Economic Update: The System Implodes: Amazon, Evictions, Tax Abuses, & Minimum Wages

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Welcome, friends, to another edition of Economic  Update, a weekly program devoted to the economic   dimensions of our lives: jobs, debts,  incomes — our own and those of our children.   I'm your host, Richard Wolff. I want to begin today with a theme   for the program as a whole. And the theme  might be called either “the problems of   capitalism normally” or “the problems of  capitalism when it's in a period of decline.”   I'll try to move back and forth between them  because I want to focus on capitalism's problems,   because those are what confront us here and now. So it's appropriate that I begin with the   Amazon corporation, a supposedly success story of  current days of capitalism. And I want to focus on   some of the things you may not have heard about or  know about this particular corporation. So I won't   be talking about the fact that its CEO — or now,  I should say, former CEO — Jeff Bezos, is now the   second-richest person on the planet, after Elon  Musk from Tesla outdid him over the last couple of   weeks. But that'll bounce up and down somewhere  between $180 and $200 billion — way more money   than, for example, would take care of the entire  rental arrears of 20 million Americans who are   facing eviction. I'll put all that aside. I want to go back to the year 2015. Amazon,   at that point, started what was called the “flex  program” for drivers. It needed to get people to   come and work at Amazon, to deliver the packages  that it is famous for. And they promised these   workers to pay them $18 to $25 an hour, plus — and  this is the important part — 100 percent of tips   that were to be provided for delivery of packages,  as many people do. However, it turns out that for   several years after 2015 Amazon actually took  the tips and used it to pay the basic rate,   so that the workers never got the tips  that were left by you and me for them.   The United States government prosecuted Amazon.  Amazon got caught. And let's always remember that   what you catch, if you're the government going  after corporations, is a small part of what's   going on. Anyway, they had to pay, and agreed  to pay, $61 million (that was the portion of   what they had done that got caught) to compensate  the workers for the tip money taken from them.   You're a multi-billion-dollar corporation, and  here's the lesson: The enormous wealth of Jeffrey   Bezos, and of people like him, the enormous  wealth of these corporations, is based on   endless examples of this kind of either illegal or  quasi-legal nickel-and-diming — that's what this   is about. And this system reproduces  that behavior over and over again.   On January 25th of the year 2021 hundreds  of workers at an Amazon warehouse in Chicago   were presented with a choice: You can  sign up for a 10½-hour graveyard shift   or you lose your job. Management informed the  workers that their warehouse, known as DCH1,   would be shut down. And they were offered a  shift called the “megacycle” at a new Chicago   warehouse. This had been a warehouse area that  had been hit by protests and strikes. Yeah,   that's how you get treated if you dare to protest  stealing tips and other stunning behavior.   No wonder that in Canada there's now a website  called “Not Amazon,” which allows you to get   things delivered from local vendors without  going through the controls and fees that Amazon   charges. And that is developing here in the  United States as well. Profits for the few   at the expense of the many. No wonder there  are unionizing drives. And the one in Bessemer,   Alabama, is in full gear as we are talking now,  and is a worksite for almost 6,000 workers.   In the history of Alabama this is a very important  moment in terms of unionization. But if ever a   corporation, by its behavior just now, explains  why you need a union, well, Amazon is it.   My next update deals with New York State,  but what it deals with is a problem that   exists across the United States. But we have  some solid statistics in New York State,   so I want to make that as an example. In New  York State there are 1.2 million families — so   we're talking a minimum of five to 10 million  people in those families — who are now facing   what are called “rent arrears.” What that means  is they haven't paid their rent — some of them   for a month or two; some of them for 10 months.  Many of these families are with children.   So now let's look a little  deeper into these numbers.   Twelve and a half percent of New Yorkers are  collecting unemployment insurance — one in eight   workers. And there's a big overlap between those  who can't get a regular salary, who are having   to live on unemployment, and those who therefore  cannot cover their rent. You'll understand that   even more when I tell you that in 2018 — so that's  a good two years before the pandemic hit — already   then, 22 percent of New Yorkers, more than one in  five, paid more than half their income in rent.   That's considered to be deep trouble. You  can't live in our society if you're paying   more than half of your income simply for  your living situation. But that was true   for almost one in four New Yorkers before the  unemployment hit, before the pandemic hit.   