Eerie Archives: Scariest Videos of 2022 [v2]

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[Music] there's nothing more unsettling than hearing a sharp knock on your front door just after you've gotten comfy on the sofa for the night usually you just ignore it until it goes away but what would you do if the knocking was coming from inside the house instead that's exactly what happened in this next clip uploaded by tick tock account highly suggested can i get it now stay there [Music] it's all a little too much like angry pounding fists against flimsy wood and the banging kept switching between two different doors like clockwork what really swayed us so was the child crying yeah it's okay yeah kids tend to cry at the drop of a pen but something about the terror in those walls at the end of the clip makes it pretty clear that something isn't quite right what do you think is happening here let us know in the comments and while you're at it don't forget to bump the like button and subscribe actually don't subscribe just yet we'll earn your subscription by the end of this scary compilation [Music] looks like this thief chose the wrong house to burgle tick-tock user maper posted a clip that is as bone chilling as it is hilarious take a look for yourself [Music] [Music] doesn't look like a string was attached anywhere and the ball wouldn't have floated like that either some good work from the security ghost perhaps we should hire it for when we go away on holidays [Music] the youtube channel the dark path scary does a great job at finding creepy ass footage of poltergeist activity but this is surely on another level the scenes you're about to watch will make you consider leaving the lights on tonight let's watch the video starts out quite calm before what could only be described as an unholy presence takes over he is grabbed by the legs as if someone or something was attempting to take him away the man knew he had no choice but to fight free himself and avoid a catastrophic ending and boy did he fight his way out of this one it's safe to say he'll be spending the rest of the night wide awake that's if he be spending the night at the house at all this eerie presence wasn't done with it though the scenes that follow are even creepier after an unsuccessful attempt to abduct the man the poltergeist does something that will most definitely help make the man's mind up about getting a new place take a look on that same night the surveillance camera outside picked up something at the house as it made its way out of the building was this real footage or poltergeist activity caught on camera what could have lifted the man's legs like that when we can't see strings or signs of video masking techniques the guy seems pretty disturbed after the incident too and what the hell did the cctv camera catch outside of his house at the exact same moment [Music] you spend your whole life wanting to get out of the office but seems like the supposed spirits over in this establishment can't get enough of it uploader jesus c captured footage of something so subtle that you might just miss it but look closely and notice how the chair moves [Music] [Music] did he catch it it's moving gently not like someone is spinning it but like someone is sitting in it could this be the result of a gentle breeze or a spirit trying to complete a spreadsheet who knows [Music] we all get our heads in the clowns every now and then but the scary videos you're about to watch take that to a whole new level [Music] towel imagine going about your day and coming across this where the hell is this guy's head fair enough we can't see the front part of his body but here's another one uploaded by lerano karjee this time with a better view you don't have to be an empath to sense that he might not be having the best day no clue how on earth this footage could be fake though it must be extremely difficult to edit genuine looking cctv footage and have it go unnoticed and the editing process will have to be done frame by frame by a skilled professional considering the figure is continuously moving so how are these headless dudes roaming the streets let us know what you think down below [Music] sometimes even the dead want to make the best of themselves who doesn't feel better after a quick short back and sides however the barbershop customers and staff in this scary video uploaded by the tick tock user meito kiyera seemed to cut their own pampering short after witnessing this [Music] [Music] there is no clear evidence of strings being pulled and the reactions of everyone involved certainly seemed genuine they decided that they weren't dealing with that today and honestly we can't blame them a ghostly creature is certainly a hell of a reason to cut your shift short what do you think real or fake let us know in the comments and while you're at it don't forget to bump the like button and subscribe to avoid missing out on weekly spookfest this clip will make you reconsider that job application for the night shift this security guard was doing his usual patrols but there was somebody unexpected following right behind him [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] this place was already creepy enough without shadow bastards stalking around the halls but this one can resist making a cheeky appearance [Music] hotter x investor gasol paranormal are a team of ghost hunters that specialize in the unexplainable whether it's an abandoned house a ghost sighting or some creepy ass poltergeist activity they're on it although when they went into this allegedly haunted forest in the dead of night they fled the scene screaming but it wasn't the endless creepy crawlies that sent them all spiraling it's what they saw when they trekked even deeper into the leaves perched incongruous among the shrubbery was a weird-looking doll covered in blood or red ink now we're going to assume that you've probably been watching our scary compilations long enough to know that dolls are never good news but this one takes the word