Eckhart Tolle on the Two Dimensions of Human Existence: Human and Being

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so in English we don't have a word that is applies to both men and women I don't know if in Swedish in German you have the word men which means could me it's man and woman uh the English language doesn't have that so you have to say human being human being and that's great I like that because I realized that that points to the two Dimensions that constitute your reality you are a human undoubtedly which means you have a past you have mental emotional conditioning that makes up the person or the the ego the personality you have a life sit situation just you are a human and you have your desires as a human you have your goals and so on all the things that you experience as a human right okay but what about being the being Dimension Is You by overlooked by most humans they are lost in their human nature they are completely unaware of that Transcendent dimension of Consciousness that actually is the essential reality to who or what they are I sometimes call it your essence identity the essence your essence identity is the being of you and the being is timeless the being is consciousness itself and then there's a human and the two are together and if you can awaken to the beingness of you then of course you continue to be a human until you are no longer until the body dissolves in the meantime your task your mission your purpose is to as a human to also embody the being then you have both dimensions in your life The Limited dimension of here that is temporal Inseparable from time and you have the Transcendent Dimension to who you are in the to Timeless Realm Of Consciousness itself and that is a continuous realization at first it may only come to you as glimpses in brief moments and and you feel suddenly a sense of lightness and and in very peaceful but very intensely alive and you go oh and you may realize you're not thinking in those moments thinking has subsided but you haven't fallen asleep you're awake and then you may remember those moments that this was so wonderful sometimes it happens when you go into nature if you can really be there nature can help you in the Awakening if you can really be there with all the senses and be aware of the awareness itself when you're out there in nature and sometimes it can happen to Some Humans almost accidentally they're out in they're climbing a mountain or they're swimming or what in the somewhere in nature and and suddenly the person subsides and in just an awareness arises and they go wow oh and they think it's been caused by the beauty that they see but it's not really that it's been caused by the sensation of thinking and you can have that in the middle of a city and that's a this is your continuous practice is are you able to as much as possible let go of Habitual especially habitual useless self serving thinking thinking that only feeds the fictitious self the ego The Entity that loves actually loves its problems whether it's says it's no I don't love my problems yes you do because you talk and think about them continuously in fact you create them through unconscious thinking you create them no no I don't yes you do it's all to and that this entity then becomes as you as first you have glimpses sometimes accidental they may only be a few seconds and then perhaps a little bit longer and then the two gradually the being and the and the human kind of merge the being uh seeps into the human and so the human the conditioned entity the human becomes less and less obnoxious and less and less dysfunctional and less and less creating completely unnecessary and absurd suffering for yourself and others completely unnecessary and absurd suffering ing created unconsciously by the ego this entity in its attempt to strengthen itself it loves its problems and its enemies oh feel much bigger anger were great can really and you can rev talk about it all the time this is completely asleep completely asleep and so as The Awakening happens presence begins to sometimes completely replace the person and at other times it kind of shines through the person in the same way that a light shines through the lampshade the light shines through the lampshade and the person still yes the person still has its conditioning to some extent and can never be totally free of the conditioning there's always certain ways in which you behave that's part to do with how you were brought up your environment all the conditioning the country even the language that you speak is the form of mental conditioning all those things they are still there but the most dysfunctional and unhappiness create in patterns they subside more and more certain patterns remain as long as you are a person a human certain patterns remain but not the heavy unha deeply unhappy and obnoxious and patterns they gradually dissolve and all is left in be certain idiosyncrasies in your person ity and so on that's okay uh so that all the person remains but it under goes a substantial transformation ER it no longer creates suffering even in the face of challenging is because they continue to happen even as you awaken the universe will continue to present you with challenges new ones no matter what situation you go into at first you oh this is great I'm in a new situation and before you know it or it comes up from behind another challenge it won't the universe won't leave you alone even but the wonderful thing is if you're not undergoing The Awakening process every challenge that arises will make you more unconscious it will strengthen the self the self that is reacting is reactive and complaining all the time and reacting so it the challenge will make you more unconscious if you're not Awakening yet and that is you can verify that in your perhaps in your own experience when things go wrong there is a reactive entity there that that gets Works itself up either you become angry or despondent or whatever the reactivity is people like uh in professions such as lawyers often encounter people in their most unconscious States because they tend to go to lawyers when things go wrong they're being sued or the divorce is happening divorce lawyers to be a divorce lawyers potentially could be a very enlightening job because you encounter deep human unconscious which in most people when they uh in a conflict situation like that become more unconscious than they are normally deeply unconscious and so that's when you're being challenged by Life The Challenge will create a reaction and the reaction will you become completely identifi with the reaction and you can even more unconscious in your normal state which is unconscious enough but it's now it's more unconscious can't stop thinking about it and now as you're Awakening challenge comes again and and then you suddenly see the possibility of actually being more intensely present when a challenge comes and you go it's like a you know what a dimmer switch is on an electric electrical switch you can turn up the light dimmer switch so when a challenge comes something goes wrong so to speak a difficult person arises a difficult situation arises some kind of loss arises whatever kind of loss it may be and instead of reacting and becoming more unconscious you suddenly sense you're becoming more present in the face of a challenge and that is when the challenges of the world are becoming helpful to you rather than make you unconscious they can intensify The Awakening process
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 98,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eckhart tolle, the power of now, a new earth, presence, consciousness, nonduality, mindfulness, spiritual awakening, spiritual awareness, enlightenment, self development, sadhguru, mooji, Eckhart Tolle human and being, Awakening consciousness, Purpose of existence, awakening, human aspect, being awake, habitual thinking
Id: IpHAaC3V2yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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