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hey what's up guys I'm going to show you guys all the different ways of connecting the ero Pro 6C this is going to be a full-on demonstration because I have a modem here an unmanaged switch here A bunch of ethernet cables and we have a router here so we're going to go over all the different ways of connecting it you might have heard of wired or ethernet back call or Wireless back call so all of that stuff so stick around now real quick this is for the Euro Pro 6C if you guys are interested for the speed test range test and what the Euro app looks like I've done that in a separate video so I will put a link to that in the description box below and also put the product links down below as well so if you guys are interested in something you can check out the links below and please take a second to smash that subscribe button if you guys enjoyed these types of videos it's completely free to do I really appreciate it and share these videos If you guys find them helpful thank you guys okay let's get started so what is a mesh Wi-Fi well a mesh Wi-Fi is when you have two units two or more units I should say that act together to create a single Network so in this case both of these are expanding your Wi-Fi coverage I mean that's really what a mesh Wi-Fi is designed for so if you live in a larger home or somewhere else and you're not really getting too much Wi-Fi coverage throughout one place or in your backyard you're not getting much or depending on where you live a mesh Wi-Fi is kind of designed to fight against that in in a sense because when you get two or more units now you're boosting your Wi-Fi coverage and when you're walking throughout your home let's just say you have your Wi-Fi device it will automatically connect you here if you're closer to this guy and if you walked to let's just say a few rooms away it will automatically switch you to this one to ensure you have the best possible Wi-Fi coverage okay now before I show you guys how to connect this let's start with the basic connection well I mean we're going to jump straight into this very quickly but essentially there are two two ways I can think of that are currently that people are using um aside unless you're going from another mesh Wi-Fi but even in that case it's really it's really similar so if you have a system where you have your modem and that's connected to your router it's very simple you unplug your router you put your router away you don't need that anymore you plug in the Euro and you open up the ero app follow the instructions super simple tells you what to do you pick your Wi-Fi name and your password and here's the hint if you pick the same Wi-Fi name and password as your router that you're replacing your devices should automatically connect to this and this is super important the Wi-Fi name and the password are both case sensitive so very important the Wi-Fi name this SSID itself is also case sensitive okay so once you have that technically your network is up and running and we'll talk about adding this in in a minute or two but this is all you pretty much need because the Euro itself is a router and this is also a router however in the same network the secondary one acts as an extender or a node or an access point or satellite whatever you want to call it it's no longer acting as a router because you only want one router in your network to control everything okay now the other way is if you have a modem router built in so let's just say your current setup is a modem router combo this is actually just a modem but if you have a modem router combo you have might have some extra ports in the back and stuff in that case what you want to do is you want to access that which you typically there's instructions on the bottom or you could call your ISP or Google it but essentially go to its settings and then you disable the router Portion by either if it says disable or if it says putter in bridge mode that's what you do which kind of nullifies the router that's built in and then just like that you plug in the ethernet cable one of the ports is 2.5 gigabits the other Port is gigabits so what do you do well if you have internet speeds of up to gigabit which is the case for me as of now it doesn't matter which Port I connect it to I could connect it to the 2.5 or the gigabit because my internet speeds are not faster than gigabits so it doesn't really matter which one I use if you have internet speeds faster than gigabits assuming your modem also handles it which it would you cannot use a Cat5e cable because Cat5e is limited to gigabit and you probably already knew that if you're running a faster than gigabit so I now have a cat 7 cable and category 7 does support up to 10 gigabits per second so I would basically plug that in there plug this into the 2.5 gigabit port and now this ero can support internet speeds of up to 2.5 gigabits with the Euro you have one other Port left so what do you do right so if you're like me and you have multiple devices throughout your home that require ethernet what you can do is get in get an unmanaged switch so this is one example and something important to note an unmanaged switch's brand name does not matter so unlike in the case of the Euro where it has to be another hero and I should also mention in the case of the Euro it doesn't have to be the same exact model number Euro so you could get a Euro Pro 6C and the Hero 6 Plus and they will work with each other however I personally think it's always best to get the same model number as well but Eros do work with each other just as a heads up so if you have some Heroes lying around you can get these or the other ones and they will play with each other so that's good to go from there okay so now you get an unmanaged switch and this is an eight Port there's different ones there's a five port a four port there's a 16 Port 24 48 there's a whole bunch of them a port's pretty common and the unmanaged switch is fairly inexpensive compared to the managed switches so what's the difference between a Mana switch and an unmanaged switch well the manage switch gives you more options so you can create vlans which are virtual lens virtual local area networks so you can assign IP addresses to stuff using a manage twitch you cannot do that with an unmanaged switch however in most cases you don't want to do that you want to do that through your router so your router basically controls what goes out of this switch so an unmanaged switch is the way to go that's what I personally use okay so in the case of the euro and here's the cool part because we're