creepy to a whole other level take a look something seems to be extremely wrong here the team seem to believe that there is a rich history within those woods one that harbors rituals evil spirits and even demons and sure enough a demon a creepy old doll moving on its own and a large abandoned woodland in the dead of night sound like they all go pretty well together but what do you think let us know in the comments [Music] [Music] sometimes the scariest things are not outside your front door sometimes they look right in the middle of your front room [Music] foreign he began recording to show his followers that he had caught a mouse out of the corner of his eye but the footage that he actually captured seconds later left him wishing he had never gotten up that night at all at a glance it seems like someone could have easily thrown the ball off camera behind the last tv unit and darted away when we see the curtains move but after re-watching it a few times we notice that the house is far too small for anyone to fake all this off camera and get away without being spotted the camera goes straight to the place leaving no time for anyone to leave or hide how the hell did this creepy ass moment happen then is it paranormal let us know down below [Music] according to tick tocker zack his house is haunted by an entity that seems utterly furious life isn't easy for his family so to show the world what they're dealing with they decided to install a security camera in the hallway where most of the activity happens this is what they captured the emerging and sudden drop of that black towel seems incredibly unnatural as so does the fact that it seems to be floating but is that enough to say that the house is haunted yet let's see what else they captured baby foreign things are moving at will and getting thrown in the weirdest possible manner if this is not paranormal do you have any idea how can they be faking the ball floating the way it did or the sugar spreading like there's someone blowing it we can't see anyone close to it and no sounds that could indicate a leaf blower used off-camera but the more we dig through this tik-tok account the weirder the activity gets skeptics might assume all these clips to be just a clever hoax but if that's you please let us know how do you think these incredibly unnerving feats are pulled off can't wait to read your thoughts in the comments section neil and his girlfriend from the youtube channel namisism have been experiencing weird things inside their house which was built in 1908 from loud bangs on the doors cupboards found mysteriously open in the morning and even doors opening and closing on their own the freaking place seems to be a paranormal hot hotspot but no matter how much they tried they could never capture anything on camera so they were not prepared for the paranormal punch in the face they were about to get take a look okay one knock for yes and two for now are you dead what does it mean it's not dead are you alive it makes no sense what the hell it is i don't understand that how can i do it live wait wait what the [ __ ] they never saw this what the [ __ ] oh my god that's pretty that's [ __ ] crazy i've never seen it so nuts you saw that right there's never nothing in here we've checked this has happened several times there's never been anything in here but just in case let's go ahead and be careful about this all right so there's nothing in here everything's good so far nothing in the corner behind the door i don't understand with no signs of strings or jump cuts in the footage we had to dig a little deeper of course after going through their comments section we found some people believing that the door opened due to the air pressure but while that is plausible it does not explain the bangs they've kept hearing coming from the bathroom after a thorough investigation of the room and still no signs of jump cuts we can see there is no one inside and we can't hear any footsteps either eliminating the possibility that someone could have been hiding behind the door and scuttling off when they got inside to further prove that the activity they captured was real they uploaded another clip with one camera outside and another camera inside of the bathroom let's take a look oh [ __ ] yes look it look it we'll make sure i'm gonna make sure this time oh maybe recording so many times waiting for this moment [Music] no one in here look at you can see me camera and camera no one in here just to make sure you can see me coming in and checking you know i had to use my tripod i usually hold the camera the tripod but i use it for the phone look at that boom camera and camera nothing oh that's [ __ ] awesome hold on i have an idea go in there real quick can you close the door no not you you see that can you do that again can you move the door again damn oh my god look holy [ __ ] you seen this look at cameron camera folks we have a full view shot of the bathroom from both sides so it's confirmed there is no sneaky action behind the scenes the knocking is loud and clear and nothing is placed around the door that could be causing it to drift open what do you think raw paranormal activity footage or something fishy going on here let us know in the comments [Music] it's all fun and games hearing a few footsteps upstairs in the dead of night or catching a fleeting figure sliding across the room out of the corner of your eye every now and then but what if you were catching those things all the time every day the youtube account my name is sam documented what it's like to continually live on the edge of a paranormal pit of despair it all started when he took a polaroid picture with an old camera he found while cleaning the basement he took a few photos to check if it was working only to capture something reddit users have described as the hat man i wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the polaroid that i uploaded to the internet last week before i start discussing anything else that's going on around the house so this is