ECUADOR STREET FOOD TOUR! | AMAZING Street Food of Portoviejo, Ecuador

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This is one of the most street things that you can find and it still exists. You have not officially arrived to Ecuador if you have not eaten this dish The most traditional thing in this land and street at the same time. I'm Ace. I'm Rody. And today we're going to take you on an Ecuador street food tour. We're going to see quality and price, a brief history of certain dishes, and how typical it is. So without further ado, let's get started. Let's go. So right now we're here in Picoaza, which is actually a parish of Portoviejo. On this occasion, we're going to try what would be "Ceviche" but it has a special touch that would be this. This is a peanut butter that you add to the ceviche but that you'll only find here, in Picoaza. The thing about Ceviche is that when you eat ceviche typically it always has onion, it has fish, it has cilantro, and the liquid itself, so it's basically a fish soup that's cold. You typically add the "chifle" in order to make it tastier, but here it's special because of this the whole peanut butter situation. So, we're going to try this right now. I haven't eaten it with peanut butter but I know Ceviche itself is one of the best dishes in Ecuador, not just Portoviejo, but in Ecuador, Ceviche is amazing. People love it. It's a typical breakfast dish. What really distinguishes Ceviche from different soups is the fact that it's cold. You can of course, like I said, you can add some extra condiments, aside from the peanut butter. Most people tend to add the ketchup and the mustard, typically more ketchup than mustard. Here they already added some for me but we're going to try it out, now. We're going to try peanut butter. You're going to add more peanut butter. This man wants me to add more peanut butter. For example for me, it's still missing mustard. His is only prepared with mustard. Mine has ketchup and mustard and the peanut butter. And he's going to put peanut butter in his as well. I'm going to add some more ketchup. That is sacrilege. We also have some orange juice and it even has the logo of the place. This place is called "El Especial", located in Picoaza. With chifle there are two types of people. People who throw it complete, just as is, they just open it and fwoosh, or people who squish it and throw it in. In my opinion it's very uncommon to see someone who just throws the chifle inside... the plantain chips inside of the the Ceviche or the Encebollado because of course there's also Encebollado. But um there are people who just throw in the plantain chips like that. Preferably, everyone what they do, well I like to open the bag a little bit so it doesn't pop, and then I crunch it up a bit, and then I add it into my soup. The strange thing to me is no one wants to accept that Ceviche and Encebollado are soups. If you internationalize it, you have to call it a soup. That's what restaurants in Galapagos do. They call it a soup but they specify on the bottom what it has. Then you notice, "Oh ok, it's an encebollado". To the locals, if you tell them it's a soup they'll tell you "no it's not a soup". it's the weirdest thing. Alright let's give it a try. Good. If you noticed, it's got a lot of pieces of fish on the inside. What type of fish is this? It could be Albacore, Wahoo, or Bigeye Tuna (picudo). Amiga. A quick question. What fish is this? Picudo. Ah look, it's Picudo. Better. Thank you [thank you]. Before most places didn't have the peanut butter like, like Rody said. Peanut butter is a special thing to to Picoasa and places like Jipi Japa. But nowadays, there are some places that because it's so popular and it's so good, that they started implementing having the peanut butter as an option that you can add on to your... your Ceviche. Okay so what we have here is something a little bit special this is called "Cevipan". Like literally it's like jamming the Ceviche inside of the bread. I recommend that you add this. If you want a little of this. You can prepare it similarly to your Ceviche. And of course, we're going to put... Alright let's give it a shot. Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat Because of the ketchup, kind of sweet. But it's really good. The fun variation of this is um there are some schools they sell what's called "Cevichifle". Which is almost the same thing as this you see a bag full of chifle and you put Ceviche in it. It's also really good. But you know it's kind of like eating it in the plate just instead of in a plate you eat it in a bag. I have seen that. When I was in school they sold it. It's very common. While I'm eating, you have to tell a story about... [yeah when] your time in, [When I] in the school When I was in the Navy... and I was captain... the ship sank. It was good. Obviously the orange juice. Fondo Fondo fondo. It's orange juice and it doesn't have a lot of sugar cuz it doesn't taste sweet so it's really good. I'll take a watermelon one. And you, which do you want? Is there lemon? Yeah, there's lemon. Lemon it is then. This is, this is... Really really, homemade. Really really old. Talk to us This is one of the most street things that you can find and it still exists. Snow cone? Yeah kind of. Let's say yeah. But the snow cone, you know it has [of course] the ice up to this high and it has artificial