going out of gigabit speeds it doesn't actually matter if I use cat7 anymore I mean I can I don't need to because now the port itself is limited to gigabit speed so in this case I use another ethernet cable and I plug it into any any port does not matter I could plug it into Port 1 Port 6 Port 8 doesn't matter I personally like to use the edge one so either Port one or Port 8 just so I know okay I know it's either this one or this one or you can use a different color as well for the ethernet cable but that's how I know which one is connected to my router but that's just a personal preference thing so when you get an a port switch you have seven usable ports so you're good to go there now in this case you can connect your computer to any one of these ports or your Xbox or your PlayStation or your Fire TV Cube whatever you want to connect your Apple TV it doesn't matter you could connect them to any one of these ports and you are good to go so plug these in plug that in you have you know a whole bunch of usable ports and you're now expanding your network I should also mention that an unmanned switch is Plug and Play you literally set up nothing you plug it into the power you plug it into the ethernet cables and the router will handle everything for you automatically so there's nothing you need to do you can mix and match brand names of switches so this is a NETGEAR switch but it works perfectly fine with ero or a tp-link deco or an S Wi-Fi Pro or a Netgear or an Asus it does not matter you can also mix and match switches with each other too so if I had two switches I could get a tp-link switch and connect it to this NETGEAR switch and connect it to this and that does not matter so wired back call is when you're using two of these and they are wired to each other or it's sometimes it's called ethernet back calls the same exact thing and basically the way that works is let's say you don't have an unmanaged switch you could just take the port of this guy and connect it to the port of this guy and again it doesn't matter which Port used because you're actually coming out of gigabit here so it doesn't matter if you go into the 2.5 or the gigabit you're still going to be limited to the slower of the two which is the gigabit Port here and we'll talk about the special case at the end of the video okay so in this case you have a wired back call setup inside the Eero app you just say like oh I have one more Arrow it'll detect it you're good to go so you will have pretty much very good speeds throughout your home using this method this is the method that I use wired backhaul okay you can also and still considered wired back call is if you have it connected to the first one the main router hooked up to the switch and then from the switch you have another cable and that one is hooked up to the euro as well so if you have another cable going from this guy to this guy so as long as there's an ethernet cable making its way from one to the other through a switch or not you can even have two switches you can go from hero to a switch and then one of these ports to another switch and then from that switch go to this hero that's also completely fine the router will handle all of that automatically for you so if you need more ports feel free to do that okay so this is the wired back call setup you can also use this port you can also use this port to connect let's just say you have I don't know a Nintendo switch you want to hook up on the other side it doesn't matter a laptop doesn't matter you can also use this port to hook up the other device so you're good to go so any of these ports will work you should be good to go aside the modem Port you do not use the other modem Port but a port from this this or this they're all they will all work fine connecting it to any other device it should automatically detect it and you should be good to go so this is a full-on wired back call setup okay now what is wireless backhaul well Wireless backhaul let's clean this up just a tad or a bit because now it's okay so let's put the switch aside just for a quick second Wireless backhaul is when you have your main one hooked up to your modem via Ethernet which is again acting as the router Wireless one is this one is one or two rooms away and it's in my case it's usually around 35 40 feet away or so and this is just hooked up to power now when you hook this up to power you add this in the Euro app this one wirelessly talks to this one So you you're still creating a wireless network however because this guy is wirelessly talking to this one typically the speeds are not quite as fast as this one so if I'm walking throughout my home if I'm close to this one I'll have really good Wi-Fi bars however the speeds will not be quite as fast because not only does my phone wirelessly talk to this one now this one wirelessly talks to this one before it goes through Ethernet so the more Wi-Fi you go through the slower typically typically things get so that's how Wireless back call Works however Wireless backhaul is extremely convenient and one is one of the strongest selling points for mesh Wi-Fi is because it's like literally biomesh Wi-Fi plug this into your modem and plug this one or two rooms away and then if you get another one let's just say you got another one plug that one or two rooms away and it will create and expand your Wi-Fi coverage now in the case you get three or more if you can not always possible if you can what the way you want to place it is you want to centrally place this so if you had three and you were doing Wireless backhaul you don't want this guy talking to this guy then talking into this guy what you want to do is if you can not always possible if this guy's your router this is your other one this is your other one so you want this guy to talk directly to this not hop from the other one to this guy so you want both of these to hop directly to the main router that's going to ensure you have the best possible Wi-Fi speeds for a wireless back call setup whereas if you were going basically if this guy was jumping at this guy which was then jumping to this guy this guy would suffer even more now a common question I get asked is if I have a wireless back call set up let's put this six plus away if I have a wireless back call setup can I use the ethernet ports on the zero and the answer is yes you can for sure you can so if you have a PlayStation or whatever or laptop doesn't matter anything that requires ethernet you can just plug it into this plug it into the device and you should be good to go now another question I get asked is okay we have a wireless backhaul