Eddie Izzard vs Nigel Farage on immigration - BBC News

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Matt Dickinson has our first question please Matt yesterday William Hague said that voters should not make the decision in the referendum on the basis of controlling immigration do you agree William Hague made this statement yesterday Nigel Faraj was he right strongly isn't it this was this was the hague who of course was the great euro skeptic leader of the conservative party who fought against the euro who railed against European integration and appears to have really rather sold out look whichever way you cut this immigration is the number one issue in British politics it has been for some years the opinion polls are astonishing seventy seven percent of the British public want cuts to the numbers coming into Britain and over half the voters want a reduction to near zero so people are very upset they're very unhappy they're seeing the impact on local schools they're seeing the impact on GP services they're seeing the impact on housing all the inability of young people to get on the housing ladder so that's why it's the number one issue and I think that the reason in this referendum while we have to talk about this is all the while all the while that which is a british passport or should be but the first two words on it a european union that is available to 508 million people and any of those people if they wish can come to this country we have no control the only way we get control is to vote to leave the European Union and William Hague shows he's just completely lost touch with what the British public are on this issue okay in my in my mind this is the issue that will decide and after that and that and that's why you said it didn't matter if we weren't slightly richer by leaving as long as we cut immigration what I said was this there are reports that say that we're better off with mass immigration there are some reports that say we're slightly worse off economically with mass immigration but to me there's an issue called the quality of life and I think that matters more than money it's about thinking our kids and grandkids could have what we've had in terms of access to local health care in terms of our kids getting as a local primary schools in terms of our overall quality of life and that day that I think matters more than GDP rising by one percent per annum no doubt we'll leave it any years oh well between 2001 and 2011 EU migrants put in twenty billion into the EU economy they put more in than they take out I know people are concerned about immigration but we've got to look at the fact these facts are in front of us I mean Sarah Williston she exited the brexit campaign today because she said that the figures are coming out from the brexit side are coming out false and she said and she's a matches GP she said like the NHS a lot of information was sucked up about the NHS and she said it's not true it isn't true so she has actually left the campaign and she's joined the remain site there are skeptics you're skeptics that are joining the remain site even though they're still skeptical because they see the economic problems of pulling out we pull out we are going to go into recession brexit is almost an anagram of recession if you put two S's into the web brexit it's Brecht session they almost designed it that way wasn't exactly with immigration that he wasn't that the question well the notion is if we pull out that we become Norway Norway still has to have the free movement of people in so we come knowing are we going to become Albania if we become Albania the province of Albay wants to join the EU but great become Canada the point is you're from an immigrant family and you're married to an immigrant why are you so against immigration when it worked because we have to control it you have you're from your French Protestant from one side your German from the other side you should be the champion well I had a chat of people hi immigrants I am look what they get they got it to your salvation why don't what why do you want to stop people from the Commonwealth coming in because we have an open door to sell them you want these people coming over because I want to have an Australian sessom our voices grave where we get the right people coming to Britain I in a right number later you told your followers to bully people to vote for you this is not a right attitude and if we go up with current levels of immigration as your our population here our population you argument will be famine will be 80 million by 2040 Wow okay are we going all right I get it there are three and three other people in the table
Channel: BBC News
Views: 2,305,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc, eddie izzard, nigel farage, izzard farage, farage question time, question time, izzard question time, youtube, video, immigration, eu referendum, referendum, european union, british referendum, uk referendum, david cameron, brexit, votin, boris johnson, ukip, ukip farage, ukip nigel farage, nigel farage ukip, farage ukip
Id: ECDrYfNvj_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2016
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