Edge Functions Explained with Kelsey Hightower and Lee Robinson - (Next.js Conf 2021)

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Hey everyone today I'm joined by Kelsey Hightower  he's a developer, author, father, and minimalist. You might know him from the Kubernetes community  or his work as a principal engineer at Google. Thanks for joining me today. Kelsey: Happy to be here. Lee: I'm really excited to dive into edge functions and   I know that you like to explain things based on  the fundamentals so I'm really excited to take a   step back look at those principles and talk about  how they're changing how we build for the web   Kelsey: Yeah so you know for those watching you know  my background as a back-end engineer I come   from a world where you have a three-tier web app  you know front-end back-end and a database and   maybe a load balancer in between so getting the  taste of all this serverless edge functions and   how the web front end is evolving is super  interesting to me so I'm looking forward to   breaking down those fundamentals. Lee: Awesome, well  to kick things off I would love to just talk   conceptually about why the edge why  are we moving more compute to the edge   I'd love to hear your take first and then I'll  kind of give my opinion on why we're moving more   logic to the edge. Kelsey: Yeah so you know the space that  I come from you know containers or even serverless   you know in the cloud we tend to think about  regions and zones so ideally you get as close   to the customer as you can but typically you're  still running out of a centralized data center   and for the most part this works just fine for  a lot of people but when you think about use   cases like gaming for example you really want that  client wherever the customer is to be connecting   super quick uh to the edge also in my world the  you know the explosion of CDNs as you think about   the Netflix use case or you're serving images  you want those to be as close as the customer   as well so they can render fast load and you're  not pulling data across continents so I think   that's been our first taste so for many people why  edge and it's like why edge for specific things   some people are still comfortable with  centralizing some of the logic maybe   your order management system or your company or  customer profiles I think a lot of that is still   largely centralized even though we've moved  the closer to people at the continent level   but I think there's always been a case at least  in the last 15/20 years of moving static assets   like videos and images to a CDN which tends to  have way more locations than our standard regions   Lee: I love the two points you made about one  just trying to get content closer to users   but then also effectively using the right  tool for the job it's not that we're moving   every single workload to the edge it's another  tool in our tool belt that's enabling us to build   better applications for the web I think when I  look at why edge and just the landscape of web   development in 2021 it seems like what appeared to  be static for a lot of sites is actually kind of   deceptively dynamic because the requirements  for personalization and experimentation kind of   put us in this tough spot as developers where if  you wanted to have dynamic you might have to you   know especially with a global audience you might  end up with a slow application and if you try to   solve that like solve the speed problem by making  it static well now you lost the personalization   or the dynamicism so it's been difficult to get  both so where I view edge is kind of trying to   solve both of those problems together dynamic  at the speed of static and I think historically   you know your context about CDNs when we went to  the edge with edge networks or CDNs we lost a lot   of the abstractions that people coming from the  server world like you know like express middleware   right we lost some of the control and flexibility  there so we're trying to bring that back with   edge functions and we're doing it through an  abstraction called middleware so it essentially   allows you to run code before a request is  processed and then based on that request you   can modify the response with rewrites or redirects  or headers all that stuff trying to enable code   over configuration and get closer access to that  infra (infrastructure) at the edge like running as much compute at   the edge as we can for specific use cases like you  mentioned yeah. Kelsey: So the good news is I got to put my   hands on it and so you know the limited front-end  experience that I have comes back from like the   PHP days right you would render as much as you  could on the server side and then you would send   over you know a bunch of other things that then  may do a little bit you know the jQuery days where   you can kind of context switch based on limited  information you had from the browser or maybe   the user session and so I looked at how some of  these frameworks evolved over time and I've always   had these questions like where do you put things  like secrets or database connections and it seemed   like the industry had evolved to the point where  you could have maybe individual components like   the calendar widget or the stock ticker widget  but they always seem to talk all the way back   to the back end right so you got as close to the  customer on the front end but then there would be   parts of it that will still have to travel over  long latency stretches to work