the original polaroid that i took nothing about it has been changed tampered with in any way um what i noticed originally was right here i don't know if you can see it i'm not exactly sure what this is at this point your guess is as good as mine but i really would appreciate um just some help to figure out what it is this is where i was sitting when i took that picture i was aiming i think right around here and the head of whatever it was appeared through that pain right there i double checked on the polaroid itself the deck drops a few inches so whatever it was had to have been at least six feet tall maybe more which i'm sure i would have noticed someone that tall standing there but i know for a fact there was nobody there when i took that photo i wanted to show you all from the outside where this thing would have been standing when i was taking that photo so yeah right around here because if i'm sitting there aiming the camera this way right where i'm standing right now is where it would have been standing but like i said i didn't see anything when i was taking the photo so that's what's confusing me the most and scaring me too is how can something have been here been standing here when i was taking the photo but i didn't see it i hope that explains a little of what's been going on around here but at the very least you know the story behind this polaroid i'm gonna keep my camera at the ready just in case anything else happens at least the activity that i've noticed i'll try to document it as best as i can and i hope it's just i hope this isn't something that i have to worry about going forward if you look closely at the photograph you can see an outline of something foreboding glaring daggers through the window pane after this sam was understandably terrified and confused but things were just getting started a few days later sam uploaded a video of his cats acting a bit strange okay so my cat is acting a little weird right now what what are you looking at what what's wrong you're scaring me because you're staring straight ahead what are you staring at i know i'm just looking for buddy i haven't seen him all day either he's usually hanging out here on the counter that's why i call him the counter cat but i don't know where he is sometimes he hangs out on these chairs buddy buddy oh there he is what are you doing under the chair hi what are you doing what's wrong i don't know what he's doing down here i've never seen him really hang out under these chairs before he's always on the counter jessica is staring at random spots and buddy has been hiding a lot almost like they can sense something is there apparently they have never acted like this before it could just be a change in the season but it seems too coincidental that their weird behavior is happening at the same time as the paranormal activity the more clips we watch the weirder it gets alright so i've been having some issues around my house with some of the lights i had someone come out to check to make sure there's nothing wrong with the wiring there isn't and i've changed the light bulbs a couple times but this keeps happening and i don't know why even the light bulbs have had enough of this crap sam rang someone to check it out but they couldn't tell him what was going on some commenters have said it could just be the balls being put in wrong but it seems strange that they have only just begun flickering inside and outside the house okay just put a new bulb in and let's see if it works nice so i was just taking my trash out and i noticed this and i wanted to show you guys it's not just the lights inside my house it's also the lights outside my house that one's fun and now it's not and from here things start getting damn right terrifying sam uploaded another video after hearing some strange scratching and banging noises coming from his attic that's when he decides enough is enough and heads up there with his camera he didn't expect to catch something so weird though take a look i don't know if you guys can hear this but this is what i've been hearing the last few nights um uh uh man did you catch it at the end of the video when the lights went out and he decided to go and get new bulbs we can see a faint figure walking past the camera as if it's stalking him who or what the hell could be lurking around in this guy's attic whatever entity this is it's having a cruise throughout the whole house get ready because the next clip will have you checking if your doors are the last 10 minutes locked so and they haven't stopped knocking hello who's there hey so so so do what's going on here let me play games that's not funny so are you kidding me no matter how much courage sam has this experience probably had him ordering a new pair of pants on amazon next day delivery but more importantly the knocking sound is distinctly wood being hit but how is the wooden door being accessed from the outside when clearly both the front and back doors have glass doors in front of them awesome audio editing skills or something far more sinister at play here after the knocking sam started patrolling the grounds of his property to check for intruders however he did not expect to turn around and see that the thing he feared all along was already inside oh my god did you catch it there is a figure standing at his bedroom window he bravely steps back into the house with a small pocketknife to defend himself but same as usual there was nobody there this invisible menace can't leave sam in peace and its actions get more and more obvious as we watch he hears some commotion down in his laundry room so he goes to check it out as per he sees nothing but this was the last straw these were closed these were 100 clothes i never leave these open if there's someone or something here i want you to prove it to me i want you to close one of these doors come on oh if i'm being honest i'm glad nothing and as if it couldn't get any worse the entity decides it's time to pull out the big guns hey yeah i just wanted to call and say again thank