Eddie Redmayne winning Best Actor

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when faces you've seen countless times become strangers again when you're afraid to so much as blink lest you miss a single moment that's when you know you're witnessing an extraordinary performance this year five actors lifted the eight the lid of expectations so here are the nominees for performance by an actor in a leading role Steve Carell Foxcatcher Bradley Cooper American sniper [Music] [Applause] Benedict Cumberbatch the imitation game [Applause] Michael Keaton Birdman or the unexpected virtue of ignorance [Applause] Eddie Redmayne the theory of everything [Applause] okey-dokey smokey the Oscar goes to Eddie right now [Applause] thank you thank you thank you to the Academy I don't think I'm capable of articulating quite how I feel right now please notice I am fully aware that I am a lucky lucky man this this Oscar this Oscar this belongs to all of those people around the world battling LS it belongs it belongs to one exceptional family Stephen Jane Jonathan and the Hawking children and I will be its custodian and I promise you I will look after him I will polish him I will answer his beck and call I will wait on him hand and foot but I I would not be here were it not for an extraordinary troupe of people my staggering partner in crime Felicity Jones [Applause] my ferocious and yet incredibly kind director James Marsh [Applause] working title focus Lisa and Anthony Nina and my ingenious team of Dallas Josh Jean Jason Alana Karl Britney and Carrie and pip now finally please this is so extraordinary I just want to thank my family and you Hannah my wife I love you so much we have a new fella coming to share our apartment thank you
Channel: Oscars
Views: 12,820,667
Rating: 4.9581928 out of 5
Keywords: oscars, Academy Awards (Award), best actor, Eddie Redmayne (Film Actor), Academy Award For Best Actor (Award Category), Actor (Profession), Cate Blanchett (Celebrity), the theory of everything
Id: m_ZVJgM-bZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2015
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