Before the pandemic — one more statistic for you;  actually two — before the pandemic, families with   children made up 70 percent of the population  of shelters in New York State. That's right,   families with children were the typical  shelter occupants, already before the   pandemic and the unemployment hit. That’s  children, whom you really cannot blame one   millimeter for what's happening to them. And then think about the consequences of doing   this to all those children. And I'm going to give  you my last statistic. In 2016, a survey showed   that 85 percent of children living in shelters  didn't get proficiency in math and reading. That's   the damage done to their educations from being  shelter occupants, which so many of them are.   New York State is one of the richest states  in the United States, which is one of the   richest countries in the world. And we are  treating our people, especially our children,   in a way that illustrates that capitalism is  at least as efficient in producing poverty,   and reproducing it, as it is in producing wealth  — and reproducing, thereby, a level of inequality   that calls the entire system into question. If only we were serious as a society about doing   something for this kind of inequality. Condemning  this generation — as we have, as a nation,   for so many previous generations — to these  levels of discrimination and inequality.   The children, who made none of these  decisions, losing their education,   living in the worst conditions, suffering all of  the large and small indignities that go with it.   We are reproducing horrific  inequality. And if that continues,   then I make you a prediction, which I rarely  do: We're going to have as angry and upset a   population four years from now as we've  had over the last four, probably worse.   And in that way we'll have been prepared for  the next Trump — to blame it all on whoever   they can come up with. I'm sure QAnon will have  an answer for why all this trouble is happening.   But the bitterness, the anger, and the resentment  — well, that's building because you're not dealing   with this. I make an appeal to the new Biden  administration: Deal with the fundamental   systemic reproduction of inequality, or  else it will come back to haunt you.   My next update (and I will begin this before  our mid-program break and then come back to it)   has to do with a way of raising money.  Again, I'm going to be using New York   State because it's a wonderful example,  but parallel things apply to other states.   New York State has a thing in its  tax code called a “stock-transfer   tax.” Think of this as a sales tax if you buy and  sell stocks. You know, how we all pay a tax if we   go to the hairdresser, or we buy a shirt, or we  pick up an appliance. There's a sales tax when you   buy goods and services like that. And so back in 1905, a long time ago,   it occurred to fair-minded people that there ought  to be a sales tax when you buy shares of stock.   Okay, so the idea was let's do that. Very  low — pennies, few pennies — one, two,   three, four, five cents per share  when you buy it. It's a sales tax.   And it was thought to be fair because this  is a big, rich playground, the stock market,   for an awful lot of people who certainly  can afford it. That if it's reasonable to   tax the expenditure of people who buy food  for their family, well then it's reasonable   to tax people who buy shares and have enough  money even to think about doing that.   And then finally there was the idea that  there's too much speculation anyway. We should   be taxing people who are buying and selling  10 times a day, you know. Taxing that kind of   speculative activity is a reasonable thing. You  know, it’s the same kind of logic that says let's   tax cigarettes, or let's tax alcohol, because  we'd like to kind of push back against overuse   of those things. Well, if you want to push back  against speculation, then taxing the speculator,   making them pay a little, is perfectly logical. And the tax was collected here in New York State   until 1981, when the then-mayor of New York  came up with a wonderful idea to get support   from rich people. He said, we'll collect the tax  (because he didn't have the courage to cancel it),   but we’ll rebate it. So actually, to this  day, New York State collects a very small   stock-transfer tax, but then gives it back to the  people who buy. It’s as if you paid a sales tax,   and then at the end of the year you got all  that money back. That's what we do; we don't tax   stocks. It's an amazing thing, and I’ll come back  and talk about what it means after our break.   We've come to the end of the first part of  today's show. Before we get to the second half,   I want to remind you, our new book, The  Sickness Is the System: When Capitalism Fails   to Save Us From Pandemics or Itself, is  available at   And I want to thank, as always, our Patreon  community for their ongoing and invaluable   support. If you haven't already done so, please  go to to learn more   about how you can get involved. Please stay with  us; we'll be right back to continue this story.   Welcome back, friends, to the second half of  today's Economic Update. We were discussing   before the break the stock-transfer tax — a sales  tax, if you like, on buying shares of stock in the   stock market that's been on the books in New York  State since 1905, when it struck people to be a   fair way to make that part of the economy pay its  fair share of the cost of running the government.   Then in 1981, to pander to the wealthy, — who play  the stock market, since most of the rest of us   don't — they rebated it. That's what they called  it. They continued to raise it, to tax people,   because they didn't have the courage to  say, well, no tax. And what they have been   doing — and they do to this day — is they  rebate it. They give people back the money   officially charged as a tax  on buying shares of stock.   