and I think what   we tried to do then solve the problem of async  right they just kind of load at their own pace   maybe you're getting some of that data from a  cache if it's not really personalized for a user   and then I touch the kind of new stuff that you  all are uh talking about with some of these edge   functions and so I the first experience that I had  there was like this feels more like Ruby on Rails   so Ruby on Rails is this really powerful kind  of convention over configuration framework where   you could just you know design your app in a  certain way lay out certain you know folders and   structures and then when you built the app it did  all the right things in terms of rendering kind of   this back-end applications with the best practices  I think you all are trying to do that for front   end and addressing some of these going all the  way back to the central server by having parts   of the application run in this new serverless edge  computing platform where I kind of get both the   best of both worlds without necessarily thinking  about how I deploy each and wire them back up   Lee: Yeah I think what I 100% agree with that and I  feel like it ties into this evolution of the   traditional way we were building web applications  and how we're trying to help bring developers on   that journey to the future and bring them along  with us as we enable and give these primitives to   try to make it easier so I would love to dive  into this topic a little bit deeper because I   really appreciate your experience and your context  on some of this I'll try to give my perspective as   a front-end engineer and as somebody who you know  doesn't have as much experience in the infra side and I'm curious to see how it kind of compares  against yours because I know that you've you   know you've spent time as a system administrator  you've been an advocate for Kubernetes and because   of that you know you've moved along from manually  configuring VMs moving up the stack to Kubernetes   and I feel like when I've listened to you talk  before about this you try to root yourself in like   different the first principles of web development  right like it's important to understand we're   fundamentally just writing software and it's going  to run on a system somewhere and the closer that   system is to your users ideally the better and  we touched on this a little bit before we we   started but you know ideally you could have that  system be the browser right that's as close as   you could possibly get to the users but it's not  really practical to run all of your compute there   so in the front end world from my perspective  React has essentially become like Linux   it's this open standard for building the web and  then you have Next.js which is the most popular   distro of using react so an analogy I like for the  backend folks is like when you're using Kubernetes   you might be using tools like Helm charts as  an abstraction to define your infrastructure   so this is you know for those not familiar  it's like infrastructure as code and then you   can develop and maintain your infra the same way  that you would your code but at the end of the day   those tools are just compiling down to like  YAML right they're just making it easier   or an abstraction layer on top. Edge functions  in my opinion are very similar they allow   front-end developers, back-end developers to write  javascript that ultimately just compiles down to   some serverless compute that's running at the edge  it's I like to think of it as like infrastructure   defined from code so a little different than  that traditional model what do you think   Kelsey: Yeah, so I think when I think about context is you  know if you think about the base principles of   it there's a database your system of record it has  all the products and the prices of those products   and your goal is to try to render a shopping  experience to people that are using a web browser. So in that world my server is going to say hey  you hit this URL I'm going to present to you a   page with my entire catalog in it and then you  can browse around in that experience I think the   challenge is I need to render your shopping cart  uniquely to you so I'm going to have to go back   to the server and tell the database what you  bought to make sure that my database and what   you see in your browser are in sync and I think  that's been the traditional model that we went   about doing this yeah and so you're right in the  Kubernetes world that back-end application I did a   lot of work to give it a configuration file with  the database username and password so only that   back-end application could connect to the database. On the front end there's a lot of work that goes   into identifying who you are and then having your  browser session pass back those credentials to my   back-end so I know that I can look up data in  my database and take actions on your behalf   I think now what we're talking about is moving  some of this logic even closer to the edge and now   you get into some real tricky situations where I  can't give you my database password in the browser   this would be a nightmare and you could actually  do anything on behalf of any user so we know we   can't go that far with things like database  connections right so we gotta move that one   layer outside of the browser now typically that  would be something like even a serverless platform   like Lambda or Google cloud functions that's one  layer and then at that point you're