oh oh look at that retro ball it is very cool and there's an easter egg in here apparently it doesn't have labeled like player one two three four on there I think that's an oversight there we go select mode title great I love it RGB LEDs LED sketch note select I thought you can push those down would have been nice to get a oh there we go yep yeah we can sketch it's a sketch screensaver LED sketch great race whoo yeah terrific it's great fun oh jeez that's hard she's gonna be really precise one little I don't know how would you do that Wow oh jeez all over the shop Oh lose my balls nothing less than losing your balls check this out look at the texture on that solder mask that Matlack solder mask feels beautiful now that glossy rubbish and if we list the skirt on that one check it out teensie support brought to you by Kickstarter user defrag ster defrag stuff I love it and it looks like this one yeah there's the Arduino Uno you can put on there but it looks like this one just runs from a picker 16 here 44k 22 and that's about all she wrote I kind of like how it's all just hidden behind there and there's all your RGB LED drivers and the LED driver chips used on there I haven't seen those before they're like just some generic Chinese driver not from any of the big-name manufacturers it's a DP 5020 check out the datasheet and there's the USB power adapter I'm not too fond of this one because I you've got to scroll it like this the LEDs are really dim but there we go I'm actually displaying the current err on the retro ball at the moment and you don't switch between voltage and current would have been nicer to make it longer and just have the voltage and current on a little LCD but of course you can buy there's tons of these on the market now and I recommend everyone at least have one in their toolkit preferably one that can measure yep it does what's nice okay but yeah I like the ones with the little cities that have the graph over time and you can see your current and stuff this just does your basic voltage current and power look we can count up in binary ruler flip-flops SR JK a toggle and D your logic gates and stuff like that cool very nice you that if you want to practice your binary stuff we've got a conversion table year it's all do it'll stuff plus some footprints cool all week then down below thank you very much bread all open-source micro and mini be thank you very much love it so it's just got a boost converter in there to give you your variable adjustment everything came with a little adjustment screw driver neat so it gives you your for rails on your breadboard of course your ground your variable one over here and you fixed five and 3.3 volts that's pretty much all you want unless you're doing op eds then you'd need another possibly another adjustable rail but geez you're getting get two of them no worries thank you very much Don Schaefer from Mount Vernon in Ohio [Music] ya know like Yankee is like it's it's Australians Yanks a car compass two-minute teardown outdoor tips in sir broken Oregon two minutes down then magazines fanboy I hope the pages aren't stuck together Digital machinist I've never heard of digital machinist ah that looks sexy clear that wow did Noah's digital machinist magazine throw you digital machinist aficionados that looks so that looks pretty new it's a calculator kid awesome you know my calculator fanboy and it's a kid with HP RedBubble displays it's a calculate a kid fantastic oh boy a fellow Australian apparently Tony Nixon there you go it's an older version is it anyway uh-huh and it just emulates us some HP models does it sweet there's lots of calculator enthusiasts particularly on the HP museum which I used to frequent quite a few years back and they do lots of you know custom and emulated HP products absolutely amazing this is all through holes oh no it's not all through hole there you go it's got a surface mount job beyond that that's a big surface mount job II are you supposed to put the I presume that you're supposed to put the socket on there and bend the leads presumably because that's not a regular pitch is surface mount part so that's interesting so you socket that baby presumably where are the feet gonna go I guess you'd good like you'd have a hard time putting a foot in that corner if you got you if you've got your calculator like this you're gonna stick it down really freaking ago mmm the world is certainly a better place with bubble displays look at that 7-segment domed lens goodness yeah it's very kindly sent in all the digi-key or Mouser parts are more summer DGK actually for the calculator fantastic thank you very much I'm gonna have to find some time to build that puppy up I love calculators and as it turns out Donna is actually written for digital machinist magazine oh it's beautiful makes me want to do and here he is I ain't polished fantastic I recommend to all newbies out there go out and get published while you still can because although there are new electronics magazines out here any weight limit switches for the mini meal there you go good on your dog terrific stuff put in their resume ah that's great Wow it's gone to town terrific whoa climax class locomotive that sounds good I'll have one of those two-minute aired out of a car magnetic compass there it is one hung over and let's check it out I'm used to work on military digital compasses back in the day and they were complicated beasts and now it's all just in one chip like before we had to have these multi coiled big monstrosity zand with custom wound coils and everything quite a difficult task but yeah it's too easy these days ah krustyburger that oh yes old school look at this fluxgate compass with your eyes separate perpendicular coils like that fantastic that's how you used to do it back in the old day before these magneto resistive newfangled stuff and you know you're getting your smartphone's and stuff like that did it with a big-ass coil or multiple coils actually so what we've got here is looks like two separate coils I think that