'The Game is Rigged': Richard Wolff
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Channel: ACLU of Southern California
Views: 584,273
Rating: 4.7053609 out of 5
Keywords: Richard Wolff, Capitalism, Economics, FDR, Greek crisis, Organizing
Id: XlhFMa4t28A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 27sec (6507 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 14 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I am a fan of Richard Wolff and somewhat of a soft Marxist but what sticks me about this lecture is what is developing in the EU since it was given(I attended both his following talks in LA as well as Santa Ana). The Troika along with Germany will not capitulate to the demands of the Greek people, who are ordered to suffer under the yoke of neoliberalism The very same thing is happening that he described in France and Spain. A marginalized coalition of leftist organizations is attempting to reform a system, that once reformed, let's the same self serving interests that got them to over leverage, collapse, bailout financial institutions and implement austerity for its working class. We see this type of logic that just keeps the wheel spinning but at some point the carnival is over and it's time to step off the ride. Reform does not work when you do not dismantle the means of subterfuge. Period.
Excellent talk! We've got to give the coop movement its due place in our societies.
Did this line bother anyone else?
does he ever stop congratulating himself and all of the places he goes? I'm about 6 mins in and he hasn't stopped the entire time.
Can we have a little summary?
I don't really understand this sub's obsession with this guy.