just giving   connection details uh to some API on behalf of  that user that all makes sense to me but I think   now what we're saying is do we really need to go  all the way back to even a serverless function   or a container running in Kubernetes could things  like how we process headers like if you're coming   from australia and I might want to show you  a different set of content well I can make   that decision now in the edge aka where the CDN  traditionally sits I think that's where it's going   to get super interesting and now I think as people  coming from the front end or from the back end we   now have a decision to make where do we put this  kind of logic and where does it make more sense Lee: So I'd love to pause here and to  actually look at some code that kind of   explains what you're talking about how can we  push authentication or logic closer to users   a layer back from the browser and make that have  lower latency in their request so let me share my   screen and I'll pull up some code so I know that  you've had a chance to check out edge functions   ahead of time and one of the ones that I think  is really interesting is using JWT authentication   so in this example I have this edge  function that's deployed and it's checking   this JWT token and essentially there's  two different API routes we have one that is   just a normal API route and then we have another  one that's actually using an edge function so to   try to demonstrate this what I've done is have  two different APIs shown below one that's using   edge and one that's using just going to origin  now this isn't perfectly realistic because it's   not actually doing the full authentication with  some provider but I think it helps to at least   illustrate some of this so ideally you're going  to see the edge responses be a little bit faster   and I'd love to take a look at some of this code  and kind of talk through what that looks like   so on the left inside of this example we have our  pages folder and the convention that we're using   to define how you invoke this logic is called  middleware so inside of our API folder we have   a new file underscore middleware and inside of  here we're taking a look at the url if it has   the parameter of edge then we can essentially  directly respond and handle that authentication   without having to do that extra check towards the  API route so then this logic actually runs before   the API route logic now this logic it effectively  does a very similar thing it looks at a cookie   it verifies a token and then it returns some  payload based on that but the interesting part   is when this actually gets deployed on a platform  like Vercel this could get deployed as a function   somewhere and this can get deployed as an edge  function so the difference kind of between a   serverless and an edge function here is the edge  function is another layer closer to your users   Kelsey: Yeah and so this makes a lot of sense to me  because when I look at this traditionally   when we try to do this type of logic we used to  use things like Nginx or Apache we would go find   some module and you go to the centralized system  and as a developer you would have to know how to   edit a Apache config maybe even restart that  server and wire everything up to do this kind   of logic right so I want to add authentication to  this app now I got to go hunting for one of these   systems that I should go do it at I think now what  we're getting and if I understand this correctly   as a developer I can stay within my same  application logic and then just add this   middleware not deployed to a backend server not  touch Apache but just stay in the same flow that   I'm already in and just say look I have this logic  we'll never go to the browser I think that's kind   of the key point here it's going to instead get  deployed somewhere where Vercel's platform is   going to wire it up automagically intercept the  traffic and then do all the logic that's in here   and then I just hit save redeploy my app and  now I have this thing that just sits in the   middle without thinking about touching five  or six different places and restarting things   I think that is probably the thing that might  blow people's minds in terms of you have this   self-deploying thing that knows automatically from  convention that it needs to get deployed one layer   below the browser and just available everywhere.  Lee: Yeah and I think building off of this too it's   it's enabling a new set of of developers to take  advantage of some of these tools that maybe they   had deferred to another part of the team or you  know they thought was outside of the scope of   what they could do and another interesting example  of this I can show is let's say you have some API   and you want to do some kind of rate  limiting with it let me pull this up here Kelsey: And as you're showing this the thing that  comes to mind though maybe I don't know how   we answer this question but you know typically  one benefit of the centralized world is that   I can define these things like  rate limits you know in one place   and then all applications can just  point to my centralized kind of middle   you know proxy Nginx or Apache and I can  just handle everything there. What challenges   does this present if every developer in every  application is kind of embedding this logic and   I need to go make a global update to all the  components what's the tradeoff being made here   Lee: Yeah that's really important to talk about because  