EdgeSwitch Setup Guide - 1

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hi I'm Willie and welcome to my channel thank you for being here so tonight what we're gonna go over is since its 2017 we're gonna go over the edge switch when we first take it out plug it in and some initial setup that I like to do we're gonna break this up into three pieces this is these three videos are a remake of like my some of my first videos that were just screen with a text pad so let's hop into this real quick alright so what I've got is this is an edge router that I pulled out of the box or I'm sorry this is an edge switch that I pulled out of the box and I plugged it in now you can see that the IP address here says 192 168 66 thousand 49 that's because this grabbed a DHCP address from my edge router if you are plugging a PC in if you're plugging a PC into your edge switch and there is no DHCP on the network you're going to need to give your PC an IP address a static IP and the one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one network but it can't be dot two because the switch is going to be one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot two if there is no DHCP available so please keep that in mind I'll flash that on the screen or should have already flashed by the time you see this so when you first get to your edge switch if you've just taken it out of the box there's going to be a screen where you have to accept the terms of the ubiquity licensing agreement I've already done that but I haven't changed the username the password yet so right now we're gonna put in u BN t u v and t one other thing that I want to show you if you have DHCP on your network but you're not sure with the IP address of your edge switches and you've got Chrome make sure you pull up your ubiquity discovery tool and it's going to show you all of the ubiquity devices on your network now this is not I click unify family there this is not undr unify family and you can see that this is an edge which UB and T edge switch here's the IP and it says that this is version 1 so that is how you would find your edge switch and you can click on this I'm not gonna click on that because Microsoft edge is gonna open because I haven't made chrome by default and I just have Chrome open and it's better that way so now we're gonna log in you BMT you BMT and the first thing we're gonna do we're going to check the firmware version and we are on version 1.6 0.1 but you should always get in the habit of going over to death UB and t.com slash download and looking for your device now this happens to be an edge switch light and you can see that the latest edge switch light firmware is 1.7.1 so we're gonna go ahead and download this we're gonna accept the Terms we're gonna download the file and it's about 14 and a half Meg's and so we're going to come over to our edge switch and right here on this tab it says firmware upgrade so we're gonna click on that and it's going to show us the firmware that's available we are going to upload a new firmware so we are going to click the Upgrade button we're gonna choose file we're go to our downloads we're gonna select that firmware we're gonna hit begin transfer and this is going to take a few minutes so as soon as that's done we'll be right back so while we're waiting for that I have bags of rack studs I've been recording some video I'm going to continue to record video I'm gonna have some rack studs videos we're gonna have rack studs races it's going to be awesome I'm going to present these rack studs to people who have never seen him if you don't know what rack studs are stay tuned for those videos I also have videos coming of security tools for Ethernet ports for USB ports all kinds some stuff coming up so stay tuned for those videos I have not abandoned network theory I think I'm gonna start doing that every other week so I can really put some thought into that and make that the best product possible so our progress is that 99% and it says the file contents are valid that's awesome and it's copying the flesh okay our transfer is complete so we're gonna click close and we want the next active to be the 1.7.1 so we're gonna go ahead and submit this and I just get in the habit of always clicking save after I do anything and now we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna restart the switch and we're just gonna say restart and ok and now this switch is gonna reboot so we can bring up a command prompt start a ping to the 49 I can confirm but I've got the bright blue light so if you've got an edge switch you've noticed that the status LED when it's booting is a really nice blue color it reminds me of well kind of of this this flashlights like this it's a really nice blue it's darker than the blue this is a new air cleaner this is a blue by blue air it's a 4-1 one they just came out with these things testing that out but if you remember growing up 50 60 70 s 80s maybe even the 90s but you had the big Christmas lights the big glass bulbs that blew that's what that blue that reminds me of and then when it goes to a lighter white color then the switch is ready so and then once the switch is ready we should start getting a reply on the network here so we'll see how long that takes on this the edge switches sometimes it takes a while for these things to boot so don't get impatient don't get freaked out just give it some time unless you've got no lights at all then it's time to start investigating other things are there options like why doesn't my switch have power okay we've got an ICMP requests now and it looks like the router has presented us with a login screen but that's hilarious so u BN t u v NT for the username and password do not use that in production I just had this conversation with some of the night that couldn't believe that so many people will still use u VN t don't use you be in tu B and T don't tell me you're just joking don't use it ok so now we are on 1.7.1 which is the latest general release and we're going to do a few more things so speaking of you bien tu b and t we're going to go to system we're gonna go down to users we're gonna go to accounts now if you are managing the users locally that's this is this is where we're gonna do this we're going to get into managing users from an LDAP server from the central management authority in some of these videos a little later on but for now we're gonna go ahead and click Add it's going to be and privileged 15 will give us administrative privilege so that is the privilege level that we want we'll go ahead and click Submit now we're gonna save the configuration and I'll tell you what 1.7.1 is much snappier on the switch i mean much snappier i can't believe how much faster 1.7.1 is it's amazing so my hats off to the guys over ubiquity alright so now we're gonna login as w how not u B&T because the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to disable the UBN to user so now we're going to go to system we're go down to users and accounts and we're gonna check the little checkbox the UV NT we're gonna click remove and if you've ever looked at this in the configuration it actually puts like a no you user you be in T or something like that in there so we're going to get into the command line on this too because you're gonna find that you can do things some things much quicker in a command line scenario or you can script certain things and copy and paste and it just boom it just happens so make sure we save that configuration now the next thing that I want to do is you can see that we're not using HTTP here and that bothers me so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to set up our management access so we're gonna go a system management access and we'll just go to the system tab so you can see kind of some of the options so for now we have to leave HTTP enabled but telnet nope not a chance so we're gonna go to disable and we're not gonna allow new sessions I don't know why any vendors still have telnet actually enabled in 2017 if somebody getting answer that for me and don't don't tell me that something requires tell that get up to date spend the development dollars and SSH you know and put SSH n so you would think that by looking at this it would be just as easy as clicking enable and enable and submit that's not the case so we're gonna come over here first we'll start with SSH and the first thing we've got to do is we have to generate our RSA and DSA keys so we're gonna hit the little cog to generate the RSA key because right now you can see that it says absent we're gonna get the little spinny wheel and now we're going to see its present we're gonna do the same thing for the DSA and we can also change the SSH port but we're not going to have this open from the outside however we are going to disable SSH version 1 and the timeout the number of sessions allowed those are fine we're going to uncheck that and then we're going to enable SSH admin mode so now ssh has been enabled on the switch we'll save that and we can verify that we can pop up putty here we can put the IP address of the switch in and it's going to tell us about the keys and there it is so then we're gonna go over to this HTTP tab certificate status absent we're gonna click the generate so the switch is gonna generate this one not some of that one is blowing me away it is so much faster than some of the others then most of the others we're gonna disable SSL version three I'm hoping in future releases that we get a TLS version 1.1 1.2 1.3 in here we're gonna go ahead and enable HTTPS admin mode we're gonna submit that yeah we'll save yeah now we're gonna log out of the have the switch by the way I don't care what you're doing on the Internet I don't care if it's just marketing material encryption is essential in 2017 the excuse of you know it I don't have anything to worry about that's that's bad that's bad you do you should always encrypt what you're doing alright so you can see we're encrypting this does not secure that's because we're using a self-signed certificate but we are gonna go ahead and log back in here we'll get into some of these other things you know to make things more secure more efficient in later videos so this is going to take a little bit of a different you know curve than the first three did the first three were kind of basic we're gonna go down that path but we are gonna really get into the edge switch series and really do some in-depth things so we updated the firmware we added a new user we enabled secure administration what else do we want to do while we're in here before we get to the next video so the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to go to a system and then summary - dashboard we're going to go over to a description and we're going to give the system name and unique name so we're going to call this H 5 lab H which 24 this is H lab so we'll also be able to pull some of these from SNMP but then also the DHCP table will show the system name the system name will also show up when we're using lldp to talk to other devices so we can identify our up links and things like that we'll go ahead and submit that and save that now another thing that's going to be it for this video in the next video we're gonna you know set a static IP address we're going to talk about switch ports VLANs all that routing and you know plug in this guy into an edge router so this is the very first video in redoing this and in going much much further than those first three videos so if you like this video please give me a thumbs up please subscribe please comment and share please follow me on Twitter and Instagram please use those Amazon affiliate links down below to buy your ubiquity gear it doesn't change your price but it kicks a few bucks in here so we can keep feeding this lab and keep cranking out these awesome videos I want to thank you again for being here and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Willie Howe
Views: 48,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edgeswitch, ubiquiti, ubiquiti edgeswitch, ubnt, unifi, edgeswitch vlan, ubiquiti vlan, ubiquiti networks (consumer company), poe switch, es-24-250w, es-48-750w, switch, ubiquiti networks edgeswitch vlan routing, ubiquiti poe, layer 3 switch, edgeswitch lite, advanced configuration unifi switch, unifi switch vs edgeswitch, edgeswitch commands on unifi, unifi switch, edgeswitch configuration, es-48-500w, 48 port switch, edgeswitch 48, es-48-50w, es-24-500w, es-24
Id: 6bXL3r7DLwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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