Ed Lapiz - Survive Times of Crisis /Latest Sermon Review New Video (Official Channel 2021)

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[Music] lamentations 3 22-23 because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness lamentations is believed to have been written by jeremiah and to read it in the easy to read version we are still alive because the lord's faithful love never ends every morning he shows it in new ways you are so very true and loyal it is a very very dearly loved set of verses and our main task now is to know in addition to the usual reading how to understand and apply these verses how to see and receive god's eternal and faithful love in its new forms every morning and thus stay alive survive times of crisis first the context of the verses are about extreme sufferings that the nation and the writer had experienced so let us have some glimpses into such suffering essayed by the attendant verses surrounding our theme verses i am a man who has seen much trouble god beat us with a stick he led and brought me into darkness not light he turned his hand against me even when i cry out and ask for help he does not listen to my prayer i thought i would never have peace again i forgot about good things i said to myself i no longer have any hope that the lord will help me and we should know that the sufferings are believed to be associated with a conquest and oppression by babylon or some other power and we should also note that the people of ancient judah and israel ascribed to god everything that happened whether it was good or bad even a lying spirit or an evil spirit from the lord they ascribed to god sating in so they ascribe all of this their defeats their sorrows their sufferings as if god personally and subjectively acts and reacts all the time to whatever the nation does they believed that they were supremely special to god so they got confused whenever they got defeated and conquered by foreign powers then this confusion and disappointment is instantly quelled by the belief that their defeat and suffering are god's punishment to them [Music] and actively participating in their daily life ready to punish or reward at every given time but to plump the meaning and application of the contextual verses of lamentations three we need a fresh take on this other under appreciated meaning layers of meaning and scripture interpretation application and generations of believers appreciate by the seventh day god had finished the work he had been doing so on the seventh day he rested from all his work he rested from all the work of creating so sabine genesis [Music] is a system that kept on recreating itself that kept on re-using what could be used that kept on recycling everything god had finished creation set and changing natural law to govern creation and a set creation on autopilot so hindi salaam is of nature and laws of physics and laws of mathematics loss of chemistry loss of electricity um at rest god may not have to personally and subjectively act and react answer or ignore reward or punish give or take to creation and to creatures however but the rule is god is at rest when it comes to matter of creation and recreation miracle or what we call miracle is when god arises from god's rest personally and subjectively intervenes suspends bypasses or supersedes natural law to accommodate prayer or do something out of the in other words everything is set and even the much demonized big bang theory says that all the fundamental forces of the universe namely electromagnetic force weak force strong force and gravity emerge in less than a second these four forces govern all the laws and interactions of the universe and i will not belabor this theory but the point is even that says godliness blessedness answered prayer is in knowing and obeying god's will which is expressed in natural law the god on the great naglahat now first the sustainability and balance of creation god has established natural law like recycling balance correction and other things now nature is built on the concept of giving and receiving of reciprocation even scriptures say the same first john 4 19 we love because he first loved us the basically matthew 7 12 so in everything do to others what you would have them do to you for this sums up the law and the prophets essence of the law and the prophets is cycles you give you receive you do to others what you want others do to you all creation have a counterpart that ensures both existences one cannot exist without the other and even classical physics talks of duality third law of motion that every action is an equal opposite reaction and even scriptures say the same genesis 1 4 god separated the light from the darkness ecclesiastes 3 1-8 there is a time for birth and death planting and reaping for killing and healing destroying and building and so on there's a time for extreme opposites all of them were made by god natural processes repeat and loop back one is born from the other it's astronomical stellar formation and scripture says the same ecclesiastes 1 5-7 the sun rises and the sun sets and her is back to where it rises the wind blows at the south and turns to the north round and round it goes even returning on its course all streams flow into the sea yet the sea is never full to the place the streams come from there they return again in psalm 104 14 he makes grass grow for the cattle and plants for people to cultivate bringing forth food from the earth [Music] everything is recycled now natural processes repeat and look back there is cause and effect and the effect will become causes and the causes will once again have effects to learning the laws of science and physics math chemistry the law of equivalent exchange energy input equals energy output so biological cycle the carbon oxygen cycle and scripture says the same second corinthians 8 14 at