Ed Lapiz - CURE FOR WORRY /Latest Sermon Review New Video (Official Channel 2020)

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[Music] most people are warriors mahila worry robs so much peace and happiness for worry matthew 6 31 so do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear so it common worries supplies provisions material goods money but alaska submarine war is about health welfare or well-being safety of oneself or of loved ones fruitfulness success which translates also to provisions which could be monetized in matthew 6 32 sabine jesus do not worry for the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly father knows that you need them according to jesus people who allow themselves to worry about these to be overcome by worry about these are people who do not have god people who do not have enough faith in god but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well contentment happiness joy pleasure etc so seek first his your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven therefore if that happens your will be done on earth as it is in heaven now said luke 17 20 to 21 discussions yes the kingdom of god once on being asked by the pharisees when the kingdom of god would come jesus replied the coming of the kingdom of god is not something that can be observed nor will people say here it is or there it is because the kingdom of god is within you is in you is in your midst is invisible and kingdom of god it is in you it is within you in other words the kingdom of god that jesus is talking about here is that reign of god in people's minds and hearts the kingdom of god within the mind and in the heart the kingdom of god in thought and feelings of is this kind of kingdom that should come the kingdom that is within us the kingdom the laggings john the baptist that the kingdom of god is near the kingdom of god in fact has come it is the reign of god in people's hearts and minds na resulta rest peace love tranquility come feelings that are very positive and very beautiful so the cure to such worry is faith in god the cure to worry about things about what you have about your health about your body about what you will eat what you will wear the cure is faith in god is in having the kingdom of god within not in having what one wants but in having godly thoughts and values yoon a kingdom of god is therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own so sabine think only of your needs today give us today our daily bread or our daily rice or our daily anything you give us today our daily bread give us this day our daily bread is so apply this to all concerns even to issues of aging of sickness even of death cross the bridge when you get there even of sickness even of death all of these are components of life during our lifetime we minimize pain we maximize pleasure and we do the most good and when the lord calls you go and meet your maker hindi problem so i'm teaching jesus do not worry about tomorrow which really means do not worry about what is beyond today the far away future your needs tomorrow why not because worrying doesn't help worrying brings fear and fear brings hell into one's heart illustration if heaven is in the heart and mind if the kingdom of god is within in the heart and mind young hell then can be in the heart and mind this is not to discount that other hell that many people are fearing that many people are teaching about that many people are actually anticipating even but that is not the topic of the hell in jesus teaching or the heaven and jesus teaching in this present lesson that we're taking up that hell could be fear fear in the mind fear in the heart worry anxiety and all the accompanying negative feelings that go with that so opening my iwasanyan to go to hell by inviting the kingdom of god into your heart into your mind by not worrying by doing the right thing by planting the right plants and harvesting the right harvest at the right time then we minimize space for worry but we should take note that when you say do not worry it doesn't mean do not prepare our plan for the future it doesn't say do not plant of course we plant to harvest do what is necessary to harvest do what is doable to have your provisions in the morning do good so that good will come back to you because you never know who is watching when you're doing good but definitely you know that god is watching and good deeds are always rewarded guilty that you want to be rewarded for your good deeds even some bibles in azabe a farmer plants with a prospect of harvest the law of nature says that planting yields a harvest the law of god says that because the law of nature is the law of god planting yields harvest so plant and harvest instead of worrying plant instead of worrying do good invest in something invest in the soil invest in the industry invest in the economy invest in people invest in yourself invest in the future but don't worry do what is practical do what is needed but do not add worry to it second corinthians 9 6 remember this whoever so sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever saws generously will also reap generously galatians 6 7 you cannot fool god so don't make a fool of yourself you will harvest what you plant if you plant goodness you harvest goodness if they plant in gratitude they will harvest its fruit to maximize health do not overthink just take care of the plant that should be enough do not overthink just do good and take care of your plant ecclesiastes 11 6 so you're sitting in the morning in an evening let your hands be not idle for you do not know which will succeed whether this or that or whether both will do equally well so just do not worry do not overthink ecclesiastes 11 4 whoever watches the wind will not plant whoever looks at the clouds will not reap by worrying add a single r to your life both are in the hands of your maker of god our creator then what can we do obviously to lessen our worries import opportunity to work next time around if the lord gives us another chance extra income then of course conserve it is important to conserve meaning his thought and his righteousness meaning his deeds and works like planting doing good and all these things will be given to you as well m kingdom of god that kingdom is not up there in the clouds that kingdom is within us thinking doing working all mean [Music] because thinking and doing and working are all forms of prayer and god answers prayer so when you think production when you do production when you think well when you do well you will harvest well because you're always praying there is no need to and there is no room for worry thoughts automatic the blessings of god is new every morning at my hope tayo to produce to plant to do good and the harvest will be automatic here nothing is god wants us to have an abundant life sabine asus i came that you might have life and have it to the full hindi hindi hindi full big [Music] control the thoughts put them in the right place and negative thoughts some positive thoughts god bless us all [Music] do not forget to subscribe click the subscribe button and ring the bell for notification like comment and share our official youtube channel visit ed lopee's website for daily devotion audio podcast latest video message send your prayer request subscribe to mailing list and more visit edlopes.com dot ph you
Channel: Ed Lapiz
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Keywords: ed lapiz, pastor ed lapiz, bible, jesus, worship, fellowship, pray, love, believe, blessings, spiritual growth, life way to god, peace, edlapiz, edlapizapp, sabinikuyaed, ed lapiz official youtube channel, review ed lapiz latest sermon, honest opinion ed lapiz latest sermon, pastor ed lapiz sermon, ed lapiz preaching, pastor ed lapiz preaching, review ed lapiz official youtube channel, honest opinion ed lapiz official youtube channel, ed lapiz latest sermon, kuya edlapiz, ed lapiz 2020
Id: Mysy0ebmIJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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