you for taking buddy and jessica for a few days yeah i just gotta get out of this house for a little bit yeah yeah i'm fine uh listen i gotta get going i gotta go check into the hotel in about an hour all right i'll talk to you later bye oh [Music] this uh [ __ ] while some commenters felt this video was a little hard to believe most still couldn't explain what they saw here but could sam fake that level of terror when he spotted the supposed apparition of the hatman but just because he managed to escape for a bit doesn't mean the other residents of the house did the moving of the blinds is one thing but this entity has to be a whole other level of bastard to be messing with our furry friends is the entity targeting sam's pets unfortunately there's a chance that could be the case one day sam noticed his beautiful cat jessica was having issues with her eyes diluting a lot when he went to the vet they told him that there was a black mass behind her eyes this story is heartbreaking so if you're sensitive to stories about animals we recommend you to skip the video right now and keep yourself spooked rather than sad check the description section to find the timestamps for the next video in this compilation if you think you have a brave heart we'll let sam tell you the rest himself i just got back from the vet um the doctor agreed with what i was saying earlier um that it was something cerebral neurological and um she said that if i you know um if i let her be she would just get worse they could give her steroids to give her a boost but it wouldn't buy her much time but uh she would have eventually started like having seizures and rubbing her head into things and everything like that so um the doctor recommended that i put her to sleep so i did and uh i already um already did all my crying at the doctor's office and on the way back [Applause] i just i'm i'm gonna miss her really didn't miss her the only thing i kept thinking of on the way over here was did this thing in my house do this did it cause my cat to die and i know dan said to stay positive but if this thing is going to those lengths to hurt and now kill my animals what do i do especially if it's attached to me because if i leave the house at some point it'll just resurface it did in the woods i didn't really notice it while i was gone for those two weeks but if this thing is attached to me it's just going to follow me wherever i go so there's no point running but i don't know what i'm going to do now whether this was the action of an evil entity or not we offer nothing but love and respect to sam and his precious girl we know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet rest in peace jessica youtube channel dark matter posted a video that might just push you into believing in the other side according to an interview conducted by the telegraph father gabrielle amoreth has made a name for himself by performing over 50 000 exorcisms ranging from just a few minutes to several hours in length he is known worldwide as the vatican exorcist with thousands of successful exorcisms under his belt the one you're about to watch proved to be one of the most challenging for him giving its terrifying nature this footage was released as a documentary titled the devil and father of morov after william freaking the director of the famous movie the exorcist was invited by father and murray himself to witness and capture the real deal an actual exorcism during the trailer of this documentary william free king stated that quote this is not fiction it's different from all other movies with that said you better be prepared because the clip we are about to show you is not for the weak hearted [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is you know [Music] foreign [Music] the woman laid in the chair seems to have lost all sense of herself the anger of this alleged demon inside her body is almost overpowering free fully grown men if we listen carefully to her tone we can hear it warp and contour into different voices every time she speaks again according to the directors of this documentary this is raw footage which makes things even scarier when she said we are legion could that mean multiple demons are possessing her body it certainly seems like she has the strength of multiple people and if a demon truly is inhabiting christina's body who else did it bring to the spookfest even though the creator of this documentary states otherwise this could still have been some fantastic editing and brilliant acting to trick the world but something about the way christina is violently jolting in her seat and the inhuman expressions on her face tell us that something truly evil could be going on here when this lady comes back to herself she looks like a completely different woman but was she really being possessed by forces we cannot understand hit the comment section and while you're at it don't forget to bump the like button and subscribe to avoid missing our weekly spookfest [Music] we've all heard stories of poltergeist activity where something invisible throws stuff across the room but in this scary video uploaded by tick tocker moon goddess crystal the poltergeist goes the extra mile ramping up the water bill and engaging in kitchen renovations the clip was originally sent to a paranormal investigator and in all honesty we can see why some of this creepy ass activity is so strong you will even be able to sense it through your screen take a look dr costler it's mary it's happening again the water just came on i'm hearing noises my dogs are going crazy yes yes i'm calm i'm here stuff in the kitchen in the bedroom i don't know what to do [Music] oh my god the water just turned on i'll call you right back my god go away leave us alone oh my god [Music] [Music] did you hear the terror in her voice according to the comments she was on the phone to a paranormal investigator while this was happening and boy was that investigator having a field date with the activity they heard over the phone the water tap turning