the present time your plenty will supply what they need so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need so natural processes repeat and look back one is one from the other so there are methods of warning correction restoration in creation ecological imbalance psychological psychiatric imbalance counselling ob intervention among medicines lagging on point nothing ebola exam balance balance balance automatically and creation now the law of balance all processes will continue to move in exchange with each other until both reach an equilibrium ghanaian is ecology it's ecological balance and then scripture says the same proverbs 21 13 whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered james 4 3 you ask and do not receive because you ask wrongly to spend it on your passions you are not asking so that you will receive it and you can also give and share you want it only for yourself it will not be given to you because the cycle will be cut there will be no automatic rebalancing of everything so in the ib seo look 1733 whoever tries to keep their life will lose it and whoever loses their life will preserve it so you see this rule you keep what you give away you give what you want to keep alec balik for only do it and we should take note as we have said before god does not have to personally act and react each and every time humans did something right and here by right we like to attach the meaning in accordance with established natural law um because you are doing what is right according to natural law so when you do the right thing god rewards you when you do what is right in accordance with natural law the whole system will reward you because you are in harmony with the system now what happens if what you do is wrong or not in accordance with established natural law then as we have said the system punishes you right or wrong here could be according to religious law and usually that is what you mean by right or wrong but religious law is mostly man-made laws god's will or god's law is more reliably embedded in natural law which is surely of god's making than in religious or sectarian laws which are mostly man-made disappoint atlanta's a very very unhelpful lifestyle natural law therefore been writing one god's will therefore automatic consequences subjectively young saket automatically objectively will come to you when there is imbalance in your body because you break god's will expressed in natural law yes emphasize a very fresh reading of lamentations what does it mean that the blessing of the lord is new every morning what does it mean that the lord will favor those who are living in accordance with his will what does it mean to follow god's will religious beliefs on god's will the will of god is very objectively expressed vis-a-vis which is the clearer will of god expressed in nature from god in a religious way and la luna allah means god's will through natural law now right or wrong could be according to natural law which is god made because you cannot make nature we cannot create we can only recreate inventions are only applications of natural law that have been discovered in instruments through inquiry through uh scientific processes of nature at the applied automatic inventions we never create anything we only rearrange and recreate out of what is previously created by god natural law works automatically objectively oblivious to people's religiosity race gender or status proverbs 22 verse 2 rich and poor have this in common the lord is the maker of them all what's in abundance are new testament there is now no more man or woman jew or a gentile slave or free jesus original status on humanity namastha do not distort religious experiences of humanity throughout time now an important part of natural law is this chance kasalyan's a natural law attained the race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned but time and chance happen to them all do not be disoriented when chance or stuff happens accommodation within natural law natural law is god's objective neutral fixed and permanent law natural law is god's faithful non-sectarian prophet natural law is god's universal law above human made sectarian and religious laws ecclesiastes 1 79 what has been will be again what has been done will be done again in proverbs 22 8 whoever shows injustice reaps calamity balancing therefore godliness is obedience to natural law it is one meaning that we are adding to our rich collection of meanings of godliness indian attention godliness meaning obedience to religious law but now an appreciation some meaning ungodliness appreciation of obedience to submission to natural law because natural law is god ordained galatians 6 7 god cannot be mocked a man reaps what he saws which is very natural law when applied this being established we can now proceed to plumb the contextual verses of lamentations introduction and discussion nothing established yes readings being blessed readings and being renewed in the lord readings godliness and pleasing god and therefore deserving or accepting or receiving blessings but then i think about this and i have hope we are still alive because the lord's faithful love never ends and may we read because the lord's natural correction and restoration never ends every morning he shows it in new ways you are very true and loyal i say to myself the lord is my god then i trust him or the lord is my portion and i trust him and if we apply this i will trust in and abide by his natural law the lord is my god i will trust him a nutration first of all trust in his natural law operate by it obey it live within its bounds and you will be blessed and the blessing will be automatic because it is built in the lord is good to those who wait for him he is good to those who look for him now an application that we like to propose now is that the lord is good to those