flavoring. Not this one. This one is 100% natural. That's what makes it different. Now we're back in the middle of the city of Portoviejo. And you'll have to excuse us if you hear for example the bus that just passed or any cars that pass by because this is a very well-known street here in Portoviejo known as the Avenida Manabi. Very loud, a lot of cars pass by. We're here to try something that is called Bolon. And if you noticed there are two different Bolons. Mine is the "Bolon de Chicharron". Mine is mixed, simple as that. And now we also have a little bit of extra. I also got these Patacones, which are very commonly eaten in breakfast. And he got [Tortitas de Platano] with cheese. I've already eaten Bolon de Chicharron a lot but it's really good and depending on where you go it can be even better. Like you can see here there's big chunks of Chicharron, which make it just that much tastier. We can't forget the beverages. Also we've got these drinks. Rody has... [Quaker]. Quaker is Quaker. Yeah, just Quaker. Which makes me think of Noboa. Yes. Quaker Noboa. Quacker is Quaker. Quaker is Quaker. And I got more orange juice because I love orange juice [again]. Although this in general should be accompanied by a cup of coffee or chocolate milk. [Provecho] He's right. Provecho. That is also very common, of course in a smaller serving, they sell it in schools. Another thing also about Bolon, is that this is normally just a meal on its own. Like today because of the purpose of the video, you're going to see us eating a lot of food and it's going to be very filling. This Bolon by itself, it would be more than enough you'd be done with just by eating one of these. Anything with plantain in it, heavy food. So me combining it with these pretty crazy, but oh so good. But, you can ask yourself "why is it heavy?" Because this, you can say that it's a breakfast, from the countryside. They need to eat a lot, heavy, because they take advantantage of the morning and they spend a lot of energy. They need something that doesn't wear off quickly, that keeps their stomachs full. That and also the breakfasts over there, have to 100% have rice. Like I said, they need something heavy. Chicharron is really something I like to eat, even if it's just by itself. Like they're really good, really really good. Don't forget that there are more versions of these Bolones. You have some with sausage, with shrimp, mixed sausage with shrimp, accompanied with beef steak (bistec), fish, ribs. You can combine it with anything. With everything that we've eaten, I'm not gonna be able to have lunch. And we haven't even gotten to the strong dishes. And I don't think we'll make it... I'll give you half so you can try it. No, no, I can't... I'll give you the smaller half. Eat. I still have patacones yo... I like that it's crunchy. That's the face of someone that 's suffering from eating plantain. You have much to learn young Padawan. Be serious Yoda. Well, since sharing is caring. I'm like on the brink of exploding... Okay, maybe not so much but I am very much satiated. So the thing with these Patacones, it's basically like grabbing the plantain, you chop it up, you squish it, and then you fry it. There are people, that soak them in salt, after they're squished, and then they fry them again. It's so they come out more golden. More crunchy. They really do come out really delicious. Manabi secrets. So, as you uh probably noticed this is day two uh of our food tour and uh we're back with Rody, came to pick him up. This adventure continues. It does. But um the food from yesterday, well the day before yesterday actually, it's very heavy even though it is breakfast even though it's a street food it's a very heavy food. The thing is that even though breakfast should be light, over here it's the opposite. They're breakfasts for champions. They're heavy. Today we're going to continue we're going to finish it off and try to eat as many foods as possible even going into the nighttime so, hope you're ready for that. Let's go! Our first stop for the day would be here, eating the simplest sandwich that you can find on the street. We're here at thus place that's called "El Tio", that just happens to be found in what would be a cart stand as was seen more frequently around 5 to 10 years ago approximately. Look the bread is like a baguette. First you add the lettuce. Then you add the grill sauce. Then you add marinated onion. It is marinated the day prior. And then since the order is mixed, it costs the same. You add a strip of pork that has been barrel smoked. And also smoked chicken. And as a bonus, you add a piece of pig skin. And that's it. We're going to have these sandwiches which are very common thing to have in most places here in Ecuador, in the city. It's a very common street food that you'll see at festivals, outside of schools, just when you're walking around. We're going to give this specific one a shot because obviously you can find it in different places but we found a cart and wanted to give it a try. uh let's see. It's what you would expect out of a chicken sandwich because mine is chicken. Rody chose um pork. What really distinguishes it from a normal chicken sandwich, and I think that's what's going to distinguish most products, is the type of sauce that they put on top of it. In this case the mayonnaise that you put on top of it, which like I've talked about