yeah there's only a single connection on each the ones I've worked on before actually have a single core with four different oriented coils wound on them a custom core and then you basically apply a voltage to one of the coils and then the voltage induced in the other coils depends on their relative you know orientation to the Earth's magnetic field so you can actually do it that way so it's based on the flux in the magnetic core hence the name our flux gate compass but they just got two separate coils in there a little blob chip and that's it oh but at least it's better than just a you know a little so8 package um magnetic compass or whatnot neat but yeah there's not much to it but you do have to calibrate it hence why they all have the calibration button on there you know you press your calibration and you rotate it you know 360 degree a couple of times around 720 degrees or something like that and an Oregon Scientific outdoor temperature sensor let's crack it open Wow once again that's more interesting than I thought presumably it does more than temperature so let's let's dig that board out and see what's under there Wow check that out that's really interesting look at the clear body on there and that looks for all the world like it's got an integrated lead into that oh I thought that was some whiz-bang technology I think it's just a light pipe I think it is literally just a lead and the plastic thing is a light pipe this is just the lead on the front that just goes blink once per set once every 10 seconds or something to show you that it's alive here I was thinking it's doing something fancy this got me in several ways here's your temperature sensor down here here's the port where that comes from so that that is your damn temperate nah there you go well no there's there's the thermistor so that's probably temperature and humidity I would say that would be my guess and this baby up here is a dead giveaway with the 4-3-3 on it that's the 433 megahertz transmitter and that's the antenna yeah there you go you can see the bottom of that humidity sensor down in there it's got the ports to let the air in and of course we just got a thermistor old-school thermistor down there for the temperature nothing wrong with that I don't want my Belgian viewers don't get me from Belgium Jonas Bonjean I think um from is that Boop it's at the suburb and boom that's great if it is alright I'll get this this gaffer tape beautiful Belgians there you go didn't read the newspaper that's the crusty Isnora meter I've ever gotten Wow Wow like the rust is literally falling off it into the box and right yeah basically a bunch of old electronics two minutes head out there you go Jonas is sending a couple of things and literally found this on the junk bent like on the rubbish tip and no kid in that is the crusty Asst multimeter we've ever had here on the evey log oh goodness never had a hansom before never heard of them but isn't isn't it kind of funky you can imagine this being brand spanking new back in the day and look at that the see-through dial ah man beautiful sex on a stick 20 cans per volt taut band movement oh it's all happening I'm at two millimeter Jack's up here RF what up what is that that's like I don't know what that is oh I've never seen an RF knob on a multimeter or DB as well anyway even positive it's obviously got a DB scale down in there does it somewhere Beulah Beulah Oh does capacitance yeah this is like a pretty custom job II made in Japan as well the HS model hs.404 for those playing along at home and yeah here's all your rad AC volts and your DB scale as well Ohm's is only point one one and ten and then you've got your RF ranges over here really weird ranges like you know seven volts one point 4 volts 0.28 volts 50 micro amp movement of course corresponds to you 20k ohms per volt but anyway 28 kilovolts in terms of it must you know they must have some RF probe or something that came with it Wow yeah specialize be the kid it's not your regular average multimeter here we go didn't even have any screws on that was just being held on by the roster this is not going to be pretty oh my goodness Oh have you ever seen old moldy meat I have you ever seen something so rusted it's just ridiculous Wow Wow anyway look the switch mechanism look at that it's a nice little roller in there liking that but wow the back case that back steel case is just totally corroded away that is remarkable standard double-a powered for your for your owns and your whatnot but yeah I mean there's nothing in these there's just there's just resistors and that's it but that is that is remarkable sorry but this ones are not going on the shelf and this is a motor controller from an extremely cheap ebike apparently so let's go Tianjin Xiang Jing Electric Co does that come out got the end off oh come on yeah check out all the powertrain is down in there wedged against that rail that's actually quite a reasonably clever solution for a slide-in to-220 power management you know thing cuz when you design products in a sliding case like this like extruded aluminium case you don't have the advantage of like being able to get in there with screwdrivers and screw things in and and whatnot you know putting in a pressure bar or something like that so you've gotta have some sort of solution where you can slide the board in yet it still makes good thermal contact with the side over here so yeah I think it just needs a hammer wow that took a bit of effort and that poor little baby there didn't survive the please what kind of now we're gonna clean my damn bench anyway I'm yeah that's a reasonably neat solution there to get those in it's really difficult to get out you really did need a hammer to get those out but yeah that's like you're very limited in the solutions that you can do with like in on an inside slide in case like this in terms of getting the heat out of those to-220 s and well one hung low bearing caps I'm sure it's like QC passed or whatever you know it's basically what I expected Santro petroleum