I think we've seen developers want to move closer   to the edge and because their edge compute and  logic was decoupled from where they were actually   deploying their application there were two  completely separate workflows and pipelines and   because of that you could often get into instances  where your systems got out of sync essentially and   you know even on a fundamental level of  caching now you have two caches in the mix   so the closer that we can marry the infrastructure  to the code that we're trying to write and define   helps developers fall into that success pattern  where they can use these primitives and not you   know shoot themselves in the foot essentially  by putting in logic that is going to ultimately   end up in a bad experience. Kelsey: Is there a way to  share some of this logic let's say developer A  writes a perfect you know geo redirect function  and in my mind coming from my world I would like   to write that once put it somewhere and give it  an endpoint and then have people just call that as   like another API component is there an opportunity  to do things like reuse logic versus it seems like   maybe embedding it in every app that I'm working on. Lee: Yeah I think that's a fundamental part of what   we want to achieve with edge functions and through  the abstraction of middleware is empowering   developers to bring back some of that flexibility  that folks are used to with things like express   middleware so whether I'm doing an authentication  check whether I have this library here for IP blocking in this example all these things that are  going to start to be pretty common use cases for   middleware I want to abstract those out into a  reusable package and use them across different   projects or make them open source and the nature  of you know bringing middleware to open source   and Next.js and other frontend frameworks is that  they'll be able to npm install these packages and   integrate them into their existing systems so the  constraint here and part of the reason why edge   functions are fast is the underlying run time that  we're making so we're making a trade-off by not   exposing the entirety of node.js APIs and instead  constraining the runtime to use standard web APIs   like fetch or crypto and being built on top of the  JavaScript V8 engine because of that we're able to   eliminate some of the remaining trade-offs that  you had with serverless so the cold boot problem   connection pooling and more easily deploy these  functions globally so if I want to extract this   logic for blocking IPs I can put it in  an ES module that's not using you know   any specific node APIs and then easily  install that and share it across my team   Kelsey: Alright now this starts to make a lot more  sense because now that I'm looking at it   this is how we do and think about network  configurations right there is like a module   that does things like IP blocking and then it's on  the developer or the operations team to configure   what IPs they would like to have blocked and  for what reason and so it seems like if I were   to centralize this into a high level library  then I could easily just say hey what you're   really doing with this middleware is deciding how  it's being used like configuration if you will   and then that module and that code  can be reused so my guess would be   if I want to centralize that I would just treat  it like any other software package version it and   then if we want to roll it out everywhere someone  would just do a redeployment and you would pick up   all those changes and it will be pushed out across  the entire edge. Lee: 100% yeah and to take that even   further too like there's so much of this logic  that we could be abstracting out to share like to   further hammer home that point about IP blocking  over here you know I can essentially enable these   developers to put in any IP address they want and  you know add it to a global configuration of some   some list of blocked IPs whether that's manual  or automatic so maybe you want to manually do   this configuration or maybe in this example  on the left you want to set up a middleware   to have an API that automatically rate limits with  exceptions around you know bearer tokens or some   kind of auth token and if they have that token  then we want to up those rate limits quite a bit   because we know that they're a trusted party of  using this and that essentially comes   down to a few lines of code assuming that this  right now while it's in this repo you could really   easily abstract this out into a library and then  it's just a weight rate limit and that's the only   code that you need. Kelsey: So one question I have from  this because this is genius so this looks like   what we used to do with things like Lua modules  in Nginx but again we would have to do it for   every round it could get super messy and also was  so disconnected from the actual application the   one question that kind of stands out for me here  is where do you put the config for example if I do   have like 35 IPs that I want to store to check  against I don't see a config file here would I   actually have to establish some other data source  like a database or I think you're using Upstash   which is like I believe a Redis compatible API  that's hosted somewhere else. Lee: Yeah the great thing   about Upstash here is we're using it as a rest API  for Redis and it's globally distributed deployed   across the world but you bring up a really good  point which is we've given