before in previous videos mayonnaise is a very very common condiment for most foods here in Ecuador. And in this case it's really good. And we also have this juice which is actually a tea because the guy actually he told us, that the way that he prepares his juice is with like tea, with lemon or lime for people in the states, and he also puts in this thing called "panela" which is basically a type of a sweetener that it comes from the sugar cane. So it's really good, it's really sweet. And supposedly not as unhealthy as throwing in a whole bunch of sugar in it. So yeah. We're here adding the sauce to the bike. We had to get around and without the sauce, we can't. 5 dollars of gasoline. Remember that here that there's service, like they fill up the tank for you. You don't have to fill it up yourself. hold up I gotta pay. You have not officially arrived to Ecuador if you have not eaten this dish. Encebollado! We're here... at the place called El Colorado located behind Reina de Camino, close to the bus terminal here in the city of Portoviejo and well we find ourselves in this occasion with one of the best fish soups in the world. In the world, not just Ecuador, in the world. This is really a totally traditional breakfast even if people say it originated in Guayaquil, it later expanded to all of Ecuador. And well, it's a very heavy breakfast that will have you full all day. Time to taste! Yes, but first I need to tell you how to prepare your encebollado because you could eat it as is and I always recommend, that before you eat it completely you try it first. You give it a try... God that's good, that's so good. But you do normally add in condiments. A little bit of oil. A little bit of pepper. And a tiny bit of lemon. But remember the thing about lemon is that you don't add a lot of it, because if you add too much lemon it's kind of like a sign that the Encebollado wasn't good. Sacrilege, SACRILEGE! [What sacrilege?] And of course the finishing touch, a bag or two, or for some people three, of chifle. One of the things I love about Encebollado, aside from the fact that it's so good, is how cheap it is. You can get a small one at $1.50, a big one at $2, and if if you want them to go you can literally get them at $2, $3, and $3 dollars fifty you want if you want a big one. And you always get a mint after you finish. Thank you very much! So, now we're here and we have the special, lovely, Pan de Almidon and Tortilla de Maiz. Yes, these are also commonly used as breakfast as well as for dinner and I'm personally going to eat the Pan de Almidon because it is one of my favorite foods and as you could imagine it's made from what is called almidon here. Why is there "pan de almidon" and "pan de yuca"? It's not the same. The thing is that with pan de yuca, you have to let the yuca ferment so that it has a different taste. The pan de almidon, as the name implies, is starch. it's the process of the cassava, they let it dry, or they let it soak, and everything that's left on top is the almidon with which this is made. And the flavor is totally different, here you don't taste the yuca, it's only starch. Tell us about tortilla. Tortilla de maiz, also from the countryside. All of this is from the countryside. it can be eaten for breakfast or for dinner and you tend to accompany it with a cup of coffee or a jug of chocolate milk. Whichever option is very valid. It also has it's alternate version that is also with yuca. You can order the cheese ones or the chicharron ones, exactly like the corn tortilla, you can also order with cheese or chicharron. We're like done. We're, this is the last time you're going to see us in the morning you'll see us again at night because these Foods, individually you could eat one or two maybe even three or more, but after you accumulate them it's too much. It's too much to eat this, more than like 3 or 4 of them. What's more, I just saw something that also... that we can also order. I'll be right back. Let me catch up to it. This thing here. I thought you were phoning in. No, no, no, I saw something very unusual which is this. This is the famous, well here it's usually called "fruit salad" or also "come y bebe". Eat and drink. It's very cheap. It is also considered a very light breakfast. It is fruit based. It's a fruit salad. It could have melon, papaya, watermelon, and other fruits. Pineapple. So I'll give you the honor of trying it. Tortilla. Inside of the pan de almidon. Cheesy. I love this so much. It leaves your fingers pretty dusty. This is unusual. Generally the corn tortillas, are very dry. Like something sandy that you put into your mouth. Not this though. This is very...with a lot of texture and soft. It's like it's made out of plantain but it is not. This...turned out wonderful. It's good. Now that we're done with this I'm just going to finish this off in a bit. We'll see you later tonight. So we're back and this time it is as you could probably tell, night time, and we're here at a very special place for me. Special because it did not exist before and now that it does exist, man this is amazing. This is what my friend here likes to call Macacos Tacos. And I'll let him explain how did you make this. How did Macacos start? I worked for a business before, which had to do a small personnel cut in which I was affected. What did I have in mind? Not to stay still, not be left without money, so