we've been trolled central but that's it I'm sold on must remove tin plate for a bit of extra current handling capacity Bob's your uncle man spilt down to a price it's actually maybe bit better than I thought really many letters actual letters on the mailbag thank you very much Tom Reed it's a mona vale just hearing this sydney no workers all right see what it says thank you very much Tom for the letter yes Tom posted on the forum that he was looking for a broken multimeter somewhere that he could potentially fixed up so I did one better and just shipped him a B m235i hope you enjoy it this is interesting it's soft and squishy with a thing on the side that I can feel so I know actually know what it is I don't know what's about two very different things double wrap for our protection thank you very much Wow top secret communications of World War two I am a bit of a ward military type buff especially in terms of art nuclear weapons and stuff like that I'm unbreakable encryption for secret high-level conferences sig Sally the Green Hornet secure telephone contras sig tot I kind of thought you might like this book many secret patents granted to Bell Labs during World War two ah look at this good on your Donald Mel Mel meal something like that the sig Sally and this seat tot um this is absolutely unbelievable the stuff that they developed during World War two it's a modulo-2 arithmetic tick boolean logic the xor gate that's pretty basic stuff but VOC Auto transmit to it like there's tons of stuff in here this is Bruin I'll look at that great photos Wow and this is a veil but well there is a listing on but it's not like couldn't find one for sale so this could be as rare as hen's teeth this puppy I now know all the Yankee secrets sig taught teletype cryptographic system for high-level secure conferences Pearl Harbor the quick brown fox I'll look at that tuning fork set of gears cover the teletype this is terrific Wow they talked about one-time tapes how is that the old fashioned one-time pad encryption one-time tape it's great thank you very much this is awesome why do all my viewers in the Czech Republic when I get too many from there um I think this is from hard Wario that's a name of a company presumably via direct parcel international and I kind of failed again it's an IndieGoGo live until February 25th sorry not sure when I actually got it I think it's been sitting here that long maybe it has I don't know sorry yeah boy so hopefully they met their target type thing let's check it out I love open source I also love foam peanuts Wow spike do I have to like rub orange juice on it or something is there a secret message I don't know phone peanuts that's the wackiest case ever look at that well big clown here open we are they won't open yet I'll open it on camera like as in close-up if you don't know I shoot what I do is I shoot like all of these openings first on the bench here with my Sony camera and then I line them all up on the floor here and then I take go over to my second bench and then I shoot the up-close things let's do that check that out that is really funky let's see what's inside the big clown oh do it yourself he's not dead tada we have a clown do you oh oh note hi Dave please find this red clown suitcases and warm greeting from the cold Czech Republic we are big fans of the e-book thank you very much um they two years ago they started at the hardware we oh I like the name which is designed in manufacturing big clown the new Internet of Things kit for makers it might look like Arduino boys but it's very different indeed it's targeting low-power battery-operated they use the stm32 processes cortex m0 and there is barcode for those who want to scanned in check it out well link it in down below there's their lab awesome see what was get inside the big clown box oh jeez look at that ha not a Bobby Dazzler well I think there's multiple layers in here this is insane kid I'm doing it a pair adapter we've got what's a big jeez look at this hey that's ok tight like a thermocouple interface and what do we got we got cases the various descriptions for obviously yeah project enclosure cases look at those are they 3d almost feel 3d printed they are they're very good oops that drop down okay we've got a little inductor and yeah 3d printed cases cool oh it's gonna say how the hell does that one open there we go oh well that's a nice fit isn't it oh jeez well done and okay look got a battery board use alkaline okay so play it's a system thing that plugs in this is like a battery solution that plugs you know like thee like they look at that that's an ink that looks like an ink to me they'll sit no LCD it looks like some of the sharp sorry the sharp memory also I think it's a is that a sharp memory LCD nice got our some on what I thought that's an sort of knob no okay oh it's a per right yes perceive infrared module geez this breadboard module oh look at that alright so you can plug that into the into the center of your breadboard plug your battery solution in over here presumably or other stuff oh wow I'm liking this look at that you can plug that in here and you've got like relay interfaces and everything to your breadboard ah that's neat I really like that Wow is it all open-source hardware yeah open hardware so an open hardware license yep no worries awesome Wow okay we've got radio stuff header MCU temp accelerator okay is that like the system that looks like the system diagram for all that well ton of documentation what what oh okay it's just a it's just a grill plate what okay I they must yeah okay cuz they assemble into the cases do they write something like that I don't know I'd have to read read the instructions I think you could go to town on this cheese Evan got over ring seals sensor module relay my job a bridge module oh cool h bridge driver i'm assuming and a radio module sick fox radio module plus looks like we've got little o at lux meter okay so what a Lux meter temperature sensor barometer humidity sensor oh wow this is an impressive kit how