Edwin Daly's Full Game - (WWTBAM Hot Seat) Millionaire Moments

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just a reminder before today's program if you're a fan of millionaire you can check out the most recent millionaires moment here on the channel that being the full game of ken basin and now here on am TV some more millionaire moments for you as we head over to Australia for the millionaire hot seat [Music] go Clemente Barker and South Australia these days that retire but does bit of work at the church yet which church with now Barker Baptist 67 years of age Kathy is your Wi-Fi Cathy hi welcome to the show you ready to go no but let's do it anyway Oh happen well just at your leisure okay here at the 1969 hit something the real thing do you know the song I do know the song drive singing filled room you can if you like Shefali Meldrum Ross Wilson Johnny young or anger sure there are no thing who wrote it who wrote it was Johnny and so look in see please walking see Johnny Young who produced it Moline Oldham and who's singing Russell Morris Russell Marsh you got the trifecta they occurring for two and a half [Music] [Applause] looks like the break there's a million dollars to be won tonight I reckon we'll really give away big money right after this ready to go with four thousand dollars with a question good like it and here it comes when the Australian city of Darwin was founded in 1869 it was given what name a kakadu big Catherine C Palmerston the Arafura while I was up there in 2011 and I'm fairly sure it was promised them that was a reasonably cold so look in safe walk in safe monster correct yeah those days Carlson's the name of the small city about 20 kilometres from Dow and Porter diamond was established in 1911 city named after Charles Darwin of course they create naturalist $6,000 which author created the character Pippi Longstocking HC s Lewis V Astrid Lindgren c a.a Milne D Anna Sewell Anna saw was black beauty a a nun was Winnie the Pooh's CS Lewis was the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe so I'll go with the astrid lindgren lucky investor in england it's correct for six thousand six Christians to go for a million dollars you're in yet I am this is for ten thousand which of these former Australian politicians served the longest term as Prime Minister ain't Gough Whitlam be Malcolm Fraser see Bob Hawke the John Howard [Music] I'm gonna have a go at it and I believe it was day jonhoward so please looking to walk in the day John Hanlin John Hale was the second longest serving Prime Minister behind Sir Robert Menzies so that bunch he was the longest serving from March 1996 to December 2007 a total of just over eleven years and eight months here's the second longest serving Prime Minister I said behind Robert Menzies whittlin was there for two years and 11 months Malcolm Fraser for seven years and four months and Bob Hawke was the longest-serving AOP Prime Minister for eight years and 9 months great stuff we have five questions away from a million dollars which means Tracy brought your hard work you might have missed out after all that but you've got a pair of lifting for us I think everybody is in the big money here today fantastic tell me but did you serve them Vietnam yes I did hello four twelve most national servicemen yeah we're vets were six months at vung tau and six months at Nui Dat good on you right you've been married to to Katherine so Kathy up the back in their first wife passed away with cancer yeah that's very lucky to have two beautiful Katherine's in your life Oh blessed by God absolutely yeah definitely yeah hey Kathy he's going pretty well here he is very well alright well given the fact that he's gone past any opportunity of passing what do you wanna do with a million dollars oh it would be nice travelin yeah do a lot of things you're done you Edwyn what would you do right well I'd give the first 10% to God's work and then I'd ask Kathy what to do with the rest that's the way serve the two masters that you must search live happy wife third search the other way isn't it yeah everyone you're ready to go this is for $20,000 thank you very much which of these celebrities was born Thomas mapathon a Tom Cruise be Tom Jones see Tom Hanks D Tom Petty [Music] really not very sure but as you said if I pass I'd probably right get back I'm gonna take a stab at Tom Cruise walk in Tom Cruise Tom Cruise was born Thomas mammoth effort win his full name is actually Thomas Cruz mapa thore the fourth and of course nominated for Best Actor the Academy Awards three times for Jerry Maguire born on the fourth of July and Magnolia Edwin you're playing beautifully Tracy and Bianca I think you both might be cooked there but thanks very much you got the ringside seat hopefully to watching a million dollars go off in the meantime Niles could be here for 50,000 Adam Europe for $100,000 Zeki you win a quarter of a million dollars ahead it's a million a thousand or bust for you when we return in the hot seat right after this is to go for 1 million dollars yes do not adjust your set four questions left for a million dollars six contestants in play and wouldn't you're a real chance here you've been answering beautifully set up by Tracy and Bianca for the first couple of questions here but even five in a row now let's keep going I say $50,000 which of these sports is most similar to core for a hockey B basketball C baseball d cricket don't have to know this one it's B basketball is the most similar because course football has a basket that you throw the ball to lock it in there yeah looking baby that's what did it's correct 450 pounds Air Corp was actually that's for basket it was it's played between two teams of four men and four women Australia hosted the 1999 World Championship is invented in 1901 by in Amsterdam teacher hours we'll get you back another time will you come back good on you thanks very much this for a hundred thousand which astronaut served as a US Senator for over two decades a Alan Shepard be Neil Armstrong see Buzz Aldrin the John Glenn I should be saying something instead of just holding everything up so five seconds stuck it's a Senator John Glenn [Music] sounds right in my head so I'd like to look him deeply lock Indy Senator John Glenn be of the right stuff for two decades served as a u.s. senator correct for 100 yes everyone's got their hands their head in their hands in 1962 John Glenn was the first US estimate to orbit the earth he served as US Senator for Ohio from 1974 to 1999 and in 98 remember he became the oldest space travel aboard the space shuttle discovery had a second go at it as a senator Adam lovely to see you soon likewise mate yeah we'll see another time like a definitely all right well the good news is that usually people come back the second time never been a lakh SEC you might step forward and get a thousand dollars just for doing so if take the picking and then a question will be there for a quarter of a million dollars in the meantime Edwin you're the man in the hot seat yeah all right I'll give you a thousand bucks then I'll ask you a question for 1 million dollars oh no challenging problem yes I'd like to have that chance thank you very much hey you feel like heavy yeah I'm nervous everyone tell me that you've retired what we're doing before you retire I did a bit of sales and a bit of clerical work nicely my last job was with the Child Support Agency which is probably one of the most stressful places to work yeah it's worse than working at the tax office yeah tell me about - you work you do at the church when people go through difficult times the pastoral care director and the pastoral care team which we have a very good one we support them doing meals giving counseling providing transport to get people on pace to another to self and just basically helping out and walking with them when they're having a difficult journey good on you doing good luck to you and all the volunteers out there an SS man absolutely pleasure to come to an abrupt halt or they give all the volunteers the soda they wanted to get paid or gave it away so whether you and your ilk Edwin Daly this is a question to qualify for the million dollar question on the hot seat this for a thousand dollars cash which of these English Royals was not put to death at the Tower of London a Mary Queen of Scots be angling see Lady Jane Grey the Catherine Howard the event of the terrible I have been to the Tower of London I was there for the poppy day when that was released and absolutely spectacular who was not put to death at the Tower of London Mary Queen of Scots and Boleyn Lady Jane Grey Katherine Hale I'm tossing up between Mary Queen of Scots and Catherine Howard I think Mary Queen of Scots was killed elsewhere so that she didn't have the honour of being killed in the Tower of London and so I'm gonna look in a Bobby Knight you're tossing up between a and D and Berlin was put to death at the Tower of London Lady Jane Grey was put to death at the Tower of London Catherine Howard was put to death of a terrible Mary Queen of Scots was executed at fotheringhay castle about 120 kilometres north of London okay the next question is for $1,000,000 now Edward do I look worried not half as worries the accountant here at channel 9 kilometres egwin no one has won the million dollars on this show it's time for somebody to win it you're the seventh person to have a crack at this plenty of people got the 250,000 we haven't had anyone win the million dollars do we want him to win the million dollar we want to make some news of our own Edwin Daly playing for $1,000,000 welcome back Edwin Daly is in the hot seat playing for 1 million dollars cash the man from Mount Parker in South Australia 