you this abstraction   we've given you the tool but what about the  data layer how are we going to solve that piece   so right now from a Vercel perspective the edge  functions on our platform currently don't have an   integrated key/value storage solution but that's  something that we're actively looking to support   to eliminate the need for a developer to go  outside of the platform to do to find a place   to store that configuration now over time we might  see that evolve even further but I think key/value   is really the first concept for us to nail that is  very compatible with use cases for edge functions   Kelsey: Alright now this makes a lot of sense because  now I think you kind of solve the you know the   configuration problem you know as I make changes  than decisions either in real time or dynamic   then I now have a place to kind of store the  actual output of some of those decisions and also   some of the things like caching layers  if I've already made a decision the   last thing I want to do is recalculate  the decision in a small window of time   I guess for me it's like what doesn't go into  this layer right to really understand something   I always think it's important to know when not  to use it should people be thinking about taking   their entire like product catalog and stuffing  that into a CDN or edge or something like upstash   Lee: Yeah that's a great question it  kind of comes down to where we see the future   of web architecture headed so specifically  if we look at databases I think we're seeing   this new breed of databases that are edge first  so we talked about key value stores but it could   be a SQL like schema or evolving databases that we  already know like Postgres or MySQL to run global   first and I think when you ask what doesn't  work we're seeing that a lot of these applications   are getting modeled after eventual consistency so  with e-commerce they might be favoring speed over   global consistency and in my opinion we're kind  of going all in on that model allowing people to   essentially granularly cache things at the edge  now what those things are it might be compute   or it might be actual React components so we can  dive into this a little bit later but it's it's   still then allowing you to pick back up on the  client side and have the full power of JavaScript   so I think that when you look across different  industries e-commerce but even in like finance or   other sectors, databases are kind of going global  and combining that with the edge is just trying   to make it fast everywhere does that mean that we  need to move everything to the edge I would say   no especially if you're trying to do something  that has you know a hard requirement for global   consistency in my opinion the eventual consistency  model just maps better for this type of logic   Kelsey: I also think we're thinking about better access  to those type of systems whether it's centralized   or distributed across an edge that comes  I guess as an implementation detail if I   have the ability to reach these type of systems  from like this new kind of function framework   then does it matter where it lives right I could  sign up for a hosted service and all I'm concerned   with is latency to my data and they can achieve  that by putting my data replicating it very close   and so be it so I think maybe that's where  we're headed it's just the distributed landscape   similar protocols and we're cutting down things  like latency and some of those challenges by   bringing things closer to the compute Lee: Yeah the way I like to look at it is I think that   hopefully it's a natural transition up  the stack for backend developers who are   trying to learn more about serverless or edge  because in making the constraint about   the you know the limited run time and not being  able to use node APIs inside of an edge function   I feel like in getting rid of some of  those trade-offs that they might have   previously correlated with serverless and trying  to make it fast by default I think will help them   adopt and understand the use cases for a lot of  a lot of the applications of edge functions or   middleware and then to your point about like where  this will grow so right now with the you know   the Vercel platform enabling edge functions we're  already seeing I think a rise of this type of edge   compute across the industry and my expectation is  just to see this continually rising not only for   compute at the edge which has been around for you  know a few years now and rising popularity but   also running your actual application rendering at  the edge so the way I like to think about this is   a lot of that sounds kind of like 2000's web like  you just serve a render and you get your page and   there was this transition from let's do everything  on the server to let's do everything on the client   and some people fought back about that not  everyone thought that was the best approach   and now I think we're kind of converging  and coming to this happy medium where we say   you know actually those those server people were  right and those client-side developers well they   were they were also right about some things too  we want to take the benefits of the 2000s web   of fast single page or fast server rendered  applications and marry that with some of the   inventions that single page apps or client-side  apps gave us with fast navigations through   pre-fetching of routes you click on a link  and it feels instant it feels like an app so   what I