much does this baby cost I just checked out there right IndieGoGo campaign and unfortunately it's finished but I'm sure you can still buy it so I'll link it in down below sorry I didn't get to it in time but they raised 128 percent of their our funding goals so they made this thing happen and it's at three hundred and sixty nine bucks by looks of it for this complete kit but Wow yes so it's not cheap but geez you get a ton of ton of stuff in it I recommend you check out their IndieGoGo down below see if it's something you're after it make a great solution kit for um you know schools and courses and stuff like that by looks of it okay so the whole idea of this thing is that it's you know as he said it's an internet of things our solution that allows you to basically assemble together all the stuff you want all the senses with the radio and the batteries and all that sort of stuff and put it in the different cases depending on you know if you only want something small then it slides into the small case if you want something you know larger with motor drivers or whatnot you know you might have that in the larger case so the whole idea is that your symbol all this without actually you know solder in anything you just plug them all together and by the way these aren't earrings are actually designed to go around the cases like this which fit together nicely and then go over there and actually hold the cases together it's very not you don't even need screws to put the boxes together that is really very impressive effort I really like that recommend you I check it out it's a great solution yeah you know people who just want to build stuff I'm sure you can but you probably don't have to buy the entire kit I'm sure though if they don't already they'll eventually like sell all the pot oh geez one in almost miss that geez that what is that puppy oh look is that a boy phylla antenna is it so thank you very much to the team at Hard Wario that is thoroughly impressive Wow like you know I could do like a and a thirty minute or a half hour video just like playing around with this sort of stuff unbelievable check it out down below oh hang on it's a foam ball ah what like on the end of there - big clown nose cute time sensitive sorry I don't know when it's sorry oh I can rip it stupid corrugated things don't work for engineering piss-poor been a huge fan of the channel ever since I was young geez that makes me feel old Thanks just getting into electronics now he's doing a degree in electrical engineering I mean some electronic design work on the side and includes a prototype touchpad his latest project that we'll be launching on Kickstarter soon or already well we'll have a look won't we and cool - it's a funky touchpad with LED backlights kind of like that so look I don't know what the pennies to maka another crowdfunding project which I've missed but g-funk Jakob actually met his our goal for this touchpad which is fantastic like 500 and something backers awesome and I actually rather like this look at this there's got like an overlay based system and you get like some other colored overlays on there that you whack on that's quite novel I like that and it's a backlit well let's actually check that out it's plug it in so what it is is basically a USB HID compatible keyboard so you simply plug it in and you can like you like a program it to do various things and nice you sit it on your desk like that I love the the rubber on the bottom makes it stick very nicely and you can just have all your hotkeys sweet alright let's see if it works it actually already hooked up no problems at all it auto detected on Windows not a problem and by the way it's got a little vibrator motor on the back there to give some tactile feedback so Jacobs already set up some keys on here so let's press tell you what seems a bit touchy if I touch the se and that key there just lit up that one lit up down there and I'm not actually touching those so if you like move it across your bench it looks like it can get some false positives on that capacitive touch sensor that probably needs to be tweaked a bit this thing is seems very temperamental and threw me at first but apparently you're gonna swipe across here and this will give you so have to be it's really temperamental a bit but there are modes you've got to put it into which is rather clever and it can actually detect swipes across there yeah it's got four LEDs lit up at the moment on the bottom and if I focus over here on this window and a kickstart doesn't work yet the program up oh there we go know what warning what winning the programming mode warning when in the program in my there you go it's put the text in delete that what okay did we accidentally enter a program in mode it's got hello page up page down it's doing stuff I think dummy me is just not just not using this correctly I'm supposed to yeah I it's got so many modes and things that I did get it I did get it to use the Kickstarter button and it went to the Kickstarter page I swear I got it I'm just too dumb to reproduce it yeah it's got different command sets and you can set them but oh geez now I more more practice required I think but it does work and I like the concept I'm just not figuring out this command set thing yet windows things and it's cool that you can actually swipe and change command sets very powerful I just wish there was more weight in it because you know you've got a cable on here it can move around quite easy if that you know Peter heft in there would have been you know it would make it nicer on the bench of course you could have it you know like Bluetooth battery-powered type keyboard version as well some people like those some people don't but yeah I'd rather like this solution so I rather like the concept so check it out it's a programmable key matrix whew you know PC windows whatever even Mac I guess um and check this out this is another thing it's good for this is like an eagle CAD overlay for it there you go Eagle CAD overlay and I don't use eagle but you could