I started a small business. I started with a table, with a small amount of Macacos at that time that the name wasn't that common but now it's so common for people to come and order Macacos. So, since Februrary 5th, we've been here and in fact for Ace it's become a vice. True. What can I say I love this. How do you make one of these? Like don't don't tell us the secret ingredients but like what is the process? The process basically is to use high-quality ingredients like always fresh ingredients, it's very important that it's fresh. Here we're never going to sell you something from the day prior. It's always something that we just prepared the same day. To prepare it we need meat, beans to basically make the chili. But you have to know how to make it, so we have our secret recipe to prepare the chili. I don't think it's easy because for it to be this delicious, it's truly, next level. Love it, I love it, I love it! You always have to do things with love because the things you do with love you do well because if I do them with anger it's not gonna come out the same. [That's true.] True. True. Got to do things with love man. I tend to put some extra sauce. Which one is the least spicy? Least spicy? From least to most in this order but as you can see this one that's the least spicy, it's the one the people choose the most. Always. That's why there's no more. This one's intermediate, which is jalapeno and the strongest which is habanero. I'll take intermediate. I need to try it now. NOW. And this one that we have here is the strongest. They're habaneros. If you're in Portoviejo, then one of the things that you definitely have to try these Macacos. And we still got a lot more things to try out so stay tuned. Come and macaqueense. You already know. Thank you so much Ace for coming, aside from that he's a frequent customer so he comes almost every day. I wish I could come every day man. I wish. Thanks to him, I''m gonna be able to put my kids through college. So now we're at our next destination and here we have a wild assortment of different treats, snacks, common foods that you have here when you go out on the street. I have a few that I prefer but he has some that he wants to talk about as well. This is a mix, of a little of everything. Here we have what would be the tortilla de yuca that we mentioned in the morning but that we were able to find here. This is the famous Muchin de Queso. This is also made from yuca and it is fried. What is the difference? This is baked. We have what is called the famous Pastelillo. This is also fried and on the inside it has a sweet filling. The famous Corviche. We can find it in 2 forms. One is fried, in this case it's baked. That's why it looks a little dry, although any of the two forms are super deilcious. Now this right here is very common. This is also fried. They are the famous Deditos with cheese. You also tend to find them with mortadella. You find these a lot outside of schools similarly to this as well which are meatballs. Ah, and this right here. You can only find this in Ecuador. It's a snow cone style yogurt with a jam on top. A little spilled, not a problem. That is way too delicious. If you ever have a chance to come to Ecuador, try this, yes or yes, I recommend it. We are literally at the most street food possible. We are literally on the street. Yeah, we're literally on a sidewalk at the street. This is a very popular street, well it used to be more popular before. This street used to be more popular. Yeah, there were discotecas [this is the periodista]. So now, we're here to try Empanadas. The most traditional thing in this land and street at the same time. The fillings are different depending on which Empanadas you buy. For example we have one that's cheese and one that's meat. I'm going to go for the meat filled one. The ones that we're eating here they're fried but there are some places that sell baked Empanadas but it is not the common thing to see around here. If you're wondering why we're sitting on the street, basically the table were full. Spoon? What spoon? You eat this with your hand. Because it's hot I don't want to grab it with my hand but you do normally eat this with your hands. Ironically we're doing what I normally don't recommend to do, recording here out on the street, but this is an exception because of this video. I do it for you so if you respect that please subscribe to the channel. Another thing is that this isn't the typical form of an empanada. This thing that's dripping out is cheese. This is like it's, in the shape of a Pastelillo but as an empanada. Empanadas normally aren't this round. They're generally not this round. [No] They're like a half moon. How much did it cost? How much is the typical price that you can find an empanada at? In oter words, the cheapest? 50? 