And now I want to talk with you about  the justification, and what it means,   of this craziness of collecting, and then not  keeping, your money. And let me underscore,   we're talking about billions of dollars a year.  It would transform the state of New York's   financial situation even if you collected  only a penny, or two, or five per share,   which is a trivial amount of money when you think  about what's done. And to give you a sense of it,   imagine if we had imposed it over the last couple  of months with the craziness in the GameStop   scandal. You know, the crazy shooting up of prices  of that company, and then the crazy drop. Well,   millions and millions and millions  of shares were bought and sold   by speculators trying to make a killing off  the price going up, or the price going down.   But those are all transactions. And had they  had to pay a sales tax, even a small one,   the revenue take for the state of New  York would have gone a long way to offset   the rest of that horrible speculation and made a  silver lining, if you like, in terms of providing   the people of New York with some benefit. And  of course, if you didn't have a stock-transfer   tax in New York, you could have it nationally. And let me start with that. One of the arguments   made by corporations in the stock field, on Wall  Street, is, you can't do that. If you did that,   we would move the transfer of stock, the buying  and selling, out of New York State. We'd go across   to New Jersey, or somewhere else. Well first of  all, that's not so easy. That involves expenses   that have to be undertaken to do such a move,  technologically and so on. Not so easy. And it   would require legislation, etc. So it's a bit of  a fake, number one. Number two, it's a risky fake.   Because how do you know that New Jersey, once  you've spent the money and moved it over there,   won't do the same thing? Especially when New  York State is showing them what's going on   here, which we would do. Or then let me generalize  it. Maybe a progressive legislator — AOC,   for example, from New York — could make this a  national issue, that there should be a sales tax,   a national one, on this. After all, in our society,   we don't tax property in the form of stocks and  bonds. I've talked about this on our program   before. We tax income that comes from them,  like we tax the income that comes from a home   that we rent out to people. We have to pay an  income tax on the rent, but we also have to pay   a property tax on the value of the house. But  it doesn't work like that with stocks. You pay   an income tax on the dividends you get, but nobody  makes you pay a property tax on the value of your   stocks and bonds. That's why it's so strange.  If you sell your hundred-thousand-dollar house,   and you buy a hundred thousand dollars’ worth of  stock, you have to pay property tax in your town,   for the house. But once you've sold it for the  stock, you don't pay property tax to anybody. This   is a benefit that rich people, who have enough  money to have a significant amount of stocks,   have been benefiting from for decades. It’s  long overdue to give them, for example,   a stock-transfer tax from which they've also  been exempted. It's the outrageous indignity.   And then there's the last argument: You can't do  that because companies or stock markets will leave   the United States. I love this argument. They'll  leave the United States. Will they? They might.   But the notion that we are powerless to prevent  that, or to punish it if some would like to do it,   is wrong. Of course we can. Imagine a stock market  that left the United States, with a president   and a government that said, uh, excuse me,  you're staying and you're paying the tax.   But if you wish to avoid the tax that you should  have been paying for a century anyway, by running   away, fine. We will then not do business with  you. You will not be able to come to our country   to make the kind of money you need to make,  to make any stock market in the world work.   We will do it by jawboning from the president.  We will do it by organizing boycotts. You are   not going to punish the future in the way you have  evaded taxes in the past. That system is over.   Imagine a president, or a political party, or  a movement, making a commitment to do that,   saying that the people have the power to make  taxes paid by those who should never have been   exempted from them. And the stock game players  on Wall Street are a prime, appropriate target.   They have ripped off the rest of this  society for long enough. There is no   reason to enable or allow them to do it. And nothing exemplifies this better than the   craziness of New York State having, in effect,  a stock-transfer tax, a sales tax on shares,   in the law since 1905 that is rebated since  1981 so that the richest amongst us don't   have to pay. Extraordinary. But  it is the kind of extraordinary   bias built into the tax structure of this society.  And you can tell, by who benefits from this odd   tax structure, who has the power to shape  that structure so it works that way.   My next update is another example of where  arguments are used that simply don't hold water.   And it's very important, and it's being debated in  Washington right now. This has to do with raising   the minimum wage. Yeah, we have to come back to  that topic again because it's hot in this country   again. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25  an hour — among the very lowest in the world.   And by that I mean the industrial societies  that are comparable to the United States.   