have our TM you could have you know kicad or whatever it is and you can have your own custom overlays to do shortcut keys to do various stuff and that is very very handy of course the problem with that is once you get used to this if you go to another machine and try and do your PCB layout without one of these you're screwed what happened there I think I press the button er did something weird now I'm just tiny go through a few Aussie ones thank you very much I presume it's virtual access or is that like just an old it might just be an old stick up perhaps um anyway let's crack it open where's it from Melbourne Bourke Street like Melbourne smells good Sydney of course well yeah it is better in a lot of ways but you know Sydney is sipping so suck it no no it's alright today these cards are from Alcatel 565 big bit pdh MUX they receive optical and common cards for ephors each of 140 Meg bits will be mixed together and sent over the optical fibre thank you very much mark Jesus not much on there um I've done fiber-optic gas stuff before yeah it's looked very similar there's like fiber optic module on there there's you know some high speed data like differential lines and stuff like that and um power supply and not much else oh but this has got some video on it it's got some cans we can lift the skirt on those cans Beauty there you go that's what we're looking at here thank you very much mark and we've got some metal cans check out this one first there's not much on it I thought that was some optical interface that's not that's your SM SM a interface once look at the ceramic hybrid they got down here though Wow look at that and that's what they like the heating pipe really going out to the huge heatsink on the side of the rack and of course you know if you have to buy these I you know if you've got one of these blow and good luck it another one hmm I presume that their delay lines check it out like you know 1.75 nanosecond delay line okay you could have just used a PCB trace I guess I I presume they are like in 0.75 nanosecond delay line okay obviously needed lady France I don't my French viewers and check this out we have a differential pair Maude have you ever seen a differential pair Maude that's fantastic I love it maybe this they've added some Wiggles in there are sharp corners all the electrons are just gonna fly off the edge there but yeah obviously their length matching those traces all those pairs oh well that wasn't very exciting it took the heating block off and I expected to find like you know like a DIYer exposed area under there no they're just getting the heat out of the the ceramic block there so what the hell is that thing you know it's a big BGA I know is it a PGA and a BGR PGA I don't know definitely take the middle back off couldn't be bothered but yeah big ceramic hybrid Wow what a beast some sort of you know like power amplifier obviously well this is one convoluted beast I've taken all the cans off the top here and check this out here's our fiber optic transceiver here with a ceramic hybrid driver look at that it shoots out here goes wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah it goes into here which it looks like it's a splice which goes from the yellow to the orange because that makes it go faster obviously look if they got it no I don't know i don't think that's a splice that's just coming out and then that goes down into the the optical connection down there what is that all SC G's I forget Spencer rocks it's like did fiber-optic stuff and then oh look at that nice little gold package ceramic down there reminds me of it like jeez what is this out of any date code on this is this like a reminder that sort of package reminds me of like you know the 60s or early 70s yeah telecoms gear like this is absolutely fascinating you've seen a ridiculously complex and boards that I've looked at before and you know even even something like this like there's a lot of Voodoo which goes into a getting high speed transmission riot like this I know it's yeah it's much simpler these days but you know back when this was done I don't know what would this be a 1980s vintage or something perhaps and you know whose rocket science back then to get you know these sorts of our speeds you know hundreds of megabits in this case I think it's five hundred and sixty five megabits it's just one of those you know unsexy fields of engineering that just you know that has zero public visibility you know all of your internet and your phones and all your other traffic that you just take for granted I'm going through all you have specialized bits of hardware and ridiculously complicated stuff like also if I still got the board yeah here it is just like stupidly complicated stuff like vertex two pros you know and all these sent eleum ASIC chipsets for our comms and things like that I mean the amount of engineering that goes in into something like that the you know the engineering teams involved just you know the team just writing the Verilog or VHDL or to go into this and it's all you know it has zero public visibility yet this is like bleeding edge engineering stuff you know just does you know stuff like this would have been a bleeding edge back in the day to do stuff like this and you can you know make a huge and profitable career out of our designing these sorts of our telecom products so anyway I hope you enjoyed mailbag if you did please give it a big thumbs up sorry if your mailbag is still sitting on the shelf I do just pick them off or randomly I still get a whole bunch of other stuff there but anyway as always comments and links to all the stuff mentioned in the mailbag down below thanks to everyone who sent stuff in catch you next time [Music]
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 69,165
Rating: 4.9026403 out of 5
Keywords: eevblog, video, mailbag, big clown, iot kit, calculator kit, electronics poster, brads projects
Id: 4SX2W_wChJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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