on is one thing but how the hell did the cupboards all burst open so abruptly the activity is too much for one person to sneakily do on their own off camera so quickly but the scariest factor of this footage is the dog's reaction just a few seconds before the paranormal explosion leave us alone something else was there with her and they could sense it one commenter even suggested that they once lived in that same house 15 years ago and received hefty warnings that the place was haunted to the point that they had to move out after experiencing it firsthand [Music] youtuber yama q uploaded a terrifying sequence of clips that should teach you to always be suspicious of super discounted properties it all started with the need to find a new place to live after getting notified by his landlord that his house needed some renovation work he started searching the market when he hit the jackpot or so he fought he found a really cheap 42 year old property but the whole place had to be renovated though not for the reasons you might like to think the previous owner died within the walls of the house which really puts a damper on the amazing price but he couldn't pass up such a bargain and honestly we can't really blame him can we however there's just one small problem the water in the bathroom just won't turn on no matter how many times he tries to get it fixed the problem comes back soon after we can't shake the fact that the bathroom is exactly where the previous owner died coincidence maybe maybe not after witnessing the door opening on its own and hearing some strange noises at night coming from that area of the house he decides to set up a camera inside the bathroom and turns out there could well be something lurking within those walls foreign [Music] while the bumps and bangs on this first clip could be easily faked off camera if he were to knock on the wall from the other side and either pour a string attached to the hairbrush or let it fall from the vibrations of the bangs we still decided to continue exploring his channel to spot any mistakes such as video editing masks or jump cuts in his footage however even after going frame by frame there seems to be no visible strings or signs of fakery anywhere foreign [Music] it's getting harder to debunk his footage we could come up with theories on how the items are moved with strings the creepy ass voice is placed on top of the footage or the clock is part of a well done software masking technique but without actually spotting any mistakes or signs to prove these claims we might as well assume that the freaking place is disturbingly haunted and when we look at this next clip the latter starts to become more plausible hmm after hearing the aggressive knocking on the door behind him he quickly pans the camera with no jump cuts and steps inside the room to prove that there is no one inside and surely a string wouldn't be able to slide that door closed but maybe you know another way this could be done let us know but whether it's real or fake the dude decides to do a little more digging and finds a gorgeous shrine near his home these shrines were used as a protection from grudge-bearing spirits who experienced cruel deaths and are widely believed in japanese culture to cause natural disasters this shrine in particular is built on top of a prior battlefield from the sengoku period it was most likely built for the soldiers who were brutally murdered during the war could this ancient spiritual belief be tied at all to what he is experiencing in his house in this next clip we get another dose of bone chilling footage he decides to film with the bathroom door open to see if there are any changes in the weird activity and it just gets creepier changed the banging doesn't seem to be getting any quieter but some commenters seem to believe the loud noises could be coming from the room directly above the bathroom perhaps yama cubes could be stomping around and shouted to create some spooky content we quickly learned that he wouldn't be able to do it though because there is no room above the bathroom after this yamaku attempts to find some more links between the history of the area and the activity in his house north east from his new residence he finds a dead water well which doesn't make things look any better for him in japanese culture kimon which translates to demon gates are always found in the north east direction of a city he then decides to travel in different directions around his house to see what else he can find to the south west of the house there is a park with an ancient burial mound or a cofoon that houses the coffins of the many ancient ruling classes in japan there is a lot of spiritual belief in japan and a lot of history seems to surround his new residence could this be bigger than just one spirit in the next clip the events that take place lead him to sprint down to the bathroom window and that's when he captures something bone chilling take a look so this so there is clearly someone knocking from inside that room but there's nobody to be seen he then scuttles back into the bathroom and the second he opens the door the banging stops almost like something was waiting for him to interact with it but no matter how spooky it gets he remains extremely skeptical and attempts to put it all down to issues in the piping the water hammer phenomenon could well be a possibility considering the noise water makes when valves suddenly close can be extremely loud can't help but think about the convenient timing of the banzo the way it stops when he opens the door and all the weird movements he recorded and shown in the past surely piping issues wouldn't toss bottles and incense sticks off the side they also don't make grisly wailing noises that echo through the house [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] if you listen carefully it sounds like it's coming from directly in front of the camera he even went as far as attaching an external microphone to the camera so he could get a better idea of the direction