No European country pays that little as a minimum  wage, whether it's legally enforced or just   customary. It's extraordinary. I'll give you  one example of a country that in other ways is   economically like ours: the United Kingdom. The  minimum wage of the United Kingdom right now,   as I'm speaking to you, is $11.95 an hour, not  $7.25 an hour. You get it? It's not even close   in terms of what we are doing. Okay. We should be raising it as prices go up.   Because if you don't, and you give workers the  same minimum wage as the prices go up, they   can't afford what they were able to buy last year  this year. And they'll be able to afford even less   next year. Well, the last time we raised the  minimum wage to the big $7.25 an hour was in 2009,   folks. That's 12 years ago. Every one of  those years, prices went up in America   for everything you have to buy. But the minimum  wage didn't. That's hurting the poorest amongst us   every year. The Democratic Party proposes to  raise it. The Republican Party opposes it.   And here comes the argument which,  sadly, the Democratic Party doesn't know   how to refute. Here's the argument;  ready? If you raise the minimum wage,   there'll be some employers, typically small  businesses, who will go out of business or,   fire workers, because they can't afford to pay the  extra bucks — for example, moving the minimum wage   to $15 an hour, which is what's on the  agenda now from the Biden administration,   thanks to the pressure of unions and  social movements over the last few years.   Now let's look at this analysis, because it is  stone-cold wrong. Do we want a society in which   there are small businesses that are successful?  I happen to believe that the answer is yes.   I like shopping with little businesses, where I  can get to know the people. I believe in that,   I like that, I want that. And I  think most Americans do as well.   Side by side, I want workers to be paid a  wage that allows them to have a decent life,   for themselves, for their children. And that  includes having an automobile in our culture,   which builds on that; having an education  for those children; and so on.   Guess what — I want a decent minimum wage, and I  want small business. So you know how you get that?   You don't get it by saying, well, it's either-or.  Either we're going to help the low-wage workers by   raising the minimum, or we're going to salvage  small businesses. That's like running up to   someone and saying, I'm giving you a choice:  I'm either going to shoot you or stab you.   Your response isn't to agonize over which  of them to choose; your response is to say,   I don't accept that as a choice I'm to make.  And that's the answer to the minimum wage.   We can have small businesses that are viable, and we can enable them to pay a decent minimum   wage, because a decent society  would do both those things.   Now, how would we do it? Here's your  answer. Number one. And by the way,   I'm just borrowing from other countries that have  done a much better job, like those other ones   that pay a higher minimum wage. Here's the first:  Require that all levels of government — federal,   state, and local — give a minimum percentage of  their orders to small businesses. That we do not   allow the patronage of large businesses, who have  the money to (let's be polite) persuade, or (if   you're not polite) bribe politicians as to where  they do their buying. Let's make small businesses   get a bit of that. And let's give them a  tax break. And let's give them subsidies.   And you know why we should do that to small  businesses? Two reasons: One, so they can pay   minimum wage. It's a way of  saying to the small business,   here, you're going to have to pay workers  decently, but we're going to offset the cost   to you from that by giving you this tax break,  this subsidy, this set of orders for your output.   And you know why, the second reason is to do  that? Because we already do that as a society   for big business. So we're just saying, hey,  big business, you're not going to steal all   that for yourself. We're going to maintain  something we really want: small businesses.   And you're going to help pay for it. And just to give you an example,   I picked one out of the hat. There are  millions of them. Here's the statistic   which I thought would be appropriate because  here we are, right after the Super Bowl. Okay.   In the economics of today's major  sport franchise, 64 billionaires are   owners of major sports franchises. Twenty-eight  sports teams are owned by billionaires who got $9   billion in public subsidies for the stadiums they  use. That's right — you and I, our taxes, help pay   for those stadiums. That's a subsidy. That's why  they can pay higher wages; because we subsidize.   We don't do that for small businesses half  as much as we could. And if we did it better,   they could pay minimum wages and we'd have  both an appropriately paid working class   and the kind of small businesses we want.  Don't be fooled. Those are not either-or’s.   And it's only big business that pays  politicians to pretend that that's the issue.   Thank you for being with me today. I hope you have  been interested and informed by these analyses,   which is why we produce them. This is  Richard Wolff for Democracy at Work,   hoping to talk with you again next week.
Channel: Democracy At Work
Views: 174,247
Rating: 4.8588367 out of 5
Keywords: Richard Wolff, democracy, work, labor, economy, economics, inequality, justice, capitalism, capital, socialism, wealth, income, wages, poverty, yt:cc=on, The Sickness is the System, evictions, minimum wage, Amazon, taxes, tax shelters, tax fraud
Id: wc3MToWD69Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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