67 years of age these days retired about 85 now well you long as you're lucky to get this million dollars it and that's issue a works for each church wants to donate 10% of the winnings tonight to the church this his wife is first wife her through cancer has four kids Kim who's deceased Wayne Adrian and Carmel it's been married to 12 years to the beautiful Kathy up the back there get Anya Cathy the two Cathy's in his life vietnam veteran also worked part-time or as an assistant at the football club at Central Districts working is praying so volunteer you'll have to volunteer by the sense of things yeah what's wrong with me what do you get out of that I get the satisfaction of making somebody else's life a bit better my life although when you know my wife died and my son died and we've been through a variety things yeah my life all the way through has been blessed I wish that every marriage could be as happy as the two I've had and then there would be a much much better world and yeah making other people's lives better would be really nice be nice to make mine a little easier oh yeah very much so hey Cathy tell me about this bike what's he like he's a very special man yeah why is it what makes you so special he's generous and gentle and caring and compassionate and loving that's not a bad rep for a boy you remember the script that's it Edwin well here's how the script goes I'll give you a question for answers ones right three is wrong you give me the right one again I'll give you a million dollars thank you but that didn't happen sorry I'm just a little shell-shocked Edwin dolly this question is for 1 million dollars commonly known by his nickname what was the full name of banjo Patterson hey Albert Bert be Andrew Barton see Adam Beaufort D Adrian banks I think it was Andrew Barton banjo Patterson so I'll lop in me lock it in you didn't even take your 33 seconds left they have a look no I did sorry it we know him as a be banjo Patterson I think there's a part on Spring Street near the Parliament House which we read Melbourne in Melbourne yeah yeah and that's I think is for banjo Patterson and I think it's Andrew Barton I thought that's what it was so that's why I went Andrew Barton Patterson you reckon god I hope so the great banjo Patterson the Man from Snowy River you're messing with my head now trouble is you're enjoying it [Music] commonly known by his nickname what was the full name of banjo Patterson it wasn't Adriene banks medicine nor was it Adam Beauford Patterson Edwyn the great Australian poet and writer was Andrew Barton [Applause] [Music] hang on I'll just bring the boys out here welcome ed one yes I'm not surprised congratulations you've won a million wake up in a minute even you don't wake up tomorrow and you've won a million dollars cash on behalf of everyone at the millionaire hot said in Channel nine congratulations to you and beautiful Cathy now you've gone through all that can you tell me what how do you feel exhilarated think I'm gonna wake up in a minute and I'm really glad that my dream about getting here and looking and going you know Eddie the right answers not there was only a dream I'm have incredibly happy retired is 67 years of age you've worked hard you've brought your kids up your wife is with you here and her family can't be for you you're holding on to me you're squeezing this moment in your life what does it mean to you for a million dollars to come into your life maybe not just dumb it's it'll take a while to sink he nothing yeah and to see we become what we do with it well it is to Edwin on the old millionaire only twice did we give away the million dollars on this show as we see you're the seventh person to have a look at the million dollar question and you are the first person in the history of millionaire hotseat to win 1 million dollars Edwin Daly from South Australia from Mount Parker in South Australia has just won a million dollars in the hole you well that does bring us to a close this evening on amtv we do hope you enjoyed the program and please do keep your eyes open for brand new content that will be coming to you soon until then have a very good week and we hope that you join us again soon good night [Music]
Channel: Adam Martyn
Views: 33,606
Rating: 4.7632399 out of 5
Keywords: who wants to be a millionaire, who wants to be a millionaire hot seat, edwin daly millionaire, millionaire hot seat, adam martyn, adam martyn who wants to be a millionaire, adam martyn millionaire, millionaire moments, millionaire australia, millionaire australia winner, wwtbam, wwtbam hot seat winner, test card f, adam martyn amtv, kevin smith full game, kevin smith millionaire, millionaire moments playlist, millionaire moments the uk winners, game show, millionaire
Id: 3eMYMzR66Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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