50 cents. I could've sworn that at the University, they used to sell them at 25 or 35 cents outside of the U. Before. Well said. Everything's gone up in price. Plantain's gone up, cheese has gone up, all of the raw materials have gone up a lot. So... Either way 75 cents for this empanada that has a lot of cheese, a lot of meat, it was worth the price. It's delicious. So the Empanadas are great, but there's still one more place we have to go to, another street food. You'll see what it is but it's awesome. That's all you need to know for now. So, let's go. The end of the route has arrived and this is our last stop. And to end off strong... Welcome to Gonzo's Chuzos. The best chuzos in Portoviejo [The best chuzos in Portoviejo]. And of course made by the best person around. Everyone knows him everyone loves him on this channel, my dad. There's a lot of places here in Portoviejo that sell chuzos, you can find them at fairs, outside of certain events, but these chuzos are the best ones you will taste no matter where you go because my dad makes them with high quality products and with a lot of care and dedication. Now when it comes to the totals we're going to look at this primarily in two different ways. First, we'll look at the group totals and then we'll look at the individual totals. If we look at the group total for the first day it was $20. The group total for the second day, in the morning was $14.10. Then the group total for the second day, at night, was $19.40. When you add all this up, you get a total of $53.50 spent between the 3 days as a group or duo. You could of course subtract the $5 from gas if you're only focusing on food expenses and that would total up to $48.50. If we look at the individual totals ,in other words the totals based on the food I ate or ordered, then for the first day I would have spent $10.75. On the second day, in the morning, I would have spent $9.80. And on the second day at night, I would have spent $8.90. All this making my individual total be $29.95. This of course could be reduced to $24.95 if I remove the expense for gas. And for anyone wondering what this would look like if you had to transport yourself in a bus. Then it could cost you around 4 to 5 dollars, similarly to the motorcycle expense but you'd have to be a bit more wary of the time since bus schedules you know. And if you were to take taxis it could cost you anywhere from 20 to 30 dollars to do the whole route we did since some places were farther than others and there were a total of 10 different places we went to, not adding of course leaving and going back home. Now I know all of this looks like a lot to spend on street food in Ecuador but realistically you wouldn't go out and order as much food as we did nor would you go out to eat so consecutively in the same day or even separate days. Going out to eat is a very extra expense unless you can't cook. But even then you'd probably go for cheaper Foods. So one thing that you have to note about all the food that we talked about here today is that you can actually find it around all of Ecuador. Realistically, you could find each food, the Bolon, the Pan de Almidon, Corviche, Encebollado, anywhere you go in Ecuador but the problem is that depending on where you go it's not as recommended to eat as if you were eating it in a different place. For example we have these Chuzos, that you can literally only find here because my dad makes them and they're like Gourmet level. So you're only going to find them here. But looking at it in other foods like in Encebollado, you always hear the typical complaint from people that they go to the highlands, and the Encebollado is terrible because they know what it tastes like in the coast. So my recommendation definitely is to eat the food in the best place possible. For the most part that's always going to be the coast for Coastal food but there are Highland foods that are highlighted over there. The highland foods that are preferable over there would be? The Fritadas are very good. Also something very traditional is the Colada Morada, the bread made of guagua, even the roast chicken is very good. Everything that is fried and roasted over there is excellent. But if we transport ourselves to where or we have to choose where the best food in Ecuador is, clearly it's the coast. It has various dishes that are very deliciuos. The coast will always be the place where you'll have the best Ecuadorian food. It's worth noting that the route we did is mainly in our city, in our region which is... well, we're from the coast obviously. In the Manabi province, in the city of Portoviejo. The gastronomical route is very extensive, the street route is really immense. Now, if this video interested you a lot, this content, we would like it if you, in the comments below, write "you know what we liked it a lot and want a second part". Keep supporting this content and well, when he says "you know what, let's do part 2" well, we'll be here again, continuing the gastronomical route of the street food. Let's do it if you guys really are interested in that leave a comment down below and if you need to know or if you want to know more things about about Ecuador's food that you probably didn't know about you should definitely check out this video next.
Channel: GM Ace
Views: 4,051
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Keywords: Ecuador Street food tour, Ecuadorian Food, Ecuador food vlog, food of Ecuador, Best Ecuadorian food, what to eat in Ecuador, DIY food tour in Ecuador, Best Ecuadorian street food, How much is food in Ecuador, Is food expensive in Ecuador, Amazing street food of Ecuador, best Ecuador food tour, must try Ecuador street food, Ecuador street food vlog, Best Ecuador street food tour, DIY best street food tour in Ecuador, DIY Ecuador street food vlog, must eat Ecuador street food
Id: Sxla66LsVJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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