where the sound is coming from [Music] [Music] as this carries on he decides enough is enough but he might have made a big mistake ha oh [Music] his equipment looks a little out of place but it's definitely picked up on something apparently this toy picks up on noise and repeats it back to you and when he holds it down to the road it seems to repeat back a long distorted agonizing whale as soon as he figures out the exact place where the sound was coming from he quickly tried hitting the unseen source of the noise just like it was suggested by one of his commenters but it clearly didn't work because in this next clip we can still see him trying a different approach [Music] [Music] what's up uh as weird and funny as it all sounds there is something that ties this story together an ancient trial was used in japanese courts centuries ago called gugachi a trial where your innocence was determined by the gods after the way you handled submerging your hands in boiling water if you came out unscathed you were innocent if you were burnt well let's just say terrible things would happen perhaps the boiling water hitting the supposed spirit shocked it into silence because of its tragic past the area where yamaku resides is unknown but it is clearly built heavily upon old rituals many traces of food to many have been found nearby a ritual where the shoulder blade of a stag is heated to create cracks and foresee the future so his new residence clearly isn't a stranger to spiritual beings or practices especially considering that there is an ancient tomb almost directly in front of his house is he being haunted by the ghostly apparition of the house's previous owner or is he surrounded by thousands upon thousands of tortured souls not yet able to rest in their graves let us know your thoughts in the comment section [Music] they say ghosts tend to take over the house only when the owner is out this creepy ass facebook video uploaded by firefighter greg is the perfect example of that greg lives pretty close to the haunted place where the eerie footage was captured which happens to be his colleague's house one night when they are both on duty his friend's phone chimed alerting him to some motion detected by his wise camera this wouldn't be too concerning if it wasn't for the fact that his friend lives completely alone he immediately brought out his phone to see what could have moved in the house only to find something utterly bone chilling let's take a look if you follow the highlighted area closely right after the lights go out you observe a sinister figure as well as hearing some footsteps when whatever was there made its way across the room you're probably thinking that this could have been an intruder moving in front of the camera but everything points to something more sinister they called the police thinking what most of us would have thought burglar in the house but on getting there the police found absolutely nothing other than the lights off no forced entry and no one was in sight at all after this unexplainable event the uploader also stated that other weird things occurred in the house before his friend eventually decided to move out but that was far from the first time someone captured an intruder on camera while everyone was out here is another person who caused something creepy passing by the camera ryman 8 uploaded this bizarre video on youtube showing some sort of eerie figure or energy strongly out of the room before it eventually sets off the intruder alarm [Music] imagine capturing something like this inside your home while you're out would you sleep there again let us know in the comments and while you're at it don't forget to bump the like button and subscribe if you haven't yet [Music] youtube channel gankwahp uploaded this creepy ass footage captured inside a playground but not just your average playground nearby residents are absolutely sure that this one is haunted not just because they see weird things happening all the time but also because years ago four young kids were playing on this swing when one of them accidentally jumped from it and broke his neck while landing taking his last breath on the spot after that everyone swears that the area was never the same passers-bys hear the sound of a child crying and the sound becomes painfully loud after midnight some have even claimed to have seen the child ghost playing alone upon hearing these stories the two investigators decided to check out the place precisely where people reported hearing the cries and whales coming from and that's when they captured something bone chilling take a look at something we can always blame it on the wind right now that the guys are convinced that something needs to be done they decide to perform a ritual to communicate with the ghostly child [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign the dogs nearby started barking as soon as the ritual began and they suddenly stopped when the candle was lit they then continue with the ritual and turn off all the lights except the candle yep and then the candle went out this sent shivers down their spine and the investigators decided to quit and leave but when they checked the footage they found this [Music] is the playground really haunted or did you spot something we didn't let us know your thoughts in the comments [Music] youtubers tinch and mccole are well acquainted with mysterious happenings throughout korea but no amount of ghost hauntings could have prepared them for what they saw at this abandoned building site the video starts off with your standard pleasantries of the ghostly kind a few bumps and bangs you know the drill but when the cameraman decides to check out the abandoned office building the activity soon takes a turn for the worse take a look kiss me god me yay oh who or what decided to flip that freaking sheet of paper over right in front of our eyes unsurprisingly the cameraman bolts to another area but whatever spooked him in the office seems to have latched onto him already but the cameraman doesn't stick around to find out as he flees once again this time into one of the builders quarters the room seems picturesque aside from one thing he spots on the floor which stops him dead in his tracks is that dried blood crystal it's a freaking paranormal punch in the face something pulled the beaded curtains open as if inviting us all inside would you go yeah screw that could this be footage of a trapped soul desperately trying to communicate with the outside world or as someone spent a little too long setting up a scene for our entertainment make your mind up and let us know in the comments section [Music] before we show you the next hair raising video here's a question for you what the heck is going on between ghosts and doors with that question in mind let's look at this video youtube channel milocross guadalupe estrada palette uh i i've probably just butchered the name on that one but but let's proceed they have been experiencing some weird unexplainable things in their house the uploader also mentioned that this wasn't the first time that this one specifically happened but it was indeed the first time that they could finally capture on camera here is the footage would a magnet behind the door be able to move it up and down like this what about software masking tricks it's not a still shot to do it easily in fact the person recording can't stay still at all trembling like your mom's knickers so what the hell is going on here once again this wasn't the only footage of a poltergeist messing with doors check out this one uploaded by joey knight 12. andrew andrew hey let's go let's go record that room yeah hurry why because your dad remember he told us about that about robbie what they hear oh hurry up though with the way these boys are talking we can guess that this is not the first time people talk about strange things happening in that particular room but they just wanted to capture it on camera so they decided to give it a go what they found after watching the footage though certainly freaked them out that one right the wood ship that one the edition like i don't know we should record i should leave it right here right or should i put her over here where should i put it oh [ __ ] oh this fifth stance oh right there so could the dustpan falling so slowly trigger the door to the point that it slams shut again this looks like something that was staged but the quality of the video is clear enough and we can't see any strings or signs of anyone around causing the movement also the boys left in a totally different direction so there is no way they could be responsible for it right what else could have made the door shut though leave a comment below with the words real or fake [Music] if there is something we can learn from this ghost video is to never make a pitch stop at an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere the uploader of the following video livid excuse 1640 will probably agree with this statement they were driving late at night and decided to stop by and abandon house just as they get closer to it they found something that left them out of breath and it will likely leave you too take a look did you see the ghostly figure staring at them from the inside what would a kid be doing there so late at night and why does he look so pale could it be a mannequin purposely placed at the window to scare anyone passing by so many questions do you think there is a deeper meaning to what they saw let us know what you think in the comments and while you're at it don't forget to bump the like button it truly helps the channel grow also please subscribe if you want to get notified every time we bring you new scary videos like these [Music] this home security camera captures something that we have all experienced at some point and still feel pretty normal about it [Music] of course what's weird about the wind blowing paper off the table right however a look at this second clip will draw your attention to the possibility of other forces being at play here a draft coming through the home surely would not be able to throw the heavier things down and move the chair back so what the hell caused these weird events we could put the blame on a pesky poltergeist there also could have been a string putting the wooden chair one way and the banana off the table the other did you spot any strings though we didn't but what about fancy editing tricks even after going frame by frame there's still no signs of it and again this video was uploaded in 2011 so it's very unlikely that this uploader back then would spend a fortune on expensive software just for his own personal use but there's more from the same house let's watch notice how the cloth on the floor seems to be moving on its own that movement doesn't look like it's being done by a string and there doesn't seem to be anyone around either then the bed canopy and the pillow decide to join the party too was it just windy wednesday in the house or did we just watch some pretty cool poltergeist stunts let us know hey youtube thinks this video is perfect for you to watch next let's see if they're right don't forget to subscribe click the bell icon and turn on all channel notifications to avoid missing our weekly spookfest thanks for watching stay in the dark
Channel: Goose Pimples
Views: 2,052,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary videos, scary tiktok, paranormal investigation, goose pimples, evp, top 5 ghost, poltergeist, ghost hunters, scary videos compilations, poltergeist activity, scary comp, creepy tiktok, analysis, ghost hunt, caught on camera, top 5 scary, scary, ghost, creepy, horror tiktok, paranormal activity, ghost hunter, unexplained, found online, ghost hunting, creepy video, countdown, scariest videos, mystery, ghost caught on camera, scary footage, creepy videos, top 10 ghost, haunted
Id: 64Q3z772TZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 2sec (5522 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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