setup if I connect this via Ethernet is it going to be the same as ethernet speeds and the simple answer is no because even though your device let's just assume this was a laptop and this was connected via Ethernet this one yes it has an amazing connection to this access point however this guy still needs to wirelessly talk to this guy which then goes through the internet so you still have this Wi-Fi connection here so it's not going to be as fast as if I connected you know this this same exact let's again assuming this was a laptop or something that required ethernet if I connected it to this guy this would be a much faster connection because now this is going through this and then through a wire it's going to the modem so essentially you're limiting all Wi-Fi connections which is ensuring you have really good speeds now Wi-Fi 6C on the new six figures band is crazy fast in fact on the local speed test I can actually even get faster than gigabit so something a worth note there but typically speaking ethernet is always a fast stable connection typically not always I should say typically okay so those are the ways another question I get asked is can I mix wired and wireless backhaul the answer is yes you can do what another question is do I need to set up so so let's just say I originally set up the Euro and this was a wired backhaul connection like this and then later on I I moved somewhere or for whatever reason I decided to make this a wireless backhaul do I need to go inside the Euro app and specifically say hey now this is Wireless backhaul no you don't the Euro app will automatically determine that and do that for you super easy once it's set up you're good to go so another question I get asked is for a wireless backhaul setup can I hook up an unmanned switch to this and the answer is yes you could do that as well so you can help up and unmanaged switch to this and use these ports to basically connect your other devices so pretty much any way you connect this and all not anyway but all of the ports between the router the access point the switch you can use any of the ports whether it's a wireless backhaul or a wired back hole you're free to use the ports however typically for Wired backhaul connections the ports are faster and the number one question I get asked that I've seen most commonly is can I go from modem to switch first and then from the switch go to both both of these and the answer is no you cannot hook up an unmanaged switch to this and then from this go to these it's not going to work the the everything that comes has to come after the router so you can connect it in just about any order you want so as long as the modem is hooked up to the router directly from there on out you can go from this to this and then hook this guy up to the switch you can go from this to the switch and from this this you can go from this to a switch to another switch to this so you're free as long as this is super important the router needs to be hooked up to the modem directly via Ethernet so that was pretty much the main question I get at finally let's talk about the special case condition because one question I do get asked is can I create a 2.5 gigabit Lan if my internet speeds or gigabit speeds are lower and the simple answer is yes but let's talk about the specifics of that so the way you would do that is in that case which is the case for me as well because my internet speeds are slightly under gigabit I Google from modem to the gigabit port on the pro 6E and leave the 2.5 gigabit alone now for the for the sake of this question let's just assume this unmanaged switch can handle 2.5 gigabit speeds or higher so I actually have a 10 gigabit unmanaged switch that I use which would fall into that category but let's just assume for the sake of this video this thing can handle 2.5 gigabits or higher so in that case what I would do is this modem is going to the gigabit port this guy and then from the 2.5 of this guy I'm going to this supposed 2.5 gigabit switch and then from this supposed 2.5 gigabit switch I'm going to the 2.5 gigabit port on this Pro 6C now what I've done here is I've created a 2.5 gigabits per second Lan connection or a 2.5 gigabits per second wired backhaul connection now not to be confused that this is in no way shape or form going to increase the speeds of my internet so my internet speeds are controlled by my modem which are controlled by my internet service provider so which are going to be under gigabit because you're connected to the gigabit Port speeds of this guy so what's the advantage of having a 2.5 gigabits per second land if you're still limited to your internet speeds that are gigabit speeds are under well one advantage is let's just say you have a network attached storage basically a network hard drive that can support faster speeds than that which some Synology devices can and let's just assume your desktop can also go faster than you get gigabit so let's just say it has a 2.5 gigabit connection well now you can actually transfer files between each other quicker because they're going to go through a 2.5 gigabits per second connection and the same way you would connect to the same exact thing so basically this would be connected to your computer and this would be connected to your network attached storage So within the same network the connection can be faster but when you're accessing the internet again no help whatsoever and there are other cases like this too so if you were doing like a land gaming and you know you had two computers and they supported those speeds you can between each other if you were doing the game on the land not on the internet that would also increase the speed so this is more of a rare or an edge case condition but as always hopefully this helps if you guys have any questions or comments please leave in the comment sections below and as always smash that subscribe button and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: landpet
Views: 109,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: router, wifi router, eero 6, eero pro 6 setup, eero pro 6 mesh, nest wifi, eero 6 pro, mesh wifi, best wifi router, eero, eero wifi, best mesh router, home wifi, home network setup, eero setup, eero mesh wifi, eero wifi setup, wifi 6, eero pro 6e setup, eero pro 6e installation, eero pro 6e faq, eero pro 6e questions, eero Pro 6e setup guide, eero wifi 6, eero mesh wifi setup, eero wifi 6e, eero wifi 6e setup, eero pro 6e mesh, eero pro 6e, eero mesh wifi review
Id: 51zbqq8aNuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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