see the edge doing for the future of  cloud computing the future of the web especially   with innovations like React server components is  bringing back the server first model and getting   quick responses directly from the edge while still  remembering the innovations that we made on the   client side for interactivity to then hydrate or  add more logic after your page loads and I think   Kelsey: You know one thing I can think of here is that  the networks have gotten so fast whether we've   just made them bigger and closer to where things  are happening that we're almost now at the point   where we can treat you know there's the same  we can treat the data center like a computer   but now with these networks so advanced you can  almost treat the internet like a computer itself   and so now the operating system and now you know  through this conversation Vercel just feels   more like this operating system for this kind of  distributed computer that says hey just like on   a single server you know that some things will get  loaded into memory and some things will be saved to disk some things run in kernel space some things  run in user space and sometimes we create these   boundaries for security reasons sometimes things  just don't make sense to run in one place over   the other and I think computing we've always had  this trade-off between security and speed and you   put things in the right place but I think now what  you're doing is trying to blur those lines to say   we just treat the whole internet as a computer  and we'll just allocate things where they need to be   in order to satisfy those two concerns I did  learn a lot just from having this conversation   so I think other people that are watching if  they you know watch the whole thing asking   these kind of questions back and forth like why  are we here now what does it bring to the table   and even having that code walk through I think  was really helpful for people to mentally map   what things are happening but yeah I think Vercel  is an as an operating system for the internet   I think it just makes it easier to grasp  what's happening you got to just let go   you got to let this thing figure out where  things need to be deployed wire them back up   and own how it works and that's what kernels do on  operating systems Lee: Yeah I think I think developers   thought it would be easier to decouple their  application from the infrastructure and I think   where we're moving it's like but there's actually  a lot of trade-offs with that there's there's   a trade-off with the flexibility of moving your  application but there's also a lot of value in the   closer you can marry those two together and the  great thing about Next.js in my opinion is that   when you deploy next guest to Vercel you're making  the trade-off to marry those two together but its   core is still open source so if you decide I'm  done with Vercel I don't want to pay them any more   money and you say I'm gonna go host Next.js on GCP (Google cloud platform)  you totally can because all of these primitives   that we're introducing like like middleware  it would just run on a single origin server   so I really like that because it's still  bringing value to the entire ecosystem   and eventually to other frameworks too the way  we've designed this abstraction on Vercel is that   it will work automatically with Nuxt or Svelte or  any of these other languages or frameworks just   by conforming to our API for how you implement this Kelsey: Oh that's dope that's going to be good to   call out on the docs and when you give people the  experience because some people I think that is   kind of the question we hear when we think about  these new platforms they feel like black boxes   and it reminds people of kind of like lock in  but it sounds like that's going to be addressed   up front in this design Lee: Yeah and the way I like to think about it is we're moving   to this world where if we truly do build the  SDK for the web people will still have their   syntactic sugar and preference of choice and  there's no way to get around that and that's okay   we should be empowering those developers to make  innovations in their own spaces but we still want   to give the same shared legos and building blocks  for creating a great web experience so when I look   at the Vercel platform we're investing heavily  in what we're calling the file system API which   is conform to this file system output dump it on  our operating system and it will just run globally   and use all the features that are possible  and it's so easy then for framework developers   I could go out and build my own framework today  and it could have web vitals analytics, image   optimizations, edge functions, serverless functions,  CDN caching just by conforming to some output   Kelsey: No it makes sense I think now that we you know the  web may have finally found its operating system   Lee: I love that tagline I think we're going to steal  that and on our home page it's going to say   Vercel the operating system for the web  cosigned by Kelsey Hightower Kelsey: There you go   Lee: Well thank you so much for  taking the time to chat today I   really appreciate it and for those watching I  hope you enjoy the rest of Next.js conf too there'll be lots more content around edge  functions. Kelsey: Thanks for having me Lee: Thank you
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Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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