who wait and look for his natural law lamentations 3 26 it is good to wait quietly for the lord to save them and if i may odd and not make drama he should remember that the lord does not reject people forever when he punishes he also has mercy he has mercy because of his great love and kindness which we like to read as my wrong limit my end uncorrection when balance is reached further illumination so an application to receive the blessings that we search for in lamentations makusa mukbalance seek the lord seek his law seek his natural law and abide by it obey it and if you had committed a mistake correct it para macron automatic correction automatic balancing automatic restoration he does not enjoy causing people pain he does not like to make anyone unhappy but natural law is objective no one is above natural law no matter the religious status remember that dalian and source no one can say something and make it happen unless the lord orders it or if we may say unless it conforms with god's natural law so plant to harvest position yourself in the path of blessing like the tree planted by streams of water anglais streams of water huh very spiritual and the thing is full employment or gainful production of so that you will harvest don't ask god to plant for you when you plant in the again elements laws of nature because god made all those laws to be godly is to know and abide by the laws of nature respect the love of nature to disrespect the law of nature is to disrespect the law giver who is god do what is humanly possible and practical then allah natural law do not ask god to suspend natural law to reward your unlawful behavior god most high commands both good and bad things to happen now the good there or the bad is only local or personal bad weather bad weather halimba was a fisherman good weather as a farmer you did not obey the law of nature and god sends us bad things no but there means that's why they're always together because the survival of the species it's what is important in ecology not the personal survival of each individual so suppose involved here the fisherman or the fish or versus the fish fisherman fish but the point is the whole ecological balance between what you call praise and predators situations imbalances even in a far away forest your life in your town or city will also be affected the meron imbalance it will be corrected objectively don't make me suspend the laws of nature that had been there even before you were born why don't you just conform back to also with practical obedience to the other will of god that is not religious the scientific the natural law of god universally everything in creation is good why genesis 1 31 saw that all he had made and it was very good creation he has made everything beautiful in its time no one alive can complain when he punishes them for their sins let us check and see what we have done then let us turn back to god now of course since epinephrine and most of the time amma geeking definition of anatomy is within the religious frame young sin according to the religious doctrines but sin could be moral or religious and also as we have been laboring to explain sin can be asked against natural law science logic and common sense bhakti-sinyon because when you sin against natural law you are sinning against the law giver who is god so religious therefore my punishment let us lift up our hearts and our hands to the god of heaven and we can read this enrich its reading ad is reading to mean let us submit to and abide by god's natural law let us say to him we have sinned and have been stubborn because of this you have not forgiven us happens chance god did not have to personally punish you because all of that is built into creation you just have to like a plant put yourself near living waters you wrapped yourself with anger you chased us you killed us without mercy it is addressed to god but this is not personal or subjective this is just cause and effect was a live wire indicated you wrapped yourself in a cloud so no prayer could get through the objective laws of nature cannot and should not be trivialized by subjective pleadings hindi of creation i will continue to cry until you look down and see us lord i will continue to cry until you see us from heaven now cry here should mean review surrender correct my ways so i could work well within your natural law and consequently be blessed correct my way so i could obtain good effects by and with a good cause and method survive by thrive in benefit from god's steadfast love mercy and faithfulness by understanding and abiding in his will his natural law by doing what is scientific logical natural and practical because that is godly because god is god of science of logic of natural and practical laws in fact science could be god's last prophet human prophets pretentious prophets para science knowledge objective knowledge could be god's very very clear prophet why is according to god's will and to be blessed by god because we are doing his will embedded in scriptures god bless us all [Music] love to you mangapa monkey tayo magara na salidan do not forget to 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Channel: Ed Lapiz
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Keywords: ed lapiz, pastor ed lapiz, bible, jesus, worship, fellowship, pray, love, believe, blessings, spiritual growth, life way to god, peace, edlapiz, edlapizapp, sabinikuyaed, ed lapiz official youtube channel, review ed lapiz latest sermon, honest opinion ed lapiz latest sermon, pastor ed lapiz sermon, ed lapiz preaching, pastor ed lapiz preaching, review ed lapiz official youtube channel, honest opinion ed lapiz official youtube channel, ed lapiz latest sermon, kuya edlapiz